Recursion schemes with several types - haskell

Right now, I've got an AST for expression that's polymorphic over the type of recursion:
data Expr a = Const Int
| Add a a
This has been incredibly useful by allowing me to use a type for plain recursion (Fix Expr) and another one when I need to attach extra information (Cofree Expr ann).
The issue occurs when I want to introduce another type into this recursion scheme:
data Stmt a = Compound [a]
| Print (Expr ?)
I'm not sure what to put for the Expr term without introducing additional type variables and breaking compatibility with all the general functions I've already written.
Can this be done, and if so, is it a useful pattern?

The recursion-schemes perspective is to view recursive types as fixed points of functors. The type of expressions is the fixed point of the following functor:
data ExprF expr = Const Int
| Add expr expr
The point of changing the name of the variable is to make explicit the fact that it is a placeholder for the actual type of expressions, that would otherwise be defined as:
data Expr = Const Int | Add Expr Expr
In Stmt, there are two recursive types, Expr and Stmt itself. So we put two holes/unknowns.
data StmtF expr stmt = Compound [stmt]
| Print expr
When we take a fixpoint with Fix or Cofree, we are now solving a system of two equations (one for Expr, one for Stmt), and that comes with some amount of boilerplate.
Instead of applying Fix or Cofree directly, we generalize, taking those fixpoint combinators (Fix, Cofree, Free) as parameters in the construction of expressions and statements:
type Expr_ f = f ExprF
type Stmt_ f = f (StmtF (Expr_ f))
Now we can say Expr_ Fix or Stmt_ Fix for the unannotated trees, and Expr_ (Flip Cofree ann), Stmt_ (Flip Cofree ann). Unfortunately we have to pay another LOC fee to make the kinds match, and the types get ever more convoluted.
newtype Flip cofree a f b = Flip (cofree f a b)
(This also assumes we want to use the same Fix or Cofree everywhere at the same times.)
Another representation to consider is (called HKD nowadays):
data Expr f = Const Int
| Add (f Expr) (f Expr)
data Stmt f = Compount [f Stmt]
| Print (f (Expr f))
where you only abstract from annotation/no-annotation (f = Identity or (,) ann) and not from recursion.


Is there a better way to add attribute field into AST in Haskell?

At first, I have a original AST definition like this:
data Expr = LitI Int | LitB Bool | Add Expr Expr
And I want to generalize it so that each AST node can contains some extra attributes:
data Expr a = LitI Int a | LitB Bool a | Add (Expr a) (Expr a) a
In this way, we can easily attach attribute into each node of the AST:
type ExprWithType = Expr TypeRep
type ExprWithSize = Expr Int
But this solution makes it hard to visit the attribute field, we must use pattern matching and process it case by case:
attribute :: Expr a -> a
attribute e = case e of
LitI _ a -> a
LitB _ a -> a
Add _ _ a -> a
We can image that if we can define our AST via a product type of the original AST and the type variable indicating attribute:
type ExprWithType = (Expr, TypeRep)
type ExprWithSize = (Expr, Int)
Then we can simplify the attribute visiting function like this:
attribute = snd
But we know that, the attribute from the outmost product type will not recursively appears in the subtrees.
So, is there a better solution for this problem?
Generally speaking, When we want to extract common field of different cases of a recursive sum type, we met this problem.
You could "lift" the type of the Expr for example like:
data Expr e = LitI Int | LitB Bool | Add e e
Now we can define a data type like:
data ExprAttr a = ExprAttr {
expression :: Expr (ExprAttr a),
attribute :: a
So here the ExprAttr has two parameters, the expression, which is thus an Expression that has ExprAttr as in the tree, and attribute which is an a.
You can thus process ExprAttrs, which is an AST of ExprAttrs. If you want to use a "simple" AST, you can define a type like:
newtype SimExpr = SimExpr (Expr SimExpr)
You might want to take a look at Cofree where f will be your recursive data type after abstracting the concept of recursion as an f-algebra and a will be the type of your annotation.
Nate Faubion gave a very accesible talk about this and similar approaches and you can watch it here:

