Linear Programming Excel Solver - excel

I am trying to minimize the objective function in B19. Why the solver can't find any feasible solution? I can't understand. Basically the model is:
- xi
- xi is boolean
- sum(li * xi') < F
- li * xi > F' , foreach i
Objective function:
- sum(xi * di)

Yes, the set of constraints that you currently have, when combined are infeasible.
If you relax them a little, Excel will find the optimal solution.
First, look at pi * xi > 0.6 for all i
This does two things. Since all pi is greater than 0, all the xi variables are forced to be 1. (0 is not possible)
Also, look at the last column, xi. Since that pi is 0.2, even for x=1, xi * pi cannot be >0.6. (To find a feasible solution, you have to lower your P' to be 0.2
Now look at your other constraint:
sum of pi * xi < 5
All your pi's add up to 5.4. And due to the previous set of constraints, all the X's are forced to take on the value of 1. So you have to make B10 to be at least 5.4.
All that said, I suspect that you don't want your xi to be binary. Perhaps, you want them to be 0 <= xi <= 1, that is, they can take fractional values as well.
After relaxing the values of B10 and B16, Excel was able to find a solution. See image below.
Update Based on OP's Clarification
Your Xi variables are fine. 0 means taxi is running, 1 means it will go for repair.
Objective function: Minimize cost of repair (Sumproduct of Ci Xi) is also fine.
You have to change the Individual taxi constraint. As the problem defines it, pi = 0 is good, pi of 1 is bad. The company doesn't want ANY taxi to have its pi more than a threshold P'.
Constraint: pi * (1-Xi) <= 0.6 (say)
Think about this: As soon as any taxi's pi crosses the threshold, it will be forced to go for repair since Xi will have to become 1.
The global availability: For this, you can simply sum up the 'available taxis' and make sure that there are more than the required minimum (say 5)
sum(1-xi) >=5
If you set up your Excel model this way, you will get a feasible solution.
See Image below:
Update 2: Including a Global Degradation Index cap
If instead of constraint 4. above, you wanted a constraint that kept the sum of all pi's under some limit you would do the following:
(1-xi) is the indicator for a taxi in service.
So this constraint becomes:
Sum of pi * (1-xi) <= P'
For convenience, you can create a row in Excel which is (1-xi) and then use Sumproduct of that row and the pi row.
Hope that helps.


(in excel) randomly generating a power law distribution

I am trying to simulate a number of different distribution types for a project using Excel. Right now, I have generated a normal distribution with a mean of 35 and a standard deviation of 3.33. So far so good.
I would like to also generate some other distribution types.
One I have tried is a lognormal. To get that, I am using the following code:
It produces some output, but I would welcome anyone's input on the syntax.
What I really want to try to do is a power law distribution. From what I can tell, Excel does not have a built-in function to randomly generate this data. Does anyone know of a way to do it, besides switching software packages?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
For the (type I) Pareto distribution, if the parameters are a min value xm and an exponent alpha then the cdf is given by
p = 1 - (xm/x)^alpha
This gives the probability, p, that the random variable takes on a value which is <= x. This is easy to invert, so you can use inverse sampling to generate random variables which follow that distribution:
x = xm/(1-p)^(1/alpha) = xm*(1-p)^(-1/alpha)
If p is uniform over [0,1] then so is 1-p, so in the above you can just use RAND() to simulate 1/p. Thus, in Excel if you wanted to e.g. simulate a type-1 Pareto distribution with xm = 2 and alpha = 3, you would use the formula:
= 2 * RAND()^(-1/3)
If you are going to be doing this sort of thing a lot with different distributions, you might want to consider using R, which can be called directly from Excel using the REXcel add-in. R has a very large number of built-in distributions that it can directly sample from (and it also uses a better underlying random number generator than Excel does).

Traveling salesman TSP: Brute algorithm improvement

According to wiki it will take (N-1)! to calculate a tour with N cities. I found a better way to do it but I can't do the math to calculate just how much I improved it. I can tell you that on my home pc I been able to solve 20 cities map in less than 1 hour. 20! = 2.43290200e+18. Here is what I did:
When searching a route of N cities (lets give them a names: City(1), City(2), City(3)... City(N)) with the brout algorithm, you will first perform this test: City(1), City(2), City(3), City(4)... City(N) and some time after, this one: City(1), City(3), City(2), City(4)... City(N). I am claiming that the second calculation is unnecessary. If I calculated just once the shortest route for City(4) ... City(N) I can use it for my second calculation and determine which route is better.
Using this trick I can reduce the number of calculation that I am doing for the K city by: (N - k) which is the number of options that I can shouse who will be the first city, multiply (N - K - 1)! which is the number of options that I have to choose the rest of the cities, and minus the first time, that I need to perform the full calculation. So it will be (N - K)!. And you need to sum it for all the K's starting from k = 3 to k = N - 2.
This is as far as I went,(which is not to far)... I hope you be able to help me to calculate this.
Storing and reusing results you've already calculated is the basic idea behind dynamic programming, for the TSP there are dynamic programming algorithms that runs with O[(N^2)*(2^N)] time, which will yield quicker result than your algorithm (you'll be able to solve problems with 25 vertices within minutes...)
See: Dynamic Programming for the TSP

