I have issue with showing order product images in generated pdf invoices, but they are showed in credit notes. I have invoice template(index.tpl) where the images have to be showed. The credit note template (index_gs.tpl) which extends the invoice template(index.tpl) is working.
I need some help with the following:
How to debug shopware requests and queries?
Where is the data for templates loaded?
If you need information about anything like plugins, source of templates i will provide it.
Documents creation goes in Shopware_Components_Document.
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
'Shopware_Components_Document::assignValues::after' => 'onAfterRenderDocument',
public function onAfterRenderDocument(\Enlight_Hook_HookArgs $args) {
$document = $args->getSubject();
$view = $document->_view;
$Order = $view->getTemplateVars('Order');
$User = $view->getTemplateVars('User');
$userID = $Order['_order']['userID'];
$orderID = $Order['_order']['id'];
$shopID = $Order['_order']['subshopID'];
$view->assign('customVar', 'Custom Value'); // This variable will be available in document.
How to debug shopware requests and queries?
You can use var_dump/print_r + exit in method above to see what you need.
Developer's version of Acumatica 2020R1 is installed locally. Data for sample tenant MyTenant from training for I-300 were loaded, and WSDL connection established.
DefaultSoapClient is created fine.
However, attempts to export any data by using Getlist cause errors:
using (Default.DefaultSoapClient soapClient =
new Default.DefaultSoapClient())
//Sign in to Acumatica ERP
//Retrieving the list of customers with contacts
//Retrieving the list of stock items modified within the past day
// RetrievalOfDelta.ExportStockItems(soapClient);
public static void ExportItemClass(DefaultSoapClient soapClient)
Console.WriteLine("Retrieving the list of item classes...");
ItemClass ItemClassToBeFound = new ItemClass
ReturnBehavior = ReturnBehavior.All,
Entity[] ItemClasses = soapClient.GetList(ItemClassToBeFound);
string lcItemType = "", lcValuationMethod = "";
int lnCustomFieldsCount;
using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter("ItemClass.csv"))
//Write the values for each item
foreach (ItemClass loItemClass in ItemClasses)
The Acumatica instance was modified by adding a custom field to Stock Items using DAC, and by adding several Attributes to Customer and Stock Items.
Interesting enough, this code used to work until something broke it.
What is wrong here?
Thank you.
In the request you have the following line: ReturnBehavior = ReturnBehavior.All
That means that you try to retrieve all linked/detail entities of the object. Unfortunately, some object are not optimized enough to not affect query performance in GetList scenarios.
So, you have to options:
Replace ReturnBehavior=All by explicitly specifying linked/detail entities that you want to retrieve and not include Attributes into the list.
Retrieve StockItem with attributes one by one using Get operation instead of GetList.
P.S. The problem with attributes will most likely be fixed in the next version of API endpoint.
Code sample for Get:
public static void ExportItemClass(DefaultSoapClient soapClient)
Console.WriteLine("Retrieving the list of item classes...");
ItemClass ItemClassToBeFound = new ItemClass
ReturnBehavior = ReturnBehavior.Default //retrieve only default fields (without attributes and other linked/detailed entities)
Entity[] ItemClasses = soapClient.GetList(ItemClassToBeFound);
foreach(var entity in ItemClasses)
ItemClass itemClass= entity as ItemClass;
// retrieve each ItemClass with all the details/linked entities individually
ItemClass retrievedItemCLass = soapClient.Get(itemClass);
Please how can I get the receipt number on Stripe with c#
My image :
Maybe with a Session ID ?
You'd access the Charge object and it's a field on that resource.
You say you're using Checkout. So the Charge is under session.payment_intent.charges.data[0]. It requires a little digging to get it but it's all there. I'd suggest that when you receive the event as part of fulfilling the order etc, retrieve the Session(stripe.com/docs/api/checkout/sessions/retrieve) and expand "payment_intent". Then session.PaymentIntent.Charges.Data[0].ReceiptNumber is the value you're looking for.
static void CheckoutSessionReceiptEmail()
var service = new Stripe.Checkout.SessionService();
var session = service.Get(
new Stripe.Checkout.SessionGetOptions
Expand = new List<string> { "payment_intent" }
We currently have the following code on our custom DNN module:
public class FeatureController : ModuleSearchBase
public CommonDataDefinitions.Products.WebProductDetails ProductDetails { get; set; } = null;
public override IList<SearchDocument> GetModifiedSearchDocuments(ModuleInfo moduleInfo, DateTime beginDateUtc)
var searchDocuments = new List<SearchDocument>
return searchDocuments;
throw new NotImplementedException();
Our Detailed Product View module retrieves the following information depending on the SKU in a query string on load using a web API Controller.
