What, in Haskell, does an underscore preceding a variable mean? - haskell

I was browsing the source of Data.Foldable, where I came accross Endo #. f, and upon clicking this link, was confronted with:
(#.) _f = coerce
Now, first, I don't know what coerce and the before-that mentioned Coercible is, however, it baffles me more what the _f could mean. I have searched "Haskell underscore before variable" and similar and have only found discussions about the _ pattern matching syntax.

According to the Haskell spec, it is just another possible name for a variable. But the truth is a bit longer, because most Haskell developers write code specifically for GHC, and this is one of those times.
GHC has lots of helpful warnings; one is to warn you when you write a pattern that binds a variable that isn't used in the body of the function. It's pretty handy, and has caught a couple bugs of mine. However, it has a knock-on effect: if you write a function that uses some of the variables only in one clause or the other, you get a warning. For example, here is a very natural definition of foldr on lists:
foldr f z [] = z
foldr f z (x:xs) = x `f` foldr f z xs
Oops! We didn't use f in the first clause, and we'll get a warning. Okay, so it's easy enough to fix:
foldr _ z [] = z
foldr f z (x:xs) = x `f` foldr f z xs
Unfortunately now we've lost the information about what that first variable's role in the code is supposed to be. In this case, foldr is so familiar that it's no big loss, but in unfamiliar codebases with functions that take a lot of arguments, it can be nice to know what data is ignored by each "hole". So GHC adds a special rule: the warning about unused variables doesn't warn you about variable names that start with _ -- by analogy to the _ pattern that it also doesn't warn you about. So now I can write:
foldr _f z [] = z
foldr f z (x:xs) = x `f` foldr f z xs
Now I get the best of both worlds: I get a nice warning if I forget to use a variable I bound, and I can still give the reader information about the meaning of the holes in patterns that I don't need for the current clause. (As a side note, I'd love an additional warning that reported if I do mistakenly use a variable starting with _, but I don't think it exists at the moment! It sounds stupid ("just don't type _ in a function body"), but I've found my editor's tab-completion occasionally inserting them for me, and it would be easy not to notice if you were coding quickly.)

It's just a convention to mark an unused variable. As you see, _f isn't used in the definition of #., so it is marked with the underscore.