Factoring out recursion in a complex AST

For a side project I am working on I currently have to deal with an abstract syntax tree and transform it according to rules (the specifics are unimportant).
The AST itself is nontrivial, meaning it has subexpressions which are restricted to some types only. (e.g. the operator A must take an argument which is of type B only, not any Expr. A drastically simplified reduced version of my datatype looks like this:
data Expr = List [Expr]
| Strange Str
| Literal Lit
data Str = A Expr
| B Expr
| C Lit
| D String
| E [Expr]
data Lit = Int Int
| String String
My goal is to factor out the explicit recursion and rely on recursion schemes instead, as demonstrated in these two excellent blog posts, which provide very powerful general-purpose tools to operate on my AST. Applying the necessary factoring, we end up with:
data ExprF a = List [a]
| Strange (StrF a)
| Literal (LitF a)
data StrF a = A a
| B a
| C (LitF a)
| D String
| E [a]
data LitF a = Int Int
| String String
If I didn't mess up, type Expr = Fix ExprF should now be isomorphic to the previously defined Expr.
However, writing cata for these cases becomes rather tedious, as I have to pattern match B a :: StrF a inside of an Str :: ExprF a for cata to be well-typed. For the entire original AST this is unfeasible.
I stumbled upon fixing GADTs, which seems to me like it is a solution to my problem, however the user-unfriendly interface of the duplicated higher-order type classes etc. is quite the unneccessary boilerplate.
So, to sum up my questions:
Is rewriting the AST as a GADT the correct way to go about this?
If yes, how could I transform the example into a well-working version? On a second note, is there better support for higher kinded Functors in GHC now?
If you've gone through the effort of to separate out the recursion in your data type, then you can just derive Functor and you're done. You don't need any fancy features to get the recursion scheme. (As a side note, there's no reason to parameterize the Lit data type.)
The fold is:
newtype Fix f = In { out :: f (Fix f) }
gfold :: (Functor f) => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
gfold alg = alg . fmap (gfold alg) . out
To specify the algebra (the alg parameter), you need to do a case analysis against ExprF, but the alternative would be to have the fold have a dozen or more parameters: one for each data constructor. That wouldn't really save you much typing and would be much harder to read. If you want (and this may require rank-2 types in general), you can package all those parameters up into a record and then you could use record update to update "pre-made" records that provide "default" behavior in various circumstances. There's an old paper Dealing with Large Bananas that takes an approach like this. What I'm suggesting, to be clear, is just wrapping the gfold function above with a function that takes a record, and passes in an algebra that will do the case analysis and call the appropriate field of the record for each case.
Of course, you could use GHC Generics or the various "generic/polytypic" programming libraries like Scrap Your Boilerplate instead of this. You are basically recreating what they do.

