Version 4 of Azure App Service Deploy - ERROR_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_FOR_CREATEAPP - azure

This is a follow-up question to this question. The answer in the original question helped me, but I am stuck somewhere else. As a reminder, I want to deploy my application using a publish profile. My web app in Azure has two subfolders inside wwwroot and one of them is called backend. I want to deploy my application to that folder. I am not sure why msdeploy wants to create anything, since the web app is already there - I just need to get the artifacts inside the backend folder.
Here is the relevant part of the log (with some names changed to xyz):
2018-06-14T09:19:25.0295238Z Start executing msdeploy.exe
2018-06-14T09:19:25.0323018Z "C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -source:package='D:\a\r1\a\artifacts\drop\' -dest:auto,computerName="",userName="$xyz",password="***",authtype="basic",includeAcls="False" -verb:sync -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension -disableLink:CertificateExtension -setParamFile:"D:\a\r1\a\artifacts\drop\xyz.SetParameters.xml"
-enableRule:DoNotDeleteRule -retryAttempts:6 -retryInterval:10000
2018-06-14T09:19:25.6154385Z Info: Using ID '89f1210b-39ba-4758-b7ee-76a06407a503' for connections to the remote server.
2018-06-14T09:19:28.0800802Z Info: Creating application (Default Web Site)
2018-06-14T09:19:28.2012951Z ##[debug]rc:1
2018-06-14T09:19:28.2013216Z ##[debug]rc:1
2018-06-14T09:19:28.2013360Z ##[debug]success:false
2018-06-14T09:19:28.2013523Z ##[debug]success:false
2018-06-14T09:19:28.2073234Z ##[error]Failed to deploy web package to App Service.
2018-06-14T09:19:28.2081930Z ##[debug]Processed: ##vso[task.issue type=error;]Failed to deploy web package to App Service.
2018-06-14T09:19:28.2082198Z ##[debug]{}
2018-06-14T09:19:28.2082470Z ##[debug]System.DefaultWorkingDirectory=D:\a\r1\a
2018-06-14T09:19:28.2083178Z ##[error]Error Code: ERROR_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_FOR_CREATEAPP More Information: Could not
complete an operation with the specified provider ("createApp") when
connecting using the Web Management Service. This can occur if the
server administrator has not authorized the user for this operation.
createApp Learn more
Error count: 1.

I managed to resolve the issue. According to this answer by #starian chen-MSFT, I needed to set the correct parameter in SetParameters.xml. I did this by adding the following to my Visual Studio Build task:
where xyz is the value of DeployIisAppPath element in the publish profile.

The reason is that Azure expecting that site name will be presented twice in" and the same value as a parameter, by default value from file SetParameters.xml is used for second.
So, you need to modify the value of IIS Web Application Name parameter in xxx.SetParameters.xml programming (e.g. PowerShell or other tasks), after that it should works fine.
Azure staging web deploy fails with ERROR_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_FOR_CREATEAPP but not for production


Azure Devops Unable to Deploy the Azure Web App throws error

I am trying to deploy the Azure Web App in the Qa instance. I have created 3 different appsettings.json files with environment specific Client ID's in it
On the release pipeline for QA branch I am trying to use the test app service and set the settings like below
Release pipeline is all getting executed without any issues but when I try to access the application URL I get error like
Application ID is still pointing to the DEV one even though the appsettings.QA.json has different client ID of the Test App Registration where I set the reply URl and all correcctly.
I am not sure why my QA release pipeline is not using the ID's from the appsettings.QA.json. Can anyone please suggest me what is that I am missing here. Any help is greatly appreciated
Check how the application picks correct appsettings.json -file into use. As it picks Appsettings.Development.json in QA-environment, check how the environment is set in QA-environment App Service. Perhaps there is an environment-variable with the value "Development" in App Service configuration and that should be set to "QA"?

