Acumatica - Remove RowSelected Event for Service Order Screen - acumatica

I would like to override the standard method of the RowSelected event on the Service Orders screen. Specifically, the DocDesc field gets populated when you select a row item for the Labor tab. It will set the TranDesc to the DocDesc and I would like to keep this from happening. I am using Acumatica 6.1 which means that the Service Management Module is not standard in Acumatica during this time. I would like the method that populates this field to not run when the labor line is populated, so the DocDesc field would remain null or blank, this way the user can input their own description.

You should be able to customize the ServiceOrderEntry graph like any other graph :
protected virtual void FSServiceOrder_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e, PXRowSelected bs)
You could override the method if it is virtual, like this :
public delegate void PersistDelegate();
public void Persist(PersistDelegate baseMethod)
You could also modify the base customization, but since you are not the owner it could get difficult to maintain and track the changes.


Unable to enable a custom field in Cases

I am trying to enable the custom field in Case when the Status is in Closed State. I am working on a customization for Acumatica version 20.114.0020 (2020 R1).
I have created a custom field usrIsNotBillable in CRCase DAC.
[PXUIField(DisplayName="Confirmed Not Billable", Enabled = true)]
public virtual bool? UsrIsNotBillable { get; set; }
public abstract class usrIsNotBillable : PX.Data.BQL.BqlBool.Field<usrIsNotBillable> { }
It is totally working fine when the Case is in other states than Closed. But when the case is closed, every other property gets disabled. But I want this field to be set enabled. So, I override the Row Selected method for CRCaseMaint graph as below:
protected void CRCase_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e, PXRowSelected InvokeBaseHandler)
InvokeBaseHandler?.Invoke(cache, e);
CRCase row = (CRCase) e.Row;
if (row == null) return;
Base.CaseCurrent.Cache.AllowUpdate = true;
Base.CaseCurrent.AllowUpdate = true;
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled<CRCaseExt.usrIsNotBillable>(cache, row, true);
If I use other DAC fields such as IsBillable like this:
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled<CRCase.isBillable>(cache, row, true);
It just works fine.
I checked other examples too and the implementation is similar to this. I am just not sure why it is not working in this case.
I have also checked if this screen has any existing workflows and it doesn't.
Any help would be appreciated.
Besides writing code to enable the field in RowSelected event, it is also important to add the field in Closed state in the Workflow.
However, if this is also not working deleting contents of CstDesigner of project does the job.

How can I filter the records in the ProcessOrders process screen

I need to add a filter to the Process Orders screen grid, so that only orders that have an unpaid balance = 0 will show, based on an additional checkbox to the filter area called 'Must Have Payment' being checked. I thought I had it by adding a where clause to the Orders view, but that didn't work.
public PXFilteredProcessing<SOOrder, SOOrderFilter,
Where<SOOrder.unpaidBalance, NotEqual<Zero>,
Or<Current<SOOrderFilterExt.mustHavePayment>, Equal<False>>>> Orders;
I'm sure I'm doing this incorrectly, as all orders are showing and not just the 'Open' orders as it was before I added this change. I'd like to override the view delegate and modify that to add my filter / condition to the returned rows, but I can't override this method - at least that I can tell.
What's the best way to get this custom filter restriction into the select for that grid?
Thanks much...
Overriding the dataview delegate may not be the best idea on this specific case.
I noticed that AddCommonFilters() method is not private (used in the dataview delegate), so I think you could try to override this method instead, call Base method and then inject your custom code to include your query filter into the main query used on the for each.
Maybe this is something you can use to implement your filtering, see snippet below:
public class SOCreateShipment_Extension : PXGraphExtension<SOCreateShipment>
#region Event Handlers
public delegate void AddCommonFiltersDelegate(SOOrderFilter filter,
PXSelectBase<SOOrder> cmd);
public void AddCommonFilters(SOOrderFilter filter, PXSelectBase<SOOrder> cmd, AddCommonFiltersDelegate baseMethod)
//Add your custom code here
if (Yourcondition)
Please also review the AlterFilters() method if needed.

Acuminator gives warnings when using bql queries in rowselected/Initialize events, where to use them?

