Maximo automation script get user securityGroup - maximo

I would like to get the security group of the user in a Maximo automation script so I can compare it. I need to know if the user in in MaxAdmin or UserUser group to execute the reste of my script. My scripts are in Python
how could I get that Info?

There are some implicit variables available to you in an automation script (check the IBM Automation Script guide), one of which is the current user's username. There is also the :&USERNAME& special bind variable that gets replaced with the current username. You can use one of those as part of the query to fetch a GroupUser MBO and then check the count of it afterward.
I'm going off of memory here so the exact names and syntax probably differ, but something like:
groupUserSet = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet("GROUPUSER", MXServer.getMXServer().getSystemUserInfo())
groupUserSet.setWhere("userid = :&USERNAME& and groupname in ('MAXADMIN', 'USERUSER')")
# Not really needed.
if groupUserSet.count() > 0:
# The current user is in one of the relevant groups.
# The current user is not in one of the relevant groups.
It's worth noting that the kinds of things tied to logic like this usually don't need an automation script. Usually conditional expressions, normal security permissions or reports can do what you need here instead. Even when an automation script like this is needed, you still should not do it based on group alone, but based on whether the user has a certain permission or not.
To do this with permissions, you would add a new sigoption to the app with an id along the lines of "CANCOMPPERM" (with a more verbose description) and grant it to those two groups. Make sure everyone in those groups logs out at the same time (so nobody in those two groups are logged into the system at a given point) or else the permission cache will not update. Your code would then look something like this:
permissionsSet = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet("APPLICATIONAUTH", MXServer.getMXServer().getSystemUserInfo())
permissionsSet.setWhere("optionname = 'CANCOMPPERM' and groupname in (select groupname from groupuser where userid = :&USERNAME& )")
# Not really needed.
if permissionsSet.count() > 0:
# The current user has the necessary permission.
# The current user does not have the necessary permission.
I think there are even some helper methods in Maximo's code base that you can call to do the above for you and just return a true/false on if the permission is granted or not.


Execute shell commands with excel VBA and collect output [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Capture output value from a shell command in VBA?
(8 answers)
Closed last year.
I am trying to make a ticket tool we have where I work a little better and make it so the tech team doesn't have to open Active Directory to make sure the ticket sender is eligible to make certain requests. What I need is the ability to run net user /domain <username> then collect the comment line and store it in a variable in VBA. The variable will then be sent in an email to the ticket software along with anything the user entered in the text boxes.
My thoughts were to run the command and send the output string to another variable then pull the line information from the larger output since I cant seem to find a way to get only the comment.
I've added a sample of the output below with an arrow pointing at the data that needs extracted into the variable.
I'm still pretty new to VBA so bear with me.
C:\Users\jdoe\Desktop>net user /domain jdoe
The request will be processed at a domain controller for domain StackOverflow.wh.
User name jdoe
Full Name John Doe
Comment Anlst Tech Supp <----- this is what needs extracted
User's comment
Country/region code 000 (System Default)
Account active Yes
Account expires Never
Password last set 11/1/2021 8:58:44 AM
Password expires 1/30/2022 8:58:44 AM
Password changeable 11/1/2021 8:58:44 AM
Password required Yes
User may change password Yes
Workstations allowed All
Logon script
User profile
Home directory
Last logon 1/15/2022 11:43:12 AM
Logon hours allowed All
Local Group Memberships
Global Group memberships *Domain Users
The command completed successfully.
On Error Resume Next
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
Set config = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_UserAccount")
For Each thing in Config
Msgbox thing.caption & " " & thing.Description
Programmers don't call user's commands. They are for humans not programs.
See for more info.

How to reload a batch file with .qwv containing section access in QlikView Desktop?

