Autodesk a360 viewer does not show walkthrough tool - viewer

When using Autodesk a360 viewer from a public link or from a360 account, there is no walkthrough tool even though the model is 3D. Is walkthrough tool only available using an embedded viewer?
Here is the public link:

did u try adding the walkthrough extension ? its in the SDK provided ...


Azure cognitive document translation UI recommendations

Hoping someone can help or push me in the right direction with a requirement a client has requested.
My client works in a secure restricted environment where external translation services are blocked or prohibited.
Currently using a paid Azure translator cognitive services subscription with S1 plan of blob storage. I have created 'source' and 'target' containers, generated SAS keys and followed a online tutorial with a basic C# code. If I upload a document to be translated via Azure storage explorer into the 'source' container, run the C# code via VS code this will translate the document and place into the 'target' container which can be downloaded.
My question is what is the easiest and fastest way to make this user friendly?
I am not a developer although do have a basic grasp on API and a little python but developing something like this is far beyond my skillsets.
Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly apricated.
Thanks in advance!
has an application that performs all the necessary document translation tasks. Provided as source and as compiled binary.
Command line for Windows, Linux, MacOS
doctr translate <source folder OR document> [<target folder>] --to <language code>
Graphical User Interface for Windows

Launch Tool is missing in IBM Watson Natural understanding when creating custom model

I am facing a weird issue. I am trying to create a custom model in IBM Watson natural language understanding with lite plan.No launch tool option is shown to create custom model. To be clear, ideallly the page should be like this as described in all the tutorials,
But What I am getting is
I tried all possibilities there is no way to navigate to the annotator tool page. Please somebody help
Your first pic looks Watson Knowledge Studio. Watson Knowledge Studio is a different service you can also create IBM Cloud Catalog. Please check it.

How to create and display a custom base map with ESRI Leaflet?

The educational web app I'm working on makes use of ESRI base maps displayed with Leaflet. (See CODAP and click the Map tool.) One of our partners would like to be able to use a base map that displays biomes as, for example, displayed here.
ESRI supplies a bunch of useful base maps. But how do I create my own? And can I start with an image like the one linked to above?
typically people use either ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro to publish their own content as services hosted either on ArcGIS Online or their own installation of ArcGIS Server, but its also possible to upload shapefiles, csvs and other files into ArcGIS Online directly using the website.
anyone can get a perpetual free account for R&D and non-commercial service hosting by signing up on our Developers website.

How to develop “360 flat image view” in “panorama view” for web application

My friend wanted me to find “360 jpg image (Taken by phone) in panorama mode in web application”. What would be the best technology for develop that module.
Are there are any open source technology/libraries, reference materials or any tutorials?
For Android, you can try this demo
Try GoogleCardBoard Sample
Try including this to your build.gradle
compile 'com.gjizhe:PanoramaImageView:1.0'

DocuSign in COM based environments

Do you have coding examples integrating to Docusign using a COM based platform. I have access to SOAP, so any examples in a COM based environment would be helpful.
As Kim has mentioned the DocuSign Developer Center has a section devoted to the SOAP API:
On that page you'll see one of the first links guide you to the DocuSign-SOAP-SDK which is up on GitHub:
Inside the SOAP SDK there are 5 sample projects written in different technology stacks: Java, .NET, PHP, Ruby, and Salesforce. Not only are there working sample apps but there's also code snippet folders you can review.