I'm using the userLoginType and the userRoles to enable/disable some fields in my Row_Selected events, but using Acuminator I get the PX1049 warning :
my code is the following :
public class OpportunityMaintExt : PXGraphExtension<OpportunityMaint>
public PXSelectJoin<EPLoginType, InnerJoin<Users, On<Users.loginTypeID, Equal<EPLoginType.loginTypeID>>>,
Where<Users.pKID, Equal<Current<AccessInfo.userID>>>> userLoginType;
public PXSelect<Contact, Where<Contact.userID, Equal<Current<AccessInfo.userID>>>> userContact;
public PXSelect<UsersInRoles, Where<UsersInRoles.username, Equal<Current<AccessInfo.userName>>>> userRoles;
public string userLoginTypeName;
protected virtual void CROpportunity_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
CROpportunity o = e.Row as CROpportunity;
CROpportunityExt myOpp = sender.GetExtension<CROpportunityExt>(sender.Current);
userLoginTypeName = TRLoginInfo.getCurrentUserLoginType(userLoginType.SelectSingle(), userRoles);
The problem is with the userLoginType.SelectSingle(), the Acuminator tells me that : "In Rowselected Handler, bql and databasequeries should be avoided". But If I place this in Initialize() it gives the same warning.
So, where am I supposed to put these bql/database queries If I want them to be processed when I watch a record ?
Thanks a lot !
Ideally - you should fire your BQL in the RowSelecting Event within a new PXConnectionScope (BQL within RowSelecting Events MUST be done within a new PXConnectionScope to prevent issues), assign non-db-backed fields within your DAC Extension, then use their values in your RowSelected Event to determine whether or not certain fields should be enabled.

Acumatica Warning Message To Only Affect Shipment Screen SO302000

I'm trying to display a warning every time the ShippedQty field is changed to a value < OrigOrderQty on the "Shipment - SO302000" screen, but I only want the code to be active for that specific screen/form.
I added the code below to extend the SOShipmentEntry graph, which accomplishes my original goal, but the issue is that now the code I added is also being used by the "Create Shipment" action in "Sales Orders - SO301000" screen/form.
Create Shipment Action Discussed
namespace PX.Objects.SO
public class SOShipmentEntry_Extension : PXGraphExtension<SOShipmentEntry>
#region Event Handlers
protected void SOShipLine_ShippedQty_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache,PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
var myrow = (SOShipLine)e.Row;
if (myrow == null) return;
if (myrow.ShippedQty >= myrow.OrigOrderQty)
throw new PXSetPropertyException("The difference between the shipped-qty and the ordered-qty will be placed on a back-order", PXErrorLevel.Warning);
While the warning allows the user to save changes to a shipment on the Shipment Screen/form SO302000 (Because the exception is set up as a warning and not an error), I get the following error when I create a shipment using the "Create Shipment" button on the "Sales Orders - SO301000" screen.
Warning works fine for form-mode
Warning becomes error when processed in background by action button
Any ideas to accomplish this? It is my understanding that if I want to make global changes to a field I must make them in the DAC, but if I want to make changes that only affect screens/forms where a graph is used, then I have to make those changes in the graph code itself. I'm guessing the "Create Shipment" action button in the Sales Orders screen is creating an instance of the graph where I added the code, so I'm wondering what are my options here.
Best regards,
-An Acumatica newbie
If you want your event logic to execute only when CreateShipment is invoked from the Shipment screen you can override the other calls to CreateShipment to dynamically remove your event handler.
The event that invokes CreateShipment action from the SalesOrderEntry graph is Action:
public PXAction<SOOrder> action;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Actions", MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Select)]
protected virtual IEnumerable Action(PXAdapter adapter,
[PXIntList(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, new string[] { "Create Shipment", "Apply Assignment Rules", "Create Invoice", "Post Invoice to IN", "Create Purchase Order" })]
int? actionID,
DateTime? shipDate,
string siteCD,
string operation,
string ActionName
In that method it creates a SOShipmentEntry graph to create the shipment. You can override Action and remove your handler from that graph instance:
SOShipmentEntry docgraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<SOShipmentEntry>();
// >> Remove event handler
SOShipmentEntry_Extension docgraphExt = docgraph.GetExtension<SOShipmentEntry_Extension>();
// << Remove event handler
docgraph.CreateShipment(order, SiteID, filter.ShipDate, adapter.MassProcess, operation, created);
Note that in order to reference SOShipLine_ShippedQty_FieldUpdated method from another graph you'll have to make it public:
public void SOShipLine_ShippedQty_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache,PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
I have described how to do this in that answer too:
Updating custom field is ending into infinite loop
If you want your event logic to execute only when it is modified in the UI or by web service.
You can use the ExternalCall Boolean property of the PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs parameter.
This property value will be true only when the sender field is modified in the UI or by web service.
Usage example:
protected void SOShipLine_ShippedQty_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache,PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
// If ShippedQty was updated in the UI or by a web service call
if (e.ExternalCall)
// The logic here won't be executed when CreateShipment is invoked
ExternalCall Property (PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs)
Gets the value specifying whether the new value of the current DAC field has been changed in the UI or through the Web Service API.

