Internal Server Error after updating custom Language Model for Watson's speech2text service - speech-to-text

We've had success using a custom Language Model for Watson's speech2text service. However, recently, we decided to extend the model (extended vocabulary, utterances, etc.). To that end, we reset the model:
curl -X POST -u ${credentials}
added our extended corpus:
curl -X POST -u ${credentials} \
--data-binary #corpus.txt \
verified the process completed, and re-trained the model:
curl -X POST -u ${cred} \
Once the process completed ("status": "available"), we were initially able to get responses, and the recognition quality did improve. However, within a few minutes, we started getting {"error": "Internal Server Error"}. Can't reset or query. The base model works fine though. Is our only option to create a new model (we would prefer not to)?
Any help would be appreciated.
Revised: don't seem to be able to create a new LM either:
curl -X POST -u ${cred} \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "{\"name\": \"Test model\", \
\"base_model_name\": \"en-US_BroadbandModel\", \
\"description\": \"language model 02\"}" \
"code": 500,
"code_description": "Internal Server Error",
"error": "Internal Server Error"
But base model still works fine ...
New update: LM came back several hours later, out of a blue, and kept working fine through the day. However, this evening became intermittent, returning "Internal Server Error" with increasing frequency. Not very usable at this point.


Using wiremock to proxy/record calls to AWS Cloudfront service

We have a container-based service running in AWS ECS with the front end hosted by AWS Cloudfront, and authorization handled by AWS Cognito. I'm trying to configure Wiremock to be a proxy for this service so I can record the calls and mappings to later use in unit tests for a client app I'm writing in python.
I'm running the Wiremock server in standalone mode, and have it proxying to calls to the url of our service. However, Cloudfront keeps returning either a 403-Bad Request error or 403-Forbidden error when I connect via Wiremock.
When I use curl, and pass all the correct headers (Content-Type: application/json, Authentication: Bearer ) it works just fine when I use But as soon as I swap out "" for "localhost:8000", I get the Cloudfront generated errors.
I'm guessing I have some mis-configuration where, despite passing the headers to Wiremock, I haven't properly told Wiremock to pass those headers on to "the service", which is really Cloudfront.
Not being a Java guy, I'm finding the Wiremock docs a little difficult to understand, and am trying to use the command-line arguments to configure Wiremock like this:
/usr/bin/java -jar \
./wiremock-jre8-standalone-2.35.0.jar \
--port=8000 \
--verbose \
--root-dir=test_data/wiremock \
--enable-browser-proxying \
--preserve-host-header \
--print-all-network-traffic \
--record-mappings \
--trust-proxy-target= \
$ curl -k -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${JWT}" \
<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>
<center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>
When using exactly the same curl command, but changing the URL to point directly at my service instead of the proxy, I get the response I expected (hoped for?) through the proxy:
curl -k -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${JWT}" \
"id": "09d91ea0-7cb0-4786-b3fc-145fc88a1a3b",
"name": "foo",
"created": "2022-06-09T02:32:11Z",
"updated": "2022-06-09T20:08:43Z",
"id": "fb2b6454-4336-421a-bc2f-f1d588a78d12",
"name": "bar",
"created": "2022-10-05T06:23:24Z",
"updated": "2022-10-05T18:34:32Z",
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Prefect2.0 How to trigger a flow using just curl?

Here is my dead simple flow:
from prefect import flow
import datetime
def firstflow(inreq):
return retval
I run prefect orion and prefect agent.
Make a trigger using web ui (deployments run) ... the agent succesfully pull and do the job.
My question is how to do the trigger using just curl?
Note : I already read
but my lame brain couldn't find how to do it.
Lets say my flow id is : 7ca8a456-94d7-4aa1-80b9-64894fdca93b
Parameters I want to be processed is {'msg':'Hello world'}
blindly Tried with
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"flow_id": "7ca8a456-94d7-4aa1-80b9-64894fdca93b", "parameters": {"msg": "Hello World"}, "tags": ["test"]}'
but prefect orion say
INFO: - "POST /flow_runs HTTP/1.1" 307 Temporary Redirect
It's certainly possible to do it via curl but it might be painful especially if your flow has parameters. There's much easier way to trigger a flow that will be tracked by the backend API - run the flow Python script and it will have exactly the same effect. This is because the (ephemeral) backend API of Prefect 2.0 is always active in the background and all flow runs, even those started from a terminal, are tracked in the backend.
Regarding curl, it looks like you are missing the trailing slash after flow_runs. Changing your command to this one should work:
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"flow_id": "7ca8a456-94d7-4aa1-80b9-64894fdca93b", "parameters": {"msg": "Hello World"}, "tags": ["test"]}'
The route which might be more helpful, though, is this one - it will create a flow run from a deployment and set it into a scheduled state - the default state is pending, which would cause the flow run to be stuck. This should work directly:
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ \
-d '{"name": "curl", "state": {"type": "SCHEDULED"}}'

Unable to upload binary data using python requests

I am trying to translate the following curl command into a python request API call:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --request PUT --data-binary #content.tar.gz <upload_url>
I have got as far as doing:
import requests
data = open("content.tar.gz", "rb").read()
response = requests.put(
headers={"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"},
Although the status code from the above call is 200 the content.tar.gz file does not seem to get uploaded while the curl command works flawlessly.
I have looked at many different questions regarding translating curl commands to python requests but have not found any reasons why this should not work when the curl command does.
Hope you may be able to give me some pointers on what I am doing wrong.

Paypal integration issue with KillBill in a node app

I am trying to integrate paypal payment gateway in my Node app in which i'm calling KillBill api provided for Paypal gateway in itsw documentation it is described that we will recieve a url in location header.
But on hitting it in postman i'm recieving html of that page instead of its url in Headers with key "location".
How to integrate it in node app so that if i make request to its url i get back the url of page to be redirected and can do anything i want.
KillBill docs link
following is the api i'm using of paypal integration provided by kill bill
curl -v \
-u admin:password \
-H 'X-Killbill-ApiKey: bob' \
-H 'X-Killbill-ApiSecret: lazar' \
-H 'X-Killbill-CreatedBy: admin' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"kb_account_id": "13d26090-b8d7-11e2-9e96-0800200c9a66",
"currency": "USD",
"options": {
"return_url": "",
"cancel_return_url": "",
"billing_agreement": {
"description": "Your subscription"
}' \
I have sort it some way i just converted that response html into a circular Json array and than found the URL of that html page in some index of that array as a key value pair of an object. Don't know that if it is a perfect solution but it works fine and according to my requirements.

How to test QnA knowledge base with fiddler

I just created a qna knowledge base but i'm finding it difficult to consume the endpoint api. I have actually done this before Microsoft changed the endpoint configuration features. please find below my test credentials
POST /knowledgebases/6a523867-3606-480e-9179-bd7e06df4b4d/generateAnswer
Authorization: EndpointKey 604c416d-ef24-402d-b889-cbbb4c16a396
Content-Type: application/json
i used `Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 604c416d-ef24-402d-b889-cbbb4c16a396 but i keep getting 502 error
keep getting 502 error
I do a test using fiddler and can reproduce same issue, to solve the issue, you can go Tools > Options > HTTPS to make tls1.2 allowable.
Test result:
Curl example that works for me -
replace xxxx..., yyyy...., and myazureresourcename with your own values shown on the publish page.
curl \
--header "Content-type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: EndpointKey xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--request POST \
--data '{"question":"what is my endpoint?"}' \