Randomly select increasing subset of data to see where mean levels off

Could anyone please advise the best way to do the following?
I have three variables (X, Y & Z) and four groups (1, 2, 3 & 4). I have been using discriminant function analysis in SPSS to predict group membership of known grouped data for use with future ungrouped data.
Ideally I would like to able to randomly sample an increasing number of a subset of the data to see how many observations are required to hit a desired correct classification percentage.
However, I understand this might be difficult. Therefore, I'm looking to to do this for the means.
For example, Lets say variable X has a mean of 141 for group 1. This mean might have been calculated from 2000 observations. However, it might be the case that the mean occurred at say 700 observations. I would like to be able to calculate at what number of observations/cases the mean levels of in my data. For example, perhaps starting at 10 observations and repeating this randomly say 50 or 100 times, then increasing to 20 observations....and so on.
I understand this is a form of monte carlo testing. I have access to SPSS 15, 17 and 18 and excel. I also have access to minitab 15 & 16 and amos17 and have downloaded "R" but im not familiar with these. My experience is with SPSS and excel. I have tried some syntax in SPSS Modified from this.. but this would still be quite time consuming on my part to enter the subset number ect etc.
Hope some one can help.
Thanks for reading.
The text you linked to is a good start (you can also use the SAMPLE command in SPSS, but IMO the Raynald script you linked to is more flexible when you think about constructing the sample that way).
In pseudo-code, the process might look like;
do n for sample size (a to b)
loop 100 times
draw sample size n
compute (& save) statistics
Here is where SPSS's macro language comes into play (I think this document is a good introduction, plus you can examine other references on the SPSS tag wiki). Basically once you figure out how to draw the sample and compute the stats you want, you just need to figure out how to write a macro so you can loop through the process (and pass it the sample size parameter). I include the loop 100 times because you want to be able to make some type of estimate about the error associated with each sample size.
If you give an example of how you compute the statistics I may be able to give examples of how to make that into a macro function and loop through the desired number of times.
#Andy W
Thanks for your suggestions guys. Ive managed to find a work around using the following macro from......... However, for this I need to copy and paste the variable data for a given group into a new data window. Thats not to much of a problem. To take this further would anyone know how: 1/ I could get other statistics recorded eg std error, std dev ect ect. 2/Use other analysis, ideally discriminant function analysis and record in a new data window the percentage of correct classificcations rather than having lots of output tables 3/not need to copy and paste variables for each group so I can just run the macro specifying n samples for x variable on group 1, 2, 3 & 4.
Thanks again.
DEFINE !sample(myvar !TOKENS(1)
/nbsampl !TOKENS(1)
/size !CMDEND).
* myvar = the variable of interest (here we want the mean of salary)
* nbsampl = number of samples.
* size = the size of each samples.
!LET !first='1'
!DO !ss !IN (!size)
!DO !count = 1 !TO !nbsampl.
GET FILE='c:\Program Files\SPSS\employee data.sav'.
COMPUTE draw=uniform(1).
COMPUTE samplenb=!count.
COMPUTE ss=!ss.
/!myvar = MEAN(!myvar) /ss=FIRST(ss).
!IF (!first !NE '1') !THEN
ADD FILES /FILE=* /FILE='c:\temp\sample.sav'.
SAVE OUTFILE='c:\temp\sample.sav'.
!LET !first='0'
VARIABLE LABEL ss 'Sample size'.
* ----------------END OF MACRO ----------------------------------------------.
* Call macro (parameters are number of samples (here 20) and sizes of sample (here 5, 10,15,30,50).
* Thus 20 samples of size 5.
* Thus 20 samples of size 10, etc.
!sample myvar=salary nbsampl=20 size= 5 10 15 30 50.

How do I efficiently estimate a probability based on a small amount of evidence?

