How to add/register and generate metrics for cassandra client program - cassandra

In our java application we have a client program that insert bulk records into cassandra asynchronously. We are using guava Future and added callback to track success and failure for our insert operations.
Now I want to add and generate metrics to track number of record being executed through our program (method), number of success,number of failure, time taken for each insert. I would also like to get this information in hourly basis.
I am very new to cassandra and using metrics for the first time.Can you please help me to implement the above requirements. I want to know how we can register and generate metrics for client.
I have gone through - but it seems it provides statistics about cassanra server. But I want to register and generate metrics for client.


Is writing multiple INSERTS versus UPDATE faster for temporary POSTGRES databases?

I am re-designing a project I built a year ago when I was just starting to learn how to code. I used MEAN stack, back then and want to convert it to a PERN stack now. My AWS knowledge has also grown a bit and I'd like to expand on these new skills.
The application receives real-time data from an api which I clean up to write to a database as well as broadcast that data to connected clients.
To better conceptualize this question I will refer to the following items:
api-m1 : this receives the incoming data and passes it to my schema I then send it to my socket-server.
socket-server: handles the WSS connection to the application's front-end clients. It also will write this data to a postgres database which it gets from Scraper and api-m1. I would like to turn this into clusters eventually as I am using nodejs and will incorporate Redis. Then I will run it behind an ALB using sticky-sessions etc.. for multiple EC2 instances.
RDS: postgres table which socket-server writes incoming scraper and api-m1 data to. RDS is used to fetch the most recent data stored along with user profile config data. NOTE: RDS main data table will have max 120-150 UID records with 6-7 columns
To help better visualize this see img below.
From a database perspective, what would be the quickest way to write my data to RDS.
Assuming we have during peak times 20-40 records/s from the api-m1 + another 20-40 records/s from the scraper? After each day I tear down the database using a lambda function and start again (as the data is only temporary and does not need to be saved for any prolonged period of time).
1.Should I INSERT each record using a SERIAL id, then from the frontend fetch the most recent rows based off of the uid?
2.a Should I UPDATE each UID so i'd have a fixed N rows of data which I just search and update? (I can see this bottlenecking with my Postgres client.
2.b Still use UPDATE but do BATCHED updates (what issues will I run into if I make multiple clusters i.e will I run into concurrency problems where table record XYZ will have an older value overwrite a more recent value because i'm using BATCH UPDATE with Node Clusters?
My concern is UPDATES are slower than INSERTS and I don't want to make it as fast as possible. This section of the application isn't CPU heavy, and the rt-data isn't that intensive.
To make my comments an answer:
You don't seem to need SQL semantics for anything here, so I'd just toss RDS and use e.g. Redis (or DynamoDB, I guess) for that data store.

How to avoid database from being hit hard when API is getting bursted?

