Application Request Routing: Why some sites return HTTP 404 some don't? - iis

I want to add a load balancer to an existing project using Application Request Routing. So I made myself familiar with the concepts and created a local test-setup:
IIS locally running on Windows 10:
Installed Application Request Routing 3.0 with Windows Platform Installer
Created server farm with following servers:
<test-server-name>.de (Microsoft 2012 R2 Server: contains the project) (just to see if load balancing and url rewriting works because I don't have two test servers available)
URL-Rewriting rule:
After typing localhost multiple times in any browser, I can see that load balancing (weighted round robin) is working fine. It's alternating between 1. and 2. website.
The problem I'm facing is a 404 Error on both websites.
I already tried the following:
Installing and enabling Failed Request Tracing Rules (on local IIS): URL Rewriting is working properly i think.
Failed Request Log for google drive, unzip and open xml in e.g. IE for better view
Create Server Farm without automatic creation of URL Rewrite rules
(selecting No and create own URL Rewrite rule)
Change "Managed Pipeline Mode"-setting of Applcation Pool from Integrated to Classic
Healthcheck on other Websites I have absolutly no clue why it's working on Git-websites and why facebook is returning a 400 error code.
Enabling/disabling proxy (IIS-Manager -> Application Request Routing Cache -> Server Proxy Settings...)
I don't know what i could do next, so I appreciate any help. Thanks.

Answer can be found here:
Some websites simply don't support localhost as hostname, which is why localhost can't be found (error 404) e.g. on
Detailed answer if link above is not working in future:
That is not an effective test.
What you are doing is sending the hostname of your request to the third party servers. Like Google.
So if your request is say you are sending this to say and the Google servers will likely reject this as you can see
Web server admins generally don't let themselves receive traffic from domain thet do not host.
If you sent a request to my servers IP with I too would likely reject it. (Things get complex if you have wildcard sites and you allow all traffic through)
But simply showing that 404 page from Google means tour request hit there server so that implies ARR is working.
If you really wanted to test it this way have a local host file with resolving to your servers IP. Set up a site with as the hostheader and then you should see the correct info hitting Google. But there is no accounting for what 3rd party admins do on their side.


Redirect a request to a colud server from a godady server with .htaccess

Hi everyone need your support with the following problem. Please do apologies if I confuse you in anyways with my explanation.
I have a add-on domain ( pointed to a Godaddy Linux server, domain is also in the Godaddy same account.
The web application for "" is a Laravel 5.6 based one, and the web app has 'Get' type search form which needs to be forwarded to another Windows IIS server's port with all the query strings where another web app is hosted. the action of the from will be similar to below.
Request =>
From this point on-wards the application has to continue work from the IIS server with the subdomain, which mean I am not expecting any replies from this IIS server to the Linux server.
Its been advised to use the subdomain to mask the forwarding to the IIS server, so I did like above with sub1 sub-domain. This subdomain has to be forwarded to a server's port as I mentioned above, something similar to below. =>
I did tried with the Godaddy's default subdomain forwarding with masking, but the query strings are not being forwarded and shows "Destination Unknown" error.
In a online forum its been advised not to go with Godaddy's forwarding instead go with .htaccess to have more control.
Therefore any possible solutions or your support with the redirection with .htaccess from web application to the external web server's specific port along with the query strings would be a life saver.
Thank you in advance.
As per the GoDaddy support, the domain forwarding to a IP's port is not possible with the Shared hosting.
The support suggested to go-ahead with the VPS and configure.
Please do comment, if this is wrong statement!

403 Forbidden Error - IIS 8

I'm using IIS 8 on Windows 2012 server. I have a site set up to serve as an API for HTTPS traffic on a custom port (4443). I have installed a wildcard SSL certificate, which is functioning properly. Our network firewall is routing all public inbound traffic on port 4443 to this server internally, which is then being handled by IIS.
From the server itself, everything works fine. I am not using localhost, and do not have a hosts file entry looping the traffic back internally. Going to returns what I want.
However, from external to the network, I am getting a 403 Forbidden error. I know the traffic is making it to the server because I get the correct custom "X-Powered-By" response header that I have set on that server.
I have tried setting the permissions on the folder that contains the site files to allow Full Control to "Everyone", but no luck. The site has Anonymous Authentication enabled for the user "IUSR". Directory browsing is disabled.
What's going on? I'm assuming it's a permissions error with the file system, but I figured having the Everyone permission would eliminate that. Also, there is nothing special about the internal traffic (from the server itself) in terms of an authenticated session or anything. It's just a plain request with no bells or whistles.
Please help! Thanks.
Here is a sample log entry showing the substatus code of 16:
2018-02-08 17:56:58 GET /favicon.ico - 4443 - Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/63.0.3239.132+Safari/537.36 403 16 2148204809 97
Apparently this is a client certificate trust issue? Upon further testing, I am able to access the site without issue on another device, just not my primary development PC.
I just set the site to Ignore Client Certificates in the SSL Settings, and it is working as expected again.
A 403 error could occur due to multiple reasons. Could you please share the substatus code. You can find it in IIS logs. Default location - C:\inetpub\logs\logfiles\w3svc_websiteID.
Once you have the substatus code, please share it here.
You can also capture FREB logs by following this article -
Just modify step #10 in this article and don't uncheck anything in your case (leave everything to default). This will clearly tell you what's going on in the IIS pipeline.
If its 403.14, just add a default document in IIS and you should be good to go.