Sharing vs. non-sharing fixed-point combinator

This is the usual definition of the fixed-point combinator in Haskell:
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = let x = f x in x
On https://wiki.haskell.org/Prime_numbers, they define a different fixed-point combinator:
_Y :: (t -> t) -> t
_Y g = g (_Y g) -- multistage, non-sharing, g (g (g (g ...)))
-- g (let x = g x in x) -- two g stages, sharing
_Y is a non-sharing fixpoint combinator, here arranging for a recursive "telescoping" multistage primes production (a tower of producers).
What exactly does this mean? What is "sharing" vs. "non-sharing" in that context? How does _Y differ from fix?
"Sharing" means f x re-uses the x that it creates; but with _Y g = g . g . g . g . ..., each g calculates its output anew (cf. this and this).
In that context, the sharing version has much worse memory usage, leads to a space leak.1
The definition of _Y mirrors the usual lambda calculus definition's effect for the Y combinator, which emulates recursion by duplication, while true recursion refers to the same (hence, shared) entity.
x = f x
(_Y g) = g (_Y g)
both xs refer to the same entity, but each of (_Y g)s refer to equivalent, but separate, entity. That's the intention of it, anyway.
Of course thanks to referential transparency there's no guarantee in Haskell the language for any of this. But GHC the compiler does behave this way.
_Y g is a common sub-expression and it could be "eliminated" by a compiler by giving it a name and reusing that named entity, subverting the whole purpose of it. That's why the GHC has the "no common sub-expressions elimination" -fno-cse flag which prevents this explicitly. It used to be that you had to use this flag to achieve the desired behaviour here, but not anymore. GHC won't be as aggressive at common sub-expressions elimination anymore, with the more recent (read: several years now) versions.
disclaimer: I'm the author of that part of the page you're referring to. Was hoping for the back-and-forth that's usual on wiki pages, but it never came, so my work didn't get reviewed like that. Either no-one bothered, or it is passable (lacking major errors). The wiki seems to be largely abandoned for many years now.
1 The g function involved,
(3:) . minus [5,7..] . foldr (\ (x:xs) ⟶ (x:) . union xs) []
. map (\ p ⟶ [p², p² + 2p..])
produces an increasing stream of all odd primes given an increasing stream of all odd primes. To produce a prime N in value, it consumes its input stream up to the first prime above sqrt(N) in value, at least. Thus the production points are given roughly by repeated squaring, and there are ~ log (log N) of such g functions in total in the chain (or "tower") of these primes producers, each immediately garbage collectible, the lowest one producing its primes given just the first odd prime, 3, known a priori.
And with the two-staged _Y2 g = g x where { x = g x } there would be only two of them in the chain, but only the top one would be immediately garbage collectible, as discussed at the referenced link above.
_Y is translated to the following STG:
_Y f = let x = _Y f in f x
fix is translated identically to the Haskell source:
fix f = let x = f x in x
So fix f sets up a recursive thunk x and returns it, while _Y is a recursive function, and importantly it’s not tail-recursive. Forcing _Y f enters f, passing a new call to _Y f as an argument, so each recursive call sets up a new thunk; forcing the x returned by fix f enters f, passing x itself as an argument, so each recursive call is into the same thunk—this is what’s meant by “sharing”.
The sharing version usually has better memory usage, and also lets the GHC RTS detect some kinds of infinite loop. When a thunk is forced, before evaluation starts, it’s replaced with a “black hole”; if at any point during evaluation of a thunk a black hole is reached from the same thread, then we know we have an infinite loop and can throw an exception (which you may have seen displayed as Exception: <<loop>>).
I think you already received excellent answers, from a GHC/Haskell perspective. I just wanted to chime in and add a few historical/theoretical notes.
The correspondence between unfolding and cyclic views of recursion is rigorously studied in Hasegawa's PhD thesis: https://www.springer.com/us/book/9781447112211
(Here's a shorter paper that you can read without paying Springer: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F3-540-62688-3_37.pdf)
Hasegawa assumes a traced monoidal category, a requirement that is much less stringent than the usual PCPO assumption of domain theory, which forms the basis of how we think about Haskell in general. What Hasegawa showed was that one can define these "sharing" fixed point operators in such a setting, and established that they correspond to the usual unfolding view of fixed points from Church's lambda-calculus. That is, there is no way to tell them apart by making them produce different answers.
Hasegawa's correspondence holds for what's known as central arrows; i.e., when there are no "effects" involved. Later on, Benton and Hyland extended this work and showed that the correspondence holds for certain cases when the underlying arrow can perform "mild" monadic effects as well: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/7b5c/8ed42a65dbd37355088df9dde122efc9653d.pdf
Unfortunately, Benton and Hyland only allow effects that are quite "mild": Effects like the state and environment monads fit the bill, but not general effects like exceptions, lists, or IO. (The fixed point operators for these effectful computations are known as mfix in Haskell, with the type signature (a -> m a) -> m a, and they form the basis of the recursive-do notation.)
It's still an open question how to extend this work to cover arbitrary monadic effects. Though it doesn't seem to be receiving much attention these days. (Would make a great PhD topic for those interested in the correspondence between lambda-calculus, monadic effects, and graph-based computations.)

A real life example when pattern matching is more preferable than a case expression in Haskell?

