pm2 start in subdirectory - node.js

I have a script in package.json like this. To run with npm I would just do it with npm start.
"scripts": {
"start": "cd build && node main"
I am currently trying to setup a pm2 config file for this. I created a ecosystem.json file. Neither of both of the following work with pm2 ecosystem command. What am I doing it wrong?
Note that it work if i manually type cd build && pm2 start main.js in command but this is not something i want.
First configuration:
"apps": [{
"name": "my-app",
"cwd": "build",
"script": "main.js"
Second configuration
"apps": [
"name": "my-app",
"script": "npm",
"args" : "start"

In your code, you are giving the path incorrectly.
Use following instructions:
Hit pm2 ecosystem command, this will create a new file by name ecosystem.config.js
Remove all the code from the file and add the following code.
module.exports = {
apps : [
name : 'API',
script : 'build/main.js',
Hit pm2 start ecosystem.config.js
Check the logs using pm2 logs, your app will be started.
Hope this helps you.


How to use pm2 start npm in a specific directory?

Is there a CLI tag for running pm2 start npm -- start in a specific directory? I looked around but could not find an answer.
On the other hand, when I run pm2 without npm, I can specify which directory I want to run pm2 in. For example:
pm2 start /opt/www/myapp/index.js
Is there any way to add a path tag to the pm2 start npm -- start command?
You can use something like this:
cd /directory/of/my/app ; pm2 start npm -- start
You can also write an ecosystem file to parameter you app:
"apps": [
"name": "my-app",
"cwd": "/path/to/app",
"script": "npm",
"args": "start"
To generate an empty ecosystem file:
pm2 init simple
this will generate a file named ecosystem.config.js that you can rename.
Then to start application:
pm2 start ecosystem.config.js
ecosystem doc:

PM2 Cluster Mode - Cannot find module 'dotenv/config'

I am trying to run multiple apps using PM2 in cluster mode with config file given below:
"apps": [
"name": "Node APIs",
"script": "./server",
"watch": true,
"node_args": "-r dotenv/config",
"instances": "max",
"exec_mode": "cluster"
"name": "Node Batch",
"script": "./batch_process",
"watch": true,
"node_args": "-r dotenv/config"
Node APIs process is getting errored in pm2 list while Node Batch Process works fine. When I check ~/.pm2/pm2.logs it says:
Cannot find module 'dotenv/config'
I have installed dotenv module both locally and globally but still showing same error.
Also PM2 cluster mode works fine in my local machine but on AWS EC2 it shows above error. What am I missing?
PM2: v4.4.0
NodeJS: v8.12.0
After ages of looking and experimenting, it seems that it doesn't work in cluster mode, but it does in fork mode. Try running it in fork mode.
Try specifying the full path to your package in node_modules via the node_args parameter, even if you are already specifying it in cwd.
It will work in cluster mode.
name: 'app-api',
script: '/full/path/to/app/api.js',
instances: 2,
exec_mode: 'cluster',
cwd: '/full/path/to/app',
node_args: ['-r', '/full/path/to/app/node_modules/dotenv/config'],

Use flag `--experimental-worker` with babel-node

babel-node --experimental-worker app.js
Using this command for starting my project in development mode. Output is:
error: unknown option--experimental-worker'
config .babelrc:
{ "presets": [ ["env", { "targets": { "node": "current" } }], "stage-0", "flow" ], "plugins": [ "transform-decorators-legacy", "transform-flow-strip-types" ] }
This flag is needed to use worker threads. Using babel 6.26
I just ran into this today and replied to the issue on GitHub here. I've pasted my fix below:
I was using Nodemon, and it turns out that there's an option to
include environment variables as NODE_OPTIONS in the nodemon.json
file. This did the trick for me:
"watch": ["server"],
"ext": "js",
"env": {
"NODE_OPTIONS": "--experimental-worker"
"exec": "babel-node server/server.js"
How to integrate Nodemon + worker_threads into a normal NodeJS app:
Set up Nodemon
Add a nodemon.json file to the root folder (example here)
Add this to nodemon.json:
"env": {
"NODE_OPTIONS": "--experimental-worker"
If you're setting up Nodemon for the first time, I found
this tutorial very helpful.
The idea is to split your command into two phases:
Phase 1:
babel app.js --out-file app-compiled.js
And phase 2:
node --experimental-worker app-compiled.js
In npm scripts you can then combine the two:
"scripts": {
"pre-build": "babel ./app.js --out-file ./app-compiled.js",
"serve": "yarn pre-build && node --experimental-worker ./app-compiled.js"
It not actually for me already. I am refused to use nodemon and run my code with command
node --experimental-worker -r babel-register $NODE_DEBUG_OPTION app.js
It`s help me use exeprimental workers with babel, but with nodemon - not

how to pass custom arguments to app

I'm trying to run node app with pm2 via command line and pass only one argument with it
pm2 start app.js --node-args="41"
pm2 start app.js --env dev --node-args="41"
I tried to run it with developement environment and without it but in both ways it didn't worked.
What is the way to do it?
The pm2 command line option --node-args is for passing arguments to the Node.js V8 engine, not to the program running on that engine.
The correct way to pass arguments to your program is this:
pm2 start app.js -- 41
For dev environment:
pm2 start app.js --env dev -- 41
So basically, anything you add after the last two dashes is accessible through process.argv as an array.
You can define a process file at your project root and pass your env and args like this:
"apps" : [
"name" : "app-prod",
"script" : "app.js",
"env": {
"NODE_ENV": "production"
"name" : "app-dev",
"script" : "app.js",
"args" : "41",
"env": {
"NODE_ENV": "development"
This definition will allow you to pass command line argument (41) that will only be available in your development version.
Then, if you want to run development version of your app, execute it as follows
pm2 start process.json --only app-dev

chef setup: trying to start node app with PM2

I'm using the nodejs cookbook to install node and PM2 module.
include_recipe "nodejs"
nodejs_npm "pm2"
So far, so good. But when I try to start my node app via PM2 with a process.json file it starts but isn't listed in the PM2 output when I ssh into the machine and run pm2 list ... very irritating.
Am I doing something wrong is it correct to not show up there?
execute "start node app via PM2" do
cwd "/share/app"
command "pm2 startOrRestart process.json"
and the process.json looks like this:
"apps": [
"name": "app",
"script": "src/index.js",
"watch": true,
"ignore_watch": ["[\\/\\\\]\\./", "node_modules"],
"merge_logs": true,
"exec_interpreter": "node",
"env": {
"NODE_ENV": "local",
"port": 8080
It's because you started the process.json with another user, then when you ssh and do a pm2 list, it only list your current process users.
To avoid that you have two choices:
Do the pm2 start process.json with the same user
Set the PM2_HOME environment variable so all users will hit the same PM2 instance. Eg PM2_HOME='/etc/.pm2' pm2 start process.json && PM2_HOME='/etc/.pm2' pm2 list
