How to change color of TEdit when focused - background-color

It's probably easy question, bu I can't find an answer.
I want to change background color of TEdit component when I click on it (on Focus), and the background should back to previous color when I click somewhere else.
P.S. I use a Firemonkey and it's multiplatform app, so I need to use a style.

The easiest way (and best) - place TRectangle without Stroke into Tedit, set its Align to Client and change its Fill color in Object Inspector.
Hard way:
Tedit is using bitmap from styles. You can see your current style for Tedit - place StyleBook, Load your style from file, find 'editstyle' object.
You can create a new style for Tedit (copy 'editstyle' in your current style, and name it like editstyle1, select background > Source Link in Object Inspector - select part on global style bitmap with your color, then you can change to new style like Edit1.StyleLookup := 'editstyle1';
Also use a useful forum: with Google Translate.


How to create a scalable multi-line button in Godot?

A Button in Godot can only hold a single line of text. I can overcome this limitation by placing RichTextLabel node inside the button.
Now the button can contain more lines of text, but its height doesn't change automatically when more lines are needed. Instead the text just overflows:
Of course I can manually resize the button to be higher, but I'd like this to happen automatically depending on the amount of text inside. Specifically, I'm generating a list of these buttons programmatically and showing inside a HBoxContainer, with some buttons having longer and other shorter text.
Is there a way to achieve this with Godot layout tools?
Since the Button is in a Container, it is in control of its rect_size. The best we can do is specify a rect_min_size. There is no layout preset to have a Control depend on children Control. So, to answer the question as posted: No, we cannot achieve this with Godot layout tools. We need some scripting.
We need to set the rect_min_size for the Button depending on the RichTextLabel. We can ask it for the height of its content with get_content_height. Which also means we need to set the width beforehand. However, it will not update right away when we set the text (we are going to use yield).
Apparently you don't want the Container to control the height of the Button. If that is the case, I think you can remove all the flags from size_flags_vertical.
About the width, since as I was explaining before we need to set the width to get the height… I suggest you let the Container expand the width of the Button as much a posible. Which mean setting both the Fill and Expand flags on size_flags_horizontal.
Then, with the RichTextLabel properly set to take as much width of the parent Button as possible, you can read it height, and use it to set the height of the rect_min_size of the Button.
One more thing: you want to set the mouse filter of the RichTextLabel to Ignore or Pass, or it will prevent pressing the Button.
This is the code I came up with:
var b :=
b.size_flags_vertical = 0
b.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
var l :=
l.mouse_filter = Control.MOUSE_FILTER_IGNORE
l.text = "Some\nMultiline\nText"
yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame")
b.rect_min_size.y = l.get_content_height()
I'd like this to happen automatically depending on the amount of text inside
Sadly changing the text does not resize, nor change the minimum size of the RichTextLabel. And RichTextLabel does not have a "text changed" signal. Nor "bbcode text changed" signal. Furthermore, it might not be feasible to intercept these properties (see append_bbcode It is proabaly easier to do with a regular Label.
Anyway, what I'm going to suggest for this is to make a Control that wraps the RichTextLabel, offers whatever interface you actually need, and in any method where you change the text, afterwards, you do the equivalent of this:
yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame")
b.rect_min_size.y = l.get_content_height()
(Godot 3.x)
Without using scripting, it is also possible to achieve the same goal by wrapping both nodes as sibilings within a container, for example a MarginContainer. Enable the RichTextLabel's fit_content_height property, which will result in the label expanding the container's area as much as necessary, which will in turn resize the Button.

RichEdit, How to set the background color of one single line

I have a TRichEdit control containing source code. I want to set the background color of a single line.
I know how to set the text color, but isn't there a way to set the background color as well? I'm not talking about the entire background colour for the whole control, only how to change one single line.
Do I really have to write a custom control to do this?
There is no TRichEdit property for setting the background color of individual characters/lines. However, you can use the Win32 API SendMessage() function, or the TRichEdit's own Perform() method, to send it an EM_SETCHARFORMAT message, specifying a CHARFORMAT2 structure whose crBackColor field is set to the desired color. You can apply formatting to existing characters by highlighting them first, or you can apply formatting to the current caret position if there is no selection.
The MSDN on RTF specifies \cbN, where N is the color index.
Other searches suggest this is not supported by a lot of applications (OS X's native RTF viewer, Microsoft Word) so maybe you should look for a custom solution.

Change command menu background in LWUIT

Can we change Command's background color of the menu in LWUIT ?
and how can I set an icon to the "Menu" generated Command ?
I will try to explain better than the other post. You can change the style of the Menu using and UIID.
There are two ways to do that.
Easy way. Use the LWUIT Resource editor and create in the Unselected tab, and UIID called Menu. In this UIID you should configure the background color as you wish. You can change more things (like text color, size of the font, etc)
Hard way, by code. Create a Style object and set it to the Menu.

Qt text editor on picture

I haven't found an exact question on this.
I have a picture, it could be blank for the sake of the example, or contain something that I want to add a fancy caption to. I want to add text editing means (akin to Photoshop) on top of the picture.
I'm thinking about subclassing QGraphicsScene and placing a subclassed QTextEdit object on the scene upon pressing a text placement button. Then, when you click on this object, in addition to editing the text, additional text editing tools become available - so you can set parts of text to bold, italic, modify color, size, etc. And then you would be able to change the object's position - and I think that's available in QGraphicsScene by default. And for the background QBrush, there would be a background picture.
Is this a reasonable solution?
Maybe there are any ready-available examples of this, but I haven't found them yet.
My solution
Text item:
For the text item, I used QGraphicsScene with a subclassed QGraphicsTextItem. For the background picture, I used a QGraphicsRectItem with a QBrush and a loaded picture using QImage methods.
To edit parts of the selected text in this subclassed QGraphicsTextItem:
QTextCharFormat applied to my subclassed QGraphicsTextItem using QGraphicsTextItem::textCursor().mergeCharFormat(...). This way I can change formatting, such as boldness, italics, etc. on the selection only.
Some more thingies:
To pan and zoom around the scene, I used an excellent guide by Vpicaver complete with source code from

Problems with MFC link control wrapping

I'm using a CMFCLinkCtrl in my custom dialog that inherits from CDialog. The CMFCLinkCtrl is set dynamically using data that is set by the user in another part of the application, so I have to handle long urls.
Is there a way to have the link control truncate what is displayed in the dialog and add an ellipse to the end? Currently the control is wrapping to the next line when it is too long to fit in the dialog or sees the "//" in the http://.
Static controls have an SS_ENDELLIPSIS style that does exactly what you want, but unfortunately this won't work with CMFCLinkCtrl which is derived from CButton. So you have two choices:
Use a static control with the SS_ENDELLIPSIS style, but you'll have to set the text colour and font yourself, and handle click events and open the URL manually.
Subclass CMFCLinkCtrl and add custom drawing code to add the ellipsis.
I think you're out of luck. You'll have to do what casablanca said or without subclassing truncate the text yourself (calculate the font size and link control size) and set it using SetWindowText.
You can easily resize the control to contain the entire text using SizeToContent, but I don't think this works for you.
