Mongoose Insert Multiple Related Records at once - node.js

Currently I have the following, effective inserting one lyric per song at a time:
SongSchema.statics.addLyric = function(songId, title, content) {
const Lyric = mongoose.model('lyric');
return this.findById(songId).then(song => {
const lyric = new Lyric({ title, content, song });
return Promise.all([,]).then(([lyric, song]) => song);
However I would like to update this to something like the following, where I pass multiple lyrics at once in an array...
SongSchema.statics.addLyric = function(songId, lyrics) {
Is it possible to insert all the lyrics at once and still return the updated song to graphql

Fair point. Instead of doing findById() then it's probably better to use findByIdAndUpdate() instead, and also do the creation inline and "chain" the Promise instead:
SongSchema.statics.addLyrics = function(songId, lyrics) {
const Lyric = mongoose.model('lyric');
return Lyric.insertMany(lyrics).then( lyrics =>
{ "$push": { "lyrics": { "$each": lyrics } } },
{ "new": true }
That uses $each as a modifier to $push which accepts and array and does an "atomic" operation to update the document. It's a lot more efficient and safer than fetching the document "then" modifying it before updating back.
Also of course insertMany() does your 'array' of lyrics as a single write as opposed to "many".
An alternate approach would be to create instances based on a and save() in parallel.
SongSchema.statics.addLyrics = function(songId, lyrics) {
const Lyric = mongoose.model('lyric');
lyrics = => new Lyric(lyric));
return Promise.all([
{ "$push": { "lyrics": { "$each": lyrics } } },
{ "new": true }
), =>
]).then(([song, ...lyrics]) => song);
But the first approach really has less overhead, and Promise.all() is not going to respond until "all" promises are resolved anyway. So you really don't gain anything by not doing the operations in series.
The alternate case of course is to instead of keeping an "array" of related ObjectId values within the Song, you would instead simply record the songId within the Lyric entry.
So the schema would then become something like:
const lyricSchema = new Schema({
title: String,
content: String,
songId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Song' }
Then the insertion is simply
lyricSchema.statics.addLyrics = function(songId, lyrics) {
return this.insertMany( => ({ ...lyric, songId })))
And in the Song schema, instead of keeping an array like this:
songs: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Lyric' }]
Remove that and replace with a virtual,
SongSchema.virtual.('songs', {
ref: 'Lyric',
localField: '_id',
foreignField: 'songId'
And that means there is no need to touch the Song model at all as you can simply insert the related data without needing to update an array.
Modern MongoDB versions really should be using $lookup to "query" this information anyway, and the maintaining of "arrays" within a parent is a bit of an "anti-pattern" which generally should be avoided.
The "virtual" is therefore "optional", and just a way to enable populate() as a convenience.

The best way I know of is like this:
lyrics = i) => {lyric, songId: songI[i]});
SongSchema.collection.insertMany(lyrics, {'ordered': false},
(err, data) => {
/*Do your stuff*/
Ordered true will throw an error if there is any repeated unique values and stop, if false, the error is still thrown but the insertion goes on for the non repeated ones.
You do not need to create a new Schema, but this way Momgoose validations will be skipped too.


