In Haskell, afaik, there are no statements, just expressions. That is, unlike in an imperative language like Javascript, you cannot simply execute code line after line, i.e.
let a = 1
let b = 2
let c = a + b
Instead, everything is an expression and nothing can simply modify state and return nothing (i.e. a statement). On top of that, everything would be wrapped in a function such that, in order to mimic such an action as above, you'd use the monadic do syntax and thereby hide the underlying nested functions.
Is this the same in OCAML/F# or can you just have imperative statements?
This is a bit of a complicated topic. Technically, in ML-style languages, everything is an expression. However, there is some syntactic sugar to make it read more like statements. For example, the sample you gave in F# would be:
let a = 1
let b = 2
let c = a + b
printfn "%d" c
However, the compiler silently turns those "statements" into the following expression for you:
let a = 1 in
let b = 2 in
let c = a + b in
printfn "%d" c
Now, the last line here is going to do IO, and unlike in Haskell, it won't change the type of the expression to IO. The type of the expression here is unit. unit is the F# way of expressing "this function doesn't really have result" in the type system. Of course, if the function doesn't have a result, in a purely functional language it would be pointless to call it. The only reason to call it would be for some side-effect, and since Haskell doesn't allow side-effects, they use the IO monad to encode the fact the function has an IO producing side-effect into the type system.
F# and other ML-based languages do allow side-effects like IO, so they have the unit type to represent functions that only do side-effects, like printing. When designing your application, you will generally want to avoid having unit-returning functions except for things like logging or printing. If you feel so inclined, you can even use F#'s moand-ish feature, Computation Expressions, to encapsulate your side-effects for you.
Not to be picky, but there's no language OCaml/F# :-)
To answer for OCaml: OCaml is not a pure functional language. It supports side effects directly through mutability, I/O, and exceptions. In many cases it treats such constructs as expressions with the value (), the single value of type unit.
Expressions of type unit can appear in a sequence separated by ;:
let s = ref 0 in
while !s < 10 do
Printf.printf "%d\n" !s; (* This has type unit *)
incr s (* This has type unit *)
done (* The while as a whole has type unit *)
More specifically, ; ignores the value of the first expression and returns the value of the second expression. The first expression should have type unit but this isn't absolutely required.
# print_endline "hello"; 44 ;;
- : int = 44
# 43 ; 44 ;;
Warning 10: this expression should have type unit.
- : int = 44
The ; operator is right associative, so you can write a ;-separated sequence of expressions without extra parentheses. It has the value of the last (rightmost) expression.
To answer the question we need to define what is an expression and what is a statement.
Distinction between expressions and statements
In layman terms, an expression is something that evaluates (reduces) to a value. It is basically something, that may occur on the right-hand side of the assignment operator. Contrary, a statement is some directive that doesn't produce directly a value.
For example, in Python, the ternary operator builds expressions, e.g.,
'odd' if x % 2 else 'even'
is an expression, so you can assign it to a variable, print, etc
While the following is a statement:
if x % 2:
It is not reduced to a value by Python, it couldn't be printed, assigned to a value, etc.
So far we were focusing more on the semantical differences between expressions and statements. But for a casual user, they are more noticeable on the syntactic level. I.e., there are places where a statement is expected and places where expressions are expected. For example, you can put a statement to the right of the assignment operator.
OCaml/Reason/Haskell/F# story
In OCaml, Reason, and F# such constructs as if, while, print etc are expressions. They all evaluate to values and can occur on the right-hand side of the assignment operator. So it looks like that there is no distinction between statements and expressions. Indeed, there are no statements in OCaml grammar at all. I believe, that F# and Reason are also not using word statement to exclude confusion. However, there are syntactic forms that are not expressions, for example:
open Core_kernel
it is not an expression, definitely, and
type students = student list
is not an expression.
So what is that? In the OCaml parlance, they are called definitions, and they are syntactic constructs that can appear in the module on the, so called, top-level. For example, in OCaml, there are value definitions, that look like this
let harry = student "Harry"
let larry = student "Larry"
let group = [harry; larry]
Every line above is a definition. And every line contains an expression on the right-hand side of the = symbol. In OCaml there is also a let expression, that has form let <v> = <exp> in <exp> that should not be confused with the top-level let definition.
