How to send bytes longer than 256 via response apdu - digital-signature

Look at the below code:
private void send_certificate (APDU apdu) {
Certificate is a byte array inside the javacard applet and its length is greater than 256. How can I send this without getting APDUException.BAD_LENGTH?
Also, on sending this byte array, how can I retreive this byte array from the host application ?
I attempt the following from the host application:
CommandAPDU card_cert;
ResponseAPDU resp4;
card_cert = new CommandAPDU(IDENTITY_CARD_CLA, SEND_CERTIFICATE, 0x00, 0x00);
resp4 = c.transmit(card_cert);
if(resp4.getSW()==0x9000) {
byte [] response = resp4.getData();
String certf= DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(response);
System.out.println("CERTIFICATE:" + certf + "--"+response.length);
System.out.println(" signature to be verivied: " + DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(card_signature));
CertificateFactory certFac = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(response);
X509Certificate cert = ( X509Certificate ) certFac .generateCertificate( is ) ;
Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA");
if(card_signature !=null) {
boolean ok =signature.verify(card_signature);
if(ok==true)System.out.println("verification completed" );
of course nothing executes after the if(resp4.getSW()==0x9000)since the certificate is not sent successfully to the host application. How can this be achieved?
After making my applet class implement ExtendedLength, I did the following in my send_certificate() method:
private void send_certificate (APDU apdu) {
else{ byte[] buffer = apdu.getBuffer();
short LE = apdu.setOutgoing();
short toSend = (short)certificate.length;
short cert_offset =0;
short len =240;
if (LE != toSend) {
while (toSend > 0) {
Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(certificate, cert_offset, apdu.getBuffer(), (short)0, len);
apdu.sendBytes((short) 0, len);
toSend -= len;
cert_offset += len;
This does not work: Fails with response code 28416.

You should make sure that your Java Card implementation and reader both support extended length. It may be that the implementations have thrown up barriers that will disable the use of full size extended length: the implementations may (incorrectly) limit the size of the APDU's for instance.
The reader may require that the ATR indicates extended length. NFC chips are notorious of not implementing extended length correctly (and Android is notorious for not enabling the functionality if they do). This is probably not your problem as the status word seems to be generated by the card.
The code of Java Card has a mistake, it should always use setOutgoingLength(). It seems that your code already throws the exception when this method is called, so I expect that the size you're trying to send is not supported by the platform. Besides that, your initial code using sendBytesLong looks correct as well. Of course your Applet should implement the ExtendedLength tagging interface.
Note that 6F00 (your status code, always use hex for those, not decimals) may be generated by any unhandled runtime exception generated on the card. So make sure that your issue is not created elsewhere when you try to fix your problem.
Extended length is a mine-field unfortunately. We're now in 2018 and the smart card world still can't seem to send 32/64Ki -1 bytes or over. Time to replace ISO/IEC 7816-4 with something that makes sense I suppose.


MFRC 522 Authentication RESET on Arduino IDE with ESP32

I've been tinkering with the MFRC-522 (RC-522) RFID module for a project.
I'm testing authentication using an old key to check if the RFID's key A for a sector (in my case, Sector 2) is different from the original, if it was, then I would continue, if not I would like to "register" the card by changing the key.
I was caught at the beginning on checking different keys authentication, if I tested a working key and then an incorrect key, it works as expected, but if I test with the incorrect key first, it doesn't allow even the correct key to authenticate.
If I ran the code below everything in serial is
PCD_Authenticate() failed NEW(read): Timeout in communication.
PCD_Authenticate() failed OLD(read): Timeout in communication.
repeatedly but if I flipped old() and neww() I get
PCD_Authenticate() failed NEW(read): Timeout in communication.
Why does it work as such?
#include <SPI.h>
#include <MFRC522.h>
#define RST_PIN 22 // Configurable, see typical pin layout above
#define SS_PIN 21 // Configurable, see typical pin layout above
MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN); // Create MFRC522 instance
MFRC522::MIFARE_Key old_key = {0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF};
MFRC522::MIFARE_Key new_key = {0x23,0x54,0x64,0x3a,0x32,0x66};
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // Initialize serial communications with the PC
while (!Serial); // Do nothing if no serial port is opened (added for Arduinos based on ATMEGA32U4)
SPI.begin(); // Init SPI bus
mfrc522.PCD_Init(); // Init MFRC522
delay(4); // Optional delay. Some board do need more time after init to be ready, see Readme
mfrc522.PCD_DumpVersionToSerial(); // Show details of PCD - MFRC522 Card Reader details
Serial.println(F("Scan PICC to see UID, SAK, type, and data blocks..."));
void loop() {
// Reset the loop if no new card present on the sensor/reader. This saves the entire process when idle.
