A collection 'DBName.CollectionName' already exists MongoDB [duplicate] - node.js

I'm working on a node.js app that uses MongoDB and I read this from the docs:
Fetch a specific collection (containing the actual collection information). If the application does not use strict mode you can can use it without a callback in the following way.
var collection = db.collection('mycollection');
First of all, what 'strict mode' is the doc referring to?
Also, is it a bad practice to grab the collection in this fashion? Without the callback, wouldn't I lose the ability to capture a potential connection error when trying to select the right collection?
db.collection('some_collection', function(err, collection) {
// query goes here

strict, (Boolean, default:false) returns an error if the collection
does not exist
Right there in the documentation.
That is there so your application may not create new collections itself and can only reference what has been created before. Hence the need for the callback, in order to trap the error.

It might be referring to Javascript's strict mode instead of a Mongo specific feature. strict mode enables some optional but backwards incompatible changes in the Javascript language that help catch some bugs:
What does "use strict" do in JavaScript, and what is the reasoning behind it?


Mongoose pre hook middleware with typescript, how to set up types to access the query objects parameters?

I am using Mongoose 5+ and currently do not have the option of upgrading to Mongoose 6 (which seems to have fixed several issues concerning types and stuff)
I am refactoring from js to ts, and I keep hitting a wall when dealing with pre hooks. In this particular case, I want to understand how to pass generic types to the pre hook and not have typescript get mad that i am trying to access certain fields of this
So my prehook looks like this. It is using findOneAndUpdate and in this case the this is bound to the Query, which gives me some particular properties to access, such as this._update and this._conditions. I use this._update to access the information I am trying to update in this document, and I use that to modify another document in another collection before committing to the change in this document. I use this so the operation will be atomic and no changes will be committed to the DB if any of the other writes fails. However, typescript does not like me accessing values from this and outlined below are the errors i get
unitsSchema.pre('findOneAndUpdate', async function(next){
const update = this._update; //TSError: Property '_update' does not exist on type 'Query<any, any>'
const conditions = this._conditions; //Property '_conditions' does not exist on type 'Query<any, any>'
if(update.isDeleted === true){
//remove the unit from the condo model
await Condos.updateOne({_id:conditions.condoID},
await UnitSttmt.updateMany({unitID:conditions._id},
//I even get an error here for some reason, i dont understand why here next is expecting a required argument, but not on other similar hooks
next(); // Expected 1 arguments, but got 0
I have tried passing it my document interface which extends mongoose.Document type and some other types too, but to no avail. Does anyone have any insight on how to get typescript to recognize the available Query paramters that exist?
Some examples I have tried
unitsSchema.pre<Query<any, UnitsDocument>>(...)
// this one obviously works but kind of defeats the purpose, but at least it gets rid of my error
also want ot mention the code works fine as javascript, it must be an error or limitation in the type declarations.. or maybe I'm just not supposed to be accessing those fields from the Query this ?