So I have been busy with the Real World Haskell book and I did the lastButOne exercise. I came up with 2 solutions, one with pattern matching
lastButOne :: [a] -> a
lastButOne ([]) = error "Empty List"
lastButOne (x:[]) = error "Only one element"
lastButOne (x:[x2]) = x
lastButOne (x:xs) = lastButOne xs
And one using a case expression
lastButOneCase :: [a] -> a
lastButOneCase x =
case x of
[] -> error "Empty List"
(x:[]) -> error "Only One Element"
(x:[x2]) -> x
(x:xs) -> lastButOneCase xs
What I wanted to find out is when would pattern matching be preferred over case expressions and vice versa. This example was not good enough for me because it seems that while both of the functions work as intended, it did not lead me to choose one implementation over the other. So the choice "seems" preferential at first glance?
So are there good cases by means of source code, either in haskell's own source or github or somewhere else, where one is able to see when either method is preferred or not?
First a short terminology diversion: I would call both of these "pattern matching". I'm not sure there is a good term for distinguishing pattern-matching-via-case and pattern-matching-via-multiple-definition.
The technical distinction between the two is quite light indeed. You can verify this yourself by asking GHC to dump the core it generates for the two functions, using the -ddump-simpl flag. I tried this at a few different optimization levels, and in all cases the only differences in the Core were naming. (By the way, if anyone knows a good "semantic diff" program for Core -- which knows about at the very least alpha equivalence -- I'm very interested in hearing about it!)
There are a few small gotchas to watch out for, though. You might wonder whether the following is also equivalent:
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
lastButOne = \case
[] -> error "Empty List"
(x:[]) -> error "Only One Element"
(x:[x2]) -> x
(x:xs) -> lastButOneCase xs
In this case, the answer is yes. But consider this similar-looking one:
-- ambiguous type error
sort = \case
[] -> []
x:xs -> insert x (sort xs)
All of a sudden this is a typeclass-polymorphic CAF, and so on old GHCs this will trigger the monomorphism restriction and cause an error, whereas the superficially identical version with an explicit argument does not:
-- this is fine!
sort [] = []
sort (x:xs) = insert x (sort xs)
The other minor difference (which I forgot about -- thank you to Thomas DuBuisson for reminding me) is in the handling of where clauses. Since where clauses are attached to binding sites, they cannot be shared across multiple equations but can be shared across multiple cases. For example:
-- error; the where clause attaches to the second equation, so
-- empty is not in scope in the first equation
null [] = empty
null (x:xs) = nonempty
where empty = True
nonempty = False
-- ok; the where clause attaches to the equation, so both empty
-- and nonempty are in scope for the entire case expression
null x = case x of
[] -> empty
x:xs -> nonempty
empty = True
nonempty = False
You might think this means you can do something with equations that you can't do with case expressions, namely, have different meanings for the same name in the two equations, like this:
null [] = answer where answer = True
null (x:xs) = answer where answer = False
However, since the patterns of case expressions are binding sites, this can be emulated in case expressions as well:
null x = case x of
[] -> answer where answer = True
x:xs -> answer where answer = False
Whether the where clause is attached to the case's pattern or to the equation depends on indentation, of course.
If I recall correctly both these will "desugar" into the same core code in ghc, so the choice is purely stylistic. Personally I would go for the first one. As someone said, its shorter, and what you term "pattern matching" is intended to be used this way. (Actually the second version is also pattern matching, just using a different syntax for it).
It's a stylistic preference. Some people sometimes argue that one choice or another makes certain code changes take less effort, but I generally find such arguments, even when accurate, don't actually amount to a big improvement. So do as you like.
A perspective that's well worth bringing into this is Hudak, Hughes, Peyton Jones and Wadler's paper "A History of Haskell: Being Lazy With Class". Section 4.4 is about this topic. The short story: Haskell supports both because the designers couldn't agree on one over the other. Yep, again, it's a stylistic preference.
When you're matching on more than one expression, case expressions start to look more attractive.
f pat11 pat21 = ...
f pat11 pat22 = ...
f pat11 pat23 = ...
f pat12 pat24 = ...
f pat12 pat25 = ...
can be more annoying to write than
f pat11 y =
case y of
pat21 -> ...
pat22 -> ...
pat23 -> ...
f pat12 y =
case y of
pat24 -> ...
pat25 -> ...
More significantly, I've found that when using GADTs, the "declaration style" doesn't seem to propagate evidence from left to right the way I'd expect it to. There might be some trick I haven't worked out, but I end up having to nest case expressions to avoid spurious incomplete pattern warnings.

