(mac) Can I run Microsoft Edge in Selenium without having the browser installed on my pc? - python-3.x

I'm woking on a selendium and airflow project for bing rewards and I'm hoping I don't have to install Microsoft edge as my computer is always running out of space. Does anyone know off hand if it's possible to make Selenium scripts for a driver if you dont have the dmg installed on your computer?

yes you can do that using RemoteWebDriver.
but make sure your remote device, cloud etc must have that respective browser which is pointed by RemoteWebDriver.
Refer below:
Example code:


How can one install linux google chrome binary on a Mac?

I have a Django app that web-scrapes (using Selenium) that I am trying to deploy to google cloud. I am having issues with opening Chrome driver in the virtual environment on google's servers. I believe they are Linux.
I was able to install the linux version of Chromedriver into the virtual environment but I am getting a "cannot find Chrome binary" error as pictured:
I have done some research and it seems that this is because Google Chrome is not installed in the virtual environment. The links to install Google Chrome online all force me to download macOS versions.
How can I download Google Chrome (specifically its binary) on my Mac so I can put it in the virtual environment that will be run on linux?
I think that StackOverflow is not the proper place to ask for this kind of question.
You could try to find your problem in the following Google Chrome Help page.
If you don't find the answer in the previous link, you could ask for help in the Google Chrome Help Community.

Is there any way in python to know all installed application with version in my system (Windows & Linux both)?

i wanna make a script that will tell all installed application on system it can be Linux and windows both. anybody got any lead about it? need help!
I'm not too familiar with Windows, but with Linux you could:
get the installed packages list from the package manager, but it would not find applications installed outside the package manager
get the list of *.desktop files installed. This would get all applications which have a desktop icon. It would however still not guarantee that you have everything. I would suggest reading the Desktop Entry Specification for more information.

how can i access laptop through mobile without using any internet connection

I wanted to access my laptop using my android mobile. I have already accessed using Team Viewer. But it require a Internet connection. I want to access my laptop on my android mobile.
Is there any way to connect.
Assuming your computer is running Windows you'll most likely want to use the built in Remote Desktop Protocol.
Microsoft has a free Andeoid app in the Google Play Store here.
Microsoft has a FAQ page for their Android app here which describes the necessary setup procedure.
If your computer is a Mac or running a Linux based OS you'll probably want to look into using VNC which is usually supported right out of the box although may require some configuration.

Download the Internet Explorer on SUSE-Linux server

I am interested in downloading the Internet Explorer on my SUSE-linux server which is telnet'd from my local linux machine.
I need to install the Wireshark and SNMP browsing tools on the server and would like to therefore have an internet explorer installed on the server.
Please help me with the installation.
Internet Exploder only runs on Windows machines. You might be wanting to install all of this on a Windows Server and then run these tools against a Linux machine, but you're not going to natively be successful loading IE on a Linux Server.
There is an option that I'll mention you can check out Crossover Office from Codeweavers, it's got the ability to run the appropriate WINE drivers and environment so that you could do what you are asking, but there is no guarantee that the overall scheme of running Wireshark will work.

Is it possible to run Magento TAF (Test Automation Framework) on Linux?

I'm trying to configure Magento TAF on Ubuntu, following the Installation Guide pdf.
I read on it...
Current version limitations:
Remote tests executing
UNIX running Usage
Firefox profile through configuration file
...but I feel skeptical :)
There is a main shell script prepared (runtests.sh)
if I configure everything and I execute selenium RC and runtests.sh, firefox browser opens... (but stands on empty page).
Furthermore: there are several inconsistences on the Installation Guide, that's why I suspect that Linux restrictions perhaps are deprecated. For example: on page 2 says...
At the base level, Magento Test Automation Framework will require the
following software: (...)Selenium RC 2.0.3
... but on page 4...
Download and install Selenium RC 1.0.3 (...).The latest available
version is 2.x, Download Selenium RC (Now available NEW 2.0b), but
automated test cases will probably not work with it.
The question: Is it possible to run Magento TAF on Linux?
Yes, it is possible.
I had the same problem using Selenium Grid in version 1.x.
Download Selenium Driver (Selenium 2). I got the tests running in Debian without modifying runtests.sh.
If you plan to test with several OS / browsers you can find a quick start tutorial for Selenium Grid 2. This may be helpful if you host your Magento code on a linux webserver. It's much easier now to set up the grid than it was with Selenium 1, fortunately.
Launch the server with
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.15.0.jar -role hub
By default, the server will run on port 4444. You can start the server on a Linux box without a desktop environment (e.g. a development web server).
Then you set up boxes with desktop environment (e.g. a Windows machine and a Linux machine). Now you download the server standalone library for every machine and start the client:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.15.0.jar -role node -hub
You have to change the IP to the IP of your Selenium server (and change the port if you did so in the first command). By default, the client will run on port 5555. If you want to use another port for the client or if you wish to start several client instances, you can define custom ports using the -port switch.
Note: don't care too much about the software versions mentioned in the document at all. It seems to be a bit outdated.
The latest public release works fine on Ubuntu/Debian pretty much out of the box, but the documentation is Windows-orientated.
We got the tests running on a headless Selenium installation using Google Chrome on Ubuntu server 11.04 64bit. Screen-shots are only possible when using Firefox, but Selenium requires version 3.6 of Firefox, so we'll need to downgrade the Mozilla browser to enable that.
[Update: March 27th 2012] We tried again with Firefox 10 after upgrading our packages and to our biggest surprise, it worked! We've now got screen-shots!
I wrote a tutorial (updated March 27th 2012) that outlines installing a fresh headless Selenium environment with Magento TAF on Ubuntu Server. Hope that helps.
Yes, this is possible.
I made a init script selenium-headless that simplifies running the TAF on a server.
The TAF project is under development, this is just a preview was published. The team wanted to share ideas and give valuable benefits (automatic tests) for everyone, who is developing for Magento. TAF will have changes, it will be restructured and polished before the official release.
The docs are outdated a little, they give general overview of the tests usage. Currently TAF can be run on both Windows and Linux, and both Selenium 1 and 2 can be used to run them.
Yes, TAF can be run on Linux.
Do not mind documentation inconsistences
If tests do not run - re-check your configuration and Selenium installation.
P.S. And sorry for issues - this version is just a working draft. It will be improved, documentation will be proof-read and informative messages will be provided.
Thanks for using TAF, anyway :)