How to model a collection in nodejs+mongodb

Hello I am new to nodejs and mongodb.
I have 3 models:
"user" with fields "name phone"
"Shop" with fields "name, address"
"Member" with fields "shop user status". (shop and user hold the "id" of respective collections).
Now when I create "shops" api to fetch all shop, then I need to add extra field "isShopJoined" which is not part of the model. This extra field will true if user who see that shop is joined it otherwise it will be false.
The problem happens when I share my model with frontend developers like Android/iOS and others, They will not aware of that extra field until they see the API response.
So is it ok if I add extra field in shops listing which is not part of the model? Or do I need to add that extra field in model?
Important note
All the code below has NOT been tested (yet, I'll do it when I can setup a minimal environment) and should be adapted to your project. Keep in mind that I'm no expert when it comes to aggregation with MongoDB, let alone with Mongoose, the code is only here to grasp the general idea and algorithm.
If I understood correctly, you don't have to do anything since the info is stored in the Member collection. But it forces the front-end to do an extra-request (or many extra-requests) to have both the list of Shops and to check (one by one) if the current logged user is a Member of the shop.
Keep in mind that the front-end in general is driven by the data (and so, the API/back-end), not the contrary. The front-end will have to adapt to what you give it.
If you're happy with what you have, you can just keep it that way and it will work, but that might not be very effective.
Assuming this:
import mongoose from "mongoose";
const MemberSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
shopId: {
type: ObjectId,
ref: 'ShopSchema',
required: true
userId: {
type: ObjectId,
ref: 'UserSchema',
required: true
status: {
type: String,
required: true
const ShopSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true
address: {
//your address model
const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true
phone: {
type: String,
required: true,
// Add something like this
shopsJoined: {
type: Array,
default: [],
required: true
You could tackle this problem via 2 ways:
MongoDB Aggregates
When retrieving (back-end side) the list of shops, if you know the user that made the request, instead of simply returning the list of Shops, you could return an aggregate of Shops and Members resulting in an hybrid document containing both the info of Shops and Models. That way, the front-end have all the info it needs with one back-end request.
Important note
The following code might not work as-is and you'll have to adapt it, I currently have nothing to test it against. Keep in mind I'm not very familiar with aggregates, let alone with Mongoose, but you'll get the general idea by looking the code and comments.
const aggregateShops = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
// $lookup will merge the "Model" and "Shop" documents into one
// $match will return only the results matching the condition
const aggreg = await Model.aggregate({$lookup: {
from: 'members', //the name of the mongodb collection
localField: '_id', //the "Shop" field to match with foreign collection
foreignField: 'shopId', //the "Member" field to match with local collection
as: 'memberInfo' //the field name in which to store the "Member" fields;
}, {
$match: {memberInfo: {userId: myUserId}}
// the result should be an array of object looking like this:
name: SHOP_NAME,
address: SHOP_ADDRESS,
memberInfo: {
// send back the aggregated result to front-end
} catch (e) {
return next(e);
Drop the Members collection and store the info elsewhere
Instinctively, I would've gone this way. The idea is to either store an array field shopsJoined in the User model, or a membersJoined array field in the Shops model. That way, the info is retrieved no matter what, since you still have to retrieve the Shops and you already have your User.
// Your PATCH route should look like this
const patchUser = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
// How you chose to proceed here is up to you
// I tend to facilitate front-end work, so get them to send you (via req.body) the shopId to join OR "un-join"
// They should already know what shops are joined or not as they have the User
// For example, req.body.shopId = "+ID" if it's a join, or req.body.shopId = "-ID" if it's an un-join
if (req.body.shopId.startsWith("+")) {
await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: my_user_id },
{ $push: { shopsJoined: req.body.shopId } }
} else if (req.body.shopId.startsWith("-")) {
await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: my_user_id },
{ $pull: { shopsJoined: req.body.shopId } }
} else {
// not formatted correctly, return error
// return OK here depending on the framework you use
} catch (e) {
return next(e);
Of course, the above code is for the User model, but you can do the same thing for the Shop model.
Useful links:
MongoDB aggregation pipelines
Mongoose aggregates
MongoDB $push operator
MongoDB $pull operator
Yes you have to add the field to the model because adding it to the response will be only be a temporary display of the key but what if you need that in the future or in some list filters, so its good to add it to the model.
If you are thinking that front-end will have to be informed so just go it, and also you can set some default values to the "isShopJoined" key let it be flase for the time.

