How do I set the minimum and maximum length of dataframes in hypothesis? - python-hypothesis

I have the following strategy for creating dataframes with genomics data:
from hypothesis.extra.pandas import columns, data_frames, column
import hypothesis.strategies as st
def mysort(tp):
key = [-1, tp[1], tp[2], int(1e10)]
return [x for _, x in sorted(zip(key, tp))]
positions = st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=int(1e7))
strands = st.sampled_from("+ -".split())
chromosomes = st.sampled_from(elements=["chr{}".format(str(e)) for e in list(range(1, 23)) + "X Y M".split()])
genomics_data = data_frames(columns=columns(["Chromosome", "Start", "End", "Strand"], dtype=int),
rows=st.tuples(chromosomes, positions, positions, strands).map(mysort))
I am not really interested in empty dataframes as they are invalid, and I would also like to produce some really long dfs. How do I change the sizes of the dataframes created for test cases? I.e. min size 1, avg size large?

You can give the data_frames constructor an index argument which has min_size and max_size options:
from hypothesis.extra.pandas import data_frames, columns, range_indexes
import hypothesis.strategies as st
def mysort(tp):
key = [-1, tp[1], tp[2], int(1e10)]
return [x for _, x in sorted(zip(key, tp))]
chromosomes = st.sampled_from(["chr{}".format(str(e)) for e in list(range(1, 23)) + "X Y M".split()])
positions = st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=int(1e7))
strands = st.sampled_from("+ -".split())
dfs = data_frames(index=range_indexes(min_size=5), columns=columns("Chromosome Start End Strand".split(), dtype=int), rows=st.tuples(chromosomes, positions, positions, strands).map(mysort))
Produces dfs like:
Chromosome Start End Strand
0 chr11 1411202 8025685 +
1 chr18 902289 5026205 -
2 chr12 5343877 9282475 +
3 chr16 2279196 8294893 -
4 chr14 1365623 6192931 -
5 chr12 4602782 9424442 +
6 chr10 136262 1739408 +
7 chr15 521644 4861939 +


Identify similar numbers from several lists

I have 3 lists:
r=[0.611695403733703, 0.833193902333201, 1.09120811998494]
g=[0.300675698437847, 0.612539072191236, 1.18046695352626]
b=[0.00668849762984564, 0.611946522017357, 1.16778502636141]
I want to calculate the average of the most similar numbers. In the example above, r[0], g[1] and b[1] are very similar (approximately 0.61...). How can I identify this kind of pattern?
Brute force using list comprehensions:
r=[0.611695403733703, 0.833193902333201, 1.09120811998494]
g=[0.300675698437847, 0.612539072191236, 1.18046695352626]
b=[0.00668849762984564, 0.611946522017357, 1.16778502636141]
rg = [ (idx_r, idx_g,r,g) if abs(rr-gg) < 0.001 else None
for idx_r,rr in enumerate(r)
for idx_g, gg in enumerate(g)]
rb = [ (idx_r, idx_b,r,b) if abs(rr-bb) < 0.001 else None
for idx_r,rr in enumerate(r)
for idx_b, bb in enumerate(b)]
gb = [ (idx_g, idx_b,g,b) if abs(gg-bb) < 0.001 else None
for idx_g,gg in enumerate(g)
for idx_b, bb in enumerate(b)]
[(0, 1, [0.611695403733703, 0.833193902333201, 1.09120811998494],
[0.300675698437847, 0.612539072191236, 1.18046695352626]),
(0, 1, [0.611695403733703, 0.833193902333201, 1.09120811998494],
[0.00668849762984564, 0.611946522017357, 1.16778502636141]),
(1, 1, [0.300675698437847, 0.612539072191236, 1.18046695352626],
[0.00668849762984564, 0.611946522017357, 1.16778502636141])]
Output are tuples of index in 1. list, index in 2. list and both lists.
You are looking to compute the distance between all sets of points. Best way to do this is scipy.spatial.distance.cdist:
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
import numpy as np
r=[0.611695403733703, 0.833193902333201, 1.09120811998494]
g=[0.300675698437847, 0.612539072191236, 1.18046695352626]
b=[0.00668849762984564, 0.611946522017357, 1.16778502636141]
arr = np.array([r,g,b])
# need 2d set of points
arr_flat = arr.ravel()[:, np.newaxis]
# computes distance between every point, pairwise
dists = cdist(arr_flat, arr_flat)
# (1,2) is the same as (2,1), so only consider each pair once
# ie. use upper triangle
dists = np.triu(dists)
# set 0 values to inf so we don't consider the,m
dists[dists == 0] = np.inf
# get all pairs that are below this threshold level
ahold = 0.01
coords = np.nonzero(dists<thold)
labels = 'rgb'
print(f'Pairs of points closer than {thold}:')
for i, j in zip(*coords):
print(labels[i//3] + f'[{i%3}]', labels[j//3] + f'[{j%3}]')
>>> Pairs of points closer than 0.01:
r[0] g[1]
r[0] b[1]
g[1] b[1]
# can easily count the number of points as
>>> 3