if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) {
// Select one of the cards
if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) {
void old(){
//authentication of the desired block for access
byte status = mfrc522.PCD_Authenticate(MFRC522::PICC_CMD_MF_AUTH_KEY_A, 15, &old_key, &(mfrc522.uid));
if (status != MFRC522::STATUS_OK) {
Serial.print("PCD_Authenticate() failed OLD(read): ");
}else {Serial.println("OLD WORKS");}
void neww() {
//authentication of the desired block for access
byte status_new = mfrc522.PCD_Authenticate(MFRC522::PICC_CMD_MF_AUTH_KEY_A, 15, &new_key, &(mfrc522.uid));
if (status_new != MFRC522::STATUS_OK) {
Serial.print("PCD_Authenticate() failed NEW(read): ");
} else {Serial.println("NEW WORKS");}
So, after reading the datasheet extra hard I came to the conclusion that the state of the card was not ready for the next read, so I came with a fire-all-guns solution that helped my case, The Serial prints are for debugging so if using the code feel free to comment them out.
bool reselect_Card() {
// Can also be used to see if card still available,
// true means it is false means card isnt there anymore
byte s;
byte req_buff[2];
byte req_buff_size=2;
s = mfrc522.PICC_HaltA();
Serial.print("Halt Status: ");
s = mfrc522.PICC_WakeupA(req_buff,&req_buff_size);
Serial.print("Request: ");
Serial.print("ATQA : ");
s = mfrc522.PICC_Select( &(mfrc522.uid),0);
Serial.print("Selected : ");
if( mfrc522.GetStatusCodeName((MFRC522::StatusCode)s) == F("Timeout in communication.") ) { return false;}
return true;

native websocket api NodeJS for larger messages?

I was following an article about writing a socket server from scratch, and its mostly working with small frames / packages, but when I try to send about 2kb of data, I get this error:
throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(type || 'offset',
RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "offset" is out of range. It must be >= 0 and <= 7. Receive
d 8
at boundsError (internal/buffer.js:77:9)
at Buffer.readUInt8 (internal/buffer.js:243:5)
at pm (/home/users/me/main.js:277:24)
at Socket.<anonymous> (/home/users/me/main.js:149:15)
at Socket.emit (events.js:315:20)
at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:297:12)
at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:273:9)
at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:214:10)
at TCP.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:186:23) {
Here's my server code (some details were changed for security, but here it is in its entirety for the line numbers etc.) but the relevant part here is the function pm [=parseMessage](towards the bottom):
let http = require('http'),
ch = require("child_process"),
crypto = require("crypto"),
fs = require("fs"),
password = fs.readFileSync(“./secretPasswordFile.txt”),
callbacks = {
CHANGEDforSecUrITY(m, cs) {
if(m.password === password) {
if(m.command) {
try { = ch.exec(
) => {
} catch(e) {
error: e.toString()
if(m.exit) {
if( && typeof === "function") {;
console.log(, "DID?");
hi: 2,
} else {
hey: "wrong password!!"
banned = [
server = http.createServer(
(q,r)=> {
if(banned.includes(q.connection.remoteAddress)) {
r.end("Hey man, " + q.connection.remoteAddress,
"I know you're there!!");
} else {
ch.exec(`sudo "$(which node)" -p "console.log(4)"`)
let path = q.url.substring(1)
q.url == "/" &&
(path = "index.html")
q.url == "/secret" &&
(path = "../main.js")
"./static/" + path,
(er, f) => {
if(er) {
} else {
process.env.PORT || 80,
c=> {
server.on("upgrade", (req, socket) => {
if(req.headers["upgrade"] !== "websocket") {
socket.end("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
let key = req.headers["sec-websocket-key"];
if(key) {
let hash = gav(key)
let headers = [
"HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake",
"Upgrade: WebSocket",
"Connection: Upgrade",
`Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ${hash}`
let protocol = req.headers[
let protocols = (
protocol &&
.map(s => s.trim())
|| []
protocols.includes("json") &&
.push("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: json");
let headersStr = (
headers.join("\r\n") +
"Stuff happening",
hello: "world!!!"
socket.on("data", buf => {
let msg = pm(buf);
console.log("HEY MAN!",msg)
if(msg) {
for(let k in msg) {
if(callbacks[k]) {
} else {
function pm(buf) {
*structure of first byte:
1: if its the last frame in buffer
2 - 4: reserved bits
5 - 8: a number which shows what type of message it is. Chart:
"0": means we continue
"1": means this frame contains text
"2": means this is binary
"0011"(3) - "0111" (11): reserved values
"1000"(8): means connection closed
"1001"(9): ping (checking for response)
"1010"(10): pong (response verified)
"1010"(11) - "1111"(15): reserved for "control" frames
structure of second byte:
1: is it "masked"
2 - 8: length of payload, if less than 126.
