Websockets: listen multiple connections simultaneously? - multithreading

I am working on a project which goal is to receive and store real time data from financial exchanges, using websockets. I have some very general questions about the technology.
Suppose that I have two websocket connections open, receiving real time data from two different servers. How do I make sure not to miss any messages? I have learned a bit of asynchronous programming (python asyncio) but it does not seem to solve the problem: when I listen to one connection, I cannot listen to the other one at the same time, right?
I can think of two solutions: the first one would require that the servers use a buffer system to send their data, but I do not think this is the case (Binance, Bitfinex...). The second solution I see is to listen each websocket using a different core. If my laptop has 8 cores I can listen to 8 connections and be sure not to miss any messages. I guess I can then scale up by using a cloud service.
Is that correct or am I missing something? Many thanks.

when I listen to one connection, I cannot listen to the other one at the same time, right?
When using an evented programming design, you will be using an IO "reactor" that adds IO related events to the event loop.
This allows your code to react to events from a number of connections.
It's true that the code reacts to the events in sequence, but as long as your code doesn't "block", these events could be handled swiftly and efficiently.
Blocking code should be avoided and big / complicated tasks should be fragmented into a number of "events". There should be no point at which your code is "blocking" (waiting) on an IO read or write.
This will allow your code to handle all the connections without significant delays.
...the first one would require that the servers use a buffer system to send their data...
Many evented frameworks use an internal buffer that streams to the IO when "ready" events are raised. For example, look up the drained event in node.js (or the on_ready in facil.io).
This is a convenience feature rather than a requirement.
The event loop might as well add an "on ready" event and assume your code will handle buffering after partial write calls return EAGAIN / EWOULDBLOCK.
The second solution I see is to listen each websocket using a different core.
No need. A single thread on a single core with an evented design should support thousands (and tens of thousands) of concurrent clients with reasonable loads (per-client load is a significant performance factor).
Attaching TCP/IP connections to a specific core can (sometimes) improve performance, but this is a many-to-one relationship. If we had to dedicate a CPU core per connection than server prices would shoot through the roof.


How to send big data via UDP socket?

Now I am building an application to send big data from client to server via UDP. I have some questions are:
Should I use one thread to send data or multi-threads to send data?
If I should use multi-threads to send data, I will use one socket for all threads or one socket per one thread?
Should I use one thread to send data or multi-threads to send data?
Either way can work, so it's mostly a matter of personal preference. If it was me, I would use a single thread rather than multiple threads, because multiple threads are a lot harder to implement correctly, and in this case they won't buy you any additional performance, since your throughput bottleneck is almost certainly going to be either your hard disk or your network card, not the speed of your CPU core(s).
If I should use multi-threads to send data, I will use one socket for all threads or one socket per one thread?
Again, either way will work (for UDP), but if it was me, I would use one socket per thread, only because then you don't have to worry so much about race conditions during process-setup and process-shutdown (i.e. each thread simply creates and destroys its own separate/private socket, so there's no worrying about who does what to the socket when)

