Placing canvas inside Div element - geometry

I am trying to create a circle in itext 7 and then place this circle anywhere in I need to in the document.
The document is laid out using divs and I have managed to create the circle using a PdfCanvas.
Below is a snippet of what I am trying to achieve and there may well be a better way to do this:
PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(writer);
Document doc = new Document(pdfDoc);
PdfPage pdfPage = pdfDoc.addNewPage();
Div div = new Div();
div.add(new Paragraph(" ").setFont(PdfFontFactory.createFont(FontConstants.COURIER_BOLD)));
PdfCanvas canvas = new PdfCanvas(pdfPage);
Color white = Color.WHITE;
Color black = Color.BLACK;
canvas.setColor(white, true)
.circle(15, 800, 8)
.setFontAndSize(PdfFontFactory.createFont(FontConstants.COURIER_BOLD), 10)
.setColor(black, true)
.moveText(15 - 3, 800 - 3)
If there is a correct way of wrapping some text (number) in a circle that can be positioned inside a div then I will happily change to this method if someone can point me towards a tutorial or some documentation I can follow.

If anybody is looking for an easy way to do this then you can override the draw method of Div.
public class Circle extends Div
public IRenderer getRenderer()
return new CircleRenderer(this);
private class CircleRenderer extends DivRenderer
public CircleRenderer(final Circle circle)
public void draw(final DrawContext drawContext)
final PdfCanvas canvas = drawContext.getCanvas();
final Rectangle area = this.occupiedArea.getBBox();
final float x = area.getX();
final float y = area.getY();, y, 8);
After I draw the canvas I need to do some correction of the x and y positions and same for any text placed inside the circle.


How to resize a SVG element composed of multiple paths in JavaFX?

I'm remaking the design of an old javafx app and I need to include an icon for the wifi strength. The designer sent me an svg icon for that, and I thought it was smarter to just keep one icon and use different fill colors for the 3 bars depending of the said wifi strength.
I found a nice approach for that, and it works quite well until you need to resize the wifi icon. It seems like even if I change the -fx-pref-width (or height, or min/max) the svg icon keeps its size.
I also tried to resize each svg path one by one but it only goes messy with the spaces between them. And using a unique shape to resize later is not an option, as I need at least 2 colors. FYI the goal is to apply a 5em or 3em size depending of the context.
Here's the code I currently have, where everything looks great if you don't matter the icon size :
public class WifiStrengthRegion extends Pane {
public WifiStrengthRegion() {
SVGPath round = new SVGPath();
SVGPath bar1 = new SVGPath();
SVGPath bar2 = new SVGPath();
SVGPath bar3 = new SVGPath();
round.setContent("M253.5,336.5c-18.9,0-34.2,15.3-34.2,34.1c0,18.8,15.4,34.1,34.2,34.1c18.9,0,34.2-15.3,34.2-34.1 C287.7,351.8,272.4,336.5,253.5,336.5z");
bar1.setContent("M337,290.1c-22.3-22.3-51.9-34.5-83.5-34.5c-31.4,0-61,12.2-83.3,34.3c-9,9-9,23.5,0,32.5 c4.4,4.4,10.2,6.8,16.3,6.8c6.2,0,11.9-2.4,16.3-6.7c13.6-13.5,31.6-20.9,50.7-20.9c19.2,0,37.3,7.5,50.8,21 c4.4,4.4,10.2,6.8,16.3,6.8c6.2,0,11.9-2.4,16.3-6.7C346,313.6,346,299,337,290.1z");
bar2.setContent("M389.3,238c-36.3-36.2-84.5-56.1-135.8-56.1c-51.2,0-99.3,19.9-135.6,55.9c-4.4,4.3-6.8,10.1-6.8,16.3 c0,6.1,2.4,11.9,6.7,16.3c4.4,4.3,10.2,6.7,16.3,6.7c6.2,0,11.9-2.4,16.3-6.7c27.5-27.4,64.1-42.5,103-42.5 c39,0,75.6,15.1,103.1,42.6c4.4,4.4,10.2,6.8,16.3,6.8c6.2,0,12-2.4,16.3-6.7c4.4-4.3,6.8-10.1,6.8-16.3 C396,248.1,393.6,242.3,389.3,238z");
bar3.setContent("M444.3,183.2c-50.9-50.8-118.7-78.8-190.8-78.8c-72,0-139.7,27.9-190.6,78.6c-9,9-9,23.5,0,32.5 c4.4,4.3,10.2,6.7,16.3,6.7c6.2,0,12-2.4,16.3-6.7c42.2-42,98.3-65.2,158-65.2c59.7,0,115.9,23.2,158.1,65.3 c4.4,4.3,10.2,6.7,16.3,6.7c6.2,0,11.9-2.4,16.3-6.7C453.2,206.7,453.3,192.1,444.3,183.2z");
this.getChildren().addAll(round, bar1, bar2, bar3);
public void setWifiStrength(Integer strength) {
if (strength == null) {
} else {
getStyleClass().removeAll("wifi-excellent", "wifi-good", "wifi-fair", "wifi-weak", "wifi-off");
if (strength < 0 && strength >= -100) {
if (strength >= -50) {
} else if (strength >= -70) {
} else if (strength >= -80) {
} else {
} else {
(and then a css stylesheet applies -fx-fill to each .wifi-barX depending of the main element class)
And here is an example of how the svg icon looks like:
I'm a very beginner in Java (and obv JavaFX), so any constructive criticism will be appreciated!
If you want to resize only (I hope this works):
public void resize(SVGPath svg, double width, double height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
double originalWidthR = svg.prefWidth(-1);
double originalHeightR = svg.prefHeight(originalWidthR);
double scaleXr = width / originalWidthR;
double scaleYr = height / originalHeightR;
And if you want to set bounds use this:
public void setBounds(SVGPath svg, double width, double height, double x, double y) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
double originalWidthR = svg.prefWidth(-1);
double originalHeightR = svg.prefHeight(originalWidthR);
double scaleXr = width / originalWidthR;
double scaleYr = height / originalHeightR;
svg.setLayoutX((originalWidthR - width) + x);
svg.setLayoutY((originalHeightR - height) + y);

