Azure AD group based login and MS graph API - azure

I have Angular 4 SPA, Web API(.net core 2.0) and Azure AD
My requirements are:
1.Restrict authentication(login) to SPA to only certain azure AD Groups. E.g. I have two groups "Sales" and "Marketing" and if user is member of either of the 2 groups then only user should be able to login
2.Once user is logged in, he is allowed to do certain administrative operations on other users using Microsoft Graph API
My approach
To implement requirement #1 I am thinking to implement Identity server which would talk to Azure AD. SPA will then use implicit flow for authentication using identity server as IP
In order to achieve requirement #2 I think I need to use Oauth 2.0 Authorization code flow or OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant and my web api(.net core 2.0) would act as confidential client which would have it's own access token to perform administrative operations using MS graph API
So once user is logged in flow would be SPA(having access token to authorize in web api) => Web API(having another access token with high privileges) => MS graph API => Azure AD
Am I on correct path of implementation?
If not could you please guide me in correct direction?

This is how I solved it
I used Azure AD V2.0 endpoint, Angular and .net core 2.0
Obtain ID and access token from Azure AD using implicit flow. At this point I don't have user's group information
Create web api secured by Azure AD. It also recognize access token obtained from step 1
Pass access token to API and retrieve group information to decide user could get in SPA
Implemented claims transformation and cached it in Web API
Created policy in web API to ensure only members of certain groups are allowed to access API end points
Web API is set up to communicate with Graph API using client credentials grant flow


What is the flow of Azure AD based authentication in a project having SPA and web api?

I have a front end SPA (single page application) and back end api.
Each event in the SPA (like button click) invokes the respective api endpoint, and displays the result in the SPA.
I want to implement Azure AD based authentication so that only my Azure Tenant users are able to use the SPA/api.
Is the following flow correct approach to implementing such a feature:
User opens the SPA
User clicks on login button which opens Microsoft login popup
User enters Microsoft credentials in the popup, and if credentials are correct then user gets the JWT token
For every subsequent api request, the JWT token is placed in the bearer header
The endpoint validates the JWT token using Azure public key and rejects the request if token is missing or validation fails.
Is this flow correct and what is such a flow called?
There are several implementation steps that needs to be performed before you will have the flow that you have described:
User flow needs to be configured (Azure AD) - e.g. selfsignup allowed?
Backend and frontend applications needs to be registered (Azure AD)
Permissions and scopes needs to be added (Azure AD)
Backend API needs to be configured (e.g. API management) in order to validate the JWT token
I highly recommend to configure one of the Azure sample implementations end2end to get and idea of all the needed tasks:
The steps you outlined are correct.
An OAuth 2.0 "flow" outlines the steps to acquire a token from an Identity Provider (IdP). Since you are using a SPA, there are some restrictions on which flows you can use. A SPA can't act as a "Confidential Client" which is required for some flows. (Basically - the Client Secret required for the other flows would be visible in the browser network trace, so it's not "confidential".) The "Implicit Flow" used to be recommended for SPAs but it's less secure, so now the "Authorization code flow (with PKCE)" is recommended. Steps 2 & 3 in the question above are when you are executing the flow to acquire a token.
The authentication flow doesn't really address how you save and send the token to the API (#4 in the question), but the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) helps with that - More information here -
In Azure AD, you'll want 2 App Registrations - one for your SPA and one for your API. The API App Registration will need to "Expose an API" which really means to define a scope. Your SPA App Registration will need to Add an "API Permission" to the scope you defined from your API App Registration. (It will show up in My APIs.) This relationship is how #5 in the question is enforced.
Many of the steps for setting up authentication in Azure AD and Azure B2C are similar but Azure AD is designed for authenticating users that are part of your organization. Azure B2C allows you to build a set of users that aren't members of a particular Azure AD organization.

getting custom claims in Access Token for Client Server application in Azure AD?