Parsing to Free Monads

Say I have the following free monad:
data ExampleF a
= Foo Int a
| Bar String (Int -> a)
deriving Functor
type Example = Free ExampleF -- this is the free monad want to discuss
I know how I can work with this monad, eg. I could write some nice helpers:
foo :: Int -> Example ()
foo i = liftF $ Foo i ()
bar :: String -> Example Int
bar s = liftF $ Bar s id
So I can write programs in haskell like:
fooThenBar :: Example Int
fooThenBar =
foo 10
bar "nice"
I know how to print it, interpret it, etc. But what about parsing it?
Would it be possible to write a parser that could parse arbitrary
programs like:
foo 12
bar nice
foo 11
foo 42
So I can store them, serialize them, use them in cli programs etc.
The problem I keep running into is that the type of the program depends on which program is being parsed. If the program ends with a foo it's of
type Example () if it ends with a bar it's of type Example Int.
I do not feel like writing parsers for every possible permutation (it's simple here because there are only two possibilities, but imagine we add
Baz Int (String -> a), Doo (Int -> a), Moz Int a, Foz String a, .... This get's tedious and error-prone).
Perhaps I'm solving the wrong problem?
To run the above examples, you need to add this to the beginning of the file:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
import Control.Monad.Free
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
Note: I put up a gist containing this code.
Not every Example value can be represented on the page without reimplementing some portion of Haskell. For example, return putStrLn has a type of Example (String -> IO ()), but I don't think it makes sense to attempt to parse that sort of Example value out of a file.
So let's restrict ourselves to parsing the examples you've given, which consist only of calls to foo and bar sequenced with >> (that is, no variable bindings and no arbitrary computations)*. The Backus-Naur form for our grammar looks approximately like this:
<program> ::= "" | <expr> "\n" <program>
<expr> ::= "foo " <integer> | "bar " <string>
It's straightforward enough to parse our two types of expression...
type Parser = Parsec String ()
int :: Parser Int
int = fmap read (many1 digit)
parseFoo :: Parser (Example ())
parseFoo = string "foo " *> fmap foo int
parseBar :: Parser (Example Int)
parseBar = string "bar " *> fmap bar (many1 alphaNum)
... but how can we give a type to the composition of these two parsers?
parseExpr :: Parser (Example ???)
parseExpr = parseFoo <|> parseBar
parseFoo and parseBar have different types, so we can't compose them with <|> :: Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a. Moreover, there's no way to know ahead of time which type the program we're given will be: as you point out, the type of the parsed program depends on the value of the input string. "Types depending on values" is called dependent types; Haskell doesn't feature a proper dependent type system, but it comes close enough for us to have a stab at making this example work.
Let's start by forcing the expressions on either side of <|> to have the same type. This involves erasing Example's type parameter using existential quantification.†
data Ex a = forall i. Wrap (a i)
parseExpr :: Parser (Ex Example)
parseExpr = fmap Wrap parseFoo <|> fmap Wrap parseBar
This typechecks, but the parser now returns an Example containing a value of an unknown type. A value of unknown type is of course useless - but we do know something about Example's parameter: it must be either () or Int because those are the return types of parseFoo and parseBar. Programming is about getting knowledge out of your brain and onto the page, so we're going to wrap up the Example value with a bit of GADT evidence which, when unwrapped, will tell you whether a was Int or ().
data Ty a where
IntTy :: Ty Int
UnitTy :: Ty ()
data (a :*: b) i = a i :&: b i
type Sig a b = Ex (a :*: b)
pattern Sig x y = Wrap (x :&: y)
parseExpr :: Parser (Sig Ty Example)
parseExpr = fmap (\x -> Sig UnitTy x) parseFoo <|>
fmap (\x -> Sig IntTy x) parseBar
Ty is (something like) a runtime "singleton" representative of Example's type parameter. When you pattern match on IntTy, you learn that a ~ Int; when you pattern match on UnitTy you learn that a ~ (). (Information can be made to flow the other way, from types to values, using classes.) :*:, the functor product, pairs up two type constructors ensuring that their parameters are equal; thus, pattern matching on the Ty tells you about its accompanying Example.
Sig is therefore called a dependent pair or sigma type - the type of the second component of the pair depends on the value of the first. This is a common technique: when you erase a type parameter by existential quantification, it usually pays to make it recoverable by bundling up a runtime representative of that parameter.
Note that this use of Sig is equivalent to Either (Example Int) (Example ()) - a sigma type is a sum, after all - but this version scales better when you're summing over a large (or possibly infinite) set.
Now it's easy to build our expression parser into a program parser. We just have to repeatedly apply the expression parser, and then manipulate the dependent pairs in the list.
parseProgram :: Parser (Sig Ty Example)
parseProgram = fmap (foldr1 combine) $ parseExpr `sepBy1` (char '\n')
where combine (Sig _ val) (Sig ty acc) = Sig ty (val >> acc)
The code I've shown you is not exemplary. It doesn't separate the concerns of parsing and typechecking. In production code I would modularise this design by first parsing the data into an untyped syntax tree - a separate data type which doesn't enforce the typing invariant - then transform that into a typed version by type-checking it. The dependent pair technique would still be necessary to give a type to the output of the type-checker, but it wouldn't be tangled up in the parser.
*If binding is not a requirement, have you thought about using a free applicative to represent your data?
†Ex and :*: are reusable bits of machinery which I lifted from the Hasochism paper
So, I worry that this is the same sort of premature abstraction that you see in object-oriented languages, getting in the way of things. For example, I am not 100% sure that you are using the structure of the free monad -- your helpers for example simply seem to use id and () in a rather boring way, in fact I'm not sure if your Int -> x is ever anything other than either Pure :: Int -> Free ExampleF Int or const (something :: Free ExampleF Int).
The free monad for a functor F can basically be described as a tree whose data is stored in leaves and whose branching factor is controlled by the recursion in each constructor of the functor F. So for example Free Identity has no branching, hence only one leaf, and thus has the same structure as the monad:
data MonoidalFree m x = MF m x deriving (Functor)
instance Monoid m => Monad (MonoidalFree m) where
return x = MF mempty x
MF m x >>= my_x = case my_x x of MF n y -> MF (mappend m n) y
In fact Free Identity is isomorphic to MonoidalFree (Sum Integer), the difference is just that instead of MF (Sum 3) "Hello" you see Free . Identity . Free . Identity . Free . Identity $ Pure "Hello" as the means of tracking this integer. On the other hand if you have data E x = L x | R x deriving (Functor) then you get a sort of "path" of Ls and Rs before you hit this one leaf, Free E is going to be isomorphic to MonoidalFree [Bool].
The reason I'm going through this is that when you combine Free with an Integer -> x functor, you get an infinitely branching tree, and when I'm looking through your code to figure out how you're actually using this tree, all I see is that you use the id function with it. As far as I can tell, that restricts the recursion to either have the form Free (Bar "string" Pure) or else Free (Bar "string" (const subExpression)), in which case the system would seem to reduce completely to the MonoidalFree [Either Int String] monad.
(At this point I should pause to ask: Is that correct as far as you know? Was this what was intended?)
Anyway. Aside from my problems with your premature abstraction, the specific problem that you're citing with your monad (you can't tell the difference between () and Int has a bunch of really complicated solutions, but one really easy one. The really easy solution is to yield a value of type Example (Either () Int) and if you have a () you can fmap Left onto it and if you have an Int you can fmap Right onto it.
Without a much better understanding of how you're using this thing over TCP/IP we can't recommend a better structure for you than the generic free monads that you seem to be finding -- in particular we'd need to know how you're planning on using the infinite-branching of Int -> x options in practice.

