Python 3 pickle load from Python 2 - python-3.x

I have a pickle file that was created (I don't know how exactly) in python 2. It is intended to be loaded by the following python 2 lines, which when used in python 3 (unsurprisingly) do not work:
with open('filename','r') as f:
foo, bar = pickle.load(f)
'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc2 in position 1219: ordinal not in range(128)
Manual inspection of the file indicates it is utf-8 encoded, therefore:
with open('filename','r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
foo, bar = pickle.load(f)
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'
With binary encoding:
with open('filename','rb', encoding='utf-8') as f:
foo, bar = pickle.load(f)
ValueError: binary mode doesn't take an encoding argument
Without binary encoding:
with open('filename','rb') as f:
foo, bar = pickle.load(f)
UnpicklingError: invalid load key, '
Is this pickle file just broken? If not, how can I pry this thing open in python 3? (I have browsed the extensive collection of related questions and not found anything that works yet.)
Finally, note that the original
import cPickle as pickle
has been replaced with
import _pickle as pickle

The loading of python2 pickles in python3 (version 3.7.2 in this example) can be helped using the fix_imports parameter in the pickle.load function, but in my case it also worked without setting that parameter to True.
I was attempting to load a scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix contained in pickle generated using Python2.
When inspecting the file format using the UNIX command file it says:
>file -bi python2_generated.pckl
application/octet-stream; charset=binary
I could load the pickle in Python3 using the following code:
with open("python2_generated.pckl", "rb") as fd:
bh01 = pickle.load(fd, fix_imports=True, encoding="latin1")
Note that the loading was successful with and without setting fix_imports to True
As for the "latin1" encoding, the Python3 documentation (version 3.7.2) for the pickle.load function says:
Using encoding='latin1' is required for unpickling NumPy arrays and instances of datetime, date and time pickled by Python 2
Although this is specifically for scipy matrixes (or Numpy arrays), and since Novak is not clarifing what his pickle file contained,
I hope this could of help to other users :)

Two errors were conflating each other.
First: By the time the .p file reached me, it had almost certainly been corrupted in transit, likely by FTP-ing (or similar) in ASCII rather than binary mode. I was able to get my hands on a properly transmitted copy, which allowed me to discover...
Second: Whatever the file might have implied on the inside, the proper encoding was 'latin1' not 'utf-8'.
So in a sense, yes, the file was broken, and even after that I was doing it wrong. I leave this here as a reminder to whoever eventually has the next bizarre pickle/python2/python3 issue that there can be multiple things gone wrong, and they have to be solved in the correct orderr.


Python3 - urllib.request.urlopen and readlines to utf-8?