Product.StockCode Product.MetaTitle
The SearchModulebase code will be in the FeatureController class.
This page will be loaded each time someone looks at a product in detail when they navigate from the Product Filter Module.
1. Since the module will be loaded each time when someone clicks on a particular product. How do you run this code only once and return all the products from the API Controller? Do we need to create an Object which will retrieve everything?
2. How do you prevent the module from becoming slow when all the products have to be retrieved on the on load event?
3. Which SearchDocument information can be returned for the DNN Crawler to index?
4. When the DNN Crawler reads the Feature Controller code, how do you initialize your API Controller to go and fetch and Populate the results to be indexed?
My site has this structure:
category 1
item 1
item 1 attachments
category 2
item 2
item 2 attachments
I have successfully written a hierarchical transformation that shows the data on the page at the top level. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to access the attachments for each document though.
Anyone have any idea?
If you are talking about Group attachments (this is when you have a field in your page type using the Attachments data type) then in order to access the attachments inside your transformation you need to write either a custom macro (when using Text/XML transformation) or custom transformation method. Both can be done very easily. The code itself that gets you the attachments can be like this:
public ObjectQuery<AttachmentInfo> GetAttachmentsFromField(string className, int documentID, string attachmentColumnName)
// get class info
var classInfo = new FormInfo(DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(className).ClassFormDefinition);
if (classInfo != null)
// get attachment field definition
var attachmentsField = classInfo.GetFormField(attachmentColumnName);
if (attachmentsField != null)
// get attachments strored in the field by GUID
var attachments = AttachmentInfoProvider.GetAttachments()
.WhereEquals("3CCC6E6C-56F3-42EB-8385-979973D99C55", attachmentsField.Guid)
.WhereEquals("AttachmentDocumentID", documentID);
return attachments;
return null;
With this it is very important to take into account that this code introduces several other SQL queries against database and therefore it should be optimized by using caching appropriately.
I suppose you mean unsorted attachments you add in Properties -> Attachments section. In this case yuo can register following control in your transformation:
<%# Register Src="~/CMSInlineControls/DocumentAttachments.ascx" TagName="DocumentAttachments" TagPrefix="cms" %>
And use it like this:
<cms:DocumentAttachments ID="ucDocAttachments" runat="server" TransformationName="cms.root.attachment" Path='<%# Eval("NodeAliasPath") %>' />
I wrote a pretty detailed blog post on this a while back. It describes very similar attributes to Enn's answer but gives great detail on why you do specific things.
Can anyone help me ,I want to customize upload functionality in which i want to validate the uploaded image type to the picture library
where can i set my script ?? Any one can advise ???
You might be Use ItemAdding. In ItemAdding Event Method just check extension of the Document before successfully uploaded to the Library.if unvalid document than through Error message
your code something like this :
protected string[] ValidExtensions = new string[] { "png", "jpeg", "gif"};
public override void ItemAdding(SPItemEventProperties properties)
string strFileExtension = Path.GetExtension(properties.AfterUrl);
bool isValidExtension = false;
string strValidFileTypes = string.Empty;
using (SPWeb web = properties.OpenWeb())
foreach (string strValidExt in ValidExtensions)
if (strFileExtension.ToLower().EndsWith(strValidExt.ToLower()))
isValidExtension = true;
strValidFileTypes += (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValidFileTypes) ? "" : ", ") + strValidExt;
// Here i am going to check is this validate or not if not than redirect to the
//Error Message Page.
if (!isValidExtension)
properties.Status = SPEventReceiverStatus.CancelWithRedirectUrl;
properties.RedirectUrl = properties.WebUrl + "/_layouts/error.aspx?ErrorText=" + "Only " + strValidFileTypes + " extenstions are allowed";
You could use SPItemEventReceiver for your library and add your logic into ItemUpdating() and ItemAdding() methods.
You can try creating a custom list template and replace the default NewForm.aspx and EditForm.aspx pages there. These custom form templates need not contain the same user controls and buttons as in the default picture library template. You could create a Silverlight web part with rich UI to upload images, e.g. The more you want to differ the more code you'll have to write...
An OOTB solution I can think of would be a workflow that you would force every new picture to run through but it would be quite an overkill for the end-user...
Of course, if you're able to validate by using just the meta-data in ItemAdding as the others suggest, it'd be a huge time-saver.
--- Ferda