I execute "C:\Program Files\QlikView\qv.exe" /R "D:\QlikViewAdm\qlik_file.qvw" to launch the loader. It works when there is no section access. However, when I run a file with section access QV asks me for login and password. I can link the access to Windows user credentials, but it only works on my terminal.
Is there a way to point QV to a local file with credentials?
You can do it by using NTNAME in the section Access like so:
Section Access;
ADMIN, , , yourWindowsUserID
you can get yourWindowsUserID by using the OsUser() function (in QlikView).
hope this will help
First thing to notice is that the user churning is following the exponential function like the nuclear decay. Hence, t-test is useless (it assumes normal distribution).
Second, it is time to look at counts of users with 0,1,2.. events.
Third, just use Wilcoxon test if you compare the same cohort of users before and after. Otherwise, use Mann–Whitney U test. It is less stable than the tests on normally distributed values. However, it does the job whenever you cannot promise normality.
Spoiler: yes, it worked out. Cohort 1 and 2 were nearly indistinguishable, but cohort 3 and 1 yielded a difference at p < 0.001.

What is the correct method to determine if a system user exists locally on windows?

I am working on an authentication system for a local server jupyterhub that relies on OAuth protocol. Additionally, it creates a local system user on windows, in case it does not exist.
What is the correct way to check whether a user exists on windows platforms using python?
This would include cases in which the system uses LDAP authentication and the user logged in the machine at least once.
I am looking for the correct windows alternative to the unix-like:
import pwd
except Exception as e:
My current solution is to check for the existence of the f"os.environ["SystemDrive"]\Users\{username}" folder. Side question, is there any drawback with the current method?
Here's a solution to checking if a local Windows user exists using python:
import subprocess
def local_user_exists_windows(username):
r ="net user",stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
#look for username in the output. Return carriage followed by line break followed by name, then space
return f"\\r\\n{username.lower()} " in str(r.stdout).lower()
Alternative is to use a regular expression to find username match (^ is regex for beginning of line if used in conjunction with multiline, \b for word boundary):
import re
re.findall(rf"^{username}\b", out,flags=re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE)
Note that the \b could be replaced with \s+ meaning a space character one or more times and yield similar results. The function above will return True if given user name is an exact match with local username on Windows.
Again, my reason for this solution is there might be drawback to checking whether the path f"os.environ["SystemDrive"]\Users\{username}" exists. For example, I have a case where a Local User (e.g,local_username) exists via the net user command or via looking at "Local Users and Groups" control panel, but there is no C:\Users\local_user_name folder. One reason for this I can think of off the top of my head is perhaps the user switched from logging in as a Local User to using a Domain Account, and their User folder was deleted to save space, so the User exists, but the folder does not, etc.)
The call to net user gets local users - and the output looks something like this:
User accounts for \\SOME-WINDOWS-COMPUTER
SomeUser Administrator DefaultAccount
Guest local_admin WDAGUtilityAccount
Notice how the SomeUser in this example is preceded by a \r\n followed by multiple spaces, hence looking for a username string inside this string could yield a false positive if the string you are searching is contained inside another string.
The solution above works for me, but has been tested all of ten minutes, and there might be some other simpler or more pythonic way of doing this.

use a variable as part of another variables name

Bash question!
so I have n arguments, and for each argument I'd like to to do a for loop and assign variables to hold characteristics of each argument. for example I have a script that runs in a continuous while loop and looks at user activity in my network... this is a simple outline of what my problems are:
while true
for argument
# build an array to hold times
"$user"_times =()
# set a boolean value
if [ ""$user"_boolean" = true ]
echo $user logged on
"$user"_times+=( timestamp )
exit 0
the real script will look at user activity, update the boolean based on certain user behavior, and log some user activity info in the array- but I'm trying to get this to work so I can add the easy meat. what should the syntax be? I'm having a hard time making the variables work.
Since bash doesn't support hash/maps, I'd consider perl/python to store user activity against their hash id. You also have access to vectors for variable sized activity details, eg a hash of userid's containing a vector of activities.
Python script to list users and groups

Protect user credentials when connecting R with databases using JDBC/ODBC drivers

Usually I connect to a database with R using JDBC/ODBC driver. A typical code would look like
vDriver = JDBC(driverClass="com.vertica.jdbc.Driver", classPath="/home/Drivers/vertica-jdbc-7.0.1-0.jar")
vertica = dbConnect(vDriver, "jdbc:vertica://servername:5433/db", "username", "password")
I would like others to access the db using my credentials but I want to protect my username and password. So I plan save the above script as a "Connections.r" file and ask users to source this file.
If I give execute only permission to Connections.r others cannot source the file
chmod 710 Connections.r