DSE SearchAnalytics with Scala error - apache-spark

By refering to this link , I tried to query cassandra table in spark Dataframe
val spark = SparkSession
.config("spark.cassandra.connection.host", "")
.config("spark.cassandra.connection.port", "9042")
The node which I'm using is SearchAnalytics node
With using this spark session , i tried sql query
val ss = spark.sql("select * from killr_video.videos where solr_query = '{\"q\":\"video_id:1\"}'")
Search indexing is already enabled on that table.
After running the program , here is the error i am getting
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Table or view not found: `killr_video`.`videos`; line 1 pos 14;
'Project [*]
+- 'UnresolvedRelation killr_video.videos
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.package$AnalysisErrorAt.failAnalysis(package.scala:42)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$$anonfun$checkAnalysis$1.apply(CheckAnalysis.scala:82)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$$anonfun$checkAnalysis$1.apply(CheckAnalysis.scala:78)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreeNode.foreachUp(TreeNode.scala:127)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreeNode$$anonfun$foreachUp$1.apply(TreeNode.scala:126)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreeNode$$anonfun$foreachUp$1.apply(TreeNode.scala:126)
at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:392)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreeNode.foreachUp(TreeNode.scala:126)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$class.checkAnalysis(CheckAnalysis.scala:78)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer.checkAnalysis(Analyzer.scala:91)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution.assertAnalyzed(QueryExecution.scala:52)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset$.ofRows(Dataset.scala:66)
at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession.sql(SparkSession.scala:623)
at org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext.sql(SQLContext.scala:691)
How can i get Cassandra data into Spark?

From this error message it looks like that you're running your code using the standalone Spark, not via DSE Analytics (via dse spark-submit, or dse spark).
In this case you need to register tables - DSE documentation describes how to do it for all tables, using dse client-tool & spark-sql:
dse client-tool --use-server-config spark sql-schema --all > output.sql
spark-sql --jars byos-5.1.jar -f output.sql
For my example, it looks like following:
USE test;
USING org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra
keyspace "test",
table "t122",
pushdown "true");
Here is an example of solr_query that just works out of box if I run it in the spark-shell started with dse spark:
scala> val ss = spark.sql("select * from test.t122 where solr_query='{\"q\":\"t:t2\"}'").show
| id|solr_query| t|
| 2| null| t2|
To make your life easier, it's better to use DSE Analytics, not the bring your own spark.


Spark read data from Cassandra error org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String is not a valid external type for schema of string

I have a Cassandra table that is created as the following(in cqlsh)
CREATE TABLE blog.session( id int PRIMARY KEY, visited text);
I write data to Cassandra and it looks like this
id | visited
1 | Url1-Url2-Url3
I then try to read it using spark Cassandra connector(2.5.1).
val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder()
.config("spark.cassandra.connection.host", "localhost")
.config("spark.cassandra.connection.port", "9042")
import sparkSession.implicits._
val readSessions = sparkSession.sqlContext
.cassandraFormat("table1", "keyspace1").load().show()
However, it seems to be unable to read the visited since it is a text object with dashes in between words. The error occurs as
org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String is not a valid external type for schema of string
any ideas on why spark is unable to read this and how to fix it?
The error seemed to be the version of the spark-cassandra-connector. Instead of using "2.5.1" use "3.0.0-beta"

How to write a table to hive from spark without using the warehouse connector in HDP 3.1