Typed abstract syntax and DSL design in Haskell

I'm designing a DSL in Haskell and I would like to have an assignment operation. Something like this (the code below is just for explaining my problem in a limited context, I didn't have type checked Stmt type):
data Stmt = forall a . Assign String (Exp a) -- Assignment operation
| forall a. Decl String a -- Variable declaration
data Exp t where
EBool :: Bool -> Exp Bool
EInt :: Int -> Exp Int
EAdd :: Exp Int -> Exp Int -> Exp Int
ENot :: Exp Bool -> Exp Bool
In the previous code, I'm able to use a GADT to enforce type constraints on expressions. My problem is how can I enforce that the left hand side of an assignment is: 1) Defined, i.e., a variable must be declared before it is used and 2) The right hand side must have the same type of the left hand side variable?
I know that in a full dependently typed language, I could define statements indexed by some sort of typing context, that is, a list of defined variables and their type. I believe that this would solve my problem. But, I'm wondering if there is some way to achieve this in Haskell.
Any pointer to example code or articles is highly appreciated.
Given that my work focuses on related issues of scope and type safety being encoded at the type-level, I stumbled upon this old-ish question whilst googling around and thought I'd give it a try.
This post provides, I think, an answer quite close to the original specification. The whole thing is surprisingly short once you have the right setup.
First, I'll start with a sample program to give you an idea of what the end result looks like:
program :: Program
program = Program
$ Declare (Var :: Name "foo") (Of :: Type Int)
:> Assign (The (Var :: Name "foo")) (EInt 1)
:> Declare (Var :: Name "bar") (Of :: Type Bool)
:> increment (The (Var :: Name "foo"))
:> Assign (The (Var :: Name "bar")) (ENot $ EBool True)
:> Done
In order to ensure that we may only assign values to variables which have been declared before, we need a notion of scope.
GHC.TypeLits provides us with type-level strings (called Symbol) so we can very-well use strings as variable names if we want. And because we want to ensure type safety, each variable declaration comes with a type annotation which we will store together with the variable name. Our type of scopes is therefore: [(Symbol, *)].
We can use a type family to test whether a given Symbol is in scope and return its associated type if that is the case:
type family HasSymbol (g :: [(Symbol,*)]) (s :: Symbol) :: Maybe * where
HasSymbol '[] s = 'Nothing
HasSymbol ('(s, a) ': g) s = 'Just a
HasSymbol ('(t, a) ': g) s = HasSymbol g s
From this definition we can define a notion of variable: a variable of type a in scope g is a symbol s such that HasSymbol g s returns 'Just a. This is what the ScopedSymbol data type represents by using an existential quantification to store the s.
data ScopedSymbol (g :: [(Symbol,*)]) (a :: *) = forall s.
(HasSymbol g s ~ 'Just a) => The (Name s)
data Name (s :: Symbol) = Var
Here I am purposefully abusing notations all over the place: The is the constructor for the type ScopedSymbol and Name is a Proxy type with a nicer name and constructor. This allows us to write such niceties as:
example :: ScopedSymbol ('("foo", Int) ': '("bar", Bool) ': '[]) Bool
example = The (Var :: Name "bar")
Now that we have a notion of scope and of well-typed variables in that scope, we can start considering the effects Statements should have. Given that new variables can be declared in a Statement, we need to find a way to propagate this information in the scope. The key hindsight is to have two indices: an input and an output scope.
To Declare a new variable together with its type will expand the current scope with the pair of the variable name and the corresponding type.
Assignments on the other hand do not modify the scope. They merely associate a ScopedSymbol to an expression of the corresponding type.
data Statement (g :: [(Symbol, *)]) (h :: [(Symbol,*)]) where
Declare :: Name s -> Type a -> Statement g ('(s, a) ': g)
Assign :: ScopedSymbol g a -> Exp g a -> Statement g g
data Type (a :: *) = Of
Once again we have introduced a proxy type to have a nicer user-level syntax.
example' :: Statement '[] ('("foo", Int) ': '[])
example' = Declare (Var :: Name "foo") (Of :: Type Int)
example'' :: Statement ('("foo", Int) ': '[]) ('("foo", Int) ': '[])
example'' = Assign (The (Var :: Name "foo")) (EInt 1)
Statements can be chained in a scope-preserving way by defining the following GADT of type-aligned sequences:
infixr 5 :>
data Statements (g :: [(Symbol, *)]) (h :: [(Symbol,*)]) where