Rewriting as a practical optimization technique in GHC: Is it really needed?

I was reading the paper authored by Simon Peyton Jones, et al. named “Playing by the Rules: Rewriting as a practical optimization technique in GHC”. In the second section, namely “The basic idea” they write:
Consider the familiar map function, that applies a function to each element of a list. Written in Haskell, map looks like this:
map f [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
Now suppose that the compiler encounters the following call of map:
map f (map g xs)
We know that this expression is equivalent to
map (f . g) xs
(where “.” is function composition), and we know that the latter expression is more efficient than the former because there is no intermediate list. But the compiler has no such knowledge.
One possible rejoinder is that the compiler should be smarter --- but the programmer will always know things that the compiler cannot figure out. Another suggestion is this: allow the programmer to communicate such knowledge directly to the compiler. That is the direction we explore here.
My question is, why can't we make the compiler smarter? The authors say that “but the programmer will always know things that the compiler cannot figure out”. However, that's not a valid answer because the compiler can indeed figure out that map f (map g xs) is equivalent to map (f . g) xs, and here is how:
map f (map g xs)
map g xs unifies with map f [] = [].
Hence map g [] = [].
map f (map g []) = map f [].
map f [] unifies with map f [] = [].
Hence map f (map g []) = [].
map g xs unifies with map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs.
Hence map g (x:xs) = g x : map g xs.
map f (map g (x:xs)) = map f (g x : map g xs).
map f (g x : map g xs) unifies with map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs.
Hence map f (map g (x:xs)) = f (g x) : map f (map g xs).
Hence we now have the rules:
map f (map g []) = []
map f (map g (x:xs)) = f (g x) : map f (map g xs)
As you can see f (g x) is just (f . g) and map f (map g xs) is being called recursively. This is exactly the definition of map (f . g) xs. The algorithm for this automatic conversion seems to be pretty simple. So why not implement this instead of rewriting rules?
Aggressive inlining can derive many of the equalities that rewrite rules are short-hand for.
The differences is that inlining is "blind", so you don't know in advance if the result will be better or worse, or even if it will terminate.
Rewrite rules, however, can do completely non-obvious things, based on much higher level facts about the program. Think of rewrite rules as adding new axioms to the optimizer. By adding these you have a richer rule set to apply, making complicated optimizations easier to apply.
Stream fusion, for example, changes the data type representation. This cannot be expressed through inlining, as it involves a representation type change (we reframe the optimization problem in terms of the Stream ADT). Easy to state in rewrite rules, impossible with inlining alone.
Something in that direction was investigated in a Bachelor’s thesis of Johannes Bader, a student of mine: Finding Equations in Functional Programs (PDF file).
To some degree it is certainly possible, but
it is quite tricky. Finding such equations is in a sense as hard as finding proofs in a theorem proofer, and
it is not often very useful, because it tends to find equations that the programmer would rarely write directly.
It is however useful to clean up after other transformations such as inlining and various form of fusion.
This could be viewed as a balance between balancing expectations in the specific case, and balancing them in the general case. This balance can generate funny situations where you can know how to make something faster, but it is better for the language in general if you don't.
In the specific case of maps in the structure you give, the computer could find optimizations. However, what about related structures? What if the function isn't map? What if there's an additional layer of indirection, such as a function that returns map. In those cases, the compiler cannot optimize easily. This is the general case problem.
How if you do optimize the special case, one of two outcomes occurs
Nobody relies on it, because they aren't sure if it is there or not. In this case, articles like the one you quote get written
People do start relying on it, and now every developer is forced to remember "maps done in this configuration get automatically converted to the fast version for me, but if I do it in this configuration I don't.' This starts to manipulate the way people use the language, and can actually reduce readability!
Given the need for developers to think about such optimizations in the general case, we expect to see developers doing these optimizations in the simple case, decreasing the need to for the optimization in the first place!
Now, if it turns out that the particular case you are interested accounts for something massive like 2% of the world codebase in Haskell, there would be a much stronger argument for applying your special-case optimization.