Consider this example:
import urllib.request # Python3 URL loading
filelist_fobj = urllib.request.urlopen(filelist_url)
#filelist_fobj_fulltext ='utf-8')
#print(filelist_fobj_fulltext) # ok, works
lines = filelist_fobj.readlines()
This code prints out the type of the first entry, of the result returned by readlines() of the file object for the .urlopen()'d URL as:
<class 'bytes'>
... and in fact, all of the entries in the returned list are of the same type.
I am aware that I could do .read().decode('utf-8') as in the commented lines, and then split that result on \n -- however, I'd like to know: is there otherwise any way, to use urlopen with .readlines(), and get a list of ("utf-8") strings?
urllib.request.urlopen returns a http.client.HTTPResponse object, which implements the io.BufferedIOBase interface, which returns bytes.
The io module provides TextIOWrapper, which can wrap a BufferedIOBase object (or other similar objects) to add an encoding. The wrapped object's readlines method returns str objects decoded according to the coding you specified when you created the TextIOWrapper, so if you get the encoding right, everything will work. (On Unix-like systems, utf-8 is the default encoding, but apparently that's not the case on Windows. So if you want portability, you need to provide an encoding. I'll get back to that in a minute.)
So the following works fine:
>>> from urllib.request import urlopen
>>> from io import TextIOWrapper
>>> url=""
>>> with urlopen(url) as response:
... lines = TextIOWrapper(response, encoding='utf-8'):
>>> for line in lines[:5]: print(type(line), line.strip())
<class 'str'> The following are the graphical (non-control) characters defined by
<class 'str'> ISO 8859-1 (1987). Descriptions in words aren't all that helpful,
<class 'str'> but they're the best we can do in text. A graphics file illustrating
<class 'str'> the character set should be available from the same archive as this
<class 'str'> file.
It's worth noting that both the HTTPResponse object and the TextIOWrapper which wraps it implement the iterator protocol, so you can use a loop like for line in TextIOWrapper(response, ...): instead of saving the entire web page using readlines(). The iterator protocol can be a big win because it lets you start processing the web page before it has all been downloaded.
Since I work on a Linux system, I could have left out the encoding='utf-8' argument to TextIOWrapper, but regardless, the assumption is that I know that the file is UTF-8 encoded. That's a pretty safe assumption, but it's not universally valid. According to W3Techs survey (updated daily, at least when I wrote this answer), 97.6% of websites use UTF-8 encoding, which means that one in 40 does not. (If you restrict the survey to what W3Techs considers the top 1,000 sites, the percentage increases to 98.7%. But that's still not universal.)
Now, the conventional wisdom, which you'll find in a number of SO answers, is that you should dig the encoding out of the HTTP headers, which you can fairly easily do:
>>> # Tempting though this is, DO NOT DO IT. See below.
>>> with urlopen(url) as response:
... lines = TextIOWrapper(response,
... encoding=response.headers.get_content_charset()
... ).readlines()
Unfortunately, that will only work if the website declares the content encoding in the HTTP headers, and many sites prefer to put the encoding in a meta tag. So when I tried the above with a randomly-selected Windows-1252-encoded site (taken from the W3Techs survey), it failed with an encoding error:
>>> with urlopen(win1252_url) as response:
... lines = TextIOWrapper(response,
... encoding=response.headers.get_content_charset()
... ).readlines()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 322, in decode
(result, consumed) = self._buffer_decode(data, self.errors, final)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xf3 in position 346: invalid continuation byte
Note that although the page is encoded in Windows-1252, that information was not provided in the HTTP headers, so TextIOWrapper chose the default encoding, which on my system is UTF-8. If I supply the correct encoding, I can read the page without problems, letting me see the encoding declaration in the page itself.
>>> with urlopen(win1252_url) as response:
... lines = TextIOWrapper(response,
... encoding='Windows-1252'
... ).readlines()
... print(lines[3].strip())>>> print(lines[3].strip())
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
Clearly, if the encoding is declared in the content itself, it's not possible to set the encoding before reading the content. So what to do in these cases?
The most general solution, and the simplest to code, appears to be the well-known BeautifulSoup package, which is capable of using a variety of techniques to detect the character encoding. Unfortunately, that requires parsing the entire page, which is a much more time-consuming task than just reading lines.
Another option would be to read the first kilobyte or so of the webpage, as bytes, and then try to find a meta tag. Content provider are supposed to put the meta tag close to the beginning of the web page, and it certainly has to come before the first non-ascii character. If you don't find a meta tag and there is no character encoding declared in the HTTP headers, then you could try to use a heuristic encoding detector on the bytes of the file already read.
The one thing you shouldn't do is rely on the character encoding declared in the HTTP header, regardless of the many suggestions to do so, which you will find here and elsewhere on the web. As we've already seen, the headers often don't contain this information anyway, but even when they do, it is often wrong anyway, because for a web designer it's easier to declare the encoding in the page itself than to reconfigure the server to send the correct headers. So you can't really rely on the HTTP header, and you should only use it if you have no other information to go on.

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x8b in position 1: invalid start byte while accessing csv file

I am trying to access csv file from aws s3 bucket and getting error 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x8b in position 1: invalid start byte code is below I am using python 3.7 version
from io import BytesIO
import boto3
import pandas as pd
import gzip
s3 = boto3.client('s3', aws_access_key_id='######',
response = s3.get_object(Bucket='#####', Key='raw.csv')
# print(response)
s3_data = StringIO(response.get('Body').read().decode('utf-8')
data = pd.read_csv(s3_data)
kindly help me out here how i can resolve this issue
using gzip worked for me
client = boto3.client('s3', aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id,
csv_obj = client.get_object(Bucket=####, Key=###)
body = csv_obj['Body']
with, 'rt') as gf:
csv_file = pd.read_csv(gf)
The error you're getting means the CSV file you're getting from this S3 bucket is not encoded using UTF-8.
Unfortunately the CSV file format is quite under-specified and doesn't really carry information about the character encoding used inside the file... So either you need to know the encoding, or you can guess it, or you can try to detect it.
If you'd like to guess, popular encodings are ISO-8859-1 (also known as Latin-1) and Windows-1252 (which is roughly a superset of Latin-1). ISO-8859-1 doesn't have a character defined for 0x8b (so that's not the right encoding), but Windows-1252 uses that code to represent a left single angle quote (‹).
So maybe try .decode('windows-1252')?
If you'd like to detect it, look into the chardet Python module which, given a file or BytesIO or similar, will try to detect the encoding of the file, giving you what it thinks the correct encoding is and the degree of confidence it has in its detection of the encoding.
Finally, I suggest that, instead of using an explicit decode() and using a StringIO object for the contents of the file, store the raw bytes in an io.BytesIO and have pd.read_csv() decode the CSV by passing it an encoding argument.
import io
s3_data = io.BytesIO(response.get('Body').read())
data = pd.read_csv(s3_data, encoding='windows-1252')
As a general practice, you want to delay decoding as much as you can. In this particular case, having access to the raw bytes can be quite useful, since you can use that to write a copy of them to a local file (that you can then inspect with a text editor, or on Excel.)
Also, if you want to do detection of the encoding (using chardet, for example), you need to do so before you decode it, so again in that case you need the raw bytes, so that's yet another advantage to using the BytesIO here.