I have an API which allows other microservices to call on to check whether a particular product exists in the inventory. The API takes in only one parameter which is the ID of the product.
The API is served through API Gateway in Lambda and it simply queries against a Postgres RDS to check for the product ID. If it finds the product, it returns the information about the product in the response. If it doesn't, it just returns an empty response. The SQL is basically this:
SELECT * FROM inventory where expired = false and product_id = request.productId;
However, the problem is that many services are calling this particular API very heavily to check the existence of products. Not only that, the calls often come in bursts. I assume those services loop through a list of product IDs and check for their existence individually, hence the burst.
The number of concurrent calls on the API has resulted in it making many queries to the database. The rate can burst beyond 30 queries per sec and there can be a few hundred thousands of requests to fulfil. The queries are mostly the same, except for the product ID in the where clause. The column has been indexed and it takes an average of only 5-8ms to complete. Still, the connection to the database occasionally time out when the rate gets too high.
I'm using Sequelize as my ORM and the error I get when it time out is SequelizeConnectionAcquireTimeoutError. There is a good chance that the burst rate was too high and it max'ed out the pool too.
Some options I have considered:
Using a cache layer. But I have noticed that, most
of the time, 90% of the product IDs in the requests are not repeated.
This would mean that 90% of the time, it would be a cache miss and it
will still query against the database.
Auto scale up the database. But because the calls are bursty and I don't
know when they may come, the autoscaling won't complete in time to
avoid the time out. Moreover, the query is a very simple select statement and the CPU of the RDS instance hardly crosses 80% during the bursts. So I doubt scaling it would do much too.
What other techniques can I do to avoid the database from being hit hard when the API is getting burst calls which are mostly unique and difficult to cache?
Use cache in the boot time
You can load all necessary columns into an in-memory data storage (redis). Every update in database (cron job) will affect cached data.
Problems: memory overhead of updating cache
Limit db calls
Create a buffer for ids. Store n ids and then make one query for all of them. Or empty the buffer every m seconds!
Problems: client response time extra process for query result
Change your database
Use NoSql database for these data. According to this article and this one, I think choosing NoSql database is a better idea.
Problems: multiple data stores
Start with a covering index to handle your query. You might create an index like this for your table:
CREATE INDEX inv_lkup ON inventory (product_id, expired) INCLUDE (col, col, col);
Mention all the columns in your SELECT in the index, either in the main list of indexed columns or in the INCLUDE clause. Then the DBMS can satisfy your query completely from the index. It's faster.
You could start using AWS lambda throttling to handle this problem. But, for that to work the consumers of your API will need to retry when they get 429 responses. That might be super-inconvenient.
Sorry to say, you may need to stop using lambda. Ordinary web servers have good stuff in them to manage burst workload.
They have an incoming connection (TCP/IP listen) queue. Each new request coming in lands in that queue, where it waits until the server software accept the connection. When the server is busy requests wait in that queue. When there's a high load the requests wait for a bit longer in that queue. In nodejs's case, if you use clustering there's just one of these incoming connection queues, and all the processes in the cluster use it.
The server software you run (to handle your API) has a pool of connections to your DBMS. That pool has a maximum number of connections it it. As your server software handles each request, it awaits a connection from the pool. If no connection is immediately available the request-handling pauses until one is available, then handles it. This too smooths out the requests to the DBMS. (Be aware that each process in a nodejs cluster has its own pool.)
Paradoxically, a smaller DBMS connection pool can improve overall performance, by avoiding too many concurrent SELECTs (or other queries) on the DBMS.
This kind of server configuration can be scaled out: a load balancer will do. So will a server with more cores and more nodejs cluster processes. An elastic load balancer can also add new server VMs when necessary.

periodic refresh of static data in Structure Streaming and Stateful Streaming

I am trying to implement 5 min batch monitoring using spark structured streaming where read from kafka and look up on (1 huge and 1 smaller) diff static datasets as part of ETL logic and call rest API to send final results to an external application (out of billions of records from kafka only less than 100 will be out to rest API after ETL).
How to achieve refreshing static look ups with out restarting the whole streaming application ? (StreamingQueryListener using StreamingQueryManager.addListener method to have our own logic of refreshing/recreating static df via StreamingQuery.AwaitTermination ? or use persist and unpersis cache ? or any other better ideas ?)
Note : Went through below article but not sure if hbase is better option as its an old one.
Once a record is enriched with look up information and applied some rules/conditions , we need to start keep track of it to send updates until it completed its lifecycle of an event as per custom logic via rest API. So hoping flatmapwithGroupState implementation helps here to keep track of event state. Please suggest best options here.
Managing group state with in HDFS vs using HBase. Please suggest best options from an operationalization and monitoring point of view in production environment where support team has minimal knowledge of Spark. If we use HDFS for state maintenance, how to keep it up with event state tracking in case of rest API fails to send updates to end user/system?

