List of dictionaries set comprehension calculation - python-3.x

My data structure is a list of dicts. I would like to run a function over the values of certain keys, and then output only a certain number of dictionaries as the result.
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse
today = '05/17/18'
adict = [{'taskid':1,'desc':'task1','complexity':5,'dl':'05/28/18'},{'taskid':2,'desc':'task2','complexity':3,'dl':'05/20/18'},
def conv_tm(t):
return datetime.strptime(t,'%m/%d/%y')
def days(obj):
day = conv_tm(today)
dl = conv_tm(obj)
dur = (dl-day).days
if dur <0:
dur = 1
return dur
I found the easiest way to process the dates for the 'dl' key was to run this dict comprehension:
vals = [days(i['dl']) for i in adict]
#this also worked, but I didn't like it as much
vals = list(map(lambda x: days(x['dl']), adict))
Now, I need to do 2 things: 1) zip this list back up to the 'dl' key, and 2)return or print a (random) set of 2 dicts w/o altering the origianl dict, perhaps like so:

You could produce the new dicts directly like this:
new_dicts = [{**d, 'dl': days(d['dl'])} for d in adict]
If you need vals separately, you can use it to do this as well:
new_dicts = [{**d, 'dl': v} for d, v in zip(adict, vals)]


Replace items like A2 as AA in the dataframe

I have a list of items, like "A2BCO6" and "ABC2O6". I want to replace them as A2BCO6--> AABCO6 and ABC2O6 --> ABCCO6. The number of items are much more than presented here.
My dataframe is like:
0 Ba2NbFeO6
1 Ba2ScIrO6
3 MnPb2WO6
I create a duplicate array and tried to replace with following way:
B = ["Ba2", "Pb2"]
C = ["BaBa", "PbPb"]
for i,j in range(len(B)), range(len(C)):
listAB["Finctional_Group"]= listAB["Finctional_Group"].str.strip().str.replace(B[i], C[j])
But it does not produce correct output. The output is like:
0 PbPbNbFeO6
1 PbPbScIrO6
3 MnPb2WO6
Please suggest the necessary correction in the code.
Many thanks in advance.
I used for simplicity purpose chemparse package that seems to suite your needs.
As always we import the required packages, in this case chemparse and pandas.
import chemparse
import pandas as pd
then we create a pandas.DataFrame object like in your example with your example data.
df = pd.DataFrame(
columns=["Finctional_Group"], data=["Ba2NbFeO6", "Ba2ScIrO6", "MnPb2WO6"]
Our parser function will use chemparse.parse_formula which returns a dict of element and their frequency in a molecular formula.
def parse_molecule(molecule: str) -> dict:
# initializing empty string
molecule_in_string = ""
# iterating over all key & values in dict
for key, value in chemparse.parse_formula(molecule).items():
# appending number of elements to string
molecule_in_string += key * int(value)
return molecule_in_string
molecule_in_string contains the molecule formula without numbers now. We just need to map this function to all elements in our dataframe column. For that we can do
df = df.applymap(parse_molecule)
which returns:
dtype: object
Source code for chemparse:

How to create a dataframe from extracted hashtags?

I have used below code to extract hashtags from tweets.
def find_tags(row_string):
tags = [x for x in row_string if x.startswith('#')]
return tags
df['split'] = df['text'].str.split(' ')
df['hashtags'] = df['split'].apply(lambda row : find_tags(row))
df['hashtags'] = df['hashtags'].apply(lambda x : str(x).replace('\\n', ',').replace('\\', '').replace("'", ""))
df.drop('split', axis=1, inplace=True)
However, when I am counting them using the below code I am getting output that is counting each character.
from collections import Counter
d = Counter(df.hashtags.sum())
data = pd.DataFrame([d]).T
Output I am getting is:
I think the problem lies with the code that I am using to extract hashtags. But I don't know how to solve this issue.
Change find_tags by replace in list comprehension with split and for count values use Series.explode with Series.value_counts:
def find_tags(row_string):
return [x.replace('\\n', ',').replace('\\', '').replace("'", "")
for x in row_string.split() if x.startswith('#')]
df['hashtags'] = df['text'].apply(find_tags)
and then:
data = df.hashtags.explode().value_counts().rename_axis('val').reset_index(name='count')

How to create a dictionary of dates as keys with value pair as list of three temperatures in python