Creating many communication instances in socket programming in c++ linux

I have created one application with server and client class which have methods for creating either creating a tcp socket or udp socket. Now my requirement is i have created two application instances of this application. Since application is in c++ in unix environment I am using putty software to run the application. I have opened two instances of putty. But now my requirement is as follows:
There can be multiple communication instances between the 2 application instances
Each communication instance, There can be multiple communication instances between the 2 application instances
Each communication instance, can be either UDP or TCP (determined from the config file)be either UDP or TCP (determined from the config fil
Anybody who knows how to create such multiple instances.
Hmm, so there are two processes, but they want the processes to be able to communicate with each other via more than one pair of sockets? i.e. you could have two (or more) TCP socket connections between the two processes, and/or two (or more) pairs of UDP sockets sending packets back and forth.
If my above paragraph is correct (i.e. if I haven't misunderstood the request), that is certainly possible, although it's not terribly obvious what advantage you'd gain by doing it. Nevertheless, what you'd need to do is have each instance of your application create multiple sockets (either by socket()+bind() for a UDP socket, or by socket()+bind()+listen()+accept() for accepting an incoming TCP connection, or by socket()+connect() to initiate a TCP connection to the other program instance.
The tricky part with managing multiple sockets is handling the waiting correctly. With just one socket you can often get away with using the default blocking I/O semantics, and that way you can end up treating the socket something like a file, and just let each send() or recv() operation (etc) take however long it needs to take to complete before it returns to your calling function.
With more than one socket, on the other hand, you typically want to be able to respond to data on any of the sockets that are ready, which means that you can't just block waiting on any one particular socket, because if you do that, you may end up stuck waiting for a long time (potentially forever!) before that blocking call returns, and in the meantime you are unable to handle any data coming in from any of the other sockets. (The problem becomes particularly obvious when one of the connections is to a computer whose plug was just pulled, as it will typically take the TCP stack several minutes to figure out that the remote computer has gone away)
To deal with the problem, you'll typically want to either use non-blocking I/O and a socket-multiplexing call (e.g. poll() or select() or kqueue()), or spawn multiple threads and let each thread handle a single socket. Neither approach is particularly easy -- the socket-multiplexing approach works well once you get the hang of it, but the multiplexing calls' semantics are somewhat complex, and it takes a while to understand fully how it is intended to work. Non-blocking I/O complicates things further, since it means your code has to correctly deal with partial reads and writes. The multithreading approach seems simpler at first, but it has its own much larger and more subtle set of 'gotchas' (race conditions, deadlocks) that can cause much pain in the long run if you aren't very careful about what the threads are doing and how.
ps Since you're in a Unix environment, a third possible approach would be to fork() a child process for each socket. This would be similar to the multithreading approach, except a bit safer since your "threads" would actually be processes and each would have their own separate memory space, and thus they'd be less likely to trip over each other while doing their work. The downside would be higher memory usage, and also it becomes a bit harder (and slower) for the processes to communicate with each other due to the process space separation.

How to design a scalable rpc call listener?

I have to listen for rpc calls , stack them somewhere , process them, and answer. The thing is that they are not run as soon as they come. The response is an ACK for each rpc call recieved.
The problem is that i want to design it in a way that i can have many listening servers writing in the same stack of calls, piling them up as they come.
My objective is to listen to as many calls as possible. How should i achieve this?
My main technology is Perl and node.js but would use any open source software for this task.
It sounds like any kind of job queue will do what you need it to; I'm personally a big fan of using Redis for this kind of thing. Since Redis lists maintain insertion order, you can simply LPUSH your RPC call info on to the end of the list from any number of web servers listening to the RPC calls, and somewhere else (in another process/on another machine, I assume) RPOP (or BRPOP) them off and process them.
Since Node.js uses fully asynchronous IO, assuming you're not doing a lot of processing in your RPC listeners (that is, you're only listening for requests, sending an ACK, and pushing onto Redis), my guess is that Node would be exceedingly efficient at this.
An aside on using Redis for a queue: if you want to ensure that, in the event of a catastrophic failure, jobs are not lost, you'll need to implement a little more logic; from the RPOPLPUSH documentation:
Pattern: Reliable queue
Redis is often used as a messaging server to implement processing of background jobs or other kinds of messaging
tasks. A simple form of queue is often obtained pushing values into a
list in the producer side, and waiting for this values in the consumer
side using RPOP (using polling), or BRPOP if the client is better
served by a blocking operation.
However in this context the obtained
queue is not reliable as messages can be lost, for example in the case
there is a network problem or if the consumer crashes just after the
message is received but it is still to process.
BRPOPLPUSH for the blocking variant) offers a way to avoid this
problem: the consumer fetches the message and at the same time pushes
it into a processing list. It will use the LREM command in order to
remove the message from the processing list once the message has been
An additional client may monitor the processing list for
items that remain there for too much time, and will push those timed
out items into the queue again if needed.

nodejs - Why Node.js can handle large number of simulteneous persistent connections?