I've been trying to find an answer to this for months (to be used in a machine learning application), it doesn't seem like it should be a terribly hard problem, but I'm a software engineer, and math was never one of my strengths.
Here is the scenario:
I have a (possibly) unevenly weighted coin and I want to figure out the probability of it coming up heads. I know that coins from the same box that this one came from have an average probability of p, and I also know the standard deviation of these probabilities (call it s).
(If other summary properties of the probabilities of other coins aside from their mean and stddev would be useful, I can probably get them too.)
I toss the coin n times, and it comes up heads h times.
The naive approach is that the probability is just h/n - but if n is small this is unlikely to be accurate.
Is there a computationally efficient way (ie. doesn't involve very very large or very very small numbers) to take p and s into consideration to come up with a more accurate probability estimate, even when n is small?
I'd appreciate it if any answers could use pseudocode rather than mathematical notation since I find most mathematical notation to be impenetrable ;-)
Other answers:
There are some other answers on SO that are similar, but the answers provided are unsatisfactory. For example this is not computationally efficient because it quickly involves numbers way smaller than can be represented even in double-precision floats. And this one turned out to be incorrect.
Unfortunately you can't do machine learning without knowing some basic math---it's like asking somebody for help in programming but not wanting to know about "variables" , "subroutines" and all that if-then stuff.
The better way to do this is called a Bayesian integration, but there is a simpler approximation called "maximum a postieri" (MAP). It's pretty much like the usual thinking except you can put in the prior distribution.
Fancy words, but you may ask, well where did the h/(h+t) formula come from? Of course it's obvious, but it turns out that it is answer that you get when you have "no prior". And the method below is the next level of sophistication up when you add a prior. Going to Bayesian integration would be the next one but that's harder and perhaps unnecessary.
As I understand it the problem is two fold: first you draw a coin from the bag of coins. This coin has a "headsiness" called theta, so that it gives a head theta fraction of the flips. But the theta for this coin comes from the master distribution which I guess I assume is Gaussian with mean P and standard deviation S.
What you do next is to write down the total unnormalized probability (called likelihood) of seeing the whole shebang, all the data: (h heads, t tails)
L = (theta)^h * (1-theta)^t * Gaussian(theta; P, S).
Gaussian(theta; P, S) = exp( -(theta-P)^2/(2*S^2) ) / sqrt(2*Pi*S^2)
This is the meaning of "first draw 1 value of theta from the Gaussian" and then draw h heads and t tails from a coin using that theta.
The MAP principle says, if you don't know theta, find the value which maximizes L given the data that you do know. You do that with calculus. The trick to make it easy is that you take logarithms first. Define LL = log(L). Wherever L is maximized, then LL will be too.
LL = hlog(theta) + tlog(1-theta) + -(theta-P)^2 / (2*S^2)) - 1/2 * log(2*pi*S^2)
By calculus to look for extrema you find the value of theta such that dLL/dtheta = 0.
Since the last term with the log has no theta in it you can ignore it.
dLL/dtheta = 0 = (h/theta) + (P-theta)/S^2 - (t/(1-theta)) = 0.
If you can solve this equation for theta you will get an answer, the MAP estimate for theta given the number of heads h and the number of tails t.
If you want a fast approximation, try doing one step of Newton's method, where you start with your proposed theta at the obvious (called maximum likelihood) estimate of theta = h/(h+t).
And where does that 'obvious' estimate come from? If you do the stuff above but don't put in the Gaussian prior: h/theta - t/(1-theta) = 0 you'll come up with theta = h/(h+t).
If your prior probabilities are really small, as is often the case, instead of near 0.5, then a Gaussian prior on theta is probably inappropriate, as it predicts some weight with negative probabilities, clearly wrong. More appropriate is a Gaussian prior on log theta ('lognormal distribution'). Plug it in the same way and work through the calculus.
You can use p as a prior on your estimated probability. This is basically the same as doing pseudocount smoothing. I.e., use
(h + c * p) / (n + c)
as your estimate. When h and n are large, then this just becomes h / n. When h and n are small, this is just c * p / c = p. The choice of c is up to you. You can base it on s but in the end you have to decide how small is too small.
You don't have nearly enough info in this question.
How many coins are in the box? If it's two, then in some scenarios (for example one coin is always heads, the other always tails) knowing p and s would be useful. If it's more than a few, and especially if only some of the coins are only slightly weighted then it is not useful.
What is a small n? 2? 5? 10? 100? What is the probability of a weighted coin coming up heads/tail? 100/0, 60/40, 50.00001/49.99999? How is the weighting distributed? Is every coin one of 2 possible weightings? Do they follow a bell curve? etc.
It boils down to this: the differences between a weighted/unweighted coin, the distribution of weighted coins, and the number coins in your box will all decide what n has to be for you to solve this with a high confidence.
The name for what you're trying to do is a Bernoulli trial. Knowing the name should be helpful in finding better resources.
Response to comment:
If you have differences in p that small, you are going to have to do a lot of trials and there's no getting around it.
Assuming a uniform distribution of bias, p will still be 0.5 and all standard deviation will tell you is that at least some of the coins have a minor bias.
How many tosses, again, will be determined under these circumstances by the weighting of the coins. Even with 500 tosses, you won't get a strong confidence (about 2/3) detecting a .51/.49 split.
In general, what you are looking for is Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Wolfram Demonstration Project has an illustration of estimating the probability of a coin landing head, given a sample of tosses.
Well I'm no math man, but I think the simple Bayesian approach is intuitive and broadly applicable enough to put a little though into it. Others above have already suggested this, but perhaps if your like me you would prefer more verbosity.
In this lingo, you have a set of mutually-exclusive hypotheses, H, and some data D, and you want to find the (posterior) probabilities that each hypothesis Hi is correct given the data. Presumably you would choose the hypothesis that had the largest posterior probability (the MAP as noted above), if you had to choose one. As Matt notes above, what distinguishes the Bayesian approach from only maximum likelihood (finding the H that maximizes Pr(D|H)) is that you also have some PRIOR info regarding which hypotheses are most likely, and you want to incorporate these priors.
So you have from basic probability Pr(H|D) = Pr(D|H)*Pr(H)/Pr(D). You can estimate these Pr(H|D) numerically by creating a series of discrete probabilities Hi for each hypothesis you wish to test, eg [0.0,0.05, 0.1 ... 0.95, 1.0], and then determining your prior Pr(H) for each Hi -- above it is assumed you have a normal distribution of priors, and if that is acceptable you could use the mean and stdev to get each Pr(Hi) -- or use another distribution if you prefer. With coin tosses the Pr(D|H) is of course determined by the binomial using the observed number of successes with n trials and the particular Hi being tested. The denominator Pr(D) may seem daunting but we assume that we have covered all the bases with our hypotheses, so that Pr(D) is the summation of Pr(D|Hi)Pr(H) over all H.
Very simple if you think about it a bit, and maybe not so if you think about it a bit more.