The function extracts the max, min and avg temperatures for all days in the list. I want to combine the data into a dictionary; i.e. the returned temperatures and values and the dates as keys. Can't seem to get this to work. I may be going about this in the wrong way. End aim is to create a chart with date and the three temperatures for each day. I was anticipating something like: my_dict: {date,[list of 3 temps], date2,[list of 3 temps2]...}
def daily_normals(date):
"""Daily Normals.
date (str): A date string in the format '%m-%d'
A list of tuples containing the daily normals, tmin, tavg, and tmax
sel = [func.min(meas.tobs), func.avg(meas.tobs), func.max(meas.tobs)]
return session.query(*sel).filter(func.strftime("%m-%d", == date).all()
my_dict ={}
for i in lstdates:
For starters, a dict object has no method called append, so my_dict.append(i,dn) is invalid syntax. Also, your iterator variable is i, but you called daily_normals on l. You should convert the tuple dn to a list and directly insert that list into the dict to achieve what you want:
my_dict = {}
for i in lstdates:
my_dict[i] = list(dn[0][1:]) # extract elements of tuple excluding date from list and convert it to list
my_dict = dict(my_dict)
To put this in a dataframe:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(my_dict, orient='index', columns=['tmin', 'tavg', 'tmax'])

Making a dictionary of from a list and a dictionary

I am trying to create a dictionary of codes that I can use for queries and selections. Let's say I have a dictionary of state names and corresponding FIPS codes:
statedict ={'Alabama': '01', 'Alaska':'02', 'Arizona': '04',... 'Wyoming': '56'}
And then I have a list of FIPS codes that I have pulled in from a Map Server request:
fipslist = ['02121', '01034', '56139', '04187', '02003', '04023', '02118']
I want to sort of combine the key from the dictionary (based on the first 2 characters of the value of that key) with the list items (also, based on the first 2 characters of the value of that key. Ex. all codes beginning with 01 = 'Alabama', etc...). My end goal is something like this:
fipsdict ={'Alabama': ['01034'], 'Alaska':['02121', '02003','02118'], 'Arizona': ['04187', '04023'],... 'Wyoming': ['56139']}
I would try to set it up similar to this, but it's not working quite correctly. Any suggestions?
fipsdict = {}
tempList = []
for items in fipslist:
for k, v in statedict:
if item[:2] == v in statedict:
fipsdict[k] = statedict[v]
fipsdict[v] = tempList.extend(item)
A one liner with nested comprehensions:
>>> {k:[n for n in fipslist if n[:2]==v] for k,v in statedict.items()}
{'Alabama': ['01034'],
'Alaska': ['02121', '02003', '02118'],
'Arizona': ['04187', '04023'],
'Wyoming': ['56139']}
You will have to create a new list to hold matching fips codes for each state. Below is the code that should work for your case.
for state,two_digit_fips in statedict.items():
matching_fips = []
for fips in fipslist:
if fips[:2] == two_digit_fips:
state_to_matching_fips_map[state] = matching_fips
>>> print(state_to_matching_fips_map)
{'Alabama': ['01034'], 'Arizona': ['04187', '04023'], 'Alaska': ['02121', '02003', '02118'], 'Wyoming': ['56139']}
For both proposed solutions I need a reversed state dictionary (I assume that each state has exactly one 2-digit code):
reverse_state_dict = {v: k for k,v in statedict.items()}
An approach based on defaultdict:
from collections import defaultdict
fipsdict = defaultdict(list)
for f in fipslist:
An approach based on groupby and dictionary comprehension:
from itertools import groupby
{reverse_state_dict[k]: list(v) for k,v
in (groupby(sorted(fipslist), key=lambda x:x[:2]))}

How to get the specific value from the data using python?

data = ['{"osc":{"version":"1.0"}}']
data = ['{"device":{"network":{"ipv4_dante":{"auto":"testing"}}}}']
From the code above, I only get random outputs, but I need to get the last value i.e "1.0" or "testing" and so on.
I always need to get the last value. How can I do it using python?
Dictionaries have no "last" element. Assuming your dictionary doesn't branch and you want the "deepest" element, this should work:
import json
data = ['{"device":{"network":{"ipv4_dante":{"auto":"testing"}}}}']
obj = json.loads(data[0])
while isinstance(obj, dict):
obj = obj[list(obj.keys())[0]]
This should work -
import ast
x = ast.literal_eval(data[0])
key = x.keys()[0]
x = x.get(key)
