Printing value after "=" in linux - linux

I have a requirement from the below line
I need to display the output as below:

Assuming you want to extract everything after the equals sign:
echo /opt/update/data/abc.prop=15698 | sed s/.*=//
The sed command matches all characters up to and including the equals sign and replaces it with nothing.

got the answer after trying the below. If any simpler one, please suggest
cat s1.txt|grep -o "=.*"|sort -u|grep -Po '\K[^=]+'

echo /opt/update/data/abc.prop=15698 | awk -F"=" '{print $2}'
awk can be used as a field separator and output will be in the second field.


Capturing string between 2 specific letters/words using shell scripting

I am trying to capture the string between 2 specific letters/words using sed/awk. This is what I am trying to do:
The input is a file test.log containing
I want to extract only ""
I tried
sed 's/.*CN=\(.*\),.*/\1/p' test.log >> result.log
But this returns ",o=IN,DC=com"
How do I go about this?
test file:
$ cat logs.txt,o=IN,DC=com Owner:,o=IN,DC=com
command and output:
$ grep -oP 'CN=(?:(?!CN=).)*?.com' logs.txt
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -n 's/.*\(CN=[^,]*\).*/\1/p' file
sed 's/.*\(CN=[^,]*\).*/\1/p;d' file
The first turns off implicit printing -n so as to act like grep.
Matches and captures the string CN= followed by zero or more non-comma characters and prints the captured group \1 if a match is made.
The second solution is much the same except it deletes all lines and only prints the captured group as above.
With awk you can get the field where is the string you need. For it, you can set FS=:|, Now if you run
awk -v FS=":|," '{print $2}' file
you get the field. But you only want one, so
awk -v FS=":|," '$2 !~ /abc1/ {print $2}' file

Print between special characters with sed,grep

I need to print the string between these characters....
atob(' ')
I am using a = in the second part as an attempt to stop the code on an equal signs (which the base64 string I'm trying to get ends in.)
I use this script, but it prints the entire line containing the above characters. I need just the data in between.
sed -n '/atob/,${p;/==/q;}'
I appreciate any help. Thank you.
Does this work (tested for GNU sed 4.2.2)?
 sed -n -e "s/atop('\(.*\)')/\1/p" b.txt
where b.txt is
or you can try awk
awk -F\' '/atop/ {print $2}' b.txt
(tested for gnu awk 4.0.2 and added the suggestion by Jotne)
And another working sed:
echo "atop('safdasdfasf')" | sed -r "/atop/ s/^[^']+'([^']+)'.*/\1/"

Get words from positions in string - Bash/Linux

I have the following string that I want to extract name and id from and store them in a variable. This is just an example, the list can be longer but they are separated the same way.
[["freepbx","NEWUPDATES","There are 6 modules available for online upgrades"],["cidlookup","noauth","OpenCNAM Requires Authentication"]]
The id's in the string is freepbx and cidlookup, the names are NEWUPDATES and noauth.
I'd like them to come out like:
cidlookup noauth
I'm running a program from command line that needs it's input this way.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
This is one way to do it:
echo '[["freepbx","NEWUPDATES","There are 6 modules available for online upgrades"],["cidlookup","noauth","OpenCNAM Requires Authentication"]]' | sed -e 's/\],\[/\n/g' -e 's/\(\[\[\)*"//g' | awk -F ',' '{print $1, $2}'
cidlookup noauth
The sed command s/\],\[/\n/g will replace all ], [ which separate each record with a new line(\n) character. This will allow you to treat each line as a separate record which makes all other tools much easier:)
The second sed command s/\(\[\[\)*"//g will remove the quotes and the initial [[ at the start of the first record. This cleans up things from your data leaving only the , between your fields.
Finally, awk command -F ',' '{print $1, $2}', the -F tells awk to use the , as field separator (instead of space) and $1 and $2 to print the first and second fields.
awk to the rescue!
$ awk -F'"' -v RS="\\\],\\\[" '{print $2,$4}' file
cidlookup noauth
If jq is available:
jq -r '.[] | "\(.[0]) \(.[1])"'
Pipe .[] ( all elements in the array) output to print only 0th and 1st element "\(.[0]) \(.[1])"as in desired output.

Empty string as a output field seperator for Cut

How can I use cut with --output-delimiter=""? I want to join two columns using cut.
I tried the following command. However cat -v shows that there are non printable characters. Specifically "^#". Any suggestions to how can I overcome this?
cut -d, -f 3,6 --output-delimiter="" file1.csv | cat -v
This is the content of my file
When i run my command I'm seeing
Expected output: Basically I want to exclude ^# in the output
Thank you.
The output delimiter is not an empty string, but probably the NULL character. You might want to try
cut -d, -f 3,6 --output-delimiter=$'\00' file1.csv
(Assuming your shell supports $'...'-quoting; bash and zsh are fine here, not sure about others).
cut apparently puts the NULL character if the output separator is set to the empty string. I do not see a way around it.
If awk is an acceptable solution, this will do the trick:
awk -F, '{print $3 $6}' file*
If you want to be more verbose and explicit:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=","; OFS=""}; {print $3,$6}' file*
FS="," sets the field separator to ,.
OFS="" sets the Output Field Separator to the empty string.
You probably don't want to cut by fields but instead by characters or perhaps bytes. See the description of -c and/or -b in the man page, instead of using -f.

extract date from a file name in unix using shell scripting

I am working on shell script. I want to extract date from a file name.
The file name is: abcd_2014-05-20.tar.gz
I want to extract date from it: 2014-05-20
echo abcd_2014-05-20.tar.gz |grep -Eo '[[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2}'
grep got input as echo stdin or you can also use cat command if you have these strings in a file.
-E Interpret PATTERN as an extended regular expression.
-o Show only the part of a matching line that matches PATTERN.
[[:digit:]] It will fetch digit only from input.
{N} It will check N number of digits in given string, i.e.: 4 for years 2 for months and days
Most importantly it will fetch without using any separators like "_" and "." and this is why It's most flexible solution.
Using awk with custom field separator, it is quite simple:
echo 'abcd_2014-05-20.tar.gz' | awk -F '[_.]' '{print $2}'
Use grep:
$ ls -1 abcd_2014-05-20.tar.gz | grep -oP '[\d]+-[\d]+-[\d]+'
-o causes grep to print only the matching part
-P interprets the pattern as perl regex
[\d]+-[\d]+-[\d]+: stands for one or more digits followed by a dash (3 times) that matches your date.
Here few more examples,
Using cut command (cut gives more readability like awk command)
echo "abcd_2014-05-20.tar.gz" | cut -d "_" -f2 | cut -d "." -f1
Output is:
using grep commnad
echo "abcd_2014-05-20.tar.gz" | grep -Eo "[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}"
Output is:
An another advantage of using grep command format is that, it will also help to fetch multiple dates like this:
echo "ab2014-15-12_cd_2014-05-20.tar.gz" | grep -Eo "[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}"
Output is:
I will use some kind of regular expression with the "grep" command, depending on how your file name is created.
If your date is always after "_" char I will use something like this.
ls -l | grep ‘_[REGEXP]’
Where REGEXP is your regular expression according to your date format.
Take a look here
Multiple ways you could do it:
echo abcd_2014-05-20.tar.gz | sed -n 's/.*_\(.*\).tar.gz/\1/p'
sed will extract the date and will print it.
Another way:
Here temp will hold string in file name post "_" i.e. 2014-05-20.tar.gz
Then you can extract date by removing .tar.gz from the end.