if 126, 2 additional bytes are added
if 127 (or more), 6 additional bytes added (total 8)
* */
const myFirstByte = buf.readUInt8(0);
const isThisFinalFrame = isset(myFirstByte,7) //first bit
const [
] = [
isset(myFirstByte, 6),
isset(myFirstByte, 5),
isset(myFirstByte, 4) //reserved bits
const opcode = myFirstByte & parseInt("1111",2); //checks last 4 bits
//check if closed connection ("1000"(8))
if(opcode == parseInt("1000", 2))
return null; //shows that connection closed
//look for text frame ("0001"(1))
if(opcode == parseInt("0001",2)) {
const theSecondByte = buf.readUInt8(1);
const isMasked = isset(theSecondByte, 7) //1st bit from left side
let currentByteOffset = 2; //we are theSecondByte now, so 2
let payloadLength = theSecondByte & 127; //chcek up to 7 bits
if(payloadLength > 125) {
if(payloadLength === 126) {
payloadLength = buf.readUInt16BE(
) //read next two bytes from position
currentByteOffset += 2; //now we left off at
//the fourth byte, so thats where we are
} else {
//if only the second byte is full,
//that shows that there are 6 more
//bytes to hold the length
const right = buf.readUInt32BE(
const left = buf.readUInt32BE(
currentByteOffset + 4 //the 8th byte ??
throw new Error("brutal " + currentByteOffset);
//if we have masking byte set to 1, get masking key
//now that we have the lengths
//and possible masks, read the rest
//of the bytes, for actual data
const data = Buffer.alloc(payloadLength);
if(isMasked) {
//can't just copy it,
//have to do some stuff with
//the masking key and this thing called
//"XOR" to the data. Complicated
//formulas, llook into later
let maskingBytes = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
currentByteOffset + 4
currentByteOffset += 4;
let i = 0;
i < payloadLength;
) {
const source = buf.readUInt8(
//now mask the source with masking byte
source ^ maskingBytes[i & 3],
} else {
//just copy bytes directly to our buffer
//at this point we have the actual data, so make a json
const json = data.toString("utf8");
return p(json);
} else {
return "LOL IDK?!";
function p(str) {
try {
return JSON.parse(str);
} catch(e){
return str
function s(ob) {
try {
return JSON.stringify(ob);
} catch(e) {
return e.toString();
function ans(str) {
const byteLength = Buffer.byteLength(str);
const lengthByteCount = byteLength < 126 ? 0 : 2;
const payloadLength = lengthByteCount === 0 ? byteLength : 126;
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(
2 +
lengthByteCount +
parseInt("10000001",2), //opcode is "1", at firstbyte
buffer.writeUInt8(payloadLength, 1); //at second byte
let currentByteOffset = 2; //already wrote second byte by now
if(lengthByteCount > 0) {
2 //more length at 3rd byte position
currentByteOffset += lengthByteCount; //which is 2 more bytes
//of length, since not supporting more than that
buffer.write(str, currentByteOffset); //the rest of the bytes
//are the actual data, see chart in function pm
return buffer;
function gav(ak) {
return crypto
.update(ak +'258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11', "binary")
function isset(b, k) {
return !!(
b >>> k & 1
Given that this error does not happen with smaller packets, I'm taking an educated guess that this is due to the limitations of the code here, as mentioned in the offical RFC documentation:
5.4. Fragmentation
The primary purpose of fragmentation is to allow sending a message
that is of unknown size when the message is started without having to
buffer that message. If messages couldn't be fragmented, then an
endpoint would have to buffer the entire message so its length could
be counted before the first byte is sent. With fragmentation, a
server or intermediary may choose a reasonable size buffer and, when
the buffer is full, write a fragment to the network.
A secondary use-case for fragmentation is for multiplexing, where
it is not desirable for a large message on one logical channel to
monopolize the output channel, so the multiplexing needs to be free to
split the message into smaller fragments to better share the output
channel. (Note that the multiplexing extension is not described in
this document.)
Unless specified otherwise by an extension, frames have no semantic
meaning. An intermediary might coalesce and/or split frames, if no
extensions were negotiated by the client and the server or if some
extensions were negotiated, but the intermediary understood all the
extensions negotiated and knows how to coalesce and/or split frames
in the presence of these extensions. One implication of this is that
in absence of extensions, senders and receivers must not depend on
the presence of specific frame boundaries.
The following rules apply to fragmentation:
o An unfragmented message consists of a single frame with the FIN
bit set (Section 5.2) and an opcode other than 0.
o A fragmented message consists of a single frame with the FIN bit
clear and an opcode other than 0, followed by zero or more frames
with the FIN bit clear and the opcode set to 0, and terminated by
a single frame with the FIN bit set and an opcode of 0. A
fragmented message is conceptually equivalent to a single larger
message whose payload is equal to the concatenation of the
payloads of the fragments in order; however, in the presence of
extensions, this may not hold true as the extension defines the
interpretation of the "Extension data" present. For instance,
"Extension data" may only be present at the beginning of the first
fragment and apply to subsequent fragments, or there may be
"Extension data" present in each of the fragments that applies
only to that particular fragment. In the absence of "Extension
data", the following example demonstrates how fragmentation works.
