Hyper-V W10 (Host) Ubuntu 18.04 (Guest): Why does enhanced session mode not work? - windows-10

I have installed Ubuntu 18.04 as a guest system on a Windows 10 host system using Hyper-V and I want to use the guest system in full-screen mode. To resize the screen as far as I have learned I need to run the guest system in enhanced session mode.
If I am connecting to the guest system it neither lets me choose the screen size nor activate the Enhanced Session Mode.
Enhanced Session Mode (User) and Enhanced Session Mode Policy (Server) are activated under the Hyper-V Settings.
I have also tried to deactivate the RemoteFX setting -> no changes
Guest services are activated -> no changes
As far as I have learned Ubuntu 18.04 LTS should already support the enhanced session mode.

It fails when the auto login is enabled on Ubuntu. I disabled the auto login and it worked. Also make sure you enter your user name lowercase even if it has caps.

As #Guenther Schmitz stated, this feature is part of Windows 10 Update 1803, in order to try it, you need at least build 17063 (as stated here).
If you "only" want to increase your guest screensize, you might want to try setting the videomode. Careful that you remove any RemoteFX 3D Hardware. This way you can achieve 1920x1080.

This functionality comes with Windows 10 Update 1803

I had the same problem yesterday with 19.04, tried all of the workarounds I could find in the internet and nothing helped. if I used 800x600 resolution everything worked "perfectly", when I tried full screen, it would kick me out... then I installed 18.04 LTS and everything just worked....

I have found this guide, which helped me to activate the Enhanced Session Mode: https://www.tenforums.com/virtualization/107147-guide-how-run-ubuntu-18-04-enhanced-mode-hyper-v.html
However, I am not able to connect to the VM using xorg because it always gives me the error "Video remoting was disconnected" and only the options to Reconnect or Exit.


how to restore the default fractional scaling by using the command terminal on ubuntu system?

how to disable fractional scaling by using the command terminal on ubuntu system, or restore the default scaling setting by using the command terminal?
Well, I have a remote server,and its system is ubuntu20.04;
I use it through the remote desktop connection program that comes with the Windows system.
I modified the fractional scaling of ubuntu system by enable fractional scaling;
and then I can't use it through remote desktop connection.
Now I can only use the command line after remote connection through ssh.
The following is the result given by using windows Remote Desktop Connection.
Does anyone know what to do to recover?
Thanks for your advice and help!
gsettings reset org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor
gsettings reset org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['scale-monitor-framebuffer']"
xrandr is what I usually use for managing screen resolution and scaling
xrandr --output eDP-1 --scale 1.15
Lastly, mainly being using i3 as WM. But from what I remember it applied to Gnome as well

How do I resolve a `vagrant up` issue

I have been trying to run vagrant up but I keep getting an error, though I have run a command for the box vagrant init ubuntu/focal64 and the result said I am ready to vagrant up but I keep getting the error message as shown in the screenshot below.
Please how can I resolve this issue?
I am in need of quick help.
You need to enable virtualization within the BIOS of your machine. When you first boot the computer, there's usually a screen saying "Hit F2" or "Hit Del" to enter setup (the key varies per motherboard manufacturer). You need to go into the BIOS setup and enable Hardware Virtualization support (VT-x on Intel machines). Consult your computer/motherboard manufacturer manual.

Installing a headless VNC server on Bananian?

I started this project with a Raspberry Pi, but realized that the Banana's hardware set is a much better fit for what I'm doing. Unfortunately, it appears that, even though LeMaker (the group behind the BPi) offers just about every OS imaginable pre-optimized for the Banana, only Bananian supports all the hardware that I need, and it doesn't come with a GUI of any kind.
So, given a Debian-derivative on an ARM chip that will never see a physical display and has root SSH functional by default, how can I make it boot to an auto-logged-in VNC server?
Here's what I've done so far, as root over SSH:
# bananian-config
# bananian-update
# apt-get update
# apt-get upgrade
# adduser pi
# passwd root
# apt-get install task-lxde-desktop
(the first two are announced in the SSH welcome message and are used to initially setup the generic image for this variation of the board)
Then I uncommented these lines in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf:
At this point, I rebooted and tried to connect with VNC, but the client gave the same error as when the server doesn't exist. SSH still works as root and now the "pi" user also, except that the "pi" user doesn't know sudo.
At this point, I'm lost. I don't know if there's a desktop waiting for me on the HDMI plug or not, or whether I need an explicit VNC server like x11vnc or tightvnc, or if there's something else wrong.
This is all I've done so far. I can re-flash the image if needed; I want to make this part work before adding anything project-specific.
Okay, I noticed in LeMaker's own instructions to make Wifi work that they included Android and Lubuntu too, and that someone on their forum had made VNC work on Lubuntu. I didn't see before that some other OS's would support the WiFi chip.
So I switched to Lubuntu, which already has a working desktop, installed x11vnc per its instructions, and it basically just worked.
Then I backed up the SD card and spent all of Saturday trying different ways to make it a WiFi access point, which usually resulted in kicking myself out and restoring the backup to try again. And finally that works too. So I backed up the card again and now I can work on the real functionality.