We have a client-server application that targets enterprise use cases mostly. We want to test if Azure AD is a valid IDP for our application that now supports authorization code flow but may be developed to support for authorization code with PKCE.
Our requirement is that we need 'preferred_username' and 'groups' as claims in the jwt based access tokens. The client application is a desktop based app (Win & linux) that authenticates users using any IDP speaking authorization code flow.
For POC, I used a trial account from Azure ad with default set of users in azure ad. Created security groups in the Azure Ad portal and added users to those groups. I registered apps as desktop/mobile based platforms and with an arbitrary redirect url. Under Token configuration, I added 'preferred_username' in access token as optional claim and 'groups' as part of both ID and Access Tokens.
I have set following in the application manifest:
"accessTokenAcceptedVersion": 2,
But these claims are never listed in the access tokens but only appear in ID token.
Is it possible to get these claims in access tokens, so the resultant access tokens can be used by our application?
Tried: Authorization code flow with PKCE for desktop/mobile app.
Expected claims preferred_username and groups in jwt Access token.
TLDR; Following below article, I am expecting an Access Token for my server:
In my understanding:
Client App ---> Client App on Azure (with scope perms to Web Api)
Server App ---> Web API App on Azure (exposing scope)
CLient App permissions
Also, I think I am dealing with 2 issues here:
Get Custom Claims in Access Token with Authorization code (or Auth code + PKCE)
Access Token should be meant for my application ( and not MS Graph)
When creating a App registration, you have to add
groupMembershipClaims": "SecurityGroup",
To your manifest to access the security groups
If you creating a enterprise application you can add Attributes & Claims within the single sign on settings.

Azure AD B2C - Using access token returned from sign in flow to secure the rest web API

I am using Azure B2C in my react SPA to sign in the user with external identity providers e.g. Google and Facebook. I have some .net core web API that needs to be called by signed-in users only. I have followed Azure documents for my scenario. As per the docs, I need to register another AD B2C application for web API security and my client app needs to acquire the token with the scope defined in the server-side AD app and pass that token while calling the web API.
Why can't I use the same access token received from azure AD B2C as part of the sign-in flow to pass it to my web API and validate it on the server side to secure the Web API? In that case, I don't need to create another server-side AD application for securing the API.
You can, but it’s simply against the protocol spec. Each client needs to be registered and have a unique client Id/AppId.
Plus if you do it with one App Registration, your logs would never differentiate access to your front end vs access to your api.

Azure AD auth + Angular/MSAL + ASP .NET Core best practices of tokens revocation

We are working on a web application. At client side we have Angular application that has integrated MSAL library for Azure AD authentication. At backend we have Asp .Net Core application that integrates MSFT Graph API service and sends http requests to Graph API on behalf of authenticated user. Main purpose for this Graph API requests is to manage App Roles assignments. So, our client side has UI for App Roles assignments management. Access token we receive from Azure AD contains set of assigned App Roles. Client side UI rendered according this set of App Roles (some menu items are hidden for low privileged roles).
Current task is invalidate/revoke client side token once user's App roles set updated.
Implemented steps: token lifetime decreased to 10 mins (minimal of allowed values).
Right now we are trying to use RevokeSignInSessions method of Graph API. It seems to be working for Azure Portal but does not for our client side. Seems that portal has some special settings for handling tokens.
Question: Is there any recommended way to go with such requirements?
If you use Azure AD for authentication, you should get an access token and a refresh token.
If you wish to revoke the refresh token, you can use power shell: Revoke-AzureADUserAllRefreshToken, or AAD Graph API : POST{tenant id}/me/invalidateAllRefreshTokens?api-version=1.6 HTTP/1.1.
However, the access token cannot be revoked, and it will automatically expire after 1 hour.

