PowerShell Azure Functions Multi-Tenancy query - azure

I have written a very simple Azure Function in PowerShell. I have enabled it as multi-tenant which is also fine.
If I wanted to use : connect-msolOnline for example (in the PowerShell script) to connect to an office365 service, how could I get the account that you are asked to provide when you access the API which is secured by AzureAD so I can connect to the tenancy with account given .
Being asked to log on when you hit the API is fine (as it is multi-tenancy) but getting that credential to use in the PowerShell script is the problem I am facing.
Any ideas anyone?

Looking through documentation of Connect-MsolService, it expects PSCredential. For fetching and storing the account name and password you can use App Settings or another option is using Key vault.
Related documentation:
App settings: Deploying secrets to Azure
Key Vault: Getting Started with Key Vault


Authenticate to Kusto using managed identities in Python

I'm trying to improve authentication to my Kusto clusters from my functions once they're deployed into production environment. Locally, I connect thru AZ CLI authentication, but I've found out that my organization generated a user assigned managed identity for my Kusto cluster.
I have a principalId and a clientId. How do I authenticate using the managed identity?
See example for use of MI Auth in the below link.
Please mind MIs only work when running in Azure in a host that this MI was attached to.
Maybe you got not a manged identity but a application identity. This is a service account in azure ad.
That way, you can get a oauth2 token and use it to query the service.

Is Azure Managed Identity enabled for Windows desktop app?

I followed the instructions in this tutorial (option #1 auto-configure): https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-v2-windows-desktop
The generated WPF desktop app works fine and I am able to get it to authenticate to my Azure AD account.
Does this mean that the desktop app is using Azure Managed Identity?
If not, what else do I have to do to accomplish this?
My ultimate goal is to be able to modify the desktop application and access secrets in Azure Key Vault, without having to hardcode credentials or use environment variables.
Does this mean that the desktop app is using Azure Managed Identity?
No, it does not mean that, the desktop app from this doc just uses an AAD App for you to login, nothing related to the managed identity(MSI).
If not, what else do I have to do to accomplish this?
If you want to use MSI to access secrets in azure keyvault, you need to run your code in azure services that supported MSI e.g. azure app service, azure VM, etc, MSI is not available anywhere else.
For the code, just use the Azure Key Vault secret client library for .NET, it uses DefaultAzureCredential to auth, it will try several auth ways automatically, one of them is ManagedIdentityCredential i.e. MSI.
var client = new SecretClient(vaultUri: new Uri(keyVaultUrl), credential: new DefaultAzureCredential());
Also you should note, when you use MSI to access azure keyvault secret, it is a non-interactive way and no user will be asked to login(i.e. no user involved), because MSI is essentially a service principal in AAD, when using it to auth, it just makes an API call to the azure instance metadata endpoint to get the token, then use the token to auth.

How to register your Azure resource as an Application in Azure Active Directory?

I have an Azure CDN. It has a custom domain, and I attempting to register my own certificate for HTTPS support.
I am attempting to follow the instructions here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cdn/cdn-custom-ssl?tabs=option-2-enable-https-with-your-own-certificate
I have uploaded my Certificate to a Key Vault. That should be good. I am now trying grant my Azure CDN Profile access to my Key Vault in order for it to get the certificate. That is this step in the tutorial (Register Azure CDN, step #2)
That step shows a GUID (205478c0-bd83-4e1b-a9d6-db63a3e1e1c8). Where is that coming from? Is that the identifier for my Azure CDN Profile? If so, where would I get that?
I also just noticed there are two commands there: The text shows New-AzADServicePrincipal, but the screenshot shows New-AzureRmADServicePrincipal. Presumably, the latter is the (older?) command based on Resource Manager. But, which one should I be using?
Also, I don't think I have Azure Powershell installed. Can I do this using Cloud Shell via the Azure Portal?
What I see when I attempt to run the command from Cloud Shell
That step shows a GUID (205478c0-bd83-4e1b-a9d6-db63a3e1e1c8). Where is that coming from? Is that the identifier for my Azure CDN Profile? If so, where would I get that?
The GUID is the Application ID of the multi-tenant AD App in the Microsoft tenant(microsoft.onmicrosoft.com), when you use the New-AzADServicePrincipal with the GUID, it will create a service principal related to this AD App in your AAD tenant, which represents your CDN.
When you run the New-AzADServicePrincipal successfully, you could find it in the portal -> Azure Active Directory -> Enterprise applications in your tenant.
I also just noticed there are two commands there: The text shows New-AzADServicePrincipal, but the screenshot shows New-AzureRmADServicePrincipal. Presumably, the latter is the (older?) command based on Resource Manager. But, which one should I be using?
The New-AzureRmADServicePrincipal belongs to the old AzureRM module, New-AzADServicePrincipal belongs to the new Az module. You could use both of them, but I recommend you to use New-AzADServicePrincipal, because the AzureRM module was deprecated and will not be updated any more.
Also, I don't think I have Azure Powershell installed. Can I do this using Cloud Shell via the Azure Portal?
Of course, you can. Just run that in the cloud shell, no need to install any module manually.