Scrambled Keyboard - VMware on Linux from NX Client on MBP

The problem:
I have a scrambled keyboard while using VMware Player on Linux from NX Client on a MacBook Pro. Letters are numbers, numbers are letters, delete is comma, e is delete; it's pure madness. I asked Google but it seems just as confused as me.
I am using an old-school mac keyboard with number pad plugged into my MBP and an additional monitor.
Things I've tried:
Altering my Linux keyboard settings (Layout: USA, USA Macintosh. Model: Apple, MBP, Apple Aluminum)
Altering my MBP keyboard settings (actually didn't see any settings that would affect this)
Unplugging my old-school keyboard with number pad and only using my MBP keyboard
Have the same issue, but with virt-manager (NX client runs on my Mac 10.6.8, connects to an Ubuntu 10.10 server and all is well, but if I run virt-manager and open a virtual machine, the keystrokes sent to the VM are all messed up).
I guess it has something to do with the Mac NX client and the VNC client (built into virt-manager) on the linux server. I tested the same setup in a Windowx XP virtual machine and it worked flawlessly. So it's got to be the Mac NX Client somehow.
As a workaround I've found that if I create an SSH with a port-forward from the remote linux-server (where I used to run virt-manager to access a VM running on another server) to the server with the VM and I forward a local port to the VM's vnc-server, then I can start up a VNC client (on the linux-server that I connect to via NX) and connect to the VM via the SSH tunnel and keys work just fine. So in my case the problem is somehow with the Mac NX Client + virt-manager's embedded VNC client.
I'm just guessing here, but VMware Player might use an embedded VNC server+client as well to show you the VM's screen. And both the reason for the problem and the workaround might be the same. Ie. try to use a separate VNC client to connect to the VM.
Update: I've got the solution to my problem, it's a KVM bug. The KVM machine starts the VNC server for the VM without specifying the correct keymap to use. See: http://blog.loftninjas.org/2010/11/17/virt-manager-keymaps-on-os-x/
The solution for VMware Player might be just as simple. A little googling revealed that VMware supports connections to a VM via VNC. Here's how to specify a keyboard layout for a VM's VNC server: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1004815
Probably you just have to:
shut down the VM
open the VMX file in an editor
add the proper keyboard layout to the file as described on the page linked above (I guess you should specify the layout that your Linux server uses, eg. en-us)
start the VM and test with a VNC client
Of course it'd be better if you could tweak the Player's console to handle keycodes properly, but I did not find a fix for that.

How do I get a Remote Desktop for Linux (XDMCP, VNC)

I do this all the time using VNC and it is very easy, but I am curious about a few things like XDMCP. As I understand it, this is a way of creating the entire desktop on a remote X-Server which seems fairly elegant.
Several years ago, I worked on a Solaris server and multiple developers had X-Servers running in Windows and we were able to access a full remote X-desktop. All my efforts so far in X based systems seem to indicate that only one instance, remote or local, of the desktop can be loaded, so I guess this Solaris thing was an actual application that "emulated" a desktop, but who knows....
Any input ?
From Windows I've found the best way to do this is using the Xwin command in cygwin.
Install Cygwin, making sure to install X11. (Do this by scrolling to the bottom of the list on the "select packages" screen and click on the word "default" to the right of "X11". Give it a second or two and it will change to "install".)
Then, just run the Xwin command like this:
Xwin -query your.unix.system.name
You'll get a full-screen login window from you unix box. That's it!
Btw, sometimes firewalls get in the way of the UDP protocol for XDMCP. If that happens, look up the port numbers (one UDP outgoing, and one TCP incomming) and unblock them. Other xdmcp troubleshooting tips here.
NX will allow you to use a complete remote desktop environment locally, and most Linux distros already have the server available.
As an alternative to full cygwin install you might want to look at Xming. It is quite a bit lighter and should provide the same functionality.
In Xorg/GDM/LightDM options : "listen" should be activated (disabled by default)
In windows, try Xwin32.
In Linux, try Xnest (windowed) or X with "-query" command.
Be careful: it's slow and everything (passwords included) is transmitted in clear. So keep it on local network, tunnel it in SSH or better don't use it.
I found an additional remote desktop implementation which works quite nicely with LXDE:
Has clients for Windows, Linux and MacOS X.
