I trained an RNN (a GRU to be specific) to be a language model roughly as follows:
inputs = [<start>, tok1, tok2, tok3, . . .]
outputs = [tok1, tok2, tok3, . . .]
h0 = initial state of all-zeros
gru_outputs, hn = gru(inputs, h0)
cost = loss (gru_outputs, outputs)
Essentially during training there is a "guide" input, where I feed in the target token from the last-step to the current-step (teacher forcing?).
Now this RNN trains well, and converges. But I have no idea how to actually use it to generate a sequence from scratch. As the gru expect an explicit input argument, how do I tell it to use its own output from the last step without giving it an input?
Essentially I want
roll_out = gru(h0, step_number = 10)
Couldn't quite figure out how to do this. Do I need to use a different API and do manual roll-out in both training and using?
full-code in this gist if it is of any use: https://gist.github.com/evanthebouncy/b5039dc72d3d9fea66dad3306e479e6b
thanks !
So if you want to test your language model by generating random text - just pick a random token as first word. After feeding this random word the model will generate an output, then this word you just generated will be your next input which you feed into the model and so on.
Here is some sample code how this could look like:
# Test the model
with torch.no_grad():
with open('sample.txt', 'w') as f:
# Set intial hidden ane cell states
state = (torch.zeros(num_layers, 1, hidden_size).to(device),
torch.zeros(num_layers, 1, hidden_size).to(device))
# Select one word id randomly
prob = torch.ones(vocab_size)
input = torch.multinomial(prob, num_samples=1).unsqueeze(1).to(device)
for i in range(num_samples):
# Forward propagate RNN
output, state = model(input, state)
# Sample a word id
prob = output.exp()
word_id = torch.multinomial(prob, num_samples=1).item()
# Fill input with sampled word id for the next time step
# File write
word = corpus.dictionary.idx2word[word_id]
word = '\n' if word == '<eos>' else word + ' '
if (i+1) % 100 == 0:
print('Sampled [{}/{}] words and save to {}'.format(i+1, num_samples, 'sample.txt'))
Full code also for the model can be found here.
You might need to modify the code a bit so that it works for your model.
I'm using customized text with 'Prompt' and 'Completion' to train new model.
Here's the tutorial I used to create customized model from my data:
However even after training the model and sending prompt text to the model, I'm still getting generic results which are not always suitable for me.
How I can make sure completion results for my prompts will be only from the text I used for the model and not from the generic OpenAI models?
Can I use some flags to eliminate results from generic models?
Wrong goal: OpenAI API should answer from the fine-tuning dataset if the prompt is similar to the one from the fine-tuning dataset
It's the completely wrong logic. Forget about fine-tuning. As stated on the official OpenAI website:
Fine-tuning lets you get more out of the models available through the
API by providing:
Higher quality results than prompt design
Ability to train on more examples than can fit in a prompt
Token savings due to shorter prompts
Lower latency requests
Fine-tuning is not about answering with a specific answer from the fine-tuning dataset.
Fine-tuning helps the model gain more knowledge, but it has nothing to do with how the model answers. Why? The answer we get from the fine-tuned model is based on all knowledge (i.e., fine-tuned model knowledge = default knowledge + fine-tuning knowledge).
Although GPT-3 models have a lot of general knowledge, sometimes we want the model to answer with a specific answer (i.e., "fact").
Correct goal: Answer with a "fact" when asked about a "fact", otherwise answer with the OpenAI API
Note: For better (visual) understanding, the following code was ran and tested in Jupyter.
STEP 1: Create a .csv file with "facts"
To keep things simple, let's add two companies (i.e., ABC and XYZ) with a content. The content in our case will be a 1-sentence description of the company.
Run print_dataframe.ipynb to print the dataframe.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('companies.csv')
We should get the following output:
STEP 2: Calculate an embedding vector for every "fact"
An embedding is a vector of numbers that helps us understand how semantically similar or different the texts are. The closer two embeddings are to each other, the more similar are their contents (source).
Let's test the Embeddings endpoint first. Run get_embedding.ipynb with an input This is a test.