Roughly the same is true for F# and Reason. It is also true for Haskell, that has a distinction between expressions and declarations. It actually should be true to probably every real-world language (i.e., excluding brainfuck and other toy languages).
So, all these languages have syntactic forms that are not expressions. They are not called statements per se, but we can treat them as statements. So there is a distinction between statements and expressions. The main difference from common imperative languages is that some well-known statements (e.g., if, while, for) are expressions in OCaml/F#/Reason/Haskell, and this is why people commonly say that there is no distinction between expressions and statements.
I'm trying to understand how recursive set operate internally by comparing similar feature in another functional programming languages and concepts.
I can find it in wiki. In that, I need to know Y combinator, fixed point. I can get it briefly in wiki.
Then, now I start to apply this in Haskell.
It is easy. But I want to know behind the scenes.
*Main> let x = y; y = 10; in x
When you write a = f b in a lazy functional language like Haskell or Nix, the meaning is stronger than just assignment. a and f b will be the same thing. This is usually called a binding.
I'll focus on a Nix example, because you're asking about recursive sets specifically.
A simple attribute set
Let's look at the initialization of an attribute set first. When the Nix interpreter is asked to evaluate this file
{ a = 1 + 1; b = true; }
it parses it and returns a data structure like this
{ a = <thunk 1>; b = <thunk 2>; }
where a thunk is a reference to the relevant syntax tree node and a reference to the "environment", which behaves like a dictionary from identifiers to their values, although implemented more efficiently.
Perhaps the reason we're evaluating this file is because you requested nix-build, which will not just ask for the value of a file, but also traverse the attribute set when it sees that it is one. So nix-build will ask for the value of a, which will be computed from its thunk. When the computation is complete, the memory that held the thunk is assigned the actual value, type = tInt, value.integer = 2.
A recursive attribute set
Nix has a special syntax that combines the functionality of attribute set construction syntax ({ }) and let-binding syntax. This is avoids some repetition when you're constructing attribute sets with some shared values.
For example
let b = 1 + 1;
in { b = b; a = b + 5; }
can be expressed as
rec { b = 1 + 1; a = b + 5; }
Evaluation works in a similar manner.
At first the evaluator returns a representation of the attribute set with all thunks, but this time the thunks reference an new environment that includes all the attributes, on top of the existing lexical scope.
Note that all these representations can be constructed while performing a minimal amount of work.
nix-build traverses attrsets in alphabetic order, so it will evaluate a first. It's a thunk that references the a + syntax node and an environment with b in it. Evaluating this requires evaluating the b syntax node (an ExprVar), which references the environment, where we find the 1 + 1 thunk, which is changed to a tInt of 2 as before.
As you can see, this process of creating thunks but only evaluating them when needed is indeed lazy and allows us to have various language constructs with their own scoping rules.
Haskell implementations usually follow a similar pattern, but may compile the code rather than interpret a syntax tree, and resolve all variable references to constant memory offsets completely. Nix tries to do this to some degree, but it must be able to fall back on strings because of the inadvisable with keyword that makes the scope dynamic.
I guess several things by myself.
In eagar evaluation language, I must declare before use it. So the order of declaration is simple.
int x = 10;
int y = x;
Just for Nix language
In wiki, there isn't any concept comparision with Haskell though let ... in is compared with Haskell.
lexical scope
all variables are lexically scoped.
mutual recursion
I was writing a function something similar to this:
f x = let
x = ...
Due to scoping rules in Haskell any use of x in e will resolve to the definition of x in the let construct.
Why is such a thing allowed in Haskell?
Shouldn't the compiler reject such a program telling we cannot bind a value that has the same name as argument of the function.
(This example may be simplistic, but in real world context where variables have semantic meaning associated with them it is easy to make such mistake)
You can enable warnings for this type of name shadowing with the compiler flag
This option causes a warning to be emitted whenever an inner-scope value has the same name as an outer-scope value, i.e. the inner value shadows the outer one. This can catch typographical errors that turn into hard-to-find bugs, e.g., in the inadvertent capture of what would be a recursive call in f = ... let f = id in ... f ....
