Is there any reason to lock a queue? - multithreading

I'm just wondering if there would be any reason I might want to lock a queue. I am working on an application that has several threads that reads and writes to a database. In order to reduce traffic, I want to reduce the amount of calls to that database at any given point (I know many databases can handle some traffic already). Would it make any sense to make a queue for the read/write requests and only the request at the top executes and then protect the queue's push and pop commands with a lock? Is having a lock on each read/write call enough? Isn't a lock implemented as a "queue" by the OS anyways? Could size of this "queue" be an issue or would there be any other reason I wouldn't use a lock by itself?

You could limit the number of threads that are engaged in database requests or if that's not feasible due to the nature of your app, you could use a more granular approach to limit access to the shared resource. In python, you can use the built-in semaphore objects for inter-thread synchronization. For inter-process synchronization (or inter-thread), you'd use posix_ipc. It depends what your service's execution model is.
Most database clients wouldn't require any application-level throttling. In a typical system, the database connections would be pooled and the connection manager would be responsible for acquiring an available connection. Internally this usually involves a queue of some sort with timeouts to prevent waiting indefinitely. The database itself would then handle the scheduling of individual operations made by each connection.
However, a semaphore is a signalling primitive that can be used to limit the number of concurrent operations:
Tasks can also be modeled as a producer-consumer problem which involves a shared queue, however you'll have to deal with the added complexity of managing the consumer threads in addition to the producers.


How worker threads works in Nodejs?

Nodejs can not have a built-in thread API like java and .net
do. If threads are added, the nature of the language itself will
change. It’s not possible to add threads as a new set of available
classes or functions.
Nodejs 10.x added worker threads as an experiment and now stable since 12.x. I have gone through the few blogs but did not understand much maybe due to lack of knowledge. How are they different than the threads.
Worker threads in Javascript are somewhat analogous to WebWorkers in the browser. They do not share direct access to any variables with the main thread or with each other and the only way they communicate with the main thread is via messaging. This messaging is synchronized through the event loop. This avoids all the classic race conditions that multiple threads have trying to access the same variables because two separate threads can't access the same variables in node.js. Each thread has its own set of variables and the only way to influence another thread's variables is to send it a message and ask it to modify its own variables. Since that message is synchronized through that thread's event queue, there's no risk of classic race conditions in accessing variables.
Java threads, on the other hand, are similar to C++ or native threads in that they share access to the same variables and the threads are freely timesliced so right in the middle of functionA running in threadA, execution could be interrupted and functionB running in threadB could run. Since both can freely access the same variables, there are all sorts of race conditions possible unless one manually uses thread synchronization tools (such as mutexes) to coordinate and protect all access to shared variables. This type of programming is often the source of very hard to find and next-to-impossible to reliably reproduce concurrency bugs. While powerful and useful for some system-level things or more real-time-ish code, it's very easy for anyone but a very senior and experienced developer to make costly concurrency mistakes. And, it's very hard to devise a test that will tell you if it's really stable under all types of load or not.
node.js attempts to avoid the classic concurrency bugs by separating the threads into their own variable space and forcing all communication between them to be synchronized via the event queue. This means that threadA/functionA is never arbitrarily interrupted and some other code in your process changes some shared variables it was accessing while it wasn't looking.
node.js also has a backstop that it can run a child_process that can be written in any language and can use native threads if needed or one can actually hook native code and real system level threads right into node.js using the add-on SDK (and it communicates with node.js Javascript through the SDK interface). And, in fact, a number of node.js built-in libraries do exactly this to surface functionality that requires that level of access to the nodejs environment. For example, the implementation of file access uses a pool of native threads to carry out file operations.
So, with all that said, there are still some types of race conditions that can occur and this has to do with access to outside resources. For example if two threads or processes are both trying to do their own thing and write to the same file, they can clearly conflict with each other and create problems.
So, using Workers in node.js still has to be aware of concurrency issues when accessing outside resources. node.js protects the local variable environment for each Worker, but can't do anything about contention among outside resources. In that regard, node.js Workers have the same issues as Java threads and the programmer has to code for that (exclusive file access, file locks, separate files for each Worker, using a database to manage the concurrency for storage, etc...).
It comes under the node js architecture. whenever a req reaches the node it is passed on to "EVENT QUE" then to "Event Loop" . Here the event-loop checks whether the request is 'blocking io or non-blocking io'. (blocking io - the operations which takes time to complete eg:fetching a data from someother place ) . Then Event-loop passes the blocking io to THREAD POOL. Thread pool is a collection of WORKER THREADS. This blocking io gets attached to one of the worker-threads and it begins to perform its operation(eg: fetching data from database) after the completion it is send back to event loop and later to Execution.

How exactly does NodeJS handle high concurrent requests?

