Kentico Smart Search results suddenly returns empty - kentico

I use smart search on my site, and it's been working fine. Today, just heard that the search result page return "No results were found". The thing is: if I logged into admin (Live site), the search result page showed data, but if I logged out, the results were empty. The search on my staging site worked fine.
I've been trying to troubleshoot but couldn't. Don't know yet when the issue started. Things I've done and looked at: Visibility, and Security setting applied on the page and web part, re-built Search Index. Thanks for any input!

It looks like you have a permission issue. You probably have the smart search set up to filter out results for pages that users are not allowed to access
Open your web part properties(Smart search results or search dialog with results ) whatever you are using.
Scroll down to Page filter category
Uncheck Enable Check permissions checkbox
This checkbox indicates whether the web part filters the search results to exclude pages for which users do not have the "Read" permission.


No AdSense Impressions on a site newly converted to Drupal 8

I am scratching my head trying to figure out (and yes, I know there are multiple reasons this could be happening) why my AdSense Impressions have dropped to 0 after changing my site to Drupal 8.6.4.
I have installed the Drupal AdSense module, into which I've put my "pub-XYZ~~" account number.
I left it like that for several days thinking perhaps the crawler hadn't found it. Then I got cold feet and thought perhaps it wasn't working, especially since I didn't see any AdSense code appearing in the source of the page.
So I added the following code via Asset Injector into the head of the page:
<script async src="//"> </script>
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
google_ad_client: "ca-pub-239656292892567776",
enable_page_level_ads: true
(That's not my real client ID, just random numbers.)
Now I see a line of script in the head of the page:
<script src="/sites/default/files/js/js_Gc2nyd2PQaQJQwlbfhfc8Yz8TwWRl90UGM3vTenwS8s.js"></script>
And that (if I click on it) opens up the Google AdSense code I've written above.
Yet I've waited two or three days more, still not seeing any impressions, page visits, CTR (every metric on my "Performance" report is zero), and I am concerned that maybe I've done something wrong.
So does anyone know, if I'm using the Drupal AdSense module, where do I see the code?
And two, if I'm using the module, where can I see the code appearing in the source? (The Google answer doc says "You can do this by viewing the source of your site from a browser and double-checking that the ad code looks exactly like the code we provide you in your account, and includes every line of the ad code." But in the Drupal AdSense module, the only field is one for that pub-XYZ~~~ number, and nothing else, and as I mentioned, I'm not finding the code anywhere in the site when I view the source.
Three, if I'm using the module, will it mess things up to have the code above put in via the Asset Injector?
And lastly, am I just too worried and the AdSense module is doing what it should and I should check back in 10 days or 20, rather than in 5 or 7?
Thank you for any help. I had just installed AdSense (by adding it to the head of the page, this exact code) on the old site before switching to Drupal, and it was definitely working then, so I know that the issue isn't that the site isn't approved or the account's invalid or such. It WAS working fine. But after this move to Drupal 8, it's completely failed and I just don't know which link of the chain is the one I should fix. I have been scouring both Drupal docs and AdSense docs for this issue/answers and haven't found anything that seems to be the issue...and I really am hoping to know if the code side of it is correct.
Again, thank you in advance!
Okay, so for anyone else who needs this info, I'm answering my own question: I never did get the Google AdSense "auto ads" to work on my site, and am pretty sure the reason they didn't is that I was trying the "auto ads" code rather than the on-the-page, placed ads type code. I still don't know if it was simply a matter of time and the crawler hadn't found my site again, or if I had incorrect code, or what.
But I am now seeing an ad on my site, and what worked for me was:
Turn off any AdSense code in the head of the page. (I had injected the script via Asset Injector, and I disabled that.)
Make sure Drupal's AdSense module is running. DEselect the option that asks people if they wish to turn off their adblocker. The only thing I added in AdSense's main config window was my "pub-XYZ~" number.
Ditch the Google "auto ad" option and do the "Ad Units" option, creating an ad in AdSense. (AdSense > Ads > Ad Units). Do everything there and get your ad ID#.
Back to Drupal: Either create a new custom block or use one of the Drupal AdSense options to create a block on your site. If you use an Drupal AdSense option, it prompts you for the info needed to display the right ad. You'll need that ad ID# info at the very least.
Make sure that block is placed on your page. I chose "Responsive" but presumably this works for all the options. Fixed size, etc. I believe you could also (if you wanted) simply place the Google code directly into a custom block and use that. It seems people do.
If you've done it right, logged into your Drupal site, with the block placed, it will show placeholder text with your pub-# and ad ID#, in a little box. You won't see an actual ad (this is in the "Help and Information" option at the top of the AdSense module config). If you're seeing the placeholder box, it's a good sign that everything's going well with the Drupal AdSense module side of it.
Then wait, and wait, and eventually, logged out, on a private browser window, you should see the ad when the crawler finds it and other magic happens. I waited about 24 hours after setting this whole thing up before seeing an ad appear.
(Please note that this all was with a site that had a working AdSense account and had previously been getting lots of impressions for the ads. So if you don't have those aspects set up initially, none of the above will work either.)

