Unix - Expect Not Working While Executing Commands - linux

I am trying to execute commands on a remote UNIX host using send and expect ssh module, but even if the script logs in to the server successfully it does not execute commands.
set timeout 60
spawn ssh xxxx#xxxxxx
expect "yes/no" {
send "yes\r"
expect "*?assword" { send "xxxxxx\r" }
} "*?assword" { send "xxxxxxx\r" }
expect "$ "
#sleep 5
send "ps -aef \r"
[xxxxx#xxxxxx Scripts]$ ./TestExpect.sh
spawn ssh xxxxx#xxxxxx
xxxxxx#xxxxxx's password:
Last login: Wed May 9 02:05:47 2018 from xxxxxxxxx
Kickstarted on 2015-05-12
[xxxxx#xxxxx ~]$ [xxxxxx#xxxxx Scripts]$
The Prompt looks like below
[aacdd123#linprod345 ~]$

Issue may be because, you are not expecting anything after sending the ps -aef. Hence the expect spawn process has exited before printing the output.
Try adding few more commands after the sending ps -aef
send "ps -aef\r"
expect $prompt
send "echo hello\r"
expect $prompt
Try looking into the expect_out buffers too, which will give you the captured streams.
puts $expect_out(buffer)


How to list a directory with expect via sftp connection

I have this expect script but the list of files does not present me correctly.
set timeout 10000
spawn sftp -o ConnectTimeout=3 user#
expect "*?assword*"
send "tech\r"
expect "sftp>"
send "cd /global/scripts/log\r"
expect "sftp>"
send "ls 20220703*\r"
expect "sftp>"
send "bye\r"
Expect command
expect expect.dat
spawn sftp -o ConnectTimeout=3 user#
Connected to user#
sftp> cd /global/scripts/log
sftp> ls 20220703*
20220703_A.log 20220703_A.xls
20220703_E.log 20220703_E_r.log
sftp> You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/dm
how to get this result?
First, use the sftp command ls -1 20220703* to produce output in a single column.
Next, use log_user 0 and spawn -noecho sftp ... to hide all the excess output.
Last, and the trickiest part, capture the ls output so that can be printed out cleanly: we have to handle the fact that the command we just "typed" will be given back to us.
set ls_cmd "ls -1 20220703*"
send "$ls_cmd\r"
# capture the command's output
expect -re "$ls_cmd\r\n(.*)\r\nsftp>"
puts $expect_out(1,string)
send "bye\r"
expect eof # wait for sftp to exit cleanly
expect gives you the process's output using \r\n line endings.

Linux expect command without interact directive not working

I want to login from to automatic and run some commands, so I write an expect script.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout 5
spawn ssh root#
expect "password" {send "123456\r"}
expect "]#" {send "touch /tmp/a.txt\r"}
The output is:
kaiwen#kaiwen-virtual-machine:~/Work$ ./a.sh
spawn ssh root#
root#'s password:
Last login: Sun Jan 22 17:36:21 2017 from
[root#localhost ~]# kaiwen#kaiwen-virtual-machine:~/Work$
I login successfuly, but it seems touch /tmp/a.txt command is not run.
When I uncomment the last line #interact of a.sh, it works, and the file a.txt is created.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout 5
spawn ssh root#
expect "password" {send "123456\r"}
expect "]#" {send "touch /tmp/a.txt\r"}
Here is the output:
kaiwen#kaiwen-virtual-machine:~/Work$ ./a.sh
spawn ssh root#
root#'s password:
Last login: Sun Jan 22 17:41:23 2017 from
[root#localhost ~]# touch /tmp/a.txt
[root#localhost ~]#
Why without the interact directive the script work incorrect? Thanks.
Without interact the Expect script will exit after the last command expect "]#" and it'll kill the spawned process. It's just like you close the SSH client application (like PuTTY) window when the shell is still alive running.
The interact is a long-running command which waits for the spawned process to exit.

How to catch standard errors from expect script

the following expect script will remove the file /var/tmp/file on remote machine
but before that the expect script do ssh on the remote machine ,
I put the 2>/tmp/errors in order to catch error from ssh
but I notice that in spite ssh to remote send error , I not see the errors from /tmp/errors file
but when I tryed manual the
ssh $LOGIN#$machine
but from the expect I cant to catch this errors in /tmp/erros
please advice what’s is wrong ? why 2>/tmp/errors not capture the errors?
expect_test=`cat << EOF
set timeout 50
spawn ssh $LOGIN#$machine 2>/tmp/errors
expect {
")?" { send "yes\r" ; exp_continue }
word: { sleep 1 ; send $PASSORD\r}
expect > {send "sleep 1\r"}
expect > {send "rm -f /var/tmp/file\r"}
expect > {send exit\r}
expect eof
expect -c "$expect_remove_file"
spawn does not understand I/O redirection. Replace
spawn ssh $LOGIN#$machine 2>/tmp/errors
with either
spawn ssh $LOGIN#$machine -E /tmp/errors
# -E log_file tells ssh where to write the error log instead of stderr
spawn sh -c "ssh $LOGIN#$machine 2>/tmp/errors"

expect auto login sucess, but can't exec any command

the shell code:
~ cat test_longin.sh
set timeout 120
spawn /usr/bin/ssh fuyou#target.server
expect "*assword*"
send "fuyou\n"
When I type ./test_login.sh, it can login target servers successfully, but when I execute ls command, the console doesn't output any text. So I can't exec any commond on target server. Is the interaction problematic?
I think you should expect something after send, but not use command "interact" immediately.
xxx:/home/username/temp # cat t1.exp
spawn ssh serverx
expect "#"
send "ls -l\r"
expect "#"

Modify expect-based SSH script to work on machines that don't require a password

The following expect script works fine when the Linux machine asks for a password after login. But some of our Linux machines don't need a password for SSH (we can login without a password), so I need to change the expect script in order to support machines without a password. How can I do that?
$ expect_test=`cat << EOF
set timeout -1
spawn ssh $IP hostname
expect {
")?" { send "yes\r" ; exp_continue }
word: {send "pass123\r" }
expect eof
$ expect -c "$expect_test"
When running on a machine that needs a password:
$ IP=
$ expect -c "$expect_test"
spawn ssh hostname
sh: /usr/local/bin/stty: not found
This computer system, including all related equipment, networks and network devices (specifically including Internet access),is pros
When running on a machine that doesn't need a password:
$ IP=
$ expect -c "$expect_test"
spawn ssh hostname
sh: /usr/local/bin/stty: not found
expect: spawn id exp5 not open
while executing
"expect eof"
Use this expect command:
expect {
")?" {send "yes\r"; exp_continue}
word: {send "pass123\r"; exp_continue}
That way, if EOF is encountered before "password:", the script will act normally.
Change you timeout from -1 to something else, this will cause expect to move on to the next line if the expected string does not show up within the given timeout.
The current value, -1 causes it to block forever if not password is prompted for.
set timeout 5
spawn ssh $IP hostname
expect {
")?" { send "yes\r" ; exp_continue }
word: {send "pass123\r" }
eof {exit}
