Create expired time, or countdown timer - node.js

How do I make the time expired, suppose I made an article, to be able to make it again, had to wait for 15 hours, I was using nodejs and node-datetime.
I think the current time plus 15 hours, but how?
thanks before

I suppose you have a database with the articles, so, just save the creation date in each article, and when a user requests the access to create a new article, verify if his last article is more than 15 hours old


Microsoft Graph Secure score refresh interval

Microsoft secure score API provides score for Office 365 configurations. It provides list of best practices to secure O365 account. If we fix the mentioned issue and when we retrieve the secure score results again, we are getting same old result. As per Microsoft documentation, secure score should be updated daily but it is not happening. Any idea about its refresh frequency?
The official document explains it like this:
The score is calculated once per day (around 1:00 AM PST). If you
make a change to a measured action, the score will automatically
update the next day. It takes up to 48 hours for a change to be
reflected in your score.
According to the documentation, the score should be calculated once a day, starting at about 1:00 AM Pacific time, but it will take several hours to run. There are also instances where the job fails and we need to restart it so this might be why you don't see it updated at the exact same time every day.
Moreover, it may take up to 48 hours to refresh, so I suggest you wait until 48 hours to see if it refreshes.

Flurry Data Download processing over 24 hours for 1 event, 1 day

I am using, yesterday I tapped New Request, selected a date range of yesterday, add a filter of one parameter. I saved. Download Status = Processing, 24 hours later, Download Status is still Processing.
Is there an issue with Data Download? I so wish Event Logs still existed.
If this is not the right place to ask this, could someone please tell me where I should post this?
24 hours and still processing.
While large reports can take several hours to process, if a report is taking longer than expected, email

Send multiple notifications to a user on specific time

So I have database of users which have a reminderTime field which currently is just a string which looks like that 07:00 which is a UTC time.
In the future I'll have a multiple strings inside reminderTime which will correspond to at which time the user should receive a notification.
So imagine you logged into an app, set a multiple reminders like so 07:00, 15:00, 23:30 and sent it to server. The server will save those inside a database and run a task and send a notification at 07:00 then at 15:00 and so on. So later a user decided that he will no longer wants to receive notifications at 15:00 or change it to 15:30 and we should adapt to that.
And each user has a timezone, but I guess since reminderTime is already in UTC I can just create a task without looking at timezone.
Currently I have a reminderTime as number and after client sends me a 07:00 I convert it to seconds, but as I understand I can change that and stick to string.
All my tasks are running with Bull queue library and Redis. So as I understood the best scalable approach is to take reminderTime and just create notifications for each day at a given time and just run the task, the only problem is that should I save them to my database or add a task to a queue in Bull. The same will be for multiple times.
I don't understand how should I change already created tasks inside Bull so that the time will be different and so on.
Maybe I could just create like a 1000 records at which time user should receive a notification inside my database. Then I create a repeatable job which will run like every 5 minutes and take all of the notifications which should be send in the next couple of hours and then add them to a Bull queue and mark it that it was sent.
So basically you get the idea, maybe it could be done a little bit better.
Unless you have really a lot of users, you could simply create a schedule-like table in your DB, which is simply a list of user_id | notify_at records. Then, run a periodic task every 1-5 minutes, which compares current time and selects all the records, where notify_at is less than the current time.
Add the flag notified, if you want to send notifications more than once a day to ignore ones that was already sent. There is no need to create thousands of records for every day, you can just reset that flag once a day, e.g. at 00:00 AM.
It's ok that your users wont recieve their notifications all at the same time, there could be little delays.
The solution you suggested is pretty much fine :)

Run a CRON job that depends on entries of a database in NodeJS using AWS

I want to make schedules that depend on entries of a database to schedule cron jobs. Like if there's an entry in database with a timestamp 2:00 PM, 3rd of Apr, I want to send a mail to users on 2nd of Apr. I also want to send notifications at 1:55 PM 3rd of Apr.
So, this means I have to look into the database, find the entries after the current times tamp, see if they suit the criteria for notification (like 5 minutes to time stamp or 1 day to time stamp) and send the notification or mail. I'm only worried that every one minute seems like too much overload. Are the AWS web workers built for this sort of thing?
Any suggestions on how this can be accomplished?
I don't think crontab will be the best choice but if you're familiar with it, it's fine.
First you should estimate how frequently your entries are created. If, let's say, only a couple of hundred a day. My suggestion is to create the crontab job right after the entry is created. But if more than a hundred a minutes, pooling will be fine.
But there are also side effects, like canceling or updating the cron job .
I think it's better to use a proper MQ.

Execute a function after particular time in NodeJs and its lifetime

In my node application with mongodb I have feature where users can post books on rent and other users can request for them with a "whenDate". One post is mapped to only one book.
Consider a user requests for a book for 1 week 5 days from now. In this case I want to lock the book for a week so that no one else can request at that period.
1) How can I achieve in NodeJs that a function gets executed after sometime considering that I will be having many of them? This function will get executed after 5 days in the above case to lock the particular book document. Please consider the question 2 also.
2) I don't want these timers to get deleted if I restart my application. How can I achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
You can use TTL feature in mongo DB to discard records automatically after the time to live.
Let's say you keep a table with the booking requests and set TTL according to the booking duration. Mongo DB then can remove these booking record after the TTL is achieved. So your node.js application does not need to trigger any job.
