I've created a bank account token from Plaid and now I want to use that bank token with Stripe but I get this error No such token: btok_1CQUtNI6UceP4uARenSx4Cjo
I'm using Plaid sandbox environment and Stripe test keys
I'm following this (https://plaid.com/docs/link/stripe) and I've done till step 4. Plaid creates a btok for me but Stripe doesn't accept it.
The detailed Stripe response is in the image
Stripe Tokens can only be used by the api keys of the account that created them (otherwise trying to use them will return a resource_missing error). Double check in your Stripe dashboard that the public key you are using to create the bank account token, and the secret key you are creating this request with belong to the same account.
If you want details about which accounts the bank account token or request were made from, please don't hesitate to write into support#stripe.com.
The issue was that I had multiple Stripe accounts and was using the Stripe account keys which weren't linked to Plaid.
Posting as may be helpful to someone struggling with this error. Try following
Make sure your secret(backend) and publishable(frontend) keys belongs to same account.
Consider my case where I was passing connected account as stripe account more than once. (using source for payments and having same issue 'No such token: src_xxxxxx'.)
In the stripe.js file update code with own publishable key
// Set your publishable key: remember to change this to your live publishable key in production
// See your keys here: https://dashboard.stripe.com/apikeys
var stripe = Stripe('StripeKey');
var elements = stripe.elements();
Short story, I am able to successfully use the Plaid API (connected to my stripe account) to get a stripe bank token in sandbox mode.
From there, I can add that bank token to a customers profile in my stripe account (again in test mode).
Now I'm trying to use the plaid developer key instead of sandbox. I'm able to verify my real world bank account via plaid and get a bank token back, but when i try to add that token to my stripe account I get the following error:
Invalid Request: No such token: 'btok_xxxxxxxxxxxDequ'; a similar object exists in live mode, but a test mode key was used to make this request.
This seems to indicate when calling the Stripe API I need to use the production stripe key instead of the test key.
Since stripe doesn't have a "developer" mode like plaid, my question is what happens if I do this? Does the bank account get added to a real customer account (I assume it does).
AND if I attempt to make a charge using this bank token I got back from plaid via developer mode, will this make an actual charge in stripe? or does stripe know the difference and not make an actual charge (withdrawal) for my bank account?
I tried to go through plaid documentation, but there is very little information I could extract about the developer mode.
Thank you for any help you guys can provide.
Working with Stripe Connect and making :
I got error :
Stripe \ Exception \ PermissionException
The provided key 'sk_test_51*************************************************
********************************************AE7z' does not have access to account 'acct_NNNN'
(or that account does not exist). Application access may have been revoke
My code worked with different stripe account, but I need to set api keys of my client
After logtin into stripe with credentials of my client I just activated the the Stripe connect,
but looks like not all settings are set: https://prnt.sc/10vfict
Which steps have I to take next ?
I wrote to support under my client credentials, but my client not
alwaysa available and as I have no acccess to his email account I ask if there is a
way to read messages from support in stripe dashboard? I did not find such possibility...
I have liked a online bank with plaid API to stripe. i have created a stripe customer with source bank token. But later I couldn't get bank information from source. It is showing
An uncaught Exception was encountered
Type: Stripe\Error\InvalidRequest
Message: No such source: btok_1BOiMhGnklINT0gr7TYCRuvO
This error means that the API key you used to make the second API call is not from the Stripe account you linked to your Plaid account and also not the same you used when creating the customer. I'd recommend checking the API keys in both of your scripts.
Also once you fix this part, you should not reuse the token in subsequent calls as it would have been consumed by the customer creation call. You need to use the bank account id that was created instead (ba_xxx).
With all other web-hooks one can use an account's stripe access token to retrieve the event and then update based on the response of the API call, thus preventing possible spoofing. But with account deactivated, one is no longer able to use that account's stripe access token since the account is deactivated. Any other suggestions? Basic auth is a no-go since each account can see the webhook url.
Stripe returns an error when you attempt to retrieve that event but that error is specific to this situation. You'll get an authentication_error if you attempt to retrieve it while if your weren't connected before you'd get invalid_request_error.
You can see an example in Ruby in this connect app here
I have got a stripe token from stripe js, Now I want to charge the customer. How do I send the billing address along with the stripe token for charging. My objective is to validate zip code and address_line1 which I have enabled at the stripe dashboard.
Note:- I can send the billing info without using a stripe token, by using the card details entered. I want to do it using the token received. Is it possible?
The best solution is to send the billing address details when creating the token with Stripe.js This is covered in the createToken() documentation where it lists all the fields you can provide.
Otherwise, you would save the card on a customer first and then use the Update Card API on the server to provide the billing address.