spring batch design advice for processing 50k files

We have more than 50k files coming in everyday and needs to be processed. For that we have developed POC apps with design like,
Polling app picks the file continuously from ftp zone.
Validate that file and create metadata in db table.
Another poller picks 10-20 files from db(only file id and status) and deliver it to slave apps as message
Slave app take message and launch a spring batch job, which is reading data, does biz validation in processors and writes validated data to db/another file.
We used spring integration and spring batch technology for this POC
Is it a good idea to launch spring batch job in slaves or directly implement read,process and write logic as plan java or spring bean objects?
Need some insight on launching this job where slave can have 10-25 MDP(spring message driven pojo) and each of this MDP is launching a job.
Note : Each file will have max 30 - 40 thousand records
Generally, using SpringIntegration and SpringBatch for such tasks is a good idea. This is what they are intended for.
With regard to SpringBatch, you get the whole retry, skip and restart handling out of the box. Moreover, you have all these readers and writers that are optimised for bulk operations. This works very well and you only have to concentrate on writing the appropriate mappers and such stuff.
If you want to use plain java or spring bean objects, you will probably end up developing such infrastructure code by yourself... incl. all the needed effort for testing and so on.
Concerning your design:
Besides validating and creation of the metadata entry, you could consider to load the entries directly into a database table. This would give you a better "transactional" control, if something fails. Your load job could look something like this:
tasklet to create an entry in metadata table with columns like
DATE: ...
ATTEMPT: ... first attempt
read and validate each line of the file and store it in a data table
DATA: ........
FK_META_TABLE: ForeignKey to meta table
update metatable with status LOAD_completed
So, as soon as your metatable entry gets the state LOAD_COMPLETED, you know that all entries of the files have been validated and are ready for further processing.
If something fails, you just can fix the file and reload it.
Then, to process further, you could just have jobs which poll periodically and check if there are new data in the database which should be processed. If more than one file had been loaded during the last period, simply process all files that are ready.
You could even have several slave-processes polling from time to time. Just do a read for update on the state of the metadata table or use an optimistic locking approach to prevent several slaves from trying to process the same entries.
With this solution, you don't need a message infrastructure and you can still scale the whole application without any problems.

I am not sure which NoSQL is suitable for my scenario

I am trying to design create a cloud based system (IaaS) that will gather data from sensors (water pollution related activity) and upon certain events will decide to process the data for a specific sensor.
Data characteristics are:
1. For each sensor data is being sent once every couple of days (up to 6 times a month)
2. each sensor reading contains about 5000 events that are encapsulated in 50-100 messages that are sent to the server (such "session" takes about 20 minutes where messages are sent every 5 seconds)
3. I am building the system to handle rate of 30,000 messages per second.
4. processing of the data shouldn't be real time , I have about 10 minutes once the "session" is finished to do the processing.
5. 90% of the sessions are not interesting and can be thrown away once they are finished. the other 10% have event or event encapsulated in the messages that according to them I need to decide if I need to process the entire session data and send an alert to the sensor that there is a pollution.
I created a tool that generates 5000 messages per second and I am trying to figure out which database would be the most optimal for my scenario.
These are the databases I am thinking to try:
Cassandra - I will save for each session an in memory collection of keys. the keys are for the messages that are stored in cassandra. Once I detect a message that contains bad readings I will need to pull all of the other messages in the "session" and process them (that means 50-100 requests to cassandra). My concern here is about write performance (since I have many read and write operations) + I don't have a good strategy for deleting the 90% not needed sessions.
Couchbase - I will save a document for each "session" according to sensorID and will append each message to the document. Once I detect a message that contains bad readings I will only need to send one request for the document. My concern here is about the read performance.
Redis - use it like cassandra. I assume performance will be the best but I will need to handle the sharding and replication of data myself in order not to reach the memory limit
I would love to hear which option would be the most appropriate
Reg. Redis – You may consider using a DAAS (Data as a Service). The service will manage for you all the instances, clusters, scaling, data persistence and high availability settings.
One example, is Redis Cloud by Redis Labs
This is an interesting one. If we go to basics of CAP Theorem and try to choose one DB based upon need of consistency, availability, and partition tolerance.
For High consistency and availability- Choose MySQL, PostgreSQL,Greenplum, Vertica, Neo4J.
For High availability and partition tolerance- Use Cassandra,Voldemort,Dynamo,CouchDB, Riak
For High consistency and partition tolerance- Use HBase, Redis, MongoDB,
BerkeleyDB, BigTable
So my Vote is for Cassandra here.
