Hazelcast Mancenter enable/disable sanpshot - hazelcast

I am trying to configure wan replication using hazelcast mancenter, but I am not getting the option to select snapshot enable/disable feature here as the option is not listed in the dropdown.Is there a way to achieve this through mancenter?
Version 3.9.4
hazelcast version 3.9.3

You can add a WAN replication configuration dynamically to a cluster. It is for having one-off WAN sync operations, not continuous replication. The added configuration has two caveats:
It is not persistent, so it will not survive a member restart.
It cannot be used as a target for regular WAN replication. It can only be used for WAN sync.
That's why snapshot setting is not there as well. For adding a persistent WAN config, it must be defined in member configurations.


Thingsboard cluster setup

Building a Thingsboard cluster
I need help setting up a Thingsboard cluster, the documentation online is very limited.
The cluster will contain 2 Zookeeper nodes and 4 Thingsboard nodes with Cassandra DB.
Should Zookeeper be installed separately?
A step-by-step guide would be much appreciated!
I cannot provide you detailed step-by-step instructions to setup a ThingsBoard cluster. I can point you into the right direction by sharing the different documents you need to do so.
Bottom line, the following tasks must be completed:
Install and configure a ZooKeeper ensemble.
Check the ZooKeeper documentation for further installation details. Keep in mind that you need at least three different ZK-nodes in a clustered environment and that you always need an odd number of ZK nodes (3,5,7,...). It is a very very very bad idea to build a cluster consisting out of two ZK-nodes, check split brain condition that might appear under these circumstances! Basically you setup the number of individual nodes you wish to use and change the configuration file to enable the different nodes as an ensemble. This is documented quite well in the ZK-docs.
Install and configure a Cassandra cluster.
Again you will setup the number of individual nodes you need for your Cassandra cluster and modify the individual configuration files to convert them into a Cassandra cluster. Check Cassandra documentation for details. Be sure to check proper configuration using the nodetool status command as described at the end of the document. All your nodes should be up and running.
Install and configure a ThingsBoard cluster.
Use the instructions provided with ThingsBoard single node setup.
Install Java
Skip External database installation
ThingsBoard service installation
Configure ThingsBoard to use the external database - Cassandra
Go to Cluster setup and apply the configuration steps depicted (ZK, Cassandra and RPC). Keep in mind to point to ALL members of your ZK, Cassandra cluster. You can also use IP-addresses instead of host names.
Return to single node setup and run the installation script at ONE NODE only!
Start ThingsBoard service
If everything went well, you should be able to access your ThingsBoard nodes directly using the URL http://[NODE_IP]:8080. You can verify proper cluster operation by creating a tenant on one node and check its presence on another node.
I don't know if using an even number of ThingsBoard nodes is a good idea. The documentation does not mention anything about this.
One final remark, you could/should consider putting a proxy in front of your ThingsBoard cluster to provide load balancing to your web clients and improve user experience. This way you shouldn't share the individual host addresses with your users and you will prevent node overloading due to the fact that everybody is using the same web-address to access your dashboard(s). You could also proxy your MQTT broker to provide load balancing as well.
Good luck in setting up your cluster!
Zookeeper needs at least 3 nodes to run in a cluster mode. Each node voting and the valid replica count to gain the QUORUM is 3.

How to setup stomp_interface for failover node for cassandra Opscenter

How to setup a fail-over node for Cassandra Opscenter. The Opscenter data is stored on Opscenter node itself. So to setup a failover node i need to setup an Opscenter different from current Opscenter and sync Opscenter data and config files between Opscenters.
The stomp_interface on nodes in the cluster are pointed towards Opscenter_1 how will it change automatically to Opscenter_2 when failover occurs??
There are steps on the datastax documentation that have details for doing this. At a minimum:
Mirror the configuration directories stored on the OpsCenter primary to the OpsCenter backup using the method you prefer.
On the backup OpsCenter in the failover directory, create a primary_opscenter_location configuration file that indicates the IP address of the primary OpsCenter daemon to monitor
The stomp_interface setting on the agents gets changed (address.yaml file updated as well) when failover occurs. This is why the documentations recommend making sure there is no 3rd party configuration management on it.
3 things :
If you have firewall on, allow the corresponding ports to communicate (61620,61621,9160,9042,7199)
always verify IF the cassandra is up and running, so agent can actually connect to something.
stop the agent, check again the address.yaml, restart the agent.