Non-Uniform Random Number Generator Implementation?

I need a random number generator that picks numbers over a specified range with a programmable mean.
For example, I need to pick numbers between 2 and 14 and I need the average of the random numbers to be 5.
I use random number generators a lot. Usually I just need a uniform distribution.
I don't even know what to call this type of distribution.
Thank you for any assistance or insight you can provide.
You might be able to use a binomial distribution, if you're happy with the shape of that distribution. Set n=12 and p=0.25. This will give you a value between 0 and 12 with a mean of 3. Just add 2 to each result to get the range and mean you are looking for.
Edit: As for implementation, you can probably find a library for your chosen language that supports non-uniform distributions (I've written one myself for Java).
A binomial distribution can be approximated fairly easily using a uniform RNG. Simply perform n trials and record the number of successes. So if you have n=10 and p=0.5, it's just like flipping a coin 10 times in a row and counting the number of heads. For p=0.25 just generate uniformly-distributed values between 0 and 3 and only count zeros as successes.
If you want a more efficient implementation, there is a clever algorithm hidden away in the exercises of volume 2 of Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming.
You haven't said what distribution you are after. Regarding your specific example, a function which produced a uniform distribution between 2 and 8 would satisfy your requirements, strictly as you have written them :)
If you want a non-uniform distribution of the random number, then you might have to implement some sort of mapping, e.g:
// returns a number between 0..5 with a custom distribution
int MyCustomDistribution()
int r = rand(100); // random number between 0..100
if (r < 10) return 1;
if (r < 30) return 2;
if (r < 42) return 3;
Based on the Wikipedia sub-article about non-uniform generators, it would seem you want to apply the output of a uniform pseudorandom number generator to an area distribution that meets the desired mean.
You can create a non-uniform PRNG from a uniform one. This makes sense, as you can imagine taking a uniform PRNG that returns 0,1,2 and create a new, non-uniform PRNG by returning 0 for values 0,1 and 1 for the value 2.
There is more to it if you want specific characteristics on the distribution of your new, non-uniform PRNG. This is covered on the Wikipedia page on PRNGs, and the Ziggurat algorithm is specifically mentioned.
With those clues you should be able to search up some code.
My first idea would be:
generate numbers in the range 0..1
scale to the range -9..9 ( x-0.5; x*18)
shift range by 5 -> -4 .. 14 (add 5)
truncate the range to 2..14 (discard numbers < 2)
that should give you numbers in the range you want.
You need a distributed / weighted random number generator. Here's a reference to get you started.
Assign all numbers equal probabilities,
while currentAverage not equal to intendedAverage (whithin possible margin)
pickedNumber = pick one of the possible numbers (at random, uniform probability, if you pick intendedAverage pick again)
if (pickedNumber is greater than intendedAverage and currentAverage<intendedAverage) or (pickedNumber is less than intendedAverage and currentAverage>intendedAverage)
increase pickedNumber's probability by delta at the expense of all others, conserving sum=100%
decrease pickedNumber's probability by delta to the benefit of all others, conserving sum=100%
end if
delta=0.98*delta (the rate of decrease of delta should probably be experimented with)
end while