How to serve html page or AMI test page in browser on new amazon ec2 server

I got an Amazon ec2 server and when I go to the URL (Public DNS (IPv4)) in my browser I get "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT"
I did the tutorial "Installing a LAMP Web Server on Amazon Linux"
But got stuck on "If you are unable to see the Apache test page, check that the security group you are using contains a rule to allow HTTP (port 80) traffic."
I checked the security groups and they both set to "All traffic
sg-7496280c (default)"
And I still can't see the test page. I've also tried using the public IP address and I get the same thing.
There were no errors when installing packages.
I am able to connect using winSCP and upload html files but it doesn't serve them.
I don't know if I'm doing the right tutorial, or if I need to do other things first, or which tutorials apply to which types of servers or if ec2 and aws are the same thing or not etc.
I tried contacting support but it said I don't get technical support for basic accounts. I tried posting this on Amazon forums but it said something like "you can't post new threads right now, try again later"
I'm only doing any of this because you can't run node.js on hostgator.
ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT only happen either your apache not running or your server or your server is redirecting too much
Just I am unsure where you uploaded your HTML file and with what permission.
Do the basic thing reinstall only apache first.
check in your inbound and outbound port in aws security group in aws dashboard
if 80 port is open with anywhere option
check for
security rule
See if apache default page come. then upload your file.
can you tell in what directory you uploaded all your HTML
"ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT" can also be happen if you have not properly configure security group while creating the EC2 instance as it allows specific traffic to reach your instance.
If you want to set up a web server and allow Internet traffic to reach your instance, add rules that allow unrestricted access to the HTTP and HTTPS ports.
and copy Public IPV4 and use to visit the webpage rather than copying the url.

How to run a website in Azure using same URL?

Our company has two sites -- Wordpress site -- mvc site
We want to move the wordpress site ( to Azure and the other site stays local. We need to url stay the same. How can we achieve this?
Since you state that you need the URL to stay the same, this can be achieved through a reverse proxy. You would set up a web server (typically nginx or IIS) answering on
This web server would have reverse proxy rules to forward requests for /portal to your on-premises server (in a given, non-public IP and port) and all other requests to another web server running WordPress (on the same server/cluster that runs the reverse proxy, or a separate one), also with a given IP and port.
All user requests, then, would reach the reverse proxy, that would serve them from cache if possible, or forward them to the internal web servers, and send the response back to the user, transparently. Notice that this is an internal operation, not a redirect response.
Although this setup is more complex than the simpler solution of using different subdomains ( for website and for application), it comes with certain advantages that are described in the referenced Wikipedia article, such as security and acceleration.
Alternatively you could create separate subdomains as described above, and use a redirect rule to redirect requests for to In this case, the user would see the updated URL in their browser, but the old ones would still work.

.htaccess redirection to an IP Address of a different server

I am hosting my public facing site at a shared host (Hostgator) with the domain pointing to the same. I also have my application hosted on a dedicated server with a different host. Both servers have their own SSL certificates installed.
Is there any way to edit the .htaccess file to do the following: redirects to https://x.x.x.x/CUSTOMER while the browser still shows
I'm vary of using frames due to the SSL ramifications. My domain registrar is Hostway and they do not offer URL masking/forwarding.
This can be done by making your server act as a proxy. Even if you have no access to the servers configuration you might be lucky that apaches proxy module is loaded:
If so you can 'map' the remote site (IP) as if being served by your normal server.
Also apaches rewriting module can make use of that module by using the [P] flag in a RewriteRule.
Be sure you have a copy of that site on the different server, preverally with the same database, so you don't get in trouble with i.e. order numbers or user logins between http and https. The certificate server must be the web server for your SSL provided web content.
Take a look here foor further informations. "Google Search Result"
