Perl critic policy violation in checking index of substring in a string - string

for my $item (#array) {
if (index($item, '$n') != -1) {
print "HELLO\n";
Problem is: Perl critic gives below policy violation.
String may require interpolation at line 168, near '$item, '$n''. (Severity: 1)
Please advise how do I fix this?

In this case the analyzer either found a bug or is plain wrong in flagging your code.
Are you looking for a literal "$n" in $item, or for what $n variable evaluates to?
If you want to find the literal $n characters then there is nothing wrong with your code
If you expect $item to contain the value stored in $n variable then allow it to be evaluated,
if (index($item, $n) != -1)
If this is indeed the case but $n may also contain yet other escaped sequences or encodings which you need as literal characters (so to suppress their evaluation) then you may need to do a bit more, depending of what exactly may be in that variable.
In case you do need to find characters $ followed by n (what would explain a deliberate act of putting single quotes around a variable) you need to handle the warning.
For the particular policy that is violated see Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions
This policy warns you if you use single-quotes or q// with a string that has unescaped metacharacters that may need interpolation.
To satisfy the policy you'd need to use double quotes and escape the $, for example qq(\$n). In my opinion this would change the fine original code segment into something strange to look at.
If you end up wanting to simply silence the warning see documentation, in Bending The Rules
A comment. The tool perlcritic is useful but you have to use it right. It's a static code analyzer and it doesn't know what your program is doing, so to say; it can catch bad practices but can't tell you how to write programs. Many of its "policies" are unsuitable for particular code.
The book that it is based on says all this very nicely in its introduction. Use sensibly.
When I look at the question where this comes from it appears that you are looking for index at which substrings were matched, so you need the content of $n variable, not literal "$n". Then perlcritic identified a bug in the code, good return for using it!


Finding substring of variable length in bash

I have a string, such as time=1234, and I want to extract just the number after the = sign. However, this number could be in the range of 0 and 100000 (eg. - time=1, time=23, time=99999, etc.).
I've tried things like $(string:5:8}, but this will only work for examples of a certain length.
How do I get the substring of everything after the = sign? I would prefer to do it without outside commands like cut or awk, because I will be running this script on devices that may or may not have that functionality. I know there are examples out there using outside functions, but I am trying to find a solution without the use of such.
echo "The content after the = in $s is $time_int"
This is a parameter expansion matching everything matching *= from the front of the variable -- thus, everything up to and including the last =.
If intending this to be non-greedy (that is, to remove only content up to the first = rather than the last =), use ${s#*=} -- a single # rather than two.
The bash-hackers page on parameter expansion
BashFAQ #100 ("How do I do string manipulations in bash?")
BashFAQ #73 ("How can I use parameter expansion? How can I get substrings? [...])
BashSheet quick-reference, paramater expansion section
if time= part is constant you can remove prefix by using ${str#time=}
Let's say you have str='time=123123' if you execute echo ${str#time=} you would get 123123