I was trying to understand how nodejs can achieve higher concurrency compared to thread-based approaches such as Servlet servers.
I already know that in nodejs "everything runs in parallel except your code", and also there is a backend thread pool in libuv to handle File IO or database calls which are usually the bottlenecks.
So here is my question: if nodejs uses thread pool to handle database calls, how it can service higher concurrent request than Servlet servers such as Tomcat given that Tomcat can also use NIO backed by epoll/kqueue to achieve high concurrency ?
For example, if there's a 100k concurrent request coming in and each requires database operations, if these 100k request are to be serviced concurrently, with nodejs we still end up creating 100k threads which might cause memory exhaustion as Tomcat does. Yes, the 100k threads is just an imagination because (I know) that nodejs has a fixed thread pool and different operations are queued in the event loop, but with Tomcat it handles things in the same way--we also can configure the thread pool size in Tomcat and it also queues request.
Or, am I wrong to say that "nodejs uses backend thread pool in libuv to handle File IO or database calls"? Does nodejs use epoll/kqueue to handle database io without a separate thread?
I was reading this similar question but still didn't get the answer.
if nodejs uses thread pool to handle database calls
That's a wrong assumption. nodejs will typically use networking to talk to a local database running in a different process or on a different host. Networking in node.js does not use threads of any kind - it uses event driven I/O. What the database does for threads is up to the database and independent of node.js since it would be the same no matter which server environment you were using.
node.js does use a thread pool for local disk access, but high scale applications are usually using a database for the crux of their disk access which run in a separate process and have their own I/O optimizations to handle lots of requests. How a given database does it is up to that implementation, but it will not be using a nodejs thread per request.
I was trying to understand how nodejs can achieve higher concurrency compared to thread-based approaches such as Servlet servers.
The general concept is that a properly written server app in node.js uses async I/O for all I/O (except perhaps startup code that only runs during server startup). This means that it can have a lot of requests in-flight at the same time with only a single Javascript thread while most of them are waiting on some type of I/O. If you're going to have a lot of requests in-flight at the same time, it can be a lot more efficient for the system to do it the node.js way of a single thread where all the requests are cooperatively switched vs. using OS threads where every thread has OS overhead associated with it and every pre-emptive thread switch has OS and CPU overhead associated with it.
In node-js, there is no pre-emptive switching between the active requests. Only one runs at a time and it runs until it either finishes or hits an asychronous operation and has nothing else to do until that async I/O operation completes. At that point, the JS engine goes back to the event queue and picks out an event (probably for one of the other requests). This type of cooperate switching can be significantly faster and more efficient than OS-level threads. There is sometimes a programming cost in that a node.js developer has to code with async I/O in order to take advantage of this which has a learning curve in order to get proficient at writing good, clean code with proper error handling and has a learning curve for debugging it too.
For example, if there's a 100k concurrent request coming in and each requires database operations, if these 100k request are to be serviced concurrently, with nodejs we still end up creating 100k threads which might cause memory exhaustion as Tomcat does.
No, you will not be creating 100k threads. A node.js database interface layer that interfaces between node.js and the actual database code in another process or on another host may be written entirely in node.js (using TCP networking to talk to the database) and introduce no new threads at all or it may have some native code and use a small number of threads for its own native code operations, but it will likely be a small number of threads and nothing even close to one per request.
Or, am I wrong to say that "nodejs uses backend thread pool in libuv to handle File IO or database calls"? Does nodejs use epoll/kqueue to handle database io without a separate thread?
For file I/O, yes it uses a thread pool in libuv. For database calls, no - While the details depend entirely upon the database implementation, usually there is not a thread per database call. The database is typically in another process and the nodejs interface library for the DB either directly uses nodejs TCP to talk to the database (which uses no threads) or it has its own native code add-on that talks to the database which probably uses a small number of threads for its work, but typically not a thread per request.

What is the benifit using netty4 NIO in the client side comparing to the one thread-per-connection blocking IO?

I see from the server side, the benefit of NIO is the capability to manage multiple network connections with fewer thread comparing to the comparing to one thread per connection blocking IO.
However, if I have a IO client which connects to thousand of servers at the same time, can I just have similar approach to manage these connections IO using fewer threads. I tried the approach in Netty 4 multiple client and found it spawn a "Reader" thread for each channel it created.
So, my questions are:
1) what are the benefits using netty/NIO in the client side?
2) is it possible to manage multiple connections with fewer threads in the client side?
I have uploaded the code samples in github:
The sample server/client class is moc.ogop.ahsp.demo.nio.MultipleConnectionNioMain and moc.ogop.ahsp.demo.nio.NettyNioServerMain
Having lots of threads creates a context-switch problem in the kernel where lots more memory is being loaded and unloaded from each core as the kernel tries to reschedule the threads across the cores.
The benefit of NIO anywhere is performance. Thats pretty much the only reason we use it. Using Blocking IO is MUCH more simple. Using the worker model and NIO you can limit the number of threads (and potential computational time) the process uses. So if you have two workers and they go bonkers using 100% cpu time the whole system won't go to a crawl because you have 2-4 more cores available.
Have fun!
Why should I use non-blocking or blocking sockets?