Loading .npz with Python 3.5 always crashes

In this simple tutorial written in Python 2.7, they have a line loading the numpy array.
train_data = np.load(open('../musicnet.npz','rb'))
Then, they get the data by calling different keys
X,Y = train_data['2494']
Everything works well in python 2.7
Data type of train_data is numpy.lib.npyio.NpzFile
My problem
However, whenever I try to do the same in Python 3.5, most of the lines work fine, except when it comes to the line of X,Y = train_data['2494'], it just freezes there forever. I would like to use Python 3.5 because my other projects are written in python 3.5.
How to rewrite this line so that it runs with Python 3.5?
Error Message
I finally managed to get the error message in terminal
It freezes there because there's tons of output right after the error message, my jupyter notebook just cannot handle that much information.
Change the encoding to 'bytes'
train_data = np.load('../musicnet.npz', encoding='bytes')
Then everything works fine.
You first said things crashed, now you say it freezes when trying to access a specific array. numpy has the same syntax in 3.5 compared to 2.7. You shouldn't have to rewrite anything.
np.load does have a couple of parameters that deal with differences between Py2 and Py3. But I'm not sure these are an issue for you.
fix_imports : bool, optional
Only useful when loading Python 2 generated pickled files on Python 3,
which includes npy/npz files containing object arrays. If `fix_imports`
is True, pickle will try to map the old Python 2 names to the new names
used in Python 3.
encoding : str, optional
What encoding to use when reading Python 2 strings. Only useful when
loading Python 2 generated pickled files in Python 3, which includes
npy/npz files containing object arrays. Values other than 'latin1',
'ASCII', and 'bytes' are not allowed, as they can corrupt numerical
data. Default: 'ASCII'
This should show the array names that were saved to the zip archive. Do they match the names in the Py2 load? Do they include the '2494' name?
A couple of things are unusual about:
X,Y = train_data['2494']
Naming an array in the zip archive by a string number, and unpacking the load into two variables.
Do you know anything about how this was savez? What was saved?
Another question - are you loading this file from the same machine that Py2 worked on? Or has the file been transferred from another machine, and possibly corrupted?
As those parameters indicate, there are differences in the pickle code between Py2 and Py3. If the original save included object dtype arrays, or non-array objects, then they will be pickled and there might be incompatibilities in the pickle versions.
Try this,
with np.load('../musicnet.npz') as train_data:
X,Y = train_data['2494']
There are 2 ways out in my point of view:
re-edit your code
train_data = np.load(open('../musicnet.npz','rb'))
train_data = np.load(open('../musicnet.npz','r'))
Because the mode of r/rb in python2.7 / 3.5 is a difference in your situation.
Using the default debugger to pointing the significant error. (Usually, work on my experience)