EXAMPLE: For a text message sent as three fragments, the first
fragment would have an opcode of 0x1 and a FIN bit clear, the
second fragment would have an opcode of 0x0 and a FIN bit clear,
and the third fragment would have an opcode of 0x0 and a FIN bit
that is set.
o Control frames (see Section 5.5) MAY be injected in the middle
a fragmented message. Control frames themselves MUST NOT be
o Message fragments MUST be delivered to the recipient in the
sent by the sender. o The fragments of one message MUST NOT be interleaved between the
fragments of another message unless an extension has been
negotiated that can interpret the interleaving.
o An endpoint MUST be capable of handling control frames in the
middle of a fragmented message.
o A sender MAY create fragments of any size for non-control
o Clients and servers MUST support receiving both fragmented and
unfragmented messages.
o As control frames cannot be fragmented, an intermediary MUST NOT
attempt to change the fragmentation of a control frame.
o An intermediary MUST NOT change the fragmentation of a message
any reserved bit values are used and the meaning of these values
is not known to the intermediary.
o An intermediary MUST NOT change the fragmentation of any message
in the context of a connection where extensions have been
negotiated and the intermediary is not aware of the semantics of
the negotiated extensions. Similarly, an intermediary that didn't
see the WebSocket handshake (and wasn't notified about its
content) that resulted in a WebSocket connection MUST NOT change
the fragmentation of any message of such connection.
o As a consequence of these rules, all fragments of a message are
the same type, as set by the first fragment's opcode. Since
control frames cannot be fragmented, the type for all fragments in
a message MUST be either text, binary, or one of the reserved
NOTE: If control frames could not be interjected, the latency of a
ping, for example, would be very long if behind a large message.
Hence, the requirement of handling control frames in the middle of a
fragmented message.
IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: In the absence of any extension, a receiver
doesn't have to buffer the whole frame in order to process it. For
example, if a streaming API is used, a part of a frame can be
delivered to the application. However, note that this assumption
might not hold true for all future WebSocket extensions.
In the words of the article above:
Alignment of Node.js socket buffers with WebSocket message frames
Node.js socket data (I’m talking about net.Socket in this case, not
WebSockets) is received in buffered chunks. These are split apart with
no regard for where your WebSocket frames begin or end!
What this means is that if your server is receiving large messages
fragmented into multiple WebSocket frames, or receiving large numbers
of messages in rapid succession, there’s no guarantee that each data
buffer received by the Node.js socket will align with the start and
end of the byte data that makes up a given frame.
So, as you’re parsing each buffer received by the socket, you’ll need
to keep track of where one frame ends and where the next begins.
You’ll need to be sure that you’ve received all of the bytes of data
for a frame — before you can safely consume that frame’s data.
It may be that one frame ends midway through the same buffer in which
the next frame begins. It also may be that a frame is split across
several buffers that will be received in succession.
The following diagram is an exaggerated illustration of the issue. In
most cases, frames tend to fit inside a buffer. Due to the way the
data arrives, you’ll often find that a frame will start and end in
line with the start and end of the socket buffer. But this can’t be
relied upon in all cases, and must be considered during
implementation. This can take
some work to get right.
For the basic implementation that follows below, I have skipped any
code for handling large messages or messages split across multiple
So my problem here is that the article skipped the fragmentation code, which is kind of what I need to know... but in that RFC documentation, some examples of fragmentated and unfragmented packets are given:
5.6. Data Frames
Data frames (e.g., non-control frames) are identified by opcodes
where the most significant bit of the opcode is 0. Currently defined
opcodes for data frames include 0x1 (Text), 0x2 (Binary). Opcodes
0x3-0x7 are reserved for further non-control frames yet to be
Data frames carry application-layer and/or extension-layer data.
The opcode determines the interpretation of the data:
The "Payload data" is text data encoded as UTF-8. Note that a
particular text frame might include a partial UTF-8 sequence;
however, the whole message MUST contain valid UTF-8. Invalid
UTF-8 in reassembled messages is handled as described in
Section 8.1.
The "Payload data" is arbitrary binary data whose interpretation
is solely up to the application layer.