Is Vibe.D multi-threaded to handle concurrent requests?

I know that Vibe.D implementation is based on Fibers.
But I don't know how high load scenarios are handled by Vibe.D. Is it the scheduler in Vibe.D allocating fibers on multiple threads or just one thread for all fibers?
This consideration is very important because even with the high efficiency of Fibers a lot of CPU time is wasted is no more than one thread is used to attend all incoming requests.
Their front page says yes:
this page has the details
Distributed processing of incoming connections
The HTTP server (as well as any other TCP based server) can be instructed to process incoming connections across the worker threads of the thread pool instead of in the main thread. For applications that don't need to share state across different connections in the process, this can increase the maximum number of requests per second linearly with the number of cores in the system. This feature is enabled using the HTTPServerOption.distribute or TCPListenOptions.distribute settings.

Seeking tutorials and information on load-balancing between threads

I know the term "Load Balancing" can be very broad, but the subject I'm trying to explain is more specific, and I don't know the proper terminology. What I'm building is a set of Server/Client applications. The server needs to be able to handle a massive amount of data transfer, as well as client connections, so I started looking into multi-threading.
There's essentially 3 ways I can see implementing any sort of threading for the server...
One thread handling all requests (defeats the purpose of a thread if 500 clients are logged in)
One thread per user (which is risky to create 1 thread for each of the 500 clients)
Pool of threads which divide the work evenly for any number of clients (What I'm seeking)
The third one is what I'd like to know. This consists of a setup like this:
Maximum 250 threads running at once
500 clients will not create 500 threads, but share the 250
A Queue of requests will be pending to be passed into a thread
A thread is not tied down to a client, and vice-versa
Server decides which thread to send a request to based on activity (load balance)
I'm currently not seeking any code quite yet, but information on how a setup like this works, and preferably a tutorial to accomplish this in Delphi (XE2). Even a proper word or name to put on this subject would be sufficient so I can do the searching myself.
I found it necessary to explain a little about what this will be used for. I will be streaming both commands and images, there will be a double-socket setup where there's one "Main Command Socket" and another "Add-on Image Streaming Socket". So really one connection is 2 socket connections.
Each connection to the server's main socket creates (or re-uses) an object representing all the data needed for that connection, including threads, images, settings, etc. For every connection to the main socket, a streaming socket is also connected. It's not always streaming images, but the command socket is always ready.
The point is that I already have a threading mechanism in my current setup (1 thread per session object) and I'd like to shift that over to a pool-like multithreading environment. The two connections together require a higher-level control over these threads, and I can't rely on something like Indy to keep these synchronized, I'd rather know how things are working than to learn to trust something else to do the work for me.
IOCP server. It's the only high-performance solution. It's essentially asynchronous in user mode, ('overlapped I/O in M$-speak), a pool of threads issue WSARecv, WSASend, AcceptEx calls and then all wait on an IOCP queue for completion records. When something useful happens, a kernel threadpool performs the actual I/O and then queues up the completion records.
You need at least a buffer class and socket class, (and probably others for high-performance - objectPool and pooledObject classes so you can make socket and buffer pools).
500 threads may not be an issue on a server class computer. A blocking TCP thread doesn't do much while it's waiting for the server to respond.
There's nothing stopping you from creating some type of work queue on the server side, served by a limited size pool of threads. A simple thread-safe TList works great as a queue, and you can easily put a message handler on each server thread for notifications.
Still, at some point you may have too much work, or too many threads, for the server to handle. This is usually handled by adding another application server.
To ensure scalability, code for the idea of multiple servers, and you can keep scaling by adding hardware.
There may be some reason to limit the number of actual work threads, such as limiting lock contention on a database, or something similar, however, in general, you distribute work by adding threads, and let the hardware (CPU, redirector, switch, NAS, etc.) schedule the load.
Your implementation is completely tied to the communications components you use. If you use Indy, or anything based on Indy, it is one thread per connection - period! There is no way to change this. Indy will scale to 100's of connections, but not 1000's. Your best hope to use thread pools with your communications components is IOCP, but here your choices are limited by the lack of third-party components. I have done all the investigation before and you can see my question at
I have a fully working distributed development framework (threading and comms) that has been used in production for over 3 years now across more than a half-dozen separate systems and basically covers everything you have asked so far. The code can be found on the web as well.