Pandas .describe() returns wrong column values in table

Look at the gld_weight column of figure 1. It is throwing off completely wrong values. The btc_weight + gld_weight should always adds up to 1. But why is the gld_weight column not corresponding to the returned row values when I used the describe function?
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
Figure 3:
This is my source code:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas_datareader import data as wb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
assets = ['BTC-USD', 'GLD']
mydata = pd.DataFrame()
for asset in assets:
mydata[asset] = wb.DataReader(asset, data_source='yahoo', start='2015-1-1')['Close']
cleandata = mydata.dropna()
log_returns = np.log(cleandata/cleandata.shift(1))
annual_log_returns = log_returns.mean() * 252 * 100
annual_cov = log_returns.cov() * 252
pfolio_returns = []
pfolio_volatility = []
btc_weight = []
gld_weight = []
for x in range(1000):
weights = np.random.random(2)
weights[0] = weights[0]/np.sum(weights)
weights[1] = weights[1]/np.sum(weights)
weights /= np.sum(weights)
pfolio_returns.append(, weights))
pfolio_volatility.append(np.sqrt(,, weights))))
npfolio_returns = np.array(pfolio_returns)
npfolio_volatility = np.array(pfolio_volatility)
new_portfolio = pd.DataFrame({
'Returns': npfolio_returns,
'Volatility': npfolio_volatility,
'btc_weight': btc_weight,
'gld_weight': gld_weight
I'am not 100% sure i got your question correctly, but an issue might be, that you are not reassigning the output to new variable, therefore not saving it.
Try to adjust your code in this matter:
new_portfolio = new_portfolio.sort_values(by="Returns")
Or turn inplace parameter to True - link
Short answer :
The issue at hand was found in the for-loop were the initial weight value normalization was done. How its fixed: see update 1 below in the answer.
Background to getting the solution:
At first glance the code of OP seemed to be in order and values in the arrays were fitted as expected by the requests OP made via the written codes. From testing it appeared that with range(1000) was asking for trouble because value-outcome oversight was lost due to the vast amount of "randomness" results. Especially as the question was written as a transformation issue. So x/y axis values mixing or some other kind of transformation error was hard to study.
To tackle this I used static values as can be seen for annual_log_returns and annual_cov.
Then I've locked all outputs for print so the values become locked in place and can't be changed further down the processing. .. it was possible that the prints of code changed during run-time because the arrays were not locked (also suggested by Pavel Klammert in his answer).
After commented feedback I've figured out what OP meant with "the values are wrong. I then focused on the method how the used values, to fill the arrays, were created.
The issue of "throwing wrong values was found :
The use of weights[0] = weights[0]/np.sum(weights) replaces the original list weights[0] value for new weights[0] which then serves as new input for weights[1] = weights[1]/np.sum(weights) and therefore sum = 1 is never reached.
The variable names weights[0] and weights[1] were then changed into 'a' and 'b' at two places directly after the creation of weights [0] and [1] values to prevent overwriting the initial weights values. Then the outcome is as "planned".
Problem solved.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pfolio_returns = []
pfolio_volatility = []
btc_weight = []
gld_weight = []
annual_log_returns = [0.69, 0.71]
annual_cov = 0.73
ranger = 5
for x in range(ranger):
weights = np.random.random(2)
