How can Hive on Spark read data from jdbc? - apache-spark

We are using Hive on Spark, and we want to do everything on hive, and using spark to calculate. That mean's we don't need to write map/reduce code but sql-like code.
And now we got a problem here, we want to read datasource like postgresql, and control it by simple sql code. And we want it run on cluster.
I've got a idea, I can write some Hive udfs to connect to a jdbc and make a table like data, but I've found it doesn't run on spark job, then it will be useless.
What we want is typing in hive like that :
hive>select myfunc('jdbc:***://***','root','pw','some sql here');
Then I can get a table in hive, and let it join others. In the other way, no matter what engine hive use, we want to read other datasource in hive.
I don't know what to do now, maybe some one can give me some advice.
It's there any way to do like this:
hive> select * from hive_table where in
(select myfunc('jdbcUrl','user','pw','sql'));
I know that hive is used to compile the sql to MapReduce job, what I want to know is how to do to make my sql/udf compile to MapReduce job as

I think it’s easier to load the data from db into dataframe, then you could dump it to hive if necessary.
Read this:
See the property name dbtable, you could load a part of a table defined in sql query.


Can Apache Spark be used in place of Sqoop

I have tried connecting spark with JDBC connections to fetch data from MySQL / Teradata or similar RDBMS and was able analyse the data.
Can spark be used to store the data to HDFS?
Is there any possibility for spark outperforming
the activities of Sqoop.
Looking for you valuable answers and explanations.
There are two main things about Sqoop and Spark. The main difference is Sqoop will read the data from your RDMS doesn't matter what you have and you don't need to worry much about how you table is configured.
With Spark using JDBC connection is a little bit different how you need to load the data. If your database doesn't have any column like numeric ID or timestamp Spark will load ALL the data in one single partition. And then will try to process and save. If you have one column to use as partition than Spark sometimes can be even faster than Sqoop.
I would recommend you to take a look in this doc.enter link description here
The conclusion is, if you are going to do a simple export and that need to be done daily with no transformation I would recommend Sqoop to be simple to use and will not impact your database that much. Using Spark will work well IF your table is ready for that, besides that goes with Sqoop

What role Spark SQL acts? Memory DB?

Recently i come to Spark SQL.
I read the Data Source Api and still confused at what role Spark SQL acts.
When i do SQL on whatever i need, will spark load all the data first and perform sql in memory? That means spark sql is only a memory db that works on data already loaded. Or it scan locally every time?
Really willing to any answers.
Best Regards.
I read the Data Source Api and still confused at what role Spark SQL acts.
Spark SQL is not a database. It is just an interface that allows you to execute SQL-like queries over the data that you store in Spark specific row-based structures called DataFrame
To run a SQL query via Spark, the first requirement is that the table on which you are trying to run a query should be present in either the Hive Metastore (i.e the table should be present in Hive) or it should be a temporary view that is part of the current SQLContext/HiveContext.
So, if you have a dataframe df and you want to run SQL queries over it, you can either use:
df.createOrReplaceTempView("temp_table") // or registerTempTable
and then you can use the SQLContext/HiveContext or the SparkSession to run queries over it.
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM temp_table")
Here's eliasah's answer that explains how createOrReplaceTempView works internally
When i do SQL on whatever i need, will spark load all the data first and perform sql in memory?
The data will be stored in-memory or on disk depending upon the persistence strategy that you use. If you choose to cache the table, the data will get stored in memory and the operations would be considerable faster when compared to the case where data is fetched from the disk. That part is anyway configurable and up to the user. You can basically tell Spark how you want it to store the data.
Spark-sql will only cache the rows that are pulled by the action, this means that it will cache as many partitions as it has to read during the action. this makes your first call much faster than your second call

SPARK KUDU Complex Update statements directly or via Impala JDBC Driver possible?