Credentials prompt for access to Azure management APIs

I've been using the Azure fluent management APIs ( with some success in .NET Core.
However, I want to prompt the user to enter some credentials for a Microsoft account. Those credentials would have access to one or more Azure tenants / subscriptions, so I'd like to be able to use the result to browse and manage resources there.
This is something very close to what I would believe Azure Data Studio does: you can enter some Azure creds, and your resources will appear in the app.
I'm trying to understand the best approach for this. There seem to be a billion sites out there when you talk about Azure AD app registrations, but I haven't found a fruitful specific search query yet. I know I can register an app, get a client ID and client secret. I know I can set it to be usable by organisational accounts in the current tenant, or all tenants.
I can add the "Azure Service Management (delegated permissions : user_impersonation)" permission to my API permissions section for the app, but what's next?
If I use Microsoft.Identity.Client (as in, I run into some questions:
AcquireTokenForClientAsync doesn't prompt the user - I guess because it's getting a token for the app to act with its own permissions?
AcquireTokenOnBehalfOfAsync wants a JWT.. great! I'll pass the one I got from AcquireTokenForClientAsync! Nope, AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS500137: The token issuer doesn't match the api version: A version 1 token cannot be used with the v2 endpoint.
I don't know what scope I want. is apparently invalid.. works, but is that right? It's a guess, combo of the former and a .default suffix I found for Graph API scopes online. Any docs on this?
I ultimately get a JWT and tenant ID back. I can't find a way to use a JWT with the Fluent management APIs.. and my account (for instance) is associated with 3 tenants or 5 different tenants / directories - so how do I choose?
That's just what I've tried, the appropriate route might be a different one. In summary: I want a .NET Core Console app to request user credentials, and then get access to the Azure resources they have access to, in order to perform some resource management.
AcquireTokenForClientAsync doesn't prompt the user - I guess because it's getting a token for the app to act with its own permissions?
You are using the OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant to access web-hosted resources by using the identity of an application. This type of grant commonly is used for server-to-server interactions that must run in the background, without immediate interaction with a user .
AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS500137: The token issuer doesn't match the api version: A version 1 token cannot be used with the v2 endpoint.
Azure AD provide two service : Azure AD V1.0 and Azure AD V2.0 . Please refer to Comparing the Azure AD v2.0 endpoint with the v1.0 endpoint . You can't use v1 token to acquire v2's token in a on-behalf-of flow .
AcquireTokenOnBehalfOfAsync wants a JWT.. great! I'll pass the one I got from AcquireTokenForClientAsync
AS pointed above , That function is used to acquire an access token for this application (usually a Web API) from the authority configured in the application, in order to access another downstream protected Web API on behalf of a user using the OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow. So you can't use app token which acquire using Client Credential flow . works, but is that right? It's a guess, combo of the former and a .default suffix I found for Graph API scopes online. Any docs on this?
You are using the Azure Active Directory v2.0 and the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow , when sending a POST request to the /token v2.0 endpoint ,the scope should be :
The value passed for the scope parameter in this request should be the resource identifier (Application ID URI) of the resource you want, affixed with the .default suffix. For the Microsoft Graph example, the value is This value informs the v2.0 endpoint that of all the direct application permissions you have configured for your app, it should issue a token for the ones associated with the resource you want to use.
Please check the Get a tokensection in above document .
I ultimately get a JWT and tenant ID back. I can't find a way to use a JWT with the Fluent management APIs..
AFAIK , currently Azure AD V2.0 apps can use:
Its own API
Microsoft Outlook APIs
Microsoft Graph API
Azure AD V2.0 currently doesn't support Azure management APIs .
So you problem is you need to allows work and school accounts from Azure AD and personal Microsoft accounts (MSA) which works with Azure AD V2.0 , but you can't use Azure management APIs . You can use Azure management APIs in Azure AD V1.0 but it allows only work and school accounts to sign in to your application , unless you invite Microsoft accounts as guest user in Azure AD V1.0 ,but you need to configure to point to the tenant-specific endpoint :{TenantId_or_Name}). during authentication if you want to login with MSA in v1.0 apps.
You can use Code flow and azure ad v1.0 endpoint , user will be redirect to AAD's login page and enter their credential. Here is code sample for .net Core .
With Azure AD V1.0 endpoint , requests are sent to an endpoint that multiplexes across all Azure AD tenants: . When Azure AD receives a request on the /common endpoint, it signs the user in and, as a consequence, discovers which tenant the user is from. See document here . But in this scenerio ,you can only use work and school accounts(AAD) account to login .
The code sample in your link is using Azure Service Principal for Authentication , no interactive user login . You can use OpenID Connect Owin Middleware for authentication in .net Core applications as shown here .