How can i draw circle at Xamarin?

Hello dear developers,
Im using xamarin (monotouch) i want to draw circle image view like google plus profile image or like otherones...
I was search on net but didnt find useful thing.
Somebody help me?
Thank you..
For your purposes you can use UIView or UIButton. With UIButton it is easier to handle touch events.
The basic idea is to create a UIButton with specific coordinates and size and set the CornerRadius property to be one half of the size of the UIButton (assuming you want to draw a circle, width and height will be the same).
Your code could look something like this (in ViewDidLoad of your UIViewController):
// define coordinates and size of the circular view
float x = 50;
float y = 50;
float width = 200;
float height = width;
// corner radius needs to be one half of the size of the view
float cornerRadius = width / 2;
RectangleF frame = new RectangleF(x, y, width, height);
// initialize button
UIButton circularView = new UIButton(frame);
// set corner radius
circularView.Layer.CornerRadius = cornerRadius;
// set background color, border color and width to see the circular view
circularView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
circularView.Layer.CornerRadius = cornerRadius;
circularView.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.Red.CGColor;
circularView.Layer.BorderWidth = 5;
// handle touch up inside event of the button
circularView.TouchUpInside += HandleCircularViewTouchUpInside;
// add button to view controller
At last implement the event handler (define this method somewhere in your UIViewController:
private void HandleCircularViewTouchUpInside(object sender, EventArgs e)
// initialize random
Random rand = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
// when the user 'clicks' on the circular view, randomly change the border color of the view
(sender as UIButton).Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.FromRGB(rand.Next(255), rand.Next(255), rand.Next(255)).CGColor;
Xamarin.iOS is a wrapper over Cocoa Touch on UI side,
So to draw circle you need to use the Cocoa Touch API, aka CoreGraphics,

Trying to draw Rotated text with CGAffineTransform and MakeRotation appears at wrong location