If I look at the Imapala Shell or Hue, I can write complicated enough IMPALA update statements for KUDU. E.g. update with sub-select and what not. Fine.
Looking at the old JDBC connection methods for, say, mySQL via SPARK / SCALA, there is not a lot of possibility to do a complicated update via such a connection, and that is understandable. However, with KUDU, I think the situation changes.
Looking at the documentation on KUDU - Apache KUDU - Developing Applications with Apache KUDU, the follwoing questions:
It is unclear if I can issue a complex update SQL statement from a SPARK / SCALA environment via an IMPALA JDBC Driver (due to security issues with KUDU).
In SPARK KUDU Native Mode DML seems tied to a Data Frame approach with INSERT and UPSERT. What if I just want to write a free-format SQL DML statement like an UPDATE? I see that we can use Spark SQL to INSERT (treated as UPSERT by default) into a Kudu table. E.g.
sqlContext.sql(s"INSERT INTO TABLE $kuduTableName SELECT * FROM source_table")
My understanding with SPARK SQL INSERT ... as per above is that the KUDU table must be a temporary table as well. I cannot approach it directly. So, taking this all in then, how can we approach a KUDU table directly in SPARK? We cannot in SPARK / KUDU, and complicated UPDATES statement via SPARK SCALA / KUDU or SPARK SCALA to KUDU via Impala JDBC connection do not allow this either. I can do some things via shell scripting with saved env vars in some cases I note.
What a bad documentation in this regard.
DML insert, update, ... possible via the "approach" below, some examples:
stmt.execute("update KUDU_1 set v = 'same value' where k in ('1', '4') ;")
stmt.execute("insert into KUDU_1 select concat(k, 'ABCDEF'), 'MASS INSERT' from KUDU_1 ;")
The only thing if using the corresponding stmt.executequery a Java resultset is returned which differs to the more standard approach of reading from JDBC sources and persisting the results. A little surprise here for me. Maybe 2 approaches needed, one for more regular selects and one work DML non-select. Not sure if that can be all in the same programme module. For another time. Yes it can.

Large Query or mutate Dataframe?

I am using a SparkSession to connect to a hive database. I'm trying to decide what is the best way to enrichment the data. I was using Spark Sql but I am weary to use it.
Does the SparkSql just call Hive Sql? So would that mean there is no improved performance from using Spark?
If not, should I just create a large sql query to spark, or should I grab a table I wan't convert it to a data frame and manipulate it using sparks functions?
No, Spark will read the data from Hive, but use its own execution engine. Performance and capabilities will differ. How much depends on the execution engine you are using for Hive. (M/R, Tez, Spark, LLAP?)
That's the same thing. I would stick to SQL queries, and A-B-test against Hive in the beginning, but SQL is notoriously difficult to maintain, where Scala/Python code using Spark's DataSet API is more user friendly in the long term.

Spark SQL performance is very bad

I want to use SPARK SQL. I found the performance is very bad.
In my first solution:
when each SQL query coming,
load the data from hbase entity to a dataRDD,
then register this dataRDD to SQLcontext.
at last execute spark SQL query.
Apparently the solution is very bad because it needs to load data every time.
So I improved the first solution.
In my second solution don't consider hbase data updates and inserts:
When app starts, load the current data from HBASE entity to a dataRDD, named cachedDataRDD.
Register cachedDataRDD to SQLcontext
When each SQL query coming, execute spark SQL query. The performance is very good.
But some entity needs to consider the updates and inserts.
So I changed the solution base on the second solution.
In my third solution need to consider the hbase data updates and inserts:
When app starts, load the current data from HBASE entity to a dataRDD, named cachedDataRDD.
When SQL query coming, load the new updates and inserts data to another dataRDD, named newDataRDD.
Then set cachedDataRDD = cachedDataRDD.union(dataRDD);
Register cachedDataRDD to SQLcontext
At last execute spark SQL query.
But I found the union transformation will cause the collect action for getting the query result is very slow. Much slow than the hbase api query.
Is there any way to tune the third solution performance? Usually under what condition to use the spark SQL is better? Is any good use case of using spark SQL? Thanks
Consider creating a new table for newDataRDD and do the UNION on the Spark SQL side. So for example, instead of unioning the RDD, do:
This should provide more information to the query optimizer and hopefully help make your query faster.