when trying to use spark 2.3 on HDP 3.1 to write to a Hive table without the warehouse connector directly into hives schema using:
spark-shell --driver-memory 16g --master local[3] --conf spark.hadoop.metastore.catalog.default=hive
val df = Seq(1,2,3,4).toDF
spark.sql("create database foo")
fails with:
Table foo.my_table_01 failed strict managed table checks due to the following reason: Table is marked as a managed table but is not transactional
but a:
val df = Seq(1,2,3,4).toDF.withColumn("part", col("value"))
df.write.partitionBy("part").option("compression", "zlib").mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).format("orc").saveAsTable("foo.my_table_02")
Spark with spark.sql("select * from foo.my_table_02").show works just fine.
Now going to Hive / beeline:
0: jdbc:hive2://hostname:2181/> select * from my_table_02;
Error: java.io.IOException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bucketId out of range: -1 (state=,code=0)
describe extended my_table_02;
| col_name | data_type | comment |
| value | int | |
| part | int | |
| | NULL | NULL |
| # Partition Information | NULL | NULL |
| # col_name | data_type | comment |
| part | int | |
| | NULL | NULL |
| Detailed Table Information | Table(tableName:my_table_02, dbName:foo, owner:hive/bd-sandbox.t-mobile.at#SANDBOX.MAGENTA.COM, createTime:1571201905, lastAccessTime:0, retention:0, sd:StorageDescriptor(cols:[FieldSchema(name:value, type:int, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:part, type:int, comment:null)], location:hdfs://bd-sandbox.t-mobile.at:8020/warehouse/tablespace/external/hive/foo.db/my_table_02, inputFormat:org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.orc.OrcInputFormat, outputFormat:org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.orc.OrcOutputFormat, compressed:false, numBuckets:-1, serdeInfo:SerDeInfo(name:null, serializationLib:org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.orc.OrcSerde, parameters:{path=hdfs://bd-sandbox.t-mobile.at:8020/warehouse/tablespace/external/hive/foo.db/my_table_02, compression=zlib, serialization.format=1}), bucketCols:[], sortCols:[], parameters:{}, skewedInfo:SkewedInfo(skewedColNames:[], skewedColValues:[], skewedColValueLocationMaps:{}), storedAsSubDirectories:false), partitionKeys:[FieldSchema(name:part, type:int, comment:null)], parameters:{numRows=0, rawDataSize=0, spark.sql.sources.schema.partCol.0=part, transient_lastDdlTime=1571201906, bucketing_version=2, spark.sql.create.version=, totalSize=740, spark.sql.sources.schema.numPartCols=1, spark.sql.sources.schema.part.0={\"type\":\"struct\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"value\",\"type\":\"integer\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}},{\"name\":\"part\",\"type\":\"integer\",\"nullable\":true,\"metadata\":{}}]}, numFiles=4, numPartitions=4, spark.sql.partitionProvider=catalog, spark.sql.sources.schema.numParts=1, spark.sql.sources.provider=orc, transactional=true}, viewOriginalText:null, viewExpandedText:null, tableType:MANAGED_TABLE, rewriteEnabled:false, catName:hive, ownerType:USER, writeId:-1) |
How can I use spark to write to hive without using the warehouse connector but still writing to the same metastore which can later on be read by hive?
To my best knowledge external tables should be possible (thy are not managed, not ACID not transactional), but I am not sure how to tell the saveAsTable how to handle these.
related issues:
Table loaded through Spark not accessible in Hive
setting the properties there proposed in the answer do not solve my issue
seems also to be a bug: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-20593
Might be a workaround like the https://github.com/qubole/spark-acid like https://docs.cloudera.com/HDPDocuments/HDP3/HDP-3.1.4/integrating-hive/content/hive_hivewarehouseconnector_for_handling_apache_spark_data.html but I do not like the idea of using more duct tape where I have not seen any large scale performance tests just yet. Also, this means changing all existing spark jobs.
In fact Cant save table to hive metastore, HDP 3.0 reports issues with large data frames and the warehouse connector.
I just found https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Support-Questions/Spark-hive-warehouse-connector-not-loading-data-when-using/td-p/243613
execute() vs executeQuery()
ExecuteQuery() will always use the Hiveserver2-interactive/LLAP as it
uses the fast ARROW protocol. Using it when the jdbc URL point to the
non-LLAP Hiveserver2 will yield an error.
Execute() uses JDBC and does not have this dependency on LLAP, but has
a built-in restriction to only return 1.000 records max. But for most
queries (INSERT INTO ... SELECT, count, sum, average) that is not a
But doesn't this kill any high-performance interoperability between hive and spark? Especially if there are not enough LLAP nodes available for large scale ETL.
In fact, this is true. This setting can be configured at https://github.com/hortonworks-spark/spark-llap/blob/26d164e62b45cfa1420d5d43cdef13d1d29bb877/src/main/java/com/hortonworks/spark/sql/hive/llap/HWConf.java#L39, though I am not sure of the performance impact of increasing this value
Did you try
data.write \
.mode("append") \
Inside Ambari simply disabling the option of creating transactional tables by default solves my problem.
set to false twice (tez, llap)
hive.strict.managed.tables = false
and enable manually in each table property if desired (to use a transactional table).
Creating an external table (as a workaround) seems to be the best option for me.
This still involves HWC to register the column metadata or update the partition information.
Something along these lines:
val df:DataFrame = ...
val externalPath = "/warehouse/tablespace/external/hive/my_db.db/my_table"
import com.hortonworks.hwc.HiveWarehouseSession
val hive = HiveWarehouseSession.session(spark).build()
dxx.write.partitionBy("part_col").option("compression", "zlib").mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).orc(externalPath)
val columns = dxx.drop("part_col").schema.fields.map(field => s"${field.name} ${field.dataType.simpleString}").mkString(", ")
val ddl =
|CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE my_db.my_table ($columns)
|PARTITIONED BY (part_col string)
|Location '$externalPath'
hive.execute(s"MSCK REPAIR TABLE $tablename SYNC PARTITIONS")
Unfortunately, this throws a:
java.sql.SQLException: The query did not generate a result set!
from HWC
"How can I use spark to write to hive without using the warehouse connector but still writing to the same metastore which can later on be read by hive?"
We are working on the same setting (HDP 3.1 with Spark 2.3). Using below code we were getting the same error messages as you got "bucketId out of range: -1". The solution was to run set hive.fetch.task.conversion=none; in Hive shell before trying to query the table.
The code to write data into Hive without the HWC:
val warehouseLocation = new File("spark-warehouse").getAbsolutePath
case class Record(key: Int, value: String)
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
.config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", warehouseLocation)
spark.sql("USE databaseName")
val recordsDF = spark.createDataFrame((1 to 100).map(i => Record(i, s"val_$i")))
[Example from https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-data-sources-hive-tables.html]

Why does Complete output mode require aggregation?