weights[0] = weights[0]/np.sum(weights)
weights[1] = weights[1]/np.sum(weights)
weights /= np.sum(weights)
pfolio_returns.append(, weights))
pfolio_volatility.append(np.sqrt(,, weights))))
print (weights[0])
print (weights[1])
print (weights)
#print (pfolio_returns)
#print (pfolio_volatility)
npfolio_returns = np.array(pfolio_returns)
npfolio_volatility = np.array(pfolio_volatility)
#df = pd.DataFrame(array, index = row_names, columns=colomn_names, dtype = dtype)
new_portfolio = pd.DataFrame({'Returns': npfolio_returns, 'Volatility': npfolio_volatility, 'btc_weight': btc_weight, 'gld_weight': gld_weight})
print (new_portfolio, '\n')
sort = new_portfolio.sort_values(by='Returns')
sort_max_gld_weight = sort.loc[ranger-1, 'gld_weight']
print ('Sort:\n', sort, '\n')
print ('sort max_gld_weight : "%s"\n' % sort_max_gld_weight) # if "999" contains the highest gld_weight... but most cases its not!
sort_max_gld_weight = sort.max(axis=0)[3] # this returns colomn 4 'gld_weight' value.
print ('sort max_gld_weight : "%s"\n' % sort_max_gld_weight) # this returns colomn 4 'gld_weight' value.
desc = new_portfolio.describe()
desc_max_gld_weight =desc.loc['max', 'gld_weight']
print ('Describe:\n', desc, '\n')
print ('desc max_gld_weight : "%s"\n' % desc_max_gld_weight)
max_val_gld = new_portfolio.loc[new_portfolio['gld_weight'] == sort_max_gld_weight]
print('max val gld:\n', max_val_gld, '\n')
locations = new_portfolio.loc[new_portfolio['gld_weight'] > 0.99]
print ('location:\n', locations)
Result can be for example:
[0.97795861 0.02204139]
Returns Volatility btc_weight gld_weight
0 0.702820 0.627707 0.359024 0.640976
1 0.709807 0.846179 0.009670 0.990330
2 0.708724 0.801756 0.063786 0.936214
3 0.702010 0.616237 0.399496 0.600504
4 0.690441 0.835780 0.977959 0.022041
Returns Volatility btc_weight gld_weight
4 0.690441 0.835780 0.977959 0.022041
3 0.702010 0.616237 0.399496 0.600504
0 0.702820 0.627707 0.359024 0.640976
2 0.708724 0.801756 0.063786 0.936214
1 0.709807 0.846179 0.009670 0.990330
sort max_gld_weight : "0.02204139128214753"
sort max_gld_weight : "0.9903300366638084"
Returns Volatility btc_weight gld_weight
count 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000
mean 0.702760 0.745532 0.361987 0.638013
std 0.007706 0.114057 0.385321 0.385321
min 0.690441 0.616237 0.009670 0.022041
25% 0.702010 0.627707 0.063786 0.600504
50% 0.702820 0.801756 0.359024 0.640976
75% 0.708724 0.835780 0.399496 0.936214
max 0.709807 0.846179 0.977959 0.990330
desc max_gld_weight : "0.9903300366638084"
max val gld:
Returns Volatility btc_weight gld_weight
1 0.709807 0.846179 0.00967 0.99033
Returns Volatility btc_weight gld_weight
1 0.709807 0.846179 0.00967 0.99033
Update 1 :
for x in range(ranger):
weights = np.random.random(2)
print (weights)
a = weights[0]/np.sum(weights) # see comments below.
print (weights[0])
b = weights[1]/np.sum(weights) # see comments below.
print (weights[1])
print ('w0 + w1=', weights[0] + weights[1])
weights /= np.sum(weights)
print('a=', a, 'b=',b , 'a+b=', a+b)
The new output becomes for example:
[0.37710183 0.72933416]
w0 + w1= 1.1064359862762474
a= 0.34082570882790686 b= 0.6591742911720931 a+b= 1.0
[0.09301326 0.05296838]
w0 + w1= 0.14598164871288544
a= 0.637157240181712 b= 0.3628427598182879 a+b= 1.0
[0.48501305 0.56078073]
w0 + w1= 1.0457937791329663
a= 0.46377503928658087 b= 0.5362249607134192 a+b= 1.0
[0.41271663 0.89734662]
w0 + w1= 1.3100632441215612
a= 0.31503564986069105 b= 0.6849643501393089 a+b= 1.0
[0.11854074 0.57862593]
w0 + w1= 0.697166669791925
a= 0.1700321364950252 b= 0.8299678635049749 a+b= 1.0
Results printed outside the for-loop:
[0.17003214 0.82996786]

How can I improve this solution to make it faster using numpy?