Using updateOne method to update an object field inside array - throws error "Cannot create field 'url' in element"

I have MongoDB database (with Mongoose) containing a collection of Products (among others), which looks like this:
name: 'Product A',
url: 'product-a',
category: 'accesory',
price: 12,
shortDescription: ['example description'],
technicalSpecs: [{ speed: 10, weight: 20 }],
images: [],
reviews: [],
relatedProducts: [
url: 'product-b',
name: 'Product B',
// to be added in Update query
//id: id_of_related_product
} /* other Product objects */
As every MongoDB document is provided with _id property by default, but within the relatedProducts array i only have url and name properties, i want to add the id property (associated with corresponding Product) for each object in the relatedProducts array, so i will be able to conveniently query and process those related products.
I came up with an idea to query all Products to get only those, which have non-empty relatedProducts array. Then i loop them and i search for Product model, which has specific url and name properties - this let's me get it's true (added by MongoDB) _id. At the end i want to add this _id to matching object inside relatedProducts array.
My code:
async function assignIDsToRelatedProducts(/* Model constructor */ Product) {
const productsWithRelatedOnes = await Product.find(
{ relatedProducts: { $ne: [] }}, ['relatedProducts', 'name', 'url']
for (const productItem of productsWithRelatedOnes) {
for (const relatedProduct of productItem.relatedProducts) {
const product = await Product.findOne(
{ url: relatedProduct.url, name: },
// throws error
await productItem.updateOne(
{ 'relatedProducts.url': relatedProduct.url },
{ $set: { 'relatedProducts.$.id': product._id } }
However it throws the following error:
MongoError: Cannot create field 'url' in element {relatedProducts: [ /* array's objects here */ ]}
I don't know why MongoDB tries to create field 'url', as i use it to project/query url field (not create it) in updateOne method. How to fix this?
And - as i am newbie to MongoDB - is there a simpler way of achieving my goal? I feel that those two nested for..of loops are unnecessary, or even preceding creation of productsWithRelatedOnes variable is.
Is it possible to do with Mongoose Virtuals? I have tried it, but i couldn't match virtual property within the same Product Model - attach it to each object in relatedProducts array - after calling .execPopulate i received either an empty array or undefined (i am aware i should post at-the-time code of using Virtual, but for now i switched to above solution).
Although i didn't find solution or even reason of my problem, i solved it with a slightly other approach:
async function assignIDsToRelatedProducts(Product) {
const productsHavingRelatedProducts = Product.find({ relatedProducts: { $ne: [] }});
for await (const withRelated of productsHavingRelatedProducts) {
for (const relatedProductToUpdate of withRelated.relatedProducts) {
const relatedProduct = await Product
{ url: relatedProductToUpdate.url, name: },
['url', '_id']
await Product.updateMany(
{ 'relatedProducts.url': relatedProduct.url },
{ $set: { 'relatedProducts.$.id': relatedProduct._id } }
const amountOfAllProducts = await Product.find({}).countDocuments();
const amountOfRelatedProductsWithID = await Product
.find({ '': { $exists: true } }).countDocuments();
console.log('All done?', amountOfAllProducts === amountOfRelatedProductsWithID);
Yet, i still suppose it can be done more concisely, without the initial looping. Hopefully somebody will suggest better solution. :)

How to remove mongo specific fields from result (NodeJS, Mongoose)