I'm trying to draw some rotated texts by using the CGAffineTransform.MakeRotation method at specifc location. I also make use of the TranslateCTM, but something must be wrong as rotated texts do not appear aligned and at the correct x, y position where they should appear, here is simple the code I'm using, anyone know where the problem is? :
public override void Draw (RectangleF rect)
static public float DegreesToRadians(float x)
return (float) (Math.PI * x / 180.0);
public void DrawTextRotated(string text,int x, int y, int rotDegree)
CGContext c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();
c.TextMatrix = CGAffineTransform.MakeRotation((float)DegreesToRadians((float)(-rotDegree)));
float xxx = ((float)Math.Sin(DegreesToRadians((float)rotDegree))*y);
float yyy = ((float)Math.Sin(DegreesToRadians((float)rotDegree))*x);
// Move the context back into the view
MonoTouch.Foundation.NSString str = new MonoTouch.Foundation.NSString(text);
SizeF strSize = new SizeF();
strSize = str.StringSize(UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(12));
RectangleF tmpR = new RectangleF(x,y,strSize.Width,strSize.Height);
Thanks !
Here's some code that will draw text rotated properly about the top-left corner of the text. For the moment, I'm disregarding your use of text alignment.
First, a utility method to draw a marker where we expect the text to show up:
public void DrawMarker(float x, float y)
float SZ = 20;
CGContext c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();
c.AddLines( new [] { new PointF(x-SZ,y), new PointF(x+SZ,y) });
c.AddLines( new [] { new PointF(x,y-SZ), new PointF(x,y+SZ) });
And the code to draw the text (note I've replaced all int rotations with float, and you may want negate your rotation):
public void DrawTextRotated(string text, float x, float y, float rotDegree)
CGContext c = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();
// Proper rotation about a point
var m = CGAffineTransform.MakeTranslation(-x,-y);
m.Multiply( CGAffineTransform.MakeRotation(DegreesToRadians(rotDegree)));
m.Multiply( CGAffineTransform.MakeTranslation(x,y));
c.ConcatCTM( m );
// Draws text UNDER the point
// "This point represents the top-left corner of the string’s bounding box."
NSString ns = new NSString(text);
UIFont font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(12);
SizeF sz = ns.StringSize(font);
RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(x,y,sz.Width,sz.Height);
ns.DrawString( rect, font);
Rotation about a point requires translation of the point to the origin followed by rotation, followed by rotation back to the original point. CGContext.TextMatrix has no effect on NSString.DrawString so you can just use ConcatCTM.
The alignment and line break modes don't have any effect. Since you're using NSString.StringSize, the bounding rectangle fits the entirety of the text, snug up against the left and right edges. If you make the width of the bounding rectangle wider and use UITextAlignment.Right, you'll get proper right alignment, but the text will still rotate around the top left corner of the entire bounding rectangle. Which is not, I'm guessing, what you're expecting.
If you want the text to rotate around the top right corner, let me know and I'll adjust the code accordingly.
Here's the code I used in my test:
DrawTextRotated("Hello 0",100, 50, 0);
DrawTextRotated("Hello 30",100,100,30);
DrawTextRotated("Hello 60",100,150,60);
DrawTextRotated("Hello 90",100,200,90);

How to draw rectangular in J2ME by canvas through drawline method

This is first time I at a question in here.
Im new in J2ME, and now im developing a small application, but i get problem when i wanna show data into table. But in J2me not support table there for that i know another way can represent for table such as create table by Canvas or CustomItem.
In Canvas i can draw 2 lines something like:
but i dont know how can get coordinate of 2 lines remain such as like:
two draw a rectangular in whole screen,
i know drawline method has 4 factors x1,y1,x2,y2.
but i can not calculate x point and y point to draw two lines above
I need you help me explain or give me example
My Code:
package test;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics;
* #author J2MENewBie
public class TableCanvasExample extends Canvas {
private int cols=3;
private int rows =50;
protected void paint(Graphics g) {
g.fillRect(0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
//draw two lines
g.drawLine(0, 0, 0, this.getWidth());
g.drawLine(0, 0, this.getHeight(), 0);
package test;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Display;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
* #author J2ME NewBie
public class TableCanvasMidlet extends MIDlet {
private TableCanvasExample tbcve;
public TableCanvasMidlet(){
tbcve = new TableCanvasExample();
public void startApp() {
public void pauseApp() {
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {
P/s: the vertical line doesn't full size i dont know why ???
Thank you!
too much same-looking zeroes in your code - try using descriptive names instead:
int w = getWidth(), h = getHeight(); // I think this way it's easier to read
int xLeft = 0, yTop = 0; // descriptive names for zeroes
// below, replace w - 1 -> w and h - 1 -> h if lines drawn are off-by-one
int xRight = w - 1, yBottom = h - 1; // names for top - right coordinates
g.drawLine(xLeft, yTop, xLeft, yBottom); // your left vertical
g.drawLine(xLeft, yTop, xRight, yTop); // your top horizontal
g.drawLine(xRight, yTop, xRight, yBottom); // add right vertical
g.drawLine(xLeft, yBottom, xRight, yBottom); // add bottom horizontal
if rectangle drawn doesn't look like you expect find where there is wrong semantic in code above

Programmatically measure text string in pixels for Silverlight

In WPF there is the FormattedText in the System.Windows.Media namespace MSDN FormattedText that I can use like so:
private static Size GetTextSize(string txt, string font, int size, bool isBold)
Typeface tf = new Typeface(new System.Windows.Media.FontFamily(font),
(isBold) ? FontWeights.Bold : FontWeights.Normal,
FormattedText ft = new FormattedText(txt, new CultureInfo("en-us"), System.Windows.FlowDirection.LeftToRight, tf, (double)size, System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black, null, TextFormattingMode.Display);
return new Size { Width = ft.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace, Height = ft.Height };
Is there a good approach in Silverlight to getting the width in pixels (at the moment height isn't important) besides making a call to the server?
An approach that I've seen used, that may not work in your particular instance, is to throw the text into an unstyled TextBlock, and then get the width of that control, like so:
private double GetTextWidth(string text, int fontSize)
TextBlock txtMeasure = new TextBlock();
txtMeasure.FontSize = fontSize;
txtMeasure.Text = text;
double width = txtMeasure.ActualWidth;
return width;
It's a hack, no doubt.