Intercept process on Run Project Billing screen

We're using the Run Project Billing screen to create records in AR / Invoice and Memo.
In the Invoice & Memo screen, we need the process to populate the header Customer Ord. number, along with a user field that has been added to the grid section on the 'Document Details' tab. At the moment, the process is not doing this.
I'd like to intercept the processing action on the screen using a technique I'm familiar with, namely using an 'AddHandler':
protected virtual IEnumerable Items (PXAdapter adapter)
PXGraph.InstanceCreated.AddHandler<BillingProcess>((graph) =>
graph.RowInserting.AddHandler<BillingProcess.ProjectsList>((sender, e) =>
//Custom logic goes here
return Base.action.Press(adapter);
I see no Base.Actions that remotely resembles 'Bill' or 'Bill All'.
This is obviously not exactly the code I need, but I would think this is the general place to start.
After reviewing the source business logic, I don't see any 'Bill' or 'Bill All' Actions - or any 'Actions' at all (baffling). I see an IEnumerable method called 'items', so that's what I started with above.
Is this the correct way to go about this?
Update: 2/14/2017
Using the answer provided re: the overridden method InsertTransaction(...) I've tried to set our ARTran user field (which is required) using the following logic:
PMProject pmproj = PXSelect<PMProject, Where<PMProject.contractID, Equal<Required<PMProject.contractID>>>>.Select(Base, tran.ProjectID);
if (pmproj == null) return;
PMProjectExt pmprojext = PXCache<PMProject>.GetExtension<PMProjectExt>(pmproj);
if (pmprojext == null) return;
ARTranExt tranext = PXCache<ARTran>.GetExtension<ARTranExt>(tran);
if (tranext == null) return;
tranext.UsrContractID = pmprojext.UsrContractID;
Even though this sets the user field to the correct value, it still gives me an error that the required field is empty when the process finishes. My limited knowledge prevents me from understanding why.
On the Run Project Billing screen, captions of Process and Process All buttons were changed to Bill and Bill All respectively in BLC constructor.
Process delegate is set for Items data view within the BillingFilter_RowSelected handler:
public class BillingProcess : PXGraph<BillingProcess>
public BillingProcess()
protected virtual void BillingFilter_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
BillingFilter filter = Filter.Current;
delegate (PMBillEngine engine, ProjectsList item)
if (!engine.Bill(item.ProjectID, filter.InvoiceDate, filter.InvFinPeriodID))
throw new PXSetPropertyException(Warnings.NothingToBill, PXErrorLevel.RowWarning);
As code snippet above confirms, all records in the AR Invoice and Memos screen are created by instance of the PMBillEngine class. Below is code snippet showing how to override InsertNewInvoiceDocument and InsertTransaction methods within the PMBillEngine BLC extension:
public class PMBillEngineExt : PXGraphExtension<PMBillEngine>
public delegate ARInvoice InsertNewInvoiceDocumentDel(string finPeriod, string docType, Customer customer,
PMProject project, DateTime billingDate, string docDesc);
public ARInvoice InsertNewInvoiceDocument(string finPeriod, string docType, Customer customer, PMProject project,
DateTime billingDate, string docDesc, InsertNewInvoiceDocumentDel del)
var result = del(finPeriod, docType, customer, project, billingDate, docDesc);
// custom logic goes here
return result;
public void InsertTransaction(ARTran tran, string subCD, string note, Guid[] files)
// the system will automatically invoke base method prior to the customized one
// custom logic goes here
Run Project Billing process invokes InsertNewInvoiceDocument method to create new record on the AR Invoice and Memos screen and InsertTransaction method to add new invoice transaction.
One important thing to mention: overridden InsertNewInvoiceDocument and InsertTransaction methods will be invoked when a user launches Run Project Billing operation either from the processing Run Project Billing screen or from the data entry Projects screen.
For more information on how to override virtual BLC methods, see Help -> Customization -> Customizing Business Logic -> Graph -> To Override a Virtual Method available in every Acumatica ERP 6.1 website