The problem statement:
An unnamed tourist got lost in New York. All he has is a map of M
metro stations, which shows the coordinates of the stations and his
own coordinates, which he saw on the nearby pointer. The tourist is
not sure that each of the stations is open, therefore, just in case,
he is looking for the nearest N stations. The tourist moves
through New York City like every New Yorker (Distance of city
quarters). Help the tourist to find these stations.
Sample input
5 2
А 1 2
B 4.5 1.2
C 100500 100500
D 100501 100501
E 100502 100502
1 1
Sample output
My code:
import scipy.spatial.distance as d
import math
#finds N nearest metro stations in relation to the tourist
def find_shortest_N(distance_list, name_list, number_of_stations):
result = []
for num in range(0, number_of_stations):
min_val_index = distance_list.index(min(distance_list))
return result
#returns a list with distances between touri and stations
def calculate_nearest(list_of_coords, tourist_coords):
distances = []
for metro_coords in list_of_coords:
distances.append(math.fabs(d.cityblock(metro_coords, tourist_coords)))
return distances
station_coords = []
station_names = []
input_stations = input("Input a number of stations: ").split()
input_stations = list(map(int, input_stations))
#all station coordinates and their names
station_M = input_stations[0]
#number of stations a tourist wants to visit
stations_wanted_N = input_stations[1]
#distribute the station names in station_names list
#and the coordinates in station_coords list
for data in range(0, station_M):
str_input = input()
list_input = str_input.split()
list_input = list(map(float, list_input))
tourist_coordinates = input("Enter tourist position: ").split()
tourist_coordinates = list(map(float, tourist_coordinates))
distance_values = calculate_nearest(station_coords, tourist_coordinates)
result = find_shortest_N(distance_values, station_names, stations_wanted_N)
for name in result:
print(name, end=" ")
You could also, for example, directly use the cdist function:
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
sample_input = '''
5 2
А 1 2
B 4.5 1.2
C 100500 100500
D 100501 100501
E 100502 100502
1 1
# Parsing the input data:
sample_data = [line.split()
for line in sample_input.strip().split('\n')]
tourist_coords = np.array(sample_data.pop(), dtype=float) # takes the last line
nbr_stations, nbr_wanted = [int(n) for n in sample_data.pop(0)] # takes the first line
stations_coords = np.array([line[1:] for line in sample_data], dtype=float)
stations_names = [line[0] for line in sample_data]
# Computing the distances:
tourist_coords = tourist_coords.reshape(1, 2) # have to be a 2D array
distance = cdist(stations_coords, tourist_coords, metric='cityblock')
# Sorting the distances:
sorted_distance = sorted(zip(stations_names, distance), key=lambda x:x[1])
# Result:
result = [name for name, dist in sorted_distance[:nbr_wanted]]
Use scipy.spatial.KDTree
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
subway_tree = KDTree(stations_coords)
dist, idx = subway_tree.query(tourist_coords, nbr_wanted, p = 1)
nearest_stations = station_names[idx]