Done :: Statements g g
(:>) :: Statement g h -> Statements h i -> Statements g i
Expressions are mostly unchanged from your original definition except that they are now scoped and a new constructor EVar lets us dereference a previously-declared variable (using ScopedSymbol) giving us an expression of the appropriate type.
data Exp (g :: [(Symbol,*)]) (t :: *) where
EVar :: ScopedSymbol g a -> Exp g a
EBool :: Bool -> Exp g Bool
EInt :: Int -> Exp g Int
EAdd :: Exp g Int -> Exp g Int -> Exp g Int
ENot :: Exp g Bool -> Exp g Bool
A Program is quite simply a sequence of statements starting in the empty scope. We use, once more, an existential quantification to hide the scope we end up with.
data Program = forall h. Program (Statements '[] h)
It is obviously possible to write subroutines in Haskell and use them in your programs. In the example, I have the very simple increment which can be defined like so:
increment :: ScopedSymbol g Int -> Statement g g
increment v = Assign v (EAdd (EVar v) (EInt 1))
I have uploaded the whole code snippet together with the right LANGUAGE pragmas and the examples listed here in a self-contained gist. I haven't however included any comments there.
You should know that your goals are quite lofty. I don't think you will get very far treating your variables exactly as strings. I'd do something slightly more annoying to use, but more practical. Define a monad for your DSL, which I'll call M:
newtype M a = ...
data Exp a where
... as before ...
data Var a -- a typed variable
assign :: Var a -> Exp a -> M ()
declare :: String -> a -> M (Var a)
I'm not sure why you have Exp a for assignment and just a for declaration, but I reproduced that here. The String in declare is just for cosmetics, if you need it for code generation or error reporting or something -- the identity of the variable should really not be tied to that name. So it's usually used as
myFunc = do
foobar <- declare "foobar" 42
which is the annoying redundant bit. Haskell doesn't really have a good way around this (though depending on what you're doing with your DSL, you may not need the string at all).
As for the implementation, maybe something like
data Stmt = forall a. Assign (Var a) (Exp a)
| forall a. Declare (Var a) a
data Var a = Var String Integer -- string is auxiliary from before, integer
-- stores real identity.
For M, we need a unique supply of names and a list of statements to output.
newtype M a = M { runM :: WriterT [Stmt] (StateT Integer Identity a) }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
Then the operations as usually fairly trivial.
assign v a = M $ tell [Assign v a]
declare name a = M $ do
ident <- lift get
lift . put $! ident + 1
let var = Var name ident
tell [Declare var a]
return var
I've made a fairly large DSL for code generation in another language using a fairly similar design, and it scales well. I find it a good idea to stay "near the ground", just doing solid modeling without using too many fancy type-level magical features, and accepting minor linguistic annoyances. That way Haskell's main strength -- it's ability to abstract -- can still be used for code in your DSL.
One drawback is that everything needs to be defined within a do block, which can be a hinderance to good organization as the amount of code grows. I'll steal declare to show a way around that:
declare :: String -> M a -> M a
used like
foo = declare "foo" $ do
-- actual function body
then your M can have as a component of its state a cache from names to variables, and the first time you use a declaration with a certain name you render it and put it in a variable (this will require a bit more sophisticated monoid than [Stmt] as the target of your Writer). Later times you just look up the variable. It does have a rather floppy dependence on uniqueness of names, unfortunately; an explicit model of namespaces can help with that but never eliminate it entirely.
After seeing all the code by #Cactus and the Haskell suggestions by #luqui, I've managed to got a solution close to what I want in Idris. The complete code is available at the following gist:
Some little things I need to fix in the previous solution:
I don't know (yet) if Idris support integer literal overloading, what would be quite useful to build my DSL.
I've tried to define in DSL syntax a prefix operator for program variables, but it didn't worked as I like. I've got a solution (in the previous gist) that uses a keyword --- use --- for variable access.
I'll check this minor points with guys in Idris #freenode channel to see if these two points are possible.