My site sudden not searchable in google search.

I can't search my site on google search since yesterday. I did try to check on google search console. However no security issues found and when i go the section manual action it show "No manual webspam actions found.". How can i submit my website for reviewing again.
First of all make sure you don't have something on your website that's telling search engines not to index you website.
If your website was just dropped because it was down for a long time or something similar you may need to just submit it to be indexed again...
Resubmit to Google:
Resubmit to Bing:
If you were removed for some reason by Google you can submit a reconsideration request by doing this...
You can also speed up the process of reindexing a page once it's already in Google by going to Google Webmaster tools and asking it to recrawl your site...

SharePoint Hosted App 2013: Customize List/AllItems.aspx page

I'm trying to implement permission levels in SharePoint hosted app. I've created a custom list "Permissions" where I'm adding different users with their roles.
I have created a page List.aspx where I'm showing my custom list "Products" as a list view web part. Page List.aspx checks the user's role against "Permissions" list, and page can show or hide content in regards to this role. The problem is, when user tries to navigate to "Lists/Products/Allitems.aspx" or "Lists/Permissions/Allitems.aspx" he can see the list items.
All code check is done in JavaScript and I know there is a security risk, but this will work for my users. I just need to find a way to inject custom JavaScript code to Allitems.aspx, and to check if user has permissions to see it or not.
Everything here is done on App web and there's nothing that I use on host web.
I've found a workaround for this. Basically what I did is that I just hide the list view from direct access. To achieve this, open the Schema.xml of the list and replace "JSLink":
Now, create a new file Scripts/OverrideListView.js and add following code to it:
document.write("<style>body {display:none; };</style>");
Try now to access Lists/Permissions/Allitems.aspx directly. You will get a blank page.
This is basically idea how to insert custom JS code into list view. You could add additional code for checking current user's permissions on site level and in regards to it to unhide this view, or even to redirect him to the homepage if he does not have right role or permissions.

How to implement Google’s Search index for an restricted site?

I am trying to index a fully authenticated site which is not open to anonymous users in Google’s Search index.
But, As per my understandings, the service ‘First Click Free’ from Google to include relevant content in Google’s Search index will work on few basic conditions like
-> User who came from google search result should be shown with the full content of the current page without asking for registration or payment or login
-> Google crawler won’t work on the pages which are behind registration or login pages.
In such cases how should i process further ?
Example : If my site is an restricted article listing page which will be shown to the authenticated users alone, How should i process with Google's Search Indexing?
-> So that if I search for "articles in", I need to get in google's search result.
-> If a user clicks on the search result link he should be taken to page if his session is already running.
-> If his session is not active he should be asked to login as the site is already doing that.
Can anybody suggest some ideas for this issue?
I hope ip_login( module will help to crawl the restricted pages.

SharePoint page with usercontrol is giving You are not authorized to view this page error

I have an unusual scenario in which only one page of our SP 2007 site is throwing this error "You are not authorized to view this page".
Here are some details:
SP 2007 Enterprise
The page in question uses SmartPart to display custom usercontrol.
We have 50+ pages that also use custom user controls in SmartPart, and none of them generate this error.
The page in question has several functions, and it initially loads just fine. First time it loads, user selects a customer from a dropdown, then enters a search query and clicks the search button. That all works, and the page then returns some search results. That works as well. The the user can click on a Modify link for each item. It's clicking on this Modify link that generates the page error. All of these things are done one this one page, it just refreshes accordingly. The Modify link is just a standard asp:commandline field that causes the page to load the line item in editable mode.
Here's the other strange thing. If I login as the SP Administrator account, and go to this page, it all works properly, no errors...and, then all other users can go in and use the page properly, without errors as well. It's as if whatever the security issue is, is being resolved temporarily as a result of the Admin using the page first. But after a code publish, or IISRESET, etc, the page goes back to not working for any general users.
Any ideas on what I should look for in trying to resolve this issue? I can also provide code if anyone thinks that may be relevant.
use SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges for running your code with anonymous access user:
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(web.Site.ID))
// implementation details omitted