GridGain open source datacenter topology specification

A few specific questions regarding the recently open-sourced Gridgain code. The gridgain.org support link says datacenter replication is not enabled for the open-source version. Is this true or false.
More imporatantly, assuming the open-source version has the datacenter feature enabled, how do we go about specifying the topology and activating the replication.
For example, the official documentation suggest to create/set a GridDrSenderCacheConfiguration, GridDrSenderHubConfiguration with details of the topology. I did this but it didnt seem to enable any cross data center replication.
More specifically, I did the following:
assign a dataCenterId byte parameter in the config.xml for gridgain.
define those nodes that are part of that datacenter under the
... add ip addresses of nodes
Define above for each node in each datacenterl appropriately. In the gridgain java client code, initiate a gridgain instance and set the GridDrSenderCacheConfiguration,GridDrSenderHubConnection (along wtih the GridDrSenderHubConnectionConfiguration) as specified in the docs for each node in each datacenter and also using a dummy GridDrReceiverHubConfiguration object (all defaults)
However this does not seem to do any replication across the data centers.
Would someone from the GridGain team please give some examples of setting up the data center replication, How to setup the config.xml, and enable in the java code when instantiating a gridgain instance.
Also, I am trying to avoid intra-datacenter replication by setting the gridDrSenderHubConnectionConfiguration.setIgnoredDataCenterIds(localDC); paramter to avoid replicating if the datacenter is
Just confirmed. Since data center replication is not present in open source version, no replication would happen in this case. Please download eval version of GridGain enterprise edition and try it out.

Set cluster name when using Cassandra CQL/JDBC driver

I'm using the Cassandra CQL/JDBC driver I got from google code but it doesn't seem to let me provide a cluster name - is there a way?
I'm using cluster names to ensure I don't run commands against a live system, it has a different cluster name to my dev systems.
Edit: Just to clarify, I have two totally separate Cassandra clusters, one live and one for test. They have different cluster names to ensure that I don't accidentally run test code meant for the test cluster on the live cluster. Therefore any client I need to use must let me set a cluster name. Hector does this.
There is no inbuilt protection for checking cluster names for Cassandra clients. It is built to ensure nodes from different clusters don't try and join together but not to ensure clients connect to the right cluster. It would be possible to add this checking to a client though (since the cluster name is exposed to the client) but I'm not aware of any clients doing this.
I'd strongly recommend firewalling off your different environments to avoid this kind of mistake. If that isn't possible, you should choose different ports to avoid confusion. Change this with the 'rpc_port' setting in cassandra.yaml.
You'd have to mirror the data on two different clusters. You cant access the same cluster with different names.
To rename your cluster (from the default 'Test Cluster') you edit the cassandra configuration file found in location/of/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml. Its the top line, if you need more details look at the datastax configuration documentation and explanation.

Dynamically adding new nodes in Cassandra

Is it possible to add new hosts to a Cassandra cluster dynamically?
What I'm trying to do is set up a program that can:
Set up a local version of the database for each user
Each user's machine will become part of the cluster (the machines will be hosts)
Data will be replicated across all the clusters
Building a cluster of multiple hosts usually entails configuring the cassandra.yaml to store the seeds, listen_address and rpc_address of each host.
My idea is to edit these files through java and insert the new host addresses as required but making sure that data is accurate across each users's cassandra.yaml files would be challenging.
I'm wondering if someone has done something similar or has any advice on a better way to achieve this.
Yes is possible. Look at Netflix's Priam for an complete example of a dynamic cassandra cluster management (but designed to work with Amazon EC2).
For rpc_address and listen_address, you can setup a startup script that configures the cassandra.yaml if it's not ok.
For seeds you can configure a custom seed provider. Look at the seed provider used for Netflix's Priam for some ideas how to implement it
The most difficult part will be managing the tokens assigned to each node in a efficient way. Cassandra 1.2 is around the corner and will include a feature called virtual nodes that, IMO, will work well in your case. See the Acunu presentation about it