I want to remove all Mongo specific fields (like '_id') from query result. Is there a simple method to do this or should I remove fields manually? If yes, then which are that fields and how to do that?
I'm using NodeJS and Mongoose
You can use select() method for remove the field from your query:
Model.find({}).select("-removed_field").then (resp => {
// your code
You should specified the "-" before field name, to be remove this field.
If you want remove several fields - you can specified their as array:
Model.find({}).select(["-removed_field1", "-removed_field2" ... ]).then (resp => {
// your code
Also you can to select only specified fields, using this method without "-"
Model.find({}).select(["field1", "field2" ... ]).then (resp => {
// your code
If you want hide _id property you can use text argument with prefix - which will exclude this or that field from the result, for get sepecifict fields you should pass like this:
Entity.find({ ... }, 'field1 field2', function(err, entity) {
console.log(entity); // { field1: '...', field2: '...' }
You can specify a field to be excluded from results by using the optional 2nd parameter projection string of the find method:
Model.find({}, "-a -b").then (res => {
// objects in the res array will all have the
// 'a' and 'b' fields excluded.
}); (see projection)
you can use mongoose instance method two show specific fields from all documents
const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
email: {
type: String,
name: {
type: String,
maxlength: 128,
index: true,
trim: true,
transform() {
const transformed = {};
const fields = ['name', 'email'];
fields.forEach((field) => {
transformed[field] = this[field];
return transformed;
module.exports = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
if You want to remove any specific fields like _id, You can try in two ways:
Suppose Here you try to find a user using User Model
User.find({ email: email }, { _id: 0 });
const user = User.find({ email: email });
delete user._doc._id;
OP mentioned "from result", as far as I understood, it means, removing from the query result i.e. query result will contain the field, but will be removed from the query result.
A SO answer here mentions, that to modify a query result (which are immutable), we've to convert the result to Object using toObject() method (making it mutable).
To remove a field from a query result,
let immutableQueryResult = await Col.findById(idToBeSearched)
let mutableQueryResult = immutableQueryResult.toObject()
delete mutableQueryResult.fieldToBeRemoved
Another way of getting the mutable result is using the _doc property of the result:
let immutableQueryResult = await Col.findById(idToBeSearched)
let mutableQueryResult = immutableQueryResult._doc // _doc property holds the mutable object
delete mutableQueryResult.fieldToBeRemoved

Hide embedded document in mongoose/node REST server

I'm trying to hide certain fields on my GET output for my REST server. I have 2 schema's, both have a field to embed related data from eachother into the GET, so getting /people would return a list of locations they work at and getting a list of locations returns who works there. Doing that, however, will add a person.locations.employees field and will then list out the employees again, which obviously I don't want. So how do I remove that field from the output before displaying it? Thanks all, let me know if you need any more information.
/ GET :endpoint
app.get('/:endpoint', function (req, res) {
var endpoint = req.params.endpoint;
// Select model based on endpoint, otherwise throw err
if( endpoint == 'people' ){
model = PeopleModel.find().populate('locations');
} else if( endpoint == 'locations' ){
model = LocationsModel.find().populate('employees');
} else {
return res.send(404, { erorr: "That resource doesn't exist" });
// Display the results
return model.exec(function (err, obj) {
if (!err) {
return res.send(obj);
} else {
return res.send(err);
Here is my GET logic. So I've been trying to use the query functions in mongoose after the populate function to try and filter out those references. Here are my two schema's.
return new Schema({
first_name: String,
last_name: String,
address: {},
image: String,
job_title: String,
created_at: { type: Date, default: },
active_until: { type: Date, default: null },
hourly_wage: Number,
locations: [{ type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Locations' }],
employee_number: Number
}, { collection: 'people' });
return new Schema({
title: String,
address: {},
current_manager: String, // Inherit person details
alternate_contact: String, // Inherit person details
hours: {},
employees: [{ type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'People' }], // mixin employees that work at this location
created_at: { type: Date, default: },
active_until: { type: Date, default: null }
}, { collection: 'locations' });
You should specify the fields you want to fetch by using the select() method. You can do so by doing something like:
if( endpoint == 'people' ){
model = PeopleModel.find().select('locations').populate('locations');
} else if( endpoint == 'locations' ){
model = LocationsModel.find().select('employees').populate('employees');
} // ...
You can select more fields by separating them with spaces, for example:
PeopleModel.find().select('first_name last_name locations') ...
Select is the right answer but it also may help to specify it in your schema so that you maintain consistency in your API and I've found it helps me to not remember to do it everywhere I perform a query on the object.
You can set certain fields in your schema to never return by using the select: true|false attribute on the schema field.
More details can be found here:
Because this was so hard for me to find i'm going to leave this here for anybody else. In order to "deselect" a populated item, just prefix the field with "-" in your select. Example:
PeopleModel.find().populate({path: 'locations', select: '-employees'});
And now locations.employee's will be hidden.
If you remember from you SQL days, SELECT does a restriction on the table(s) being queried. Restrict is one of the primitive operations from the relational model and continues to be a useful feature as the relational model has evolved. blah blah blah.
In mongoose, the method allows you to perform this operation with some extra features. Particularly, not only can you specify what attributes (columns) to return, but you can also specify what attributes you want to exclude.
So here's the example:
function getPeople(req,res, next) {
var query = PeopleModel.find().populate({path: 'locations', select: '-employees'});
query.exec(function(err, people) {
// error handling stuff
// process and return response stuff
function getLocations(req,res, next) {
var query = LocationModel.find().populate({path: 'employees', select: '-locations'});
query.exec(function(err, people) {
// error handling stuff
// processing and returning response stuff
app.get('people', getPeople);
app.get('locations', getLocations);
Directly from the Mongoose Docs:
Go to and search for "Query conditions and other options"
Query conditions and other options
What if we wanted to populate our fans array based on their age,
select just their names, and return at most, any 5 of them?
path: 'fans',
match: { age: { $gte: 21 }},
select: 'name -_id',
options: { limit: 5 }
I just wanted to remark, for the simplicity of the endpoint you may be able to get away with this way to define the endpoints. However, in general this kind of dispacher pattern is not necessary and may pose problems later in development when developing with Express.