What is the right way to typecheck dependent lambda abstraction using 'bound'?

I am implementing a simple dependently-typed language, similar to the one described by Lennart Augustsson, while also using bound to manage bindings.
When typechecking a dependent lambda term, such as λt:* . λx:t . x, I need to:
"Enter" the outer lambda binder, by instantiating t to something
Typecheck λx:t . x, yielding ∀x:t . t
Pi-abstract the t, yielding ∀t:* . ∀x:t . t
If lambda was non-dependent, I could get away with instantiating t with its type on step 1, since the type is all I need to know about the variable while typechecking on step 2.
But on step 3 I lack the information to decide which variables to abstract over.
I could introduce a fresh name supply and instantiate t with a Bound.Name.Name containing both the type and a unique name. But I thought that with bound I shouldn't need to generate fresh names.
Is there an alternative solution I'm missing?
We need some kind of context to keep track of the lambda arguments. However, we don't necessarily need to instantiate them, since bound gives us de Bruijn indices, and we can use those indices to index into the context.
Actually using the indices is a bit involved, though, because of the type-level machinery that reflects the size of the current scope (or in other words, the current depth in the expression) through the nesting of Var-s. It necessitates the use of polymorphic recursion or GADTs. It also prevents us from storing the context in a State monad (because the size and thus the type of the context changes as we recurse). I wonder though if we could use an indexed state monad; it'd be a fun experiment. But I digress.
The simplest solution is to represent the context as a function:
type TC a = Either String a -- our checker monad
type Cxt a = a -> TC (Type a) -- the context
The a input is essentially a de Bruijn index, and we look up a type by applying the function to the index. We can define the empty context the following way:
emptyCxt :: Cxt a
emptyCxt = const $ Left "variable not in scope"
And we can extend the context:
consCxt :: Type a -> Cxt a -> Cxt (Var () a)
consCxt ty cxt (B ()) = pure (F <$> ty)
consCxt ty cxt (F a) = (F <$>) <$> cxt a
The size of the context is encoded in the Var nesting. The increase in the size is apparent here in the return type.
Now we can write the type checker. The main point here is that we use fromScope and toScope to get under binders, and we carry along an appropriately extended Cxt (whose type lines up just perfectly).
data Term a
= Var a
| Star -- or alternatively, "Type", or "*"
| Lam (Type a) (Scope () Term a)
| Pi (Type a) (Scope () Term a)
| App (Type a) (Term a)
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
-- boilerplate omitted (Monad, Applicative, Eq1, Show1 instances)
-- reduce to normal form
rnf :: Term a -> Term a
rnf = ...
-- Note: IIRC "Simply easy" and Augustsson's post reduces to whnf
-- when type checking. I use here plain normal form, because it
-- simplifies the presentation a bit and it also works fine.
-- We rely on Bound's alpha equality here, and also on the fact
-- that we keep types in normal form, so there's no need for
-- additional reduction.
check :: Eq a => Cxt a -> Type a -> Term a -> TC ()
check cxt want t = do
have <- infer cxt t
when (want /= have) $ Left "type mismatch"
infer :: Eq a => Cxt a -> Term a -> TC (Type a)
infer cxt = \case
Var a -> cxt a
Star -> pure Star -- "Type : Type" system for simplicity
Lam ty t -> do
check cxt Star ty
let ty' = rnf ty
Pi ty' . toScope <$> infer (consCxt ty' cxt) (fromScope t)
Pi ty t -> do
check cxt Star ty
check (consCxt (rnf ty) cxt) Star (fromScope t)
pure Star
App f x ->
infer cxt f >>= \case
Pi ty t -> do
check cxt ty x
pure $ rnf (instantiate1 x t)
_ -> Left "can't apply non-function"
Here's the working code containing the above definitions. I hope I didn't mess it up too badly.
