Ghost theme static webpage - web

Right now im starting with my own personal blog, im doing this with Ghost, im developing my own theme based on casper, the blog is also my personal site, so i want to have a static page were i can upload all the reveal.js presentations that i've done (, like a list of presentations, right now i have my page-talks.hbs on my theme folder, but i wanna know of how can i upload all the static content from reveal.js, is there any way for doing this?
i've tried putting the html files directly inside the themes folder but i get 404 error when trying to access the url.

In ghost to make a static page, there are 2 important steps you should implement. First, you should create a static page on the admin panel (Click to "New Story"). After this, in the "Post Settings Menu" (by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner) check the box to "Turn this into a static page". Hit 'Publish'.
Second, create a .hbs file manually in your theme folder with a prefix of "page-" and with the name (title) you choosed in the first step, like: page-your-choosed-name.hbs.
By now you should able to reach your static page, and you can easily fill in the hbs file with content.
Hope this helps!


How to stop certain component from loading when i visit another component

I am working on a Mern-stack Application, and I want some info inside my App.js to not show when I visit Blog and other components.
anytime I visit the Blog page, I don't' want my full image slider and other components that I have in my App.js to display, rather I want the contents of that particular component that I visited to display only.
Perhaps you should consider navigation based on URL in your app. You can display specific view basing on URL match.
For example, at the root URL / you display your full image slider and other home page stuff, and when the URL is /blog you display your Blog component.
One really nice and intuitive way to do it in react is using react-router.

How to replace website logo on a Domino Server

I would like to know how easy it is to replace an image on a Domino Server.
The link of the website is in this format :
And I want to change the logo, is it possible to change with a FTP software, or is it difficult to do this. Because the person I request to do this told me that it will take 2 or 3 hours to do this. As I am not used to work with this king of server I prefer to request you advises. Usually, when I use FTP server, I go to the images directory and I replace the image really quickly.
Thanks for your help.
Logo? Are you referring to the favicon image that shows up in the browser address bar? If so, then you can place a 16x16px image in the \domino\html folder if you want the image to be the same for all databases on the server. If you only want it to be changed for that specific database, then you'll need to make a change to the HTML Head content section to refer to the image you want to use. You can either post it in the database or in the folder I referenced before.
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="newicon.ico">
If you're only wanting to update the one database, then it will take more than a few minutes. Hope that helps.

Location of configuration for dashboard URL

I'm trying to log in to the Orchard Dashboard, but in the instance I'm working with, it has been configured so as to not show the log in link to the bottom, like the default theme does.
I've tried a bunch of URLs, including OrchardLocal/Admin and I get a 404. Is there a specific place to change the default URL for security purposes ?
I've tried looking in various XML files that have DetailsRouteOrchard nodes in them, but I have not found the URL for the dashboard.
Any ideas ?
Change the Project URL (like http://localhost:30321/OrchardLocal) in Web under Project properties and created new virtual directory.
Source : Orchard Dashboard is missing

Is there a way to change Site and all Subsite logo URL with a certain value to another?

Is there a way to change the logo URL specified in
Site Settings->Look And Feel->Title, description, and Icon
For a site and all sub-sites that have a specific logo URL while avoiding those that have a different value? Maybe a Powershell script?
We have a large number of sites with a logo we'd like to change, but some unique ones that we don't want to touch.
I would just add a bit of javascript and jquery to your branding, to test for a particular url and then switch the logo with jquery.

Portlets embedding on Social Office theme

I am using liferay portal 6.1.1CE.
I wants to show the profile picture of the user on sidebar of the SO site home page(not public or private as they already include this feature).
For this, am going through many ideas,like put the image url in to the side bar div of portal-normal.vm file.but missing url error.
next one is ,using the profile portlet. i have include the portlet in the side bar by $theme.runtime("------PORTLET ID----");
But "This portlet has been undeployed. Please redeploy it or remove it from the page. "
is showing in the corresponding location of the side bar.
Help me?
Is it possible?
or any other way?