Incorrect Subdocument Being Updated?

I've got a Schema with an array of subdocuments, I need to update just one of them. I do a findOne with the ID of the subdocument then cut down the response to just that subdocument at position 0 in the returned array.
No matter what I do, I can only get the first subdocument in the parent document to update, even when it should be the 2nd, 3rd, etc. Only the first gets updated no matter what. As far as I can tell it should be working, but I'm not a MongoDB or Mongoose expert, so I'm obviously wrong somewhere.
var template = req.params.template;
var page =;
console.log('Template ID: ' + template);
db.Template.findOne({'pages._id': page}, {'pages.$': 1}, function (err, tmpl) {
console.log('Matched Template ID: ' + tmpl._id);
var pagePath = tmpl.pages[0].body;
if(req.body.file) {
tmpl.pages[0].background = req.body.filename; (err, updTmpl) {
if (err) console.log(err);
// db.Template.findOne(tmpl._id, function (err, tpl) {
// console.log('Additional Matched ID: ' + tmpl._id);
// console.log(tpl);
// tpl.pages[tmpl.pages[0].number].background = req.body.filename;
// (err, updTmpl){
// if (err) console.log(err);
// });
// });
In the console, all of the ID's match up properly, and even when I return the updTmpl, it's saying that it's updated the proper record, even though its actually updated the first subdocument and not the one it's saying it has.
The schema just in case:
var envelopeSchema = new Schema({
background: String,
body: String
var pageSchema = new Schema({
background: String,
number: Number,
body: String
var templateSchema = new Schema({
name: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
envelope: [envelopeSchema],
pagecount: Number,
pages: [pageSchema]
module.exports = mongoose.model("Template", templateSchema);
First, if you need req.body.file to be set in order for the update to execute I would recommend checking that before you run the query.
Also, is that a typo and req.body.file is supposed to be req.body.filename? I will assume it is for the example.
Additionally, and I have not done serious testing on this, but I believe your call will be more efficient if you specify your Template._id:
var template_id = req.params.template,
page_id =;
db.Template.update({_id: template_id, 'pages._id': page_id},
{ $set: {'pages.$.background': req.body.filename} },
function(err, res){
// err
} else {
// success
} else {
// return error / missing data
Mongoose doesn't understand documents returned with the positional projection operator. It always updates an array of subdocuments positionally, not by id. You may be interested in looking at the actual queries that mongoose is building - use mongoose.set('debug', true).
You'll have to either get the entire array, or build your own MongoDB query and go around mongoose. I would suggest the former; if pulling the entire array is going to cause performance issues, you're probably better off making each of the subdocuments a top-level document - documents that grow without bounds become problematic (at the very least because Mongo has a hard document size limit).
I'm not familiar with mongoose but the Mongo update query might be:
db.Template.update( { "pages._id": page }, { $set: { "pages.$.body" : body } } )