Azure key vault. How to set which web app uses what key vault?

I have several versions of the same web app running on the same subscription service.
I have 2 logical environments. Dev and UAT.
I have WebAppDev and WebAppUAT.
I have two key vaults KVDev and KVUAT.
How can I configure the correct web app to use the correct key vault?
What process assigns the web apps to key vaults?
I had assumed that the key vault would act like the secrets do when developing.
seems to suggest that the key vault can be used as a configuration provider. However, the web app is not accessing the key vault values.
Get the Object ID from the identity blade of the web app.
Find your azure key vault and create a new access policy using the Object Id of web app.
Alternatively use the following in the powershell cli.
Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy –VaultName -ObjectId "" -PermissionsToKeys backup,create,delete,get,import,list,restore -PermissionsToSecrets get,list,backup,restore,recover
Follow this tutorial and copy the context from the Program.cs in the sample code.
Taking a different angle, the current questions and comments tackle the authentication to KeyVault.
However, it sounds like a more fundamental problem and that you need to vary your configuration per environment.
i.e. WebAppDev needs to be configured to use a KVDev URL and WebAppUAT needs to use KVUAT URL.
Assuming you are using App Service Plans; this documentation provides a mechanism to store environment specific configuration along with guidance on how to use it for your programming language of choice, you will need to refer to the Application Specific configuration section.
Configuring in the portal will get you so far, but over time you will likely wish to contain the configuration in a release management pipeline so you don't need to configure things by hand. Azure DevOps Pipeline is one such tool for this:
To get you started there is a specific deployment task which can aid in setting configuration for App Service Plans: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/deploy/azure-rm-web-app-deployment?view=azure-devops
Over time I'd suggest rather than splitting configuration between a Release Pipeline and source control, instead having configuration which doesn't require deployment time modifications instead to stay source controlled in ARM templates, but that is an answer in it's own right so I won't confuse matters with too much detail.
If you want to access Azure key Vault by programming with SDK or REST API, then it would not be a problem. Because different key vaults have different DNS names. When you try to retrieve a secret or key in your code, you need to use its identify URL which contains its key vault DNS name. It will finally find the target key vault.
If you want to use key vault in web app with managed identity, you may refer to the tutorial: Use Azure Key Vault with an Azure web app in .NET
In that tutorial, you will enable the identity of a web app. And then you can assign access policy to that identity. In this way, the web app will be able to access the key vault with managed identity.

Azure website not able to communicate to the third party API

I have recently migrated my azure classic portal resources to CSP subscription. I have successfully converted my azure cloud service to azure app website in the CSP subscription. But there is one thing i am not able connect. Its the third party API When we had the cloud service we had a .pfx uploaded to azure and in the code we use to create a uri which consists of the certifcate key + certificate secret key.
The certificate key is got directly from web.config. But the certificate secret key is got from EncryptedSettings.Appsettings("SecretKeyName").
This is basically got from the encrypted app setting done earlier by
But i am not sure what way should we implement on Azure website.
I have tried implementing the same but unfortunately it seems the secret key retrieval technique for cloud service is not the same as in the azure web app service.
When i debug the azure web site i can see that it gives the error as.
Failed to decrypt using provider ‘CustomProvider’. Error message from the provider: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: keyObject
Can anyone please guide me ?
Rather than storing secrets in your config, you may wish instead to store them Azure KeyVault (which also gives you secret management capabilities etc) and then load the secrets at runtime.
KeyVault documentation:
Specifically how to use keyvault with azure websites:
And these days, don't bother with manual authentication to use keyvault, instead use "Managed Service Identity", here's a tutorial:
Interestingly the second tutorial does mention specifically using certificates for the purposes of authentication (against keyvault), you may wish to use this technique for yourself as a simplified way to get direct access to your certificate.