Azure Devops Release Pipeline - Azure App Service files not updated

Azure App Service Deploy finishes successfully, but the files were not updated.
I'm using the pipeline step version 4.*
The is retrieved successfully from the build and it contains the files, but in a strange subfolder structure: Content\d_C\a\1\s\Platform\Backend\Backend.WebApp (my path starts at 'Platform').
I already tried to use the WebApp release step, but it says it's not compatible with zip files.
This is the log output of the release step:
2019-05-21T13:09:43.6381219Z ##[section]Starting: Azure App Service Deploy: contras
2019-05-21T13:09:43.6498586Z ==============================================================================
2019-05-21T13:09:43.6498697Z Task : Azure App Service Deploy
2019-05-21T13:09:43.6498814Z Description : Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs
2019-05-21T13:09:43.6498952Z Version : 4.3.24
2019-05-21T13:09:43.6499008Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2019-05-21T13:09:43.6499078Z Help : [More information](
2019-05-21T13:09:43.6499169Z ==============================================================================
2019-05-21T13:09:44.4804024Z Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'contras'
2019-05-21T13:09:44.9625484Z Updating App Service Application settings. Data: {"WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE":"0"}
2019-05-21T13:09:58.0865664Z Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.
2019-05-21T13:09:58.4962410Z [command]"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -verb:sync -source:package='D:\a\r1\a\_MoonDesk Test\drop\' -dest:auto,ComputerName='',UserName='$contras__staging',Password='***',AuthType='Basic' -setParam:name='IIS Web Application Name',value='contras' -enableRule:AppOffline -retryAttempts:6 -retryInterval:10000 -enableRule:DoNotDeleteRule -userAgent:VSTS_7c1c6e1c-7491-4898-bc4d-a85345921032_Release__16_26_1
2019-05-21T13:09:59.9100098Z Info: Using ID 'fe8253d8-98f3-4403-9e0d-98ceb9f2a406' for connections to the remote server.
2019-05-21T13:10:11.3653059Z Total changes: 0 (0 added, 0 deleted, 0 updated, 0 parameters changed, 0 bytes copied)
2019-05-21T13:10:11.4450004Z Updating App Service Application settings. Data: {"CloudVersion":"1.4.2"}
2019-05-21T13:10:22.5003712Z Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.
2019-05-21T13:10:26.5732176Z Successfully updated App Service configuration details
2019-05-21T13:10:33.4106055Z Successfully updated deployment History at
2019-05-21T13:10:33.4184229Z App Service Application URL:
2019-05-21T13:10:33.4378162Z ##[section]Finishing: Azure App Service Deploy: contras
Solved it here...The solution/problem lay in the VS solution, which resulted in an invalid zip content.

How to deploy package to Azure Web App using MSDeploy extension? (The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format)

I am trying to build a very simple Azure Resource Manager template to provision an App Service Plan, a Web App and immediately deploy package there using MSDeploy. I created a Resource Group project in Visual Studio and added Web App and MSDeploy extension. I basically followed this article: I haven't customized deployment PowerShell script which comes with the project.
Here is the template:
Everything looks like it should work (package is uploaded to blob, web app is created), but deployment fails with message:
Resource Microsoft.Web/sites/extensions 'xg-test-webapp5/MSDeploy' failed with message 'The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.
There is an error message accessible via Kudu console (LogFiles/SiteExtensions/MSDeploy/appManagerLog.xml):
AppGallery Deploy Failed: 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.StorageClientException: The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format
Full log:
Just for the reference, here is the content of the blob where the package was uploaded. It can be seen that it is accessible at the correct URL.
Any idea what is happening? Thanks
In your ARM template, the packageUri property for the MSDeploy extension resource is the concatenation of parameters: _artifactsLocation, webdeployPackageFolder and _artifactsLocationSasToken.
I tested your actual web deploy package blob Uri below.
It is a publicly accessible blob, which means it can be downloaded without the SAS token.
Hence, you should not include the SAS Token in the packageUri property of your ARM template.
Hope this helps!
"packageUri": "[concat(parameters('_artifactsLocation'), '/', parameters('webdeployPackageFolder'), '/', parameters('webdeployPackageFileName'), parameters('_artifactsLocationSasToken'))]"