However, it is more common to compile with -Wall, which includes a lot of other warnings that will help you avoid bad practices.
I am new to haskel.What would be a good way of doing something like this in haskell?
var1 = //can be true or false
//return someething
Haskell is a functional and declarative language. That means that usually that there is not much "do something". There is more calculate something and return it.
That may look like nitpicking, but for instance in Haskell one cannot set a variable twice: once you assign it an expression (not per se a value)
, you cannot set it to a different value.
If you want to return something, you usually work with pattern matching. For instance:
f :: Bool -> String
f True = "Yes"
f False = "No"
This would be somewhat equivalent in Java/C#/... to:
public String f (boolean var1) {
if(var1) {
return "Yes";
} else {
return "No";
Note that Haskell works lazy as well: if you return a function call or anything, you do not immediately evaluate that function call: a call is only evaluated if that is necessary.
A problem might arise how to do I/O. For that, there is the concept of an I/O monad. A monad is a functional programming technique that enforces a certain order of evaluation.
But functional programming thus requires a different "mindset" than imperative programming: you do not think of a program in terms of commands that are done one after another, but more in terms of composing functions together to generate output for a given input. Like usually a mathematician or physicist does. You compose for instance a function that, given the mass and the velocity of something, calculates the kinetic energy of that object.
Haskell has if-then-else conditionals.
The closest code to yours I can write is something like this:
let var = length "hello" == 5
in if var then "ok" else "no"
Note that such conditional is more similar to C or Java's var ? "ok" : "no" expression than an if()... statement, but this is to be expected since Haskell is functional, so it has no "statements", only expressions.
Any Haskell tutorial should cover this. I'd recommend you read one, if you want to learn Haskell. Trying to convert idioms from other languages is a poor strategy.
I noticed today that such a definition
safeDivide x 0 = x
safeDivide = (/)
is not possible. I am just curious what the (good) reason behind this is. There must be a very good one (it's Haskell after all :)).
Note: I am not looking suggestions for alternative implementations to the code above, it's a simple example to demonstrate my point.
I think it's mainly for consistency so that all clauses can be read in the same manner, so to speak; i.e. every RHS is at the same position in the type of the function. I think would mask quite a few silly errors if you allowed this, too.
There's also a slight semantic quirk: say the compiler padded out such clauses to have the same number of patterns as the other clauses; i.e. your example would become
safeDivide x 0 = x
safeDivide x y = (/) x y
Now consider if the second line had instead been safeDivide = undefined; in the absence of the previous clause, safeDivide would be ⊥, but thanks to the eta-expansion performed here, it's \x y -> if y == 0 then x else ⊥ — so safeDivide = undefined does not actually define safeDivide to be ⊥! This seems confusing enough to justify banning such clauses, IMO.
The meaning of a function with multiple clauses is defined by the Haskell standard (section via translation to a lambda and case statement:
fn pat1a pat1b = r1
fn pat2a pat2b = r2
fn = \a b -> case (a,b) of
(pat1a, pat1b) -> r1
(pat2a, pat2b) -> r2
This is so that the function definition/case statement way of doing things is nice and consistent, and the meaning of each isn't specified redundantly and confusingly.
This translation only really makes sense when each clause has the same number of arguments. Of course, there could be extra rules to fix that, but they'd complicate the translation for little gain, since you probably wouldn't want to define things like that anyway, for your readers' sake.
Haskell does it this way because it's predecessors (like LML and Miranda) did. There is no technical reason it has to be like this; equations with fewer arguments could be eta expanded. But having a different number of arguments for different equations is probably a typo rather than intentional, so in this case we ban something sensible&rare to get better error reporting in the common case.
In some dynamic languages I have seen this kind of syntax:
myValue = if (this.IsValidObject)
Debug.Log (Exceptions.UninitializedObject);
Basically being able to return the last statement in a branch as the return value for a variable, not necessarily only for method returns, but they could be achieved as well.
What's the name of this feature?
Can this also be achieved in staticly typed languages such as C#? I know C# has ternary operator, but I mean using if statements, switch statements as shown above.
It is called "conditional-branches-are-expressions" or "death to the statement/expression divide".