Note: In the case of Embeddings endpoint, the parameter prompt is called input.
import openai
openai.api_key = '<OPENAI_API_KEY>'
def get_embedding(model: str, text: str) -> list[float]:
result = openai.Embedding.create(
model = model,
input = text
return result['data'][0]['embedding']
print(get_embedding('text-embedding-ada-002', 'This is a test'))
We should get the following output:
What we see in the screenshot above is This is a test as an embedding vector. More precisely, we get a 1536-dimensional embedding vector (i.e., there are 1536 numbers inside). You are probably familiar with a 3-dimensional space (i.e., X, Y, Z). Well, this is a 1536-dimensional space which is very hard to imagine.
There are two things we need to understand at this point:
Why do we need to transform text into an embedding vector (i.e., numbers)? Because later on, we can compare embedding vectors and figure out how similar the two texts are. We can't compare texts as such.
Why are there exactly 1536 numbers inside the embedding vector? Because the text-embedding-ada-002 model has an output dimension of 1536. It's pre-defined.
Now we can create an embedding vector for each "fact". Run get_all_embeddings.ipynb.
import openai
from openai.embeddings_utils import get_embedding
import pandas as pd
openai.api_key = '<OPENAI_API_KEY>'
df = pd.read_csv('companies.csv')
df['embedding'] = df['content'].apply(lambda x: get_embedding(x, engine = 'text-embedding-ada-002'))
The code above will take the first company (i.e., x), get its 'content' (i.e., "fact") and apply the function get_embedding using the text-embedding-ada-002 model. It will save the embedding vector of the first company in a new column named 'embedding'. Then it will take the second company, the third company, the fourth company, etc. At the end, the code will automatically generate a new .csv file named companies_embeddings.csv.
Saving embedding vectors locally (i.e., in a .csv file) means we don't have to call the OpenAI API every time we need them. We calculate an embedding vector for a given "fact" once and that's it.
Run print_dataframe_embeddings.ipynb to print the dataframe with the new column named 'embedding'.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv('companies_embeddings.csv')
df['embedding'] = df['embedding'].apply(eval).apply(np.array)
We should get the following output:
STEP 3: Calculate an embedding vector for the input and compare it with embedding vectors from the companies_embeddings.csv using cosine similarity
We need to calculate an embedding vector for the input so that we can compare the input with a given "fact" and see how similar these two texts are. Actually, we compare the embedding vector of the input with the embedding vector of the "fact". Then we compare the input with the second "fact", the third "fact", the fourth "fact", etc. Run get_cosine_similarity.ipynb.
import openai
from openai.embeddings_utils import cosine_similarity
import pandas as pd
openai.api_key = '<OPENAI_API_KEY>'
my_model = 'text-embedding-ada-002'
my_input = '<INSERT_INPUT>'
def get_embedding(model: str, text: str) -> list[float]:
result = openai.Embedding.create(
model = my_model,
input = my_input
return result['data'][0]['embedding']
input_embedding_vector = get_embedding(my_model, my_input)
df = pd.read_csv('companies_embeddings.csv')
df['embedding'] = df['embedding'].apply(eval).apply(np.array)
df['similarity'] = df['embedding'].apply(lambda x: cosine_similarity(x, input_embedding_vector))
The code above will take the input and compare it with the first fact. It will save the calculated similarity of the two in a new column named 'similarity'. Then it will take the second fact, the third fact, the fourth fact, etc.
If my_input = 'Tell me something about company ABC':
If my_input = 'Tell me something about company XYZ':
If my_input = 'Tell me something about company Apple':
We can see that when we give Tell me something about company ABC as an input, it's the most similar to the first "fact". When we give Tell me something about company XYZ as an input, it's the most similar to the second "fact". Whereas, if we give Tell me something about company Apple as an input, it's the least similar to any of these two "facts".
STEP 4: Answer with the most similar "fact" if similarity is above our threshold, otherwise answer with the OpenAI API
Let's set our similarity threshold to >= 0.9. The code below should answer with the most similar "fact" if similarity is >= 0.9, otherwise answer with the OpenAI API. Run get_answer.ipynb.