Azure NodeJS console log

I have a Visual Studio Enterprise MSDN subscription so I decided to move from Heroku to Microsoft Azure because I used to pay: now I don't. My Service Plan is the D1.
I wish I can trail the console.log strings of my Node JS application deployed on my Azure platform. My service plan is the shared one named
I deployed the app code on BitBucket and linked my repo to the application with a correct destribution. Correct means I see the green check flag. I deployed, on the main folder of the app, a file named IISNode.yml, here is the content:
nodeProcessCommandLine: "D:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\0.12.6\node.exe"
loggingEnabled: true
debuggingEnabled: false
devErrorsEnabled: false
node_env: production
The firse line I copied from the iisnode.yml created by Azure itselves. The other lines I am not quite sure about the exact meanings of all of them, but I figured they were enough. If I visit the url: I can click on Tools->Log Stream menu but the page remains on loading.
I can reach the Azure Portal, enter my node app, Tools -> Application Log and Web Server log. The application log shows this (I think quite interesting) message:
System.ApplicationException: The trace listener AzureBlobTraceListener is disabled. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The SAS URL for the cloud storage account is not specified. Use the environment variable 'DIAGNOSTICS_AZUREBLOBCONTAINERSASURL' to define it.
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.WebSites.Diagnostics.AzureBlobTraceListener.RefreshConfig()
I have not reached informations about this "environment variable", and I can0t guess what the BLOB container has to do with my log application. And: what is the correct value for this variable? And if there is any, why is that one correct?
The Web Servier log is are empty. I can see http activities from the monitor of the app on the same portal, but still no log.
Am I missing something ? I decided to install Visual Studio, maybe this will help? I hope this has tools to be integrated with Azure for good. Meanwhile, where is the console log of my (Extremely Simple) node application?
You can view your logs in real time if you use the azure SCM interface. This can usually be accessed on the following url
https://{{ name of webapp }}
All your console output from your application is redirected here.
You can also use curl:
curl -u {{ deploymentCredentialsUsername:deploymentCredentialsPassword }}
Otherwise you could use the nodejs azure cli. Install it with
npm install -g azure-cli
Switch to asm mode:
azure config mode asm
Then you can proceed to look at the logs from your terminal:
azure site log tail {{ webapp name }}
You can add an item in iisnode.yml named logDirectory, set the value as iisnode for example, then the application will create a folder in this name in your root directory and store files with stdout and stderr captures in it. You can refer to for the details for this configuration.
You can store logs in files whatever you need via console.log(), then the application will create a html file index.html in the log folder to provide logs. You can visit the logs via the URL: http://<you_app_name><log_file_name>/index.html
Additionally, you can leverage Node.js console class to customize logger, refer to for the sample
If you are using the Azure Portal web interface, you can find the console.log output under the Log Stream section under Monitoring.
Refer to the screenshot below:

Azure staging web deploy fails with ERROR_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_FOR_CREATEAPP but not for production

I'm trying automated web site deployment in Azure and I'm at the phase were I run web deploy commands. The command for production works fine and updates the content but the one for staging is failing with the error code in the title.
I'm no sure were the problem is and if it is an authorization one I'm not sure where to set more permissions for the staging account.
This is the production command (which works):
"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -source:package="" -dest:auto,ComputerName="",UserName="$mytestingsite",Password="fromProductionPublishProfile",authtype="Basic" -verb:sync
And this is the one for staging (which fails with ERROR_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_FOR_CREATEAPP)
"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -source:package="" -dest:auto,ComputerName="",UserName="$MyTestingSite__staging",Password="fromStagingPublishProfile",authtype="Basic" -verb:sync -verbose
Help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
Azure expecting that site name will be presented twice - in" and the same value as a parameter, by default value from file SetParameters.xml is used for second.
You may modify this file or pass parameter to msdeploy directly:
-setParam:name="IIS Web Application Name",value="%SiteNameHere%"
I managed to find where the problem was ...
In a settings file created by msdeploy.exe I was using the wrong site name.
Sadly the documentation was popping up an error that had nothing to do with the wrong site name but only saying that it can't create that site because of the rights. Which somehow, in a twisted Microsoft like way, makes sense.