5.7. Examples
o A single-frame unmasked text message
* 0x81 0x05 0x48 0x65 0x6c 0x6c 0x6f (contains "Hello")
o A single-frame masked text message
* 0x81 0x85 0x37 0xfa 0x21 0x3d 0x7f 0x9f 0x4d 0x51 0x58
(contains "Hello")
o A fragmented unmasked text message
* 0x01 0x03 0x48 0x65 0x6c (contains "Hel")
* 0x80 0x02 0x6c 0x6f (contains "lo")
o Unmasked Ping request and masked Ping response
* 0x89 0x05 0x48 0x65 0x6c 0x6c 0x6f (contains a body of "Hello",
but the contents of the body are arbitrary)
* 0x8a 0x85 0x37 0xfa 0x21 0x3d 0x7f 0x9f 0x4d 0x51 0x58
(contains a body of "Hello", matching the body of the ping)
o 256 bytes binary message in a single unmasked frame
* 0x82 0x7E 0x0100 [256 bytes of binary data]
o 64KiB binary message in a single unmasked frame
* 0x82 0x7F 0x0000000000010000 [65536 bytes of binary data]
So it would appear that is an example of a fragment.
Also this seems relevant:
6.2. Receiving Data
To receive WebSocket data, an endpoint listens on the underlying
network connection. Incoming data MUST be parsed as WebSocket frames
as defined in Section 5.2. If a control frame (Section 5.5) is
received, the frame MUST be handled as defined by Section 5.5. Upon
receiving a data frame (Section 5.6), the endpoint MUST note the
/type/ of the data as defined by the opcode (frame-opcode) from
Section 5.2. The "Application data" from this frame is defined as
the /data/ of the message. If the frame comprises an unfragmented
message (Section 5.4), it is said that A WebSocket Message Has Been
Received with type /type/ and data /data/. If the frame is part of
a fragmented message, the "Application data" of the subsequent data
frames is concatenated to form the /data/. When the last fragment is
received as indicated by the FIN bit (frame-fin), it is said that A
WebSocket Message Has Been Received with data /data/ (comprised of
the concatenation of the "Application data" of the fragments) and type
/type/ (noted from the first frame of the fragmented message).
Subsequent data frames MUST be interpreted as belonging to a new
WebSocket message.
Extensions (Section 9) MAY change the semantics of how data is
read, specifically including what comprises a message boundary.
Extensions, in addition to adding "Extension data" before the
"Application data" in a payload, MAY also modify the "Application
data" (such as by compressing it).
The problem:
I don't know how to check for fragments and line them up with the node buffers, as mentioned in the article, I'm only able to read very small buffer amounts.
How can I parse larger data chunks using the fragmentation methods mentioned in the RFC documentation and the lining-up of nodeJS buffers alluded to (but not explained) in the article?
I came across your question when I was working on my own "pure NodeJs WebSocket server". All worked fine for payloads less than 1-2 KiB. When I was trying to send more, but still within [64 KiB - 1] limit (16 bit payload length), it randomly blow up the server with ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE error.
Side note: "Implementing a WebSocket server with Node.js" by Srushtika Neelakantam is excellent article! Before I found it the WebSocket was alwas a black box to me. She described very simple and easy to understand implementation of WebSocket client/server from scratch. Unfortunately it lacks (on purpose to not make article hard) support for larger payloads and buffers alignment. I just wanted to give Srushtika Neelakantam credit because without her article I would never write my own pure NodeJs WebSocket server.
The solution described in the article fails only because the NodeJs buffer is simply over and there are no more bytes to read but the function's logic expects more bytes. You end with ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE error. Code simply wants to read bytes that are not yet available but will be available in next 'data' event.
The solution to this problem is simply check if the next byte that you want to read from buffer is really available. As long as there are bytes you are fine. The challenge starts when there to less bytes or to much bytes. In order to be be more flexible the function that parses buffer should return not only payload but pair: payload and bufferRemainingBytes. It will allow to concat the buffers in the main data event handler.
We need to handle three cases:
When there is exactly the right amount of bytes in the buffer to build valid WebSocket frame we return
{ payload: payloadFromValidWebSocketFrame, bufferRemainingBytes: Buffer.alloc(0) }
When there are enough bytes to build valid WebSocket but still there are few left in the buffer we return
{ payload: payloadFromValidWebSocketFrame, bufferRemainingBytes: bufferBytesAfterValidWebSocketFrame }
This case also forces us to wrap all getParsedBuffer calls with a do-while loop. The bufferRemainingBytes could still contain second (or third, or more) valid WebSocket frame. We need to parse them all in currently processed socket data event.
When there are not enough bytes to build valid WebSocket frame we return empty payload and entire buffer as bufferRemainingBytes
{ payload: null, bufferRemainingBytes: buffer }
How to merge buffers together with bufferRemainingBytes in the subsequent socket data events? Here is the code:
server.on('upgrade', (req, socket) => {
let bufferToParse = Buffer.alloc(0); // at the beginning we just start with 0 bytes
// .........
socket.on('data', buffer => {
let parsedBuffer;
// concat 'past' bytes with the 'current' bytes
bufferToParse = Buffer.concat([bufferToParse, buffer]);
do {
parsedBuffer = getParsedBuffer(bufferToParse);
// the output of the debugBuffer calls will be on the screenshot later
debugBuffer('buffer', buffer);
debugBuffer('bufferToParse', bufferToParse);
debugBuffer('parsedBuffer.payload', parsedBuffer.payload);
debugBuffer('parsedBuffer.bufferRemainingBytes', parsedBuffer.bufferRemainingBytes);
bufferToParse = parsedBuffer.bufferRemainingBytes;
if (parsedBuffer.payload) {
// .........