what is the meaning of "let x = x in x" and "data Float#" in GHC.Prim in Haskell

I looked at the module of GHC.Prim and found that it seems that all datas in GHC.Prim are defined as data Float# without something like =A|B, and all functions in GHC.Prim is defined as gtFloat# = let x = x in x.
My question is whether these definations make sense and what they mean.
I checked the header of GHC.Prim like below
This is a generated file (generated by genprimopcode).
It is not code to actually be used. Its only purpose is to be
consumed by haddock.
I guess it may have some relations with the questions and who could please explain that to me.
It's magic :)
These are the "primitive operators and operations". They are hardwired into the compiler, hence there are no data constructors for primitives and all functions are bottom since they are necessarily not expressable in pure haskell.
(Bottom represents a "hole" in a haskell program, an infinite loop or undefined are examples of bottom)
To put it another way
These data declarations/functions are to provide access to the raw compiler internals. GHC.Prim exists to export these primitives, it doesn't actually implement them or anything (eg its code isn't actually useful). All of that is done in the compiler.
It's meant for code that needs to be extremely optimized. If you think you might need it, some useful reading about the primitives in GHC
A brief expansion of jozefg's answer ...
Primops are precisely those operations that are supplied by the runtime because they can't be defined within the language (or shouldn't be, for reasons of efficiency, say). The true purpose of GHC.Prim is not to define anything, but merely to export some operations so that Haddock can document their existence.
The construction let x = x in x is used at this point in GHC's codebase because the value undefined has not yet been, um, "defined". (That waits until the Prelude.) But notice that the circular let construction, just like undefined, is both syntactically correct and can have any type. That is, it's an infinite loop with the semantics of ⊥, just as undefined is.
... and an aside
Also note that in general the Haskell expression let x = z in y means "change the variable x to the expression z wherever x occurs in the expression y". If you're familiar with the lambda calculus, you should recognize this as the reduction rule for the application of the lambda abstraction \x -> y to the term z. So is the Haskell expression let x = x in x nothing more than some syntax on top of the pure lambda calculus? Let's take a look.
First, we need to account for the recursiveness of Haskell's let expressions. The lambda calculus does not admit recursive definitions, but given a primitive fixed-point operator fix,1 we can encode recursiveness explicitly. For example, the Haskell expression let x = x in x has the same meaning as (fix \r x -> r x) z.2 (I've renamed the x on the right side of the application to z to emphasize that it has no implicit relation to the x inside the lambda).
Applying the usual definition of a fixed-point operator, fix f = f (fix f), our translation of let x = x in x reduces (or rather doesn't) like this:
(fix \r x -> r x) z ==>
(\s y -> s y) (fix \r x -> r x) z ==>
(\y -> (fix \r x -> r x) y) z ==>
(fix \r x -> r x) z ==> ...
So at this point in the development of the language, we've introduced the semantics of ⊥ from the foundation of the (typed) lambda calculus with a built-in fixed-point operator. Lovely!
We need a primitive fixed-point operation (that is, one that is built into the language) because it's impossible to define a fixed-point combinator in the simply typed lambda calculus and its close cousins. (The definition of fix in Haskell's Prelude doesn't contradict this—it's defined recursively, but we need a fixed-point operator to implement recursion.)
If you haven't seen this before, you should read up on fixed-point recursion in the lambda calculus. A text on the lambda calculus is best (there are some free ones online), but some Googling should get you going. The basic idea is that we can convert a recursive definition into a non-recursive one by abstracting over the recursive call, then use a fixed-point combinator to pass our function (lambda abstraction) to itself. The base-case of a well-defined recursive definition corresponds to a fixed point of our function, so the function executes, calling itself over and over again until it hits a fixed point, at which point the function returns its result. Pretty damn neat, huh?