See Conditional If Expressions:
Many languages support if expressions, which are similar to if statements, but return a value as a result. Thus, they are true expressions (which evaluate to a value), not statements (which just perform an action).
That is, if (expr) { ... } is an expression (could possible be an expression or a statement depending upon context) in the language grammar just as ?: is an expression in languages like C, C# or Java.
This form is common in functional programming languages (which eschew side-effects) -- however, it is not "functional programming" per se and exists in other language that accept/allow a "functional like syntax" while still utilizing heavy side-effects and other paradigms (e.g. Ruby).
Some languages like Perl allow this behavior to be simulated. That is, $x = eval { if (true) { "hello world!" } else { "goodbye" } }; print $x will display "hello world!" because the eval expression evaluates to the last value evaluated inside even though the if grammar production itself is not an expression. ($x = if ... is a syntax error in Perl).
Happy coding.
To answer your other question:
Can this also be achieved in staticly typed languages such as C#?
Is it a thing the language supports? No. Can it be achieved? Kind of.
C# --like C++, Java, and all that ilk-- has expressions and statements. Statements, like if-then and switch-case, don't return values and there fore can't be used as expressions. Also, as a slight aside, your example assigns myValue to either a string or an integer, which C# can't do because it is strongly typed. You'd either have to use object myValue and then accept the casting and boxing costs, use var myValue (which is still static typed, just inferred), or some other bizarre cleverness.
Anyway, so if if-then is a statement, how do you do that in C#? You'd have to build a method to accomplish the goal of if-then-else. You could use a static method as an extension to bools, to model the Smalltalk way of doing it:
public static T IfTrue(this bool value, Action doThen, Action doElse )
return doThen();
return doElse();
To use this, you'd do something like
var myVal = (6 < 7).IfTrue(() => return "Less than", () => return "Greater than");
Disclaimer: I tested none of that, so it may not quite work due to typos, but I think the principle is correct.
The new IfTrue() function checks the boolean it is attached to and executes one of two delegates passed into it. They must have the same return type, and neither accepts arguments (use closures, so it won't matter).
Now, should you do that? No, almost certainly not. Its not the proper C# way of doing things so it's confusing, and its much less efficient than using an if-then. You're trading off something like 1 IL instruction for a complex mess of classes and method calls that .NET will build behind the scenes to support that.
It is a ternary conditional.
In C you can use, for example:
printf("Debug? %s\n", debug?"yes":"no");
A compound statement list can be evaluated as a expression in C. The last statement should be a expression and the whole compound statement surrounded by braces.
For example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int a=0, b=1;
printf("testing compound statement\n");
printf("a=%d\n", a);
return 0;
So the name of the characteristic you are doing is assigning to a (local) variable a compound statement. Now I think this helps you a little bit more. For more, please visit this source:
Take care,
PS. This example makes more sense in the context of your question:
int c;
In addition to returning the value of the last expression in a branch, it's likely (depending on the language) that myValue is being assigned to an anonymous function -- or in Smalltalk / Ruby, code blocks:
A block of code (an anonymous function) can be expressed as a literal value (which is an object, since all values are objects.)
In this case, since myValue is actually pointing to a function that gets invoked only when myValue is used, the language probably implements them as closures, which are originally a feature of functional languages.
Because closures are first-class functions with free variables, closures exist in C#. However, the implicit return does not occur; in C# they're simply anonymous delegates! Consider:
Func<Object> myValue = delegate()
if (this.IsValidObject)
return this.Name;
Debug.Log (Exceptions.UninitializedObject);
return 3;
This can also be done in C# using lambda expressions:
Func<Object> myValue = () =>
if (this.IsValidObject) { ... }
else { ... }
I realize your question is asking about the implicit return value, but I am trying to illustrate that there is more than just "conditional branches are expressions" going on here.
Can this also be achieved in staticly
typed languages?
Sure, the types of the involved expressions can be statically and strictly checked. There seems to be nothing dependent on dynamic typing in the "if-as-expression" approach.
For example, Haskell--a strict statically typed language with a rich system of types:
$ ghci
Prelude> let x = if True then "a" else "b" in x
(the example expression could be simpler, I just wanted to reflect the assignment from your question, but the expression to demonstrate the feature could be simlpler:
Prelude> if True then "a" else "b"