// handle the payload as you like, for example send to other sockets
} while (parsedBuffer.payload && parsedBuffer.bufferRemainingBytes.length);
// .........
Here is how my getParsedBuffer function looks like(it was called parseMessage in the article):
const getParsedBuffer = buffer => {
// .........
// whenever I want to read X bytes I simply check if I really can read X bytes
if (currentOffset + 2 > buffer.length) {
return { payload: null, bufferRemainingBytes: buffer };
payloadLength = buffer.readUInt16BE(currentOffset);
currentOffset += 2;
// .........
// in 99% of cases this will prevent the ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE error to happen
if (currentOffset + payloadLength > buffer.length) {
console.log('[misalignment between WebSocket frame and NodeJs Buffer]\n');
return { payload: null, bufferRemainingBytes: buffer };
payload = Buffer.alloc(payloadLength);
if (isMasked) {
// ......... I skip masked code as it's too long and not masked shows the idea same way
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < payloadLength; i++) {
payload.writeUInt8(buffer.readUInt8(currentOffset++), i);
// it could also happen at this point that we already have a valid WebSocket payload
// but there are still some bytes remaining in the buffer
// we need to copy all unused bytes and return them as bufferRemainingBytes
bufferRemainingBytes = Buffer.alloc(buffer.length - currentOffset);
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this value could be >= 0
for (let i = 0; i < bufferRemainingBytes.length; i++) {
bufferRemainingBytes.writeUInt8(buffer.readUInt8(currentOffset++), i);
return { payload, bufferRemainingBytes };
Real life test of the described solution (64 KiB - 1 bytes):
In short - the above solution should work fine with payloads up to [64 KiB - 1] bytes. It's written entirely in pure NodeJs without any external library. I guess that is what you were looking for in your project ;)
Please find below the links to full version of my Binary Broadcast App on GitHub gist:
For some time (before I deploy the updated app with more features) the live demo of above's gist can be found here: - let's send you the file
this is not perfect answer but an approach. this is how i would do what you are trying to do. i m writing pseudo code just to save time ;)
first i will be creating a custom object to communicate :
class Request {
id?: string; // unique id of the request, same request id can be used to continue a requst or to reply to a request
api?: string; // the request type i.e. what kind of request it is or how do you want this data to be used like a client can perform multiple operations on server like API_AUTH or API_CREATE_FILE etc.
complete?: boolean; // this is a flag if the request is complete or it needs to be added to the queue to wait for more data
error?: boolean; // this flag ll be helpful in request replies when the server has processed the request for an api and wants to respond with error or success
message?: string; // just sample message that can be shown or helpful raw note for the developer to debug
data?: any; // this is the actual data being sent
now for communicating between both the sides(i m taking server client approach in this example) we ll use this object.
now here is some pseudo code about how to process on server
class Server {
requestQueue: Map<string, Request> = new Map();
onRequestReceived(request: Request) {
if(request !== undefined){
if(this.requestQueue.get( !== undefined){
// add this data to the requests in the querue, process the request and remove it from the queue
// add data to the request in the queue and resave it to the map
// process your request here
// add this request to queue
case "API_AUTH":
// just a sample api
// respond with error
this is easier than playing with buffers i believe and even i have used this approach a lot many times and sending large chunk of data is not a good practice because it can be used by someone to exploit your resources and it might fail in low networks.
so hope you get some hints from my approach ;)
UPDATE[full implementation]
first we need websoket package so
npm install websocket
now this is how we create websocket server in node.js using websocket package and process incoming requests
import { WebSocketServer } from 'websocket';
import * as http from 'http';
// this is the request data object which ll serve as a common data entity that both server and client are aware of
class Request {
id?: string; // unique id of the request, same request id can be used to continue a requst or to reply to a request
api?: string; // the request type i.e. what kind of request it is or how do you want this data to be used like a client can perform multiple operations on server like API_AUTH or API_CREATE_FILE etc.
complete?: boolean; // this is a flag if the request is complete or it needs to be added to the queue to wait for more data
error?: boolean; // this flag ll be helpful in request replies when the server has processed the request for an api and wants to respond with error or success
message?: string; // just sample message that can be shown or helpful raw note for the developer to debug
data?: any; // this is the actual data being sent
// this is optional if you want to show 404 on the page
const server = http.createServer((request, response) => {
server.listen(8080, function() {
console.log((new Date()) + ' Server is listening on port 8080');
const wsServer = new WebSocketServer({
httpServer: server,
autoAcceptConnections: false
function originIsAllowed(origin) {
// put logic here to detect whether the specified origin is allowed.