Is it recommended to always have exhaustive pattern matches in Haskell, even for "impossible" cases?

Is it recommended to always have exhaustive pattern matches in Haskell, even for "impossible" cases?
For example, in the following code, I am pattern matching on the "accumulator" of a foldr. I am in complete control of the contents of the accumulator, because I create it (it is not passed to me as input, but rather built within my function). Therefore, I know certain patterns should never match it. If I strive to never get the "Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive" error, then I would place a pattern match for it that simply error's with the message "This pattern should never happen." Much like an assert in C#. I can't think of anything else to do there.
What practice would you recommend in this situation and why?
Here's the code:
gb_groupBy p input = foldr step [] input
step item acc = case acc of
[] -> [[item]]
((x:xs):ys) -> if p x item
then (item:x:xs):ys
else [item]:acc
The pattern not matched (as reported by the interpreter) is:
Warning: Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
In a case alternative: Patterns not matched: [] : _
This is probably more a matter of style than anything else. Personally, I would put in a
_ -> error "Impossible! Empty list in step"
if only to silence the warning :)
You can resolve the warning in this special case by doing this:
gb_groupBy p input = foldr step [] input
step item acc = case acc of
[] -> [[item]]
(xs:xss) -> if p (head xs) item
then (item:xs):xss
else [item]:acc
The pattern matching is then complete, and the "impossible" condition of an empty list at the head of the accumulator would cause a runtime error but no warning.
Another way of looking at the more general problem of incomplete pattern matchings is to see them as a "code smell", i.e. an indication that we're trying to solve a problem in a suboptimal, or non-Haskellish, way, and try to rewrite our functions.
Implementing groupBy with a foldr makes it impossible to apply it to an infinite list, which is a design goal that the Haskell List functions try to achieve wherever semantically reasonable. Consider
take 5 $ groupBy (==) someFunctionDerivingAnInfiniteList
If the first 5 groups w.r.t. equality are finite, lazy evaluation will terminate. This is something you can't do in a strictly evaluated language. Even if you don't work with infinite lists, writing functions like this will yield better performance on long lists, or avoid the stack overflow that occurs when evaluating expressions like
take 5 $ gb_groupBy (==) [1..1000000]
In List.hs, groupBy is implemented like this:
groupBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupBy _ [] = []
groupBy eq (x:xs) = (x:ys) : groupBy eq zs
where (ys,zs) = span (eq x) xs
This enables the interpreter/compiler to evaluate only the parts of the computation necessary for the result.
span yields a pair of lists, where the first consists of (consecutive) elements from the head of the list all satisfying a predicate, and the second is the rest of the list. It's also implemented to work on infinite lists.
I find exhaustiveness checking on case patterns indispensible. I try never to use _ in a case at top level, because _ matches everything, and by using it you vitiate the value of exhaustiveness checking. This is less important with lists but critical important with user-defined algebraic data types, because I want to be able to add a new constructor and have the compiler barf on all the missing cases. For this reason I always compile with -Werror turned on, so there is no way I can leave out a case.
As observed, your code can be extended with this case
[] : _ -> error "this can't happen"
Internally, GHC has a panic function, which unlike error will give source coordinates, but I looked at the implementation and couldn't make head or tail of it.
To follow up on my earlier comment, I realised that there is a way to acknowledge the missing case but still get a useful error with file/line number. It's not ideal as it'll only appear in unoptimized builds, though (see here).
[]:xs -> assert False (error "unreachable because I know everything")
The type system is your friend, and the warning is letting you know your function has cracks. The very best approach is to go for a cleaner, more elegant fit between types.
Consider ghc's definition of groupBy:
groupBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupBy _ [] = []
groupBy eq (x:xs) = (x:ys) : groupBy eq zs
where (ys,zs) = span (eq x) xs
My point of view is that an impossible case is undefined.
If it's undefined we have a function for it: the cunningly named undefined.
Complete your matching with the likes of:
_ -> undefined
And there you have it!