Decoding/Encoding using sklearn load_files

I'm following the tutorial here
to learn about machine learning and text.
In my case, I'm using tweets I downloaded, with positive and negative tweets in the exact same directory structure they are using (trying to learn sentiment analysis).
Here in the iPython Notebook I load my data just like they do:
tweets_train =load_files('Path to my training Tweets')
And then I try to fit them with CountVectorizer
vect = CountVectorizer().fit(text_train)
I get
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xd8 in position
561: invalid continuation byte
Is this because my Tweets have all sorts of non standard text in them? I didn't do any cleanup of my Tweets (I assume there are libraries that help with that in order to make a bag of words work?)
Code I use using Twython to download tweets:
def get_tweets(user):
user_timeline = twitter.get_user_timeline(screen_name=user,count=1)
lis = user_timeline[0]['id']
lis = [lis]
for i in range(0, 16): ## iterate through all tweets
## tweet extract method with the last list item as the max_id
user_timeline = twitter.get_user_timeline(screen_name=user,
count=200, include_retweets=False, max_id=lis[-1])
for tweet in user_timeline:
lis.append(tweet['id']) ## append tweet id's
text = str(tweet['text']).replace("'", "")
text_file = open(user, "a")
You get a UnicodeDecodeError because your files are being decoded with the wrong text encoding.
If this means nothing to you, make sure you understand the basics of Unicode and text encoding, eg. with the official Python Unicode HOWTO.
First, you need to find out what encoding was used to store the tweets on disk.
When you saved them to text files, you used the built-in open function without specifying an encoding. This means that the system's default encoding was used. Check this, for example, in an interactive session:
>>> f = open('/tmp/foo', 'a')
>>> f
<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/foo' mode='a' encoding='UTF-8'>
Here you can see that in my local environment the default encoding is set to UTF-8. You can also directly inspect the default encoding with
>>> import sys
>>> sys.getdefaultencoding()
There are other ways to find out what encoding was used for the files.
For example, the Unix tool file is pretty good at guessing the encoding of existing files, if you happen to be working on a Unix platform.
Once you think you know what encoding was used for writing the files, you can specify this in the load_files() function:
tweets_train = load_files('path to tweets', encoding='latin-1')
... in case you find out Latin-1 is the encoding that was used for the tweets; otherwise adjust accordingly.

Unpickling from converted string in python/numpy

I have a ton of numpy ndarrays that are stored picked to strings. That may have been a poor design choice but it's what I did, and now the picked strings seem to have been converted or something along the way, when I try to unpickle I notice they are of type str and I get the following error:
TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface
when I invoke
Where bin_str is the thing I'm trying to unpickle. If I print out bin_strit looks like
b'\x80\x02cnumpy.core.multiarray\n_reconstruct\nq\x00cnumpy\nndarray\nq\x01K\x00\x85q\x02c_codecs\nencode\nq\x03X\x01\x00\x00\ ...
continuing for some time, so the info seems to be there, I'm just not quite sure how to convert it into whatever string format numpy/pickle need. On a whim I tried
numpy.loads( bytearray(bin_str, encoding='utf-8') )
numpy.loads( bin_str.encode() )
which both throw an error _pickle.UnpicklingError: unpickling stack underflow. Any ideas?
PS: I'm on python 3.3.2 and numpy 1.7.1
I discovered that if I do the following:
open('temp.txt', 'wb').write(...)
return numpy.load( 'temp.txt' )
I get back my array, and ... denotes copying and pasting the output of print(bin_str) from another window. I've tried writing bin_str to a file directly to unpickle but that doesn't work, it complains that TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface. A few sane ways of converting bin_str to something that can be written directly to a binary file result in pickle errors when trying to read it back.
Edit 2
So I guess what's happened is that my binary pickle string ended up encoded inside of a normal string, something like:
which is unfortunate and I haven't figured out how to deal with that, except this ridiculous and convoluted way to get it back:
open('', 'w').write('foo = ' + bin_str)
from temp import foo
numpy.loads( foo )
This seems like a very shameful solution to the problem, so please give me a better one!
It sounds like your saved strings are the reprs of the original bytes instances returned by your pickling code. That's a bit unfortunate, but not too bad. repr is intended to return a "machine friendly" representation of an object, and it can often be reversed by using eval:
import numpy as np
import pickle
# this part has already happened
orig_obj = np.array([1,2,3])
orig_pickle = pickle.dumps(orig_obj)
saved_str = repr(orig_pickle) # this was a mistake, but it's already done
# this is what you need to do to get something equivalent to orig_obj back
reconstructed_pickle = eval(saved_str)
reconstructed_obj = pickle.loads(reconstructed_pickle)
# test
if np.all(reconstructed_obj == orig_obj):
print("It worked!")
Obligatory note that using eval can be dangerous: Be aware that eval can run any Python code it wants, so don't call it with untrusted data. However, pickle data has the same risks (a malicious Pickle string can run arbitrary code upon unpickling), so you're not losing much safety in this situation. I'm guessing that you trust your data in this case anyway.