Express with pug, Postgres and proper MVC

I recently started using Node.js + Express.js (generated with pug) + pg-promise for handling db.
My first target is to obtain data from Postgres (already set up) and display it pretty using render and pug. Let's say it is user list from Users table.
On this restful tutorial I have learned how to get data and return it as JSON - it worked.
Based on Mozilla's tutorial I seperated my code:
routes/users.js: where for '/' I call user_controller.user_list method (using router.get)
controllers/userController.js I have exported user_list where I would like to ask model for data and call render if I have results
queries.js which is kinda my model? But I'm not sure. It has API: connection to db with promises and one function for every query I am going to use in Controllers. I believe I should have like one Model file per table (or any logical entity) but where to store pgp connections?
This file is based on first tutorial I mentioned
// queries.js (connectionString is set properly to my postgres)
var pgp = require('pg-promise')(options);
var db = pgp(connectionString);
function getUsers(req, res, next) {
db.any('SELECT (user_id, username) FROM public.users ORDER BY user_id ASC LIMIT 1000')
.then(function (data) {
res.json({ data: data });
.catch(function (err) {
return next(err);
module.exports = {
getUsers: getUsers
Here starts my problem as most tutorials uses mongoose which is very model-db-schema-friendly and what I have is simple 'SELECT ...' string I pass to pg-promise's any() function.
Therefore I have no model class like User.
In userControllers.js I don't know how to call getUsers() to handle its data. Returning JS object from getUsers() would be nice.
Also: where should I call render? In controller or only in
db.any(...).then(function (data) { <--here--> })
Before, I also tried to embed whole Postgres handling into Controller but from db.any() I got this array for handling:
[{ row: '(1,John)' },{ row: '(2,Amy)' },{ row: '(50,Peter)' } ]
Didn't know how go from there as I probably lost my API functionality as well ;-)
I am browsing through multiple tutorials how to handle MVC but usually they handle MongoDB and
satisfy readers with res.send() not render().
I am not sure that I understand what your question is exactly about, but since I do not have enough reputation to comment, I'll do my best to help you with your interrogations. :)
First, regarding the queries.js file, it is IMO not exactly a model, but rather a DAO (Data Access Object) file. DAO comes between you Model (which is actually you database) and your Controller layers. There usually is a DAO file per object (User, Pet, whatever you want) in your data model.
When the data model is rather complex, it can be useful to use an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) such as Mongoose to map your database and execute complexe processes on your objects. In such a case, you might need a specific file per object so as to describe your model and store your queries. But since you don't need an ORM, you DAO can directly interact with your database. That is why you do not have a User.js file.
Regarding the way the db object should be used, I think you should refer directly to pg-promise documentation on the matter.
IMPORTANT: For any given connection, you should only create a single
Database object in a separate module, to be shared in your application
(see the code example below). If instead you keep creating the
Database object dynamically, your application will suffer from loss in
performance, and will be getting a warning in a development
environment (when NODE_ENV = development)
As a matter of fact, a db object in pg-promise sort of represents the database itself and is actually designed for the simultaneous use of several databases, which does not seem to be your case for the moment.
Finally, when it comes to the render function, I believe it should be in the controller, as your DAO is not supposed to know how the data it has gathered is going to be used.
Modularity is always a time-saving choice on the long-term.
Furthermore, note that you might later need a Business Layer between your DAO and your controller, in order to preprocess and postprocess data you are going to persist or to display. In such a case, if you need for instance to ask for data from your database, you will need to render data after it is processed by the Business layer. If the render is made in the DAO layer, it will not be possible.
In the link I provided earlier to pg-promise's db object connection, you will also find documentation on the any() method. You might already have looked it up.
It specifically states that it returns
A promise object that represents the query result:
When no rows are returned, it resolves with an empty array.
When 1 or more rows are returned, it resolves with the array of rows.
so your returned data is a JS Array. If you want to make it a JS object, just use
JSON.stringify(yourArray) to process your data before rendering it in your controller.
But I wonder if Pug is not able to use your data directly.
Also, if you cannot get any data out of your DAO, maybe you should check that your data object is not empty, as such a case is tolerated by the any() method. If you expect your query to always return something, you might want to consider using the many() or the one() methods.
I hope this helps you.

