Linux Directory Access Permission - linux

Two directories have the same permissions like this
drwxrw-rw- 2 user_1 users 4096 May 10 23:03 lg-x1
drwxrw-rw- 2 user_1 users 4096 May 11 17:22 lg-c2
when access lg-x1 with user_1, it shows: '-hash cd: lg-x1: Permission denied' ;
but lg-c2 is accessable.
Both lg-x1 and lg-c2 are accessable when login with root.
what's the difference?

In order to access a directory in Linux you need execute permissions. Only root has it, therefore other users cannot access it. Add x with the relevant sudo chmod you need


chmod 744 to my home dir, other user in same group can still not copy/cd my files

So my home dir is set as:
drwxr--r-- 16 me users 4096 Jan 15 09:17 me
I want to copy my files from using admin user which belongs to the same group(users):
drwxr-xr-x 2 otickadm users 4096 Jan 15 08:59 common
However I can't:
$ cd /jhome/jyun1
-bash: cd: /jhome/jyun1: Permission denied
$ cp /jhome/jyun1/gitworkspace/taq_scripts/ .
cp: cannot stat ‘/jhome/jyun1/gitworkspace/taq_scripts/’: Permission denied
Wondering if anything else is taking control of this permission.
cd (and read files) requires execute (x) perms on the directory; try 75x to allow others in your group to cd to your directory and/or read your files

Unable to access file directory and files Centos 7

+x Permission is provided for user and directory is owned by the user.
drwxr-xr-x. 3 www-data www-data 19 Nov 30 10:41 www
Still, I am unable to access the directory.
www-data is Nginx and PHP-fpm user. When I try su www-data I can't access any directory inside /var although I can do cd /var.
You can check if this account has a login access, by checking items in /etc/passwd.
If it has a "nologin", you can't login with this us

File permission in ubuntu

I have a VPS and use it for hosting my sites. The server is nginx with php-fdm.
my site is in the /var/www/sitename/html/ and all the files and folders under the html directory owned by www-data www-data. All files permision is 664 and directories (html folder and sub-directories) has 775 permission. And also my user is member of the www-data group.
I can change every files in this folder, but I can't make new file or new folder here. This need sudo privileges. I can create new file in the sub-directories like /var/www/sitename/html/uploads but not in the /var/www/sitename/html/ while they have the same owner and permission.
The user you are logging in as is not the www-data user or a member of the www-data group.
I set things up on my servers so that the user I log in as owns the files/directories, and a webuser group is the owning group, perms are set to 750/640. You can automagically keep the owning group the same across all files/directories uploaded to/created on the server by making the top level web directory setgid.
drwxr-s--- 4 debbie www-data 4096 Oct 6 2015 /var/
If the webserver needs to write files, create the directory and change the permissions on it
sudo mkdir /var/
sudo chmod 770 /var/
If you haven't done the setgid thing, then fix the ownership
sudo chown debbie.www-data /var/
And there ya go, the web server user can write to it.
drwxrws--- 4 debbie www-data 4096 Oct 6 2015 /var/

How to give permissions to other user after logging as root in Linux?

I am a linux newbie and I have a very basic question. I have one machine which is machineA and I have a root access to that machine.
Now I need to create these below two directories and give permissions to app user.
Create ZooKeeper Data directory and give permissions to app : /opt/zookeeper/data
Create ZooKeeper Log directory and give permissions to app : /opt/zookeeper/log
I have already created those directories in /opt folder by logging as root -
root#machineA:/opt# ls -lt
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Dec 17 13:46 zookeeper
root#machineA:/opt/zookeeper# ls -lt
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 17 13:46 log
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 17 13:45 data
Now I am not sure how to give permissions to app user as mentioned above? I believe this is pretty easy question but I am not sure how to do that?
Any thoughts?
Here you go:
chown -R app /opt/zookeeper
This will change owner of the /opt/zookeeper directory and all its subdirectories to app.
Use chown to change the owner of a file (or directory):
chown app log data

why it is not possible to modify file in a directory, where i have read/write group rights

I am currently messing around on my linux system and now I have the following situation.
The directory /srv/http has the following permissions set:
drwxrwxr-x 2 root httpdev 80 Jun 13 11:48 ./
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 152 Mar 26 13:56 ../
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root httpdev 8 Jun 13 11:48 index.html*
I have created the group httpdev before with the command:
groupadd httpdev
and added my user sighter with:
gpasswd -a sighter httpdev
Then I have set the permissions as above using the chown and chmod commands.
But now I am not allowed to modify the index.html file or create a new file, as user sighter ,with touch like that:
<sighter [bassment] ~http> touch hallo.php
touch: cannot touch `hallo.php': Permission denied
What do I understand wrong. I was expecting that I can do what I want there then the group has all the rights.
The following Output is for your information.
<sighter [bassment] ~http> cat /etc/group | grep sighter
The used linux-distro is archlinux.
Adding a user to a group does not affect currently running sessions. So you have to logout and login again or use su - sighter to login.
After this you should be able to do what you want to do.
You're not in the right group. You need to log out and back in again. Also, superuser.