Python Pandas: bootstrap confidence limits by row rather than entire dataframe

What I am trying to do is to get bootstrap confidence limits by row regardless of the number of rows and make a new dataframe from the output.I currently can do this for the entire dataframe, but not by row. The data I have in my actual program looks similar to what I have below:
0 1 2
0 1 2 3
1 4 1 4
2 1 2 3
3 4 1 4
I want the new dataframe to look something like this with the lower and upper confidence limits:
0 1
0 1 2
1 1 5.5
2 1 4.5
3 1 4.2
The current generated output looks like this:
0 1
0 2.0 2.75
The python 3 code below generates a mock dataframe and generates the bootstrap confidence limits for the entire dataframe. The result is a new dataframe with just 2 values, a upper and a lower confidence limit rather than 4 sets of 2(one for each row).
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scikits.bootstrap as sci
zz = pd.DataFrame([[[1,2],[2,3],[3,6]],[[4,2],[1,4],[4,6]],
x= zz.dtypes
a = pd.DataFrame(np.array(zz.values.tolist())[:, :, 0],zz.index, zz.columns)
b =
b = pd.DataFrame(b)
b = b.T
Thank you for any help.
scikits.bootstrap operates by assuming that data samples are arranged by row, not by column. If you want the opposite behavior, just use the transpose, and a statfunction that doesn't combine columns.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scikits.bootstrap as sci
zz = pd.DataFrame([[[1,2],[2,3],[3,6]],[[4,2],[1,4],[4,6]],
x= zz.dtypes
a = pd.DataFrame(np.array(zz.values.tolist())[:, :, 0],zz.index, zz.columns)
b =, statfunction=lambda x: np.average(x, axis=0))
Below is the answer I ended up figuring out to create bootstrap ci by row.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
zz = pd.DataFrame([[[1,2],[2,3],[3,6]],[[4,2],[1,4],[4,6]],
x= zz.dtypes
a = pd.DataFrame(np.array(zz.values.tolist())[:, :, 0],zz.index, zz.columns)
def bootstrap(data, num_samples, statistic, alpha):
n = len(data)
idx = npr.randint(0, n, (num_samples, n))
samples = data[idx]
stat = np.sort(statistic(samples, 1))
return (stat[int((alpha/2.0)*num_samples)],
cc = list(a.index.values) # informs generator of the number of rows
def bootbyrow(cc):
for xx in range(1):
xx = list(a.index.values)
for xx in range(len(cc)):
k = a.apply(lambda y: y[xx])
k = k.values
for xx in range(1):
kk = list(bootstrap(k,10000,np.mean,0.05))
yield list(kk)
abc = pd.DataFrame(list(bootbyrow(cc))) #bootstrap ci by row
# the next 4 just show that its working correctly
a0 = bootstrap((a.loc[0,].values),10000,np.mean,0.05)
a1 = bootstrap((a.loc[1,].values),10000,np.mean,0.05)
a2 = bootstrap((a.loc[2,].values),10000,np.mean,0.05)
a3 = bootstrap((a.loc[3,].values),10000,np.mean,0.05)

How can I make my code call each file in the correct sequence?

I have a folder with 38 files. The names are like this:
AWA_s1_features.mat, AWA_s2_features.mat......AWA_s38_features.mat
Each file is an array with 28 columns but with different # of rows. For example: AWA_s1_features.mat = (139,28), AWA_s2_features.mat = (199, 28) and so on.
As I am doing machine learning I need to join all these files in 1 huge array and label each row. So for the 139 rows of AWA_s1_features.mat there must be 139 1s; for AWA_s2_features.mat there must be 199 2s, and so on until AWA_s38_features.mat which must have a # of 38s.
This is what I mean:
I wrote some code. But I have found that the files are not called in order and therefore the labeling is wrong. For example, AWA_s1_features.mat is not the first file to be called and it has been labeled as 11. AWA_s2_features.mat has been labeled as 21.
So how can I improve my code so that it calls each file in the correct sequence?
Here is the code:
import numpy as np
import as sio
import glob
read_files = glob.glob('I:/2D/Features 2D/AWA_s*.mat')
x = np.array([])
y = np.array([])
q = 1
for f in read_files:
x = np.concatenate((x, l), axis=0) if x.size else l
y_temp = q*np.ones((l.shape[0],1))
y = np.concatenate((y, y_temp), axis=0) if y.size else y_temp
q = q + 1
sio.savemat('AWA_FeaturesAll.mat', {'x':x, 'y':y})
The problem is that the default sorting is alphabetical, meaning that "11" comes before "2". You want numerical sorting and one way would be to use the sorted function with a key parameter, like so:
import numpy as np
import as sio
import glob
read_files = glob.glob('I:/2D/Features 2D/AWA_s*.mat')
x = np.array([])
y = np.array([])
q = 1
for f in sorted(read_files, key=lambda f: int(f.split('_')[1][1:])):
x = np.concatenate((x, l), axis=0) if x.size else l
y_temp = q*np.ones((l.shape[0],1))
y = np.concatenate((y, y_temp), axis=0) if y.size else y_temp
q = q + 1
sio.savemat('AWA_FeaturesAll.mat', {'x':x, 'y':y})