XML schema restriction pattern for not allowing specific string

I need to write an XSD schema with a restriction on a field, to ensure that
the value of the field does not contain the substring FILENAME at any location.
For example, all of the following must be invalid:
None of these values should be valid.
In a regular expression language that supports negative lookahead, I could do this by writing /^((?!FILENAME).)*$ but the XSD pattern language does not support negative lookahead.
How can I implement an XSD pattern restriction with the same effect as /^((?!FILENAME).)*$ ?
I need to use pattern, because I don't have access to XSD 1.1 assertions, which are the other obvious possibility.
The question XSD restriction that negates a matching string covers a similar case, but in that case the forbidden string is forbidden only as a prefix, which makes checking the constraint easier. How can the solution there be extended to cover the case where we have to check all locations within the input string, and not just the beginning?
OK, the OP has persuaded me that while the other question mentioned has an overlapping topic, the fact that the forbidden string is forbidden at all locations, not just as a prefix, complicates things enough to require a separate answer, at least for the XSD 1.0 case. (I started to add this answer as an addendum to my answer to the other question, and it grew too large.)
There are two approaches one can use here.
First, in XSD 1.1, a simple assertion of the form
not(matches($v, 'FILENAME'))
ought to do the job.
Second, if one is forced to work with an XSD 1.0 processor, one needs a pattern that will match all and only strings that don't contain the forbidden substring (here 'FILENAME').
One way to do this is to ensure that the character 'F' never occurs in the input. That's too drastic, but it does do the job: strings not containing the first character of the forbidden string do not contain the forbidden string.
But what of strings that do contain an occurrence of 'F'? They are fine, as long as no 'F' is followed by the string 'ILENAME'.
Putting that last point more abstractly, we can say that any acceptable string (any string that doesn't contain the string 'FILENAME') can be divided into two parts:
a prefix which contains no occurrences of the character 'F'
zero or more occurrences of 'F' followed by a string that doesn't match 'ILENAME' and doesn't contain any 'F'.
The prefix is easy to match: [^F]*.
The strings that start with F but don't match 'FILENAME' are a bit more complicated; just as we don't want to outlaw all occurrences of 'F', we also don't want to outlaw 'FI', 'FIL', etc. -- but each occurrence of such a dangerous string must be followed either by the end of the string, or by a letter that doesn't match the next letter of the forbidden string, or by another 'F' which begins another region we need to test. So for each proper prefix of the forbidden string, we create a regular expression of the form
$prefix || '([^F' || next-character-in-forbidden-string || ']'
|| '[^F]*'
Then we join all of those regular expressions with or-bars.
The end result in this case is something like the following (I have inserted newlines here and there, to make it easier to read; before use, they will need to be taken back out):
Two points to bear in mind:
XSD regular expressions are implicitly anchored; testing this with a non-anchored regular expression evaluator will not produce the correct results.
It may not be obvious at first why the alternatives in the choice all end with [^F]* instead of .*. Thinking about the string 'FEEFIFILENAME' may help. We have to check every occurrence of 'F' to make sure it's not followed by 'ILENAME'.

What's the point of nesting brackets in Lua?

I'm currently teaching myself Lua for iOS game development, since I've heard lots of very good things about it. I'm really impressed by the level of documentation there is for the language, which makes learning it that much easier.
My problem is that I've found a Lua concept that nobody seems to have a "beginner's" explanation for: nested brackets for quotes. For example, I was taught that long strings with escaped single and double quotes like the following:
string_1 = "This is an \"escaped\" word and \"here\'s\" another."
could also be written without the overall surrounding quotes. Instead one would simply replace them with double brackets, like the following:
string_2 = [[This is an "escaped" word and "here's" another.]]
Those both make complete sense to me. But I can also write the string_2 line with "nested brackets," which include equal signs between both sets of the double brackets, as follows:
string_3 = [===[This is an "escaped" word and "here's" another.]===]
My question is simple. What is the point of the syntax used in string_3? It gives the same result as string_1 and string_2 when given as an an input for print(), so I don't understand why nested brackets even exist. Can somebody please help a noob (me) gain some perspective?
It would be used if your string contains a substring that is equal to the delimiter. For example, the following would be invalid:
string_2 = [[This is an "escaped" word, the characters ]].]]
Therefore, in order for it to work as expected, you would need to use a different string delimiter, like in the following:
string_3 = [===[This is an "escaped" word, the characters ]].]===]
I think it's safe to say that not a lot of string literals contain the substring ]], in which case there may never be a reason to use the above syntax.
It helps to, well, nest them:
print [==[malucart[[bbbb]]]bbbb]==]
Will print:
But if that's not useful enough, you can use them to put whole programs in a string:
loadstring([===[print "o m g"]===])()
Will print:
o m g
I personally use them for my static/dynamic library implementation. In the case you don't know if the program has a closing bracket with the same amount of =s, you should determine it with something like this:
local c = 0
while contains(prog, "]" .. string.rep("=", c) .. "]") do
c = c + 1
-- do stuff