Mongoose compound index creation fields order

I have a question regarding compound index creation in mongodb:
Say I want to create this compound index:
cSchema.index({account:1, authorization: 1, c_type: 1});
Problem is, javascript doesn't guarantee dictionary order, so I won't be sure the compound index is in the order I want.
How can I make sure it's indeed {account:1, authorization:1, c_type:1} in that order ?
Thanks !
The simple answer is that most abuse the behaviour that simple String properties that don't parse to an integer on an Object will enumerate in creation order. Although not guaranteed in ES2015 for some enumeration methods, it does work in a confined environment like Node/V8. This has worked in most JS engines for a while now but had never been part of the ES spec before ES2015.
The underlying MongoDB driver createIndex function supports String, Array and Object index definitions. The parsing code is in a util function called parseIndexOptions.
If you specify an array of Strings, Array pairs, or Objects then the order will be fixed:
[['location', '2d'],['type', 1]]
[{location: '2d'},{type: 1}]
Also note that the createIndex code does use Object.keys to enumerate when it gets an Object of index properties.
The Schema#index function is documented as requiring an Object to pass to "MongoDB driver's createIndex() function" so looks to support passing through whatever options you provide.
There are a couple of places where indexes are further processed though. For example when you create a sub document with an index, the index needs to have the parent schema prefixed onto field names. On a quick glance I think this code still works with an Array but I can't see any tests for that in the Mongoose code so you might want to confirm it yourself.
Mongoose does have a compound index test that relies on Object property order.

How to obtain a MongoDb collection in NodeJS

There are two different methods to obtain a reference to a MongoDB collection - both of them are used throughout the official documentation.
There is
var mycollection = db.collection('mycollection)'
and there is
db.collection('mycollection', function(err, collection){
//use collection
I tend to use the second one because it is consistent with "db.createCollecion(collection, callback)"
What is the difference between these methods?
Is there any database interaction when using these methods?
If you look at the code for Database, currently around line 456, you'll see that the only difference between the two in the way you've used them is how the collection object is returned. If you specify a callback, then it's returned that way, otherwise, it's returned as the value to the function. If you set the options however and specifically the option strict to true, you need to use the callback. When strict is set to true, the collection is verified before continuing (asynchronously).
Given that collections can be created dynamically (and usually are upon first use), there often isn't need to use strict mode.
So, it's really matter of personal coding preference otherwise. There is normally no activity to the database when creating a Collection object via: db.collection('collectionname') with the exception I mentioned above.

node-postgres: how to prepare a statement without executing the query?

I want to create a "prepared statement" in postgres using the node-postgres module. I want to create it without binding it to parameters because the binding will take place in a loop.
In the documentation i read :
query(object config, optional function callback) : Query
If _text_ and _name_ are provided within the config, the query will result in the creation of a prepared statement.
I tried
client.query({"name":"mystatement", "text":"select id from mytable where id=$1"});
but when I try passing only the text & name keys in the config object, I get an exception :
(translated) message is binding 0 parameters but the prepared statement expects 1
Is there something I am missing ? How do you create/prepare a statement without binding it to specific value in order to avoid re-preparing the statement in every step of a loop ?
I just found an answer on this issue by the author of node-postgres.
With node-postgres the first time you issue a named query it is
parsed, bound, and executed all at once. Every subsequent query issued
on the same connection with the same name will automatically skip the
"parse" step and only rebind and execute the already planned query.
Currently node-postgres does not support a way to create a named,
prepared query and not execute the query. This feature is supported
within libpq and the client/server protocol (used by the pure
javascript bindings), but I've not directly exposed it in the API. I
thought it would add complexity to the API without any real benefit.
Since named statements are bound to the client in which they are
created, if the client is disconnected and reconnected or a different
client is returned from the client pool, the named statement will no
longer work (it requires a re-parsing).
You can use pg-prepared for that:
var prep = require('pg-prepared')
// First prepare statement without binding parameters
var item = prep('select id from mytable where id=${id}')
// Then execute the query and bind parameters in loop
for (i in [1,2,3]) {
client.query(item({id: i}), function(err, result) {...})
Update: Reading your question again, here's what I believe you need to do. You need to pass a "value" array as well.
Just to clarify; where you would normally "prepare" your query, just prepare the object you pass to it, without the value array. Then where you would normally "execute" your query, set the value array in the object and pass it to the query. If it's the first time, the driver will do the actual prepare for you the first time around, and simple do binding and execution for the rest of the iteration.