I know Node.js is good at keeping large number of simultaneous persistent connections, for example, a chat room for many many chatters.
I am wondering how it achieves this. I mean anyway it is using TCP/IP which is encapsulated by the underlying OS, why it can handle persistent connections so well that others cannot?
What is the magic thing does it have?
Node.js makes all I/O asynchronous. It only runs in a single thread, but will do other requests or operations while waiting on I/O.
In contrast, classical web servers will not serve another request until the previous one is fully done. For this reason, Apache runs several processes at the same time; let's say there's 10 httpd processes, that normally means 10 requests can be served at any one time (*). If the processes take more time to complete, you will serve less requests - or will have to spawn more processes, even if the process is doing nothing - like waiting for the database to chew up and return data.
A node.js process, faced with a request that will go to the database, leaves the database to work while it goes to serve another request.
*) MPM makes this not quite true, but true enough for all intents and purposes.
Well, the thing is that most web servers (like apache etc.. ) works using thread spawning, where they spwan a new thread for every incoming HTTP request. these threads are synchronous and blocking in nature => which means they will execute the code in the order it is written and any further computation will be blocked by the current I/O or compute task. Like if you want to listen for an event like - chat submission by a chatter you need to have a dedicated thread per user ( per user is necessary for maintaining persistent connection, there are few possible optimization techniques but still you can assume threads to be per user) listening to this event and this thread will be blocked waiting for this event to happen. So for any thread spawning and blocking web-server
Javascript on the other hand is non-blocking ( and conductive to asynchronous codes )by nature => here you register a callback for an event and whenever it occurs some the callback function will be executed. It will not block at any point waiting for this event.
You can find more about this by reading about non-blocking or asynchronous servers.

Threading and scaling model for TCP server with epoll

I've read the C10K doc as well as many related papers on scaling up a socket server. All roads point to the following:
Avoid the classic mistake of "thread per connection".
Prefer epoll over select.
Likewise, legacy async io mechanism in unix may be hard to use.
My simple TCP server just listens for client connections on a listen socket on a dedicated port. Upon receiving a new connection, parses the request, and sends a response back. Then gracefully closes the socket.
I think I have a good handle on how to scale this up on a single thread using epoll. Just one loop that calls epoll_wait for the listen socket as well as for the existing client connections. Upon return, the code will handle new creating new client connections as well as managing state of existing connections depending on which socket just got signaled. And perhaps some logic to manage connection timeouts, graceful closing of sockets, and efficient resource allocation for each connection. Seems straightforward enough.
But what if I want to scale this to take advantage of multiple threads and multiple cpu cores? The core idea that springs to mind is this:
One dedicated thread for listening for incoming connections on the TCP listen socket. Then a set of N threads (or thread pool) to handle all the active concurrent client connections. Then invent some thread safe way in which the listen thread will "dispatch" the new connection (socket) to one of the available worker threads. (ala IOCP in Windows). The worker thread will use an epoll loop on all the connections it is handling to do what the single threaded approach would do.
Am I on the right track? Or is there a standard design pattern for doing a TCP server with epoll on multiple threads?
Suggestions on how the listen thread would dispatch a new connection to the thread pool?
Firstly, note that it's C*10K*. Don't concern yourself if you're less than about 100 (on a typical system). Even then it depends on what your sockets are doing.
Yes, but keep in mind that epoll manipulation requires system calls, and their cost may or may not be more expensive than the cost of managing a few fd_sets yourself. The same goes for poll. At low counts its cheaper to be doing the processing in user space each iteration.
Asynchronous IO is very painful when you're not constrained to just a few sockets that you can juggle as required. Most people cope by using event loops, but this fragments and inverts your program flow. It also usually requires making use of large, unwieldy frameworks for this purpose since a reliable and fast event loop is not easy to get right.
The first question is, do you need this? If you're handily coping with the existing traffic by spawning off threads to handle each incoming request, then keep doing it this way. The code will be simpler for it, and all your libraries will play nicely.
As I mentioned above, juggling simultaneous requests can be complex. If you want to do this in a single loop, you'll also need to make guarantees about CPU starvation when generating your responses.
The dispatch model you proposed is the typical first step solution if your responses are expensive to generate. You can either fork or use threads. The cost of forking or generating a thread should not be a consideration in selecting a pooling mechanism: rather you should use such a mechanism to limit or order the load placed on the system.
Batching sockets onto multiple epoll loops is excessive. Use multiple processes if you're this desperate. Note that it's possible to accept on a socket from multiple threads and processes.
I would guess you are on the right track. But I also think details depend upon the particular situation (bandwidh, request patterns, indifidual request processing, etc.). I think you should try, and benchmark carefully.