I work with the latest Structured Streaming in Apache Spark 2.2 and got the following exception:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Complete output mode not
supported when there are no streaming aggregations on streaming
Why does Complete output mode require a streaming aggregation? What would happen if Spark allowed Complete output mode with no aggregations in a streaming query?
scala> spark.version
res0: String = 2.2.0
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MemoryStream
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
implicit val sqlContext: SQLContext = spark.sqlContext
val source = MemoryStream[(Int, Int)]
val ids = source.toDS.toDF("time", "id").
withColumn("time", $"time" cast "timestamp"). // <-- convert time column from Int to Timestamp
withColumn("time", $"time" cast "long") // <-- convert time column back from Timestamp to Int
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.{OutputMode, Trigger}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
scala> val q = ids.
| writeStream.
| format("memory").
| queryName("dups").
| outputMode(OutputMode.Complete). // <-- memory sink supports checkpointing for Complete output mode only
| trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime(30.seconds)).
| option("checkpointLocation", "checkpoint-dir"). // <-- use checkpointing to save state between restarts
| start
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Complete output mode not supported when there are no streaming aggregations on streaming DataFrames/Datasets;;
Project [cast(time#10 as bigint) AS time#15L, id#6]
+- Deduplicate [id#6], true
+- Project [cast(time#5 as timestamp) AS time#10, id#6]
+- Project [_1#2 AS time#5, _2#3 AS id#6]
+- StreamingExecutionRelation MemoryStream[_1#2,_2#3], [_1#2, _2#3]
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnsupportedOperationChecker$.org$apache$spark$sql$catalyst$analysis$UnsupportedOperationChecker$$throwError(UnsupportedOperationChecker.scala:297)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnsupportedOperationChecker$.checkForStreaming(UnsupportedOperationChecker.scala:115)
at org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQueryManager.createQuery(StreamingQueryManager.scala:232)
at org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQueryManager.startQuery(StreamingQueryManager.scala:278)
at org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.DataStreamWriter.start(DataStreamWriter.scala:247)
... 57 elided
From the Structured Streaming Programming Guide - other queries (excluding aggregations, mapGroupsWithState and flatMapGroupsWithState):
Complete mode not supported as it is infeasible to keep all unaggregated data in the Result Table.
To answer the question:
What would happen if Spark allowed Complete output mode with no aggregations in a streaming query?
Probably OOM.
The puzzling part is why dropDuplicates("id") is not marked as aggregation.
I think the problem is the output mode. instead of using OutputMode.Complete, use OutputMode.Append as shown below.
scala> val q = ids
.option("checkpointLocation", "checkpoint-dir")

how to use Cassandra Context in spark 2.0

In previous Version of Spark like 1.6.1, i am using creating Cassandra Context using spark Context,
import org.apache.spark.{ Logging, SparkContext, SparkConf }
val conf: org.apache.spark.SparkConf = new SparkConf(true)
.set("spark.cassandra.connection.host", CassandraHost)
lazy val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val cassandraSqlCtx: org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra.CassandraSQLContext = new CassandraSQLContext(sc)
//Query using Cassandra context
cassandraSqlCtx.sql("select id from table ")
But In Spark 2.0 , Spark Context is replaced with Spark session, how can i use cassandra context?
Short Answer: You don't. It has been deprecated and removed.
Long Answer: You don't want to. The HiveContext provides everything except for the catalogue and supports a much wider range of SQL(HQL~). In Spark 2.0 this just means you will need to manually register Cassandra tables use createOrReplaceTempView until an ExternalCatalogue is implemented.
In Sql this looks like
spark.sql("""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE words
|USING org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra
| table "words",
| keyspace "test")""".stripMargin)
In the raw DF api it looks like
.options(Map("keyspace" -> "test", "table" -> "words"))
Both of these commands will register the table "words" for SQL queries.

Using Hive along with Spark Cassandra connector?

Can I use Hive in concert with the Spark cassandra connector ?
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
scala> hiveCtx = new HiveContext(sc)
This produces:
ivysettings.xml file not found in HIVE_HOME or HIVE_CONF_DIR,
/etc/hive/conf.dist/ivysettings.xml will be used
and then
scala> val rows = hiveCtx.sql("SELECT first_name,last_name,house FROM
test_gce.students WHERE student_id=1")
results in this error:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: no such table test_gce.students; line 1 pos 48
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer$ResolveRelations$.getTable(Analyzer.scala:260)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer$ResolveRelations$$anonfun$apply$7.applyOrElse(Analyzer.scala:268)
Is it possible to create a HiveContext from the SparkContext and use it as I am trying to do while using the Spark cassandra connector ?
Here is how I called spark-shell:
spark-shell --jars ~/spark-cassandra-connector/spark-cassandra-connector-assembly-1.4.0-M1-SNAPSHOT.jar --conf spark.cassandra.connection.host=
Also, I am able to successfully access Cassandra with the pure connector code rather than just using Hive:
scala> val cRDD=sc.cassandraTable("test_gce", "students")
res0: Array[com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraRow] =
Array(CassandraRow{first_name: Harry, last_name: Potter, house: Godric Gryffindor})