return true;
wsServer.on('request', (request) => {
if (originIsAllowed(request.origin)) {
const connection = request.accept('echo-protocol', request.origin);
// this is the request queue is there are any heavy request which cant fit into one request
const requestQueue: Map<string, Request> = new Map();
connection.on('message', (message) => {
// i consider that the data being sent to server is utf8 string
if (message.type === 'utf8') {
// here we construct the request object from incoming data
const request: Request = JSON.parse(message.utf8Data);
// here we process the request
if(requestQueue.get( !== undefined){
// add this data to the requests in the querue, process the request and remove it from the queue
// add data to the request in the queue and resave it to the map
// process your request here
// add this request to queue
case "API_AUTH":
// just a sample api
// handle other data types
connection.on('close', (reasonCode, description) => {
// a connection as closed do cleanup here
// Make sure we only accept requests from an allowed origin
here is the way you send data from client
import { WebSocketClient } from 'websocket';
// this is the request data object which ll serve as a common data entity that both server and client are aware of
class Request {
id?: string; // unique id of the request, same request id can be used to continue a requst or to reply to a request
api?: string; // the request type i.e. what kind of request it is or how do you want this data to be used like a client can perform multiple operations on server like API_AUTH or API_CREATE_FILE etc.
complete?: boolean; // this is a flag if the request is complete or it needs to be added to the queue to wait for more data
error?: boolean; // this flag ll be helpful in request replies when the server has processed the request for an api and wants to respond with error or success
message?: string; // just sample message that can be shown or helpful raw note for the developer to debug
data?: any; // this is the actual data being sent
const client = new WebSocketClient();
client.on('connectFailed', (error) => {
// handle error when connection failed
client.on('connect', (connection) => {
connection.on('error', (error)=> {
// handle when some error occurs in existing connection
connection.on('close', () => {
// connection closed
connection.on('message', function(message) {
// i m condsidering we are using utf8 data to communicate
if (message.type === 'utf8') {
// here we parse request object
const request: Request = JSON.parse(message.utf8Data);
// here you can handle the request object
// handle other data types
// here you start communicating with the server
// example 1. normal requst
const authRequest: Request = {
id: "auth_request_id",
api: "API_AUTH",
complete: true,
data: {
user: "testUser",
pass: "testUserPass"
// example 2. long data request
const longRequestChunk1: Request = {
id: "long_chunck_request_id",
complete: false, // observer this flag. as this is the first part of the chunk so this needs to be added to the queue on server
data: "..." // path one of long data
const longRequestChunk2: Request = {
id: "long_chunck_request_id", // request id must be the same
api: "API_LONG_CHUNCK", // same api
complete: true, // as this is the last part of the chunk so this flag is true
data: "..." // path one of long data
client.connect('ws://localhost:8080/', 'echo-protocol');
i can explain it furthure if you want ;)

j2me - Out of memory exception, does it have anything to do with the maximum heap or jar size?

I'm currently developing an app for taking orders. Before I ask my question, let me give you a few details of the basic functionality of my app:
The first thing the app does once the user is logged in, is to read data from a webservice (products, prices and customers) so that the user can work offline.
Once the user have all the necessary data, they can starting taking orders.
Finally, at the end of the day, the user sends all the orders to a server for its processing.
Now that you know how my app works, here's the problem :
When I run my app in the emulator it works, but now that running tests on a physical device When I read data from the webservice, the following error appears on the screen :
Out of memory error java/lang/OutOfMemoryError
At first I thought that the data that is read from the WS (in json format) was too much for the StringBuffer :
hc = (HttpConnection);
if (hc.getResponseCode() == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {
is = hc.openInputStream();
int ch;
while ((ch = != -1) {
stringBuffer.append((char) ch);
But it turned out that the error occurs when I tried to convert the result from the WS (string in json Format) into a JSONArray .
I do this because I need to loop through all the objects (for example the Products) and then save them using RMS. Here's part of the code I use:
rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore(mRecordStoreName, true);
try {
// This is the line that throws the exception
JSONArray js = new JSONArray(data);
for (int i = 0; i < js.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsObj = js.getJSONObject(i);
stringJSON = jsObj.toString();
id = saveRecord(stringJSON, rs);
The saveRecord Method
public int saveRecord(String stringJSON, RecordStore rs) throws JSONException {
int id = -1;
try {
byte[] raw = stringJSON.getBytes();
id= rs.addRecord(raw, 0, raw.length);
} catch (RecordStoreException ex) {
return id;
Searching a little , I found these functions : Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() and Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()
With those functions I found out that the total memory is : 2097152 and the free memory before the error occurs is : 69584 bytes.