lexer/parser ambiguity

How does a lexer solve this ambiguity?
How is it that it doesn't just say, oh yeah, that's the begining of a multi-line comment, followed by another multi-line comment.
Wouldn't a greedy lexer just return the following tokens?
I'm in the midst of writing a shift-reduce parser for CSS and yet this simple comment thing is in my way. You can read this question if you wan't some more background information.
Sorry for leaving this out in the first place. I'm planning to add extensions to the CSS language in this form /* # func ( args, ... ) */ but I don't want to confuse an editor which understands CSS but not this extension comment of mine. That's why the lexer just can't ignore comments.
One way to do it is for the lexer to enter a different internal state on encountering the first /*. For example, flex calls these "start conditions" (matching C-style comments is one of the examples on that page).
The simplest way would probably be to lex the comment as one single token - that is, don't emit a "START COMMENT" token, but instead continue reading in input until you can emit a "COMMENT BLOCK" token that includes the entire /*(anything)*/ bit.
Since comments are not relevant to the actual parsing of executable code, it's fine for them to basically be stripped out by the lexer (or at least, clumped into a single token). You don't care about token matches within a comment.
In most languages, this is not ambiguous: the first slash and asterix are consumed to produce the "start of multi-line comment" token. It is followed by a slash which is plain "content" within the comment and finally the last two characters are the "end of multi-line comment" token.
Since the first 2 characters are consumed, the first asterix cannot also be used to produce an end of comment token. I just noted that it could produce a second "start of comment" token... oops, that could be a problem, depending on the amount of context is available for the parser.
I speak here of tokens, assuming a parser-level handling of the comments. But the same applies to a lexer, whereby the underlying rule is to start with '/*' and then not stop till '*/' is found. Effectively, a lexer-level handling of the whole comment wouldn't be confused by the second "start of comment".
Since CSS does not support nested comments, your example would typically parse into a single token, COMMENT.
That is, the lexer would see /* as a start-comment marker and then consume everything up to and including a */ sequence.
Use the regexp's algorithm, search from the beginning of the string working way back to the current location.
if (chars[currentLocation] == '/' and chars[currentLocation - 1] == '*') {
for (int i = currentLocation - 2; i >= 0; i --) {
if (chars[i] == '/' && chars[i + 1] == '*') {
// .......
It's like applying the regexp /\*([^\*]|\*[^\/])\*/ greedy and bottom-up.
One way to solve this would be to have your lexer return:
And have your parser deal with it from there. That's what I'd probably do for most programming languages, as the /'s and *'s can also be used for multiplication and other such things, which are all too complicated for the lexer to worry about. The lexer should really just be returning elementary symbols.
If what the token is starts to depend too much on context, what you're looking for may very well be a simpler token.
That being said, CSS is not a programming language so /'s and *'s can't be overloaded. Really afaik they can't be used for anything else other than comments. So I'd be very tempted to just pass the whole thing as a comment token unless you have a good reason not to: /\*.*\*/

Protection from Format String Vulnerability

What exactly is a "Format String Vulnerability" in a Windows System, how does it work, and how can I protect against it?
A format string attack, at its simplest, is this:
char buffer[128];
There's a buffer overflow vulnerability in there as well, but the point is this: you're passing untrusted data (from the user) to printf (or one of its cousins) that uses that argument as a format string.
That is: if the user types in "%s", you've got an information-disclosure vulnerability, because printf will treat the user input as a format string, and will attempt to print the next thing on the stack as a string. It's as if your code said printf("%s");. Since you didn't pass any other arguments to printf, it'll display something arbitrary.
If the user types in "%n", you've got a potential elevation of privilege attack (at least a denial of service attack), because the %n format string causes printf to write the number of characters printed so far to the next location on the stack. Since you didn't give it a place to put this value, it'll write to somewhere arbitrary.
This is all bad, and is one reason why you should be extremely careful when using printf and cousins.
What you should do is this:
printf("%s", buffer);
This means that the user's input is never treated as a format string, so you're safe from that particular attack vector.
In Visual C++, you can use the __Format_string annotation to tell it to validate the arguments to printf. %n is disallowed by default. In GCC, you can use __attribute__(__printf__) for the same thing.
In this pseudo code the user enters some characters to be printed, like "hello"
string s=getUserInput();
That works as intended. But since the write can format strings, for example
int i=getUnits();
write("%02d units",i);
outputs: "03 units". What about if the user in the first place wrote "%02d"... since there is no parameters on the stack, something else will be fetched. What that is, and if that is a problem or not depends on the program.
An easy fix is to tell the program to output a string:
or use another method that don't try to format the string:
a link to wikipedia with more info.