# Imports
import openai
from openai.embeddings_utils import cosine_similarity
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Insert your API key
openai.api_key = '<OPENAI_API_KEY>'
# Insert OpenAI text embedding model and input
my_model = 'text-embedding-ada-002'
my_input = '<INSERT_INPUT>'
# Calculate embedding vector for the input using OpenAI Embeddings endpoint
def get_embedding(model: str, text: str) -> list[float]:
result = openai.Embedding.create(
model = my_model,
input = my_input
return result['data'][0]['embedding']
# Save embedding vector of the input
input_embedding_vector = get_embedding(my_model, my_input)
# Calculate similarity between the input and "facts" from companies_embeddings.csv file which we created before
df = pd.read_csv('companies_embeddings.csv')
df['embedding'] = df['embedding'].apply(eval).apply(np.array)
df['similarity'] = df['embedding'].apply(lambda x: cosine_similarity(x, input_embedding_vector))
# Find the highest similarity value in the dataframe column 'similarity'
highest_similarity = df['similarity'].max()
# If the highest similarity value is equal or higher than 0.9 then print the 'content' with the highest similarity
if highest_similarity >= 0.9:
fact_with_highest_similarity = df.loc[df['similarity'] == highest_similarity, 'content']
# Else pass input to the OpenAI Completions endpoint
response = openai.Completion.create(
model = 'text-davinci-003',
prompt = my_input,
max_tokens = 30,
temperature = 0
content = response['choices'][0]['text'].replace('\n', '')
If my_input = 'Tell me something about company ABC' and the threshold is >= 0.9 we should get the following answer from the companies_embeddings.csv:
If my_input = 'Tell me something about company XYZ' and the threshold is >= 0.9 we should get the following answer from the companies_embeddings.csv:
If my_input = 'Tell me something about company Apple' and the threshold is >= 0.9 we should get the following answer from the OpenAI API:
I am trying to do a seq2seq prediction. For this, I have a LSTM layer followed by a fully connected layer. I employ Teacher training during the training phase and would like to skip this (I maybe wrong here) during testing phase. I have not found a direct way of doing this so I have taken the approach shown below.
def forward(self, inputs, future=0, teacher_force_ratio=0.2, target=None):
outputs = []
for idx in range(future):
rnn_out, _ = self.rnn(inputs)
output = self.fc1(rnn_out)
if self.teacher_training:
new_input = output if np.random.random() >= teacher_force_ratio else target[idx]
new_input = output
inputs = new_input
I use a bool variable teacher_training to check if Teacher training is needed or not. Is this correct? If yes, is there a better way to do this? Thanks.
In PyTorch all classes that extend nn.Module have a kwarg boolean param called training . So instead of teacher_training we should simply use training param. This param is automatically set depending on your model training mode (model.train() and model.eval()).
I am trying to train word embedding with transformer encoder by masking the word itself with diagonal src_mask:
def _generate_square_subsequent_mask(self, sz):
mask = torch.diag(torch.full((sz,),float('-inf')))
return mask
def forward(self, src):
if self.src_mask is None or self.src_mask.size(0) != len(src):
device = src.device
mask = self._generate_square_subsequent_mask(len(src)).to(device)
self.src_mask = mask
src = self.embedding(src) * math.sqrt(self.ninp)
src = self.dropout(src)
src = self.pos_encoder(src)
src = self.transformer_encoder(src, self.src_mask)
output = self.decoder(src) # Linear layer
return output
After training the model predicts exactly the same sentence from the input. If I change any word in the input - it predict the new word. So the model doesn't block according to the mask.
Why is it ?
I understand that there is a mistake in my logic because BERT would probably be much simpler if it worked. But where am I wrong ?
I am using the a sequence of word indices as input. Output is the same sequence as input.
As far as I understand - the model doesn't prevent each word to indirectly “see itself” in multylayer context. I tried to use one layer - it looks like the model works. But training is too slow.
The goal:
To generate text from an authors style.
Input: an authors work to train on, a seed for a prediction
Output: generated text from that seed
Question about the embedding layer in keras:
I have raw text, a flat text file containing a few thousand lines of text. I want to input this into an embedding layer to keras to vectorize the data. Here is what I have as text:
The Wild West\n Ha ha, ride\n All you see is the sun reflectin\' off of the
and I call it input_text:
num_words = 2000#get 2000 words
tok = Tokenizer(num_words)#tokenize the words
tok.fit_on_texts(input_text)#takes in list of text to train on
#put all words from text into a words array
#this is essentially enumerating them
words = []
for iter in range(num_words):
words += [key for key,value in tok.word_index.items() if value==iter+1]
#Class for vectorizing texts, or/and turning texts into sequences
#(=list of word indexes, where the word of rank i in the dataset (starting at 1) has index i).