Now the big question(or rather questions) is :
Where this little amount of memory is taken from ?? The heap size??
The device's specifications says that it has 4MB
Another thing that worries me is if RMS increases the JAR size
because the specifications also say that the maximum jar size is 2
As always, I really appreciate all your comments and suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
i don't know what is the exact reason but these J2ME devices indeed have a memory problem.
my app is working with contacts, and when i tried to receive the JSON of contacts from the server, if it was too long the conversion indeed caused an out of memory error.
the solution that i found is paging. divide the data that you receive from the server into parts and read it part by part.

ReceiveFromAsync leaking SocketAsyncEventArgs?

I have a client application that receives video stream from a server via UDP or TCP socket.
Originally, when it was written using .NET 2.0 the code was using BeginReceive/EndReceive and IAsyncResult.
The client displays each video in it's own window and also using it's own thread for communicating with the server.
However, since the client is supposed to be up for a long period of time, and there might be 64 video streams simultaneously, there is a "memory leak" of IAsyncResult objects that are allocated each time the data receive callback is called.
This causes the application eventually to run out of memory, because the GC can't handle releasing of the blocks in time. I verified this using VS 2010 Performance Analyzer.
So I modified the code to use SocketAsyncEventArgs and ReceiveFromAsync (UDP case).
However, I still see a growth in memory blocks at:
System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveFromAsync(class System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs)
I've read all the samples and posts about implementing the code, and still no solution.
Here's how my code looks like:
// class data members
private byte[] m_Buffer = new byte[UInt16.MaxValue];
private SocketAsyncEventArgs m_ReadEventArgs = null;
private IPEndPoint m_EndPoint; // local endpoint from the caller
m_Socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
m_Socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveBuffer, MAX_SOCKET_RECV_BUFFER);
// initalize the socket event args structure.
m_ReadEventArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
m_ReadEventArgs.Completed += new EventHandler<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(readEventArgs_Completed);
m_ReadEventArgs.SetBuffer(m_Buffer, 0, m_Buffer.Length);
m_ReadEventArgs.RemoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
m_ReadEventArgs.AcceptSocket = m_Socket;
Starting the read process:
bool waitForEvent = m_Socket.ReceiveFromAsync(m_ReadEventArgs);
if (!waitForEvent)
readEventArgs_Completed(this, m_ReadEventArgs);
Read completion handler:
private void readEventArgs_Completed(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (e.BytesTransferred == 0 || e.SocketError != SocketError.Success)
// we got error on the socket or connection was closed
// try to process a new video frame if enough data was read
base.ProcessPacket(m_Buffer, e.Offset, e.BytesTransferred);
catch (Exception ex)
// log and error
bool willRaiseEvent = m_Socket.ReceiveFromAsync(e);
if (!willRaiseEvent)
readEventArgs_Completed(this, e);
Basically the code works fine and I see the video streams perfectly, but this leak is a real pain.
Did I miss anything???
Many thanks!!!
Instead of recursively calling readEventArgs_Completed after !willRaiseEvent use goto to return to the top of the method. I noticed I was slowly chewing up stack space when I had a pattern similar to yours.

ISO7816.SW_BYTES_REMAINING_00 return 9000 status in javacard

I have a problem that confused me for couple of day.
I want to send out a data with size bigger than 255 bytes from smartcard to host application.
I saw a block of code in some website. this code is like bellow:
private void sendData(APDU apdu) {
// work out how many bytes to send this time and how many will be left
short remain = (short) ((short)372 - BUF_IN_OFFSET[0]);
boolean chain = remain > MAX_APDU;
short sendLen = chain ? MAX_APDU : remain;
Util.arrayCopy(data, (short) 0, apdu.getBuffer(), (short) 0, sendLen);
// Get ready to send
apdu.sendBytesLong(apdu.getBuffer(), BUF_IN_OFFSET[0], sendLen);
// Check to see if there are more APDU's to send
if (chain) {
BUF_IN_OFFSET[0] += sendLen; // count the bytes sent
remain -=sendLen;
ISOException.throwIt((short)((ISO7816.SW_BYTES_REMAINING_00) + remain));
} else {
BUF_IN_OFFSET[0] = 0; // no more bytes to send
When i send apdu to the card in netbeans simulator, it send 6100 correctly. but when i send it to real card (smartcafe 3.2) card. it send for me 9000. it means in simulator it works but by real card it doesn't work.
I guess it related to protocol T=0 or T=1.
I didn't find any code for T=1. above code is for T=0.
thanks in advance.
'6100' sounds like a contradiction in the terms. It tells the reader to fetch some data, with lengh available being naught. I believe the real card will actually turn this into a 9000 which is the proper execution status code when no data is available.