X_train = tok.texts_to_sequences(input_text)#turns text to sequence, stating which word comes in what place
X_train = sequence.pad_sequences(X_train, maxlen=100)#pad sequence, essentially padding it with 0's at the end
y_train = words
The problem:
It seems that my code will take in the sequence, then when I apply padding it only gives the first 100 of the sequence. How should I break it apart?
Should I take the entire sequence and go through the first 100 words (X), and give the next one (Y) and do some skips along the way?
I want the output to be the probability of the next word coming up. So I have a softmax layer at the end. Essentially I want to generate text from a seed. Is this the correct way of going about doing this? or is it just better
i think you will not find a better answer anywhere than on this page here, by the way code is also available on github, dive in or ask more questions.
I am working on a project using the NLTK toolkit. With the hardware I have, I am able to run the classifier object on a small data set. So, I divided the data into smaller chunks and running the classifier object in them while storing all these individual object in a pickle file.
Now for testing I need to have the whole object as one to get better result. So my question is how can I combine these objects into one.
objs = []
while True:
f = open(picklename,"rb")
except EOFError:
Doing this does not work. And it gives the error TypeError: 'NaiveBayesClassifier' object is not iterable.
NaiveBayesClassifier code :
classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(training_set)
I am not sure about the exact format of your data, but you can not simply merge different classifiers. The Naive Bayes classifier stores a probability distribution based on the data it was trained on, and you can not merge probability distributions without access to the original data.
If you look at the source code here: http://www.nltk.org/_modules/nltk/classify/naivebayes.html
an instance of the classifier stores:
self._label_probdist = label_probdist
self._feature_probdist = feature_probdist
these are calculated in the train method using relative frequency counts. (e.g P(L_1) = (# of L1 in training set) / (# labels in training set). To combine the two, you would want to get (# of L1 in Train 1 + Train 2)/(# of labels in T1 + T2).
However, the naive bayes procedure isn't too hard to implement from scratch, especially if you follow the 'train' source code in the link above. Here is an outline, using the NaiveBayes source code
Store 'FreqDist' objects for each subset of the data for the labels and features.
label_freqdist = FreqDist()
feature_freqdist = defaultdict(FreqDist)
feature_values = defaultdict(set)
fnames = set()
# Count up how many times each feature value occurred, given
# the label and featurename.
for featureset, label in labeled_featuresets:
label_freqdist[label] += 1
for fname, fval in featureset.items():
# Increment freq(fval|label, fname)
feature_freqdist[label, fname][fval] += 1
# Record that fname can take the value fval.
# Keep a list of all feature names.
# If a feature didn't have a value given for an instance, then
# we assume that it gets the implicit value 'None.' This loop
# counts up the number of 'missing' feature values for each
# (label,fname) pair, and increments the count of the fval
# 'None' by that amount.
for label in label_freqdist:
num_samples = label_freqdist[label]
for fname in fnames:
count = feature_freqdist[label, fname].N()
# Only add a None key when necessary, i.e. if there are
# any samples with feature 'fname' missing.
if num_samples - count > 0:
feature_freqdist[label, fname][None] += num_samples - count
# Use pickle to store label_freqdist, feature_freqdist,feature_values
Combine those using their built-in 'add' method. This will allow you to get the relative frequency across all the data.
all_label_freqdist = FreqDist()
all_feature_freqdist = defaultdict(FreqDist)
all_feature_values = defaultdict(set)
for file in train_labels:
f = open(file,"rb")
all_label_freqdist += pickle.load(f)
# Combine the default dicts for features similarly
Use the 'estimator' to create a probability distribution.
estimator = ELEProbDist()
label_probdist = estimator(all_label_freqdist)
# Create the P(fval|label, fname) distribution
feature_probdist = {}
for ((label, fname), freqdist) in all_feature_freqdist.items():
probdist = estimator(freqdist, bins=len(all_feature_values[fname]))
feature_probdist[label, fname] = probdist
classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(label_probdist, feature_probdist)
The classifier will not combine the counts across all the data and produce what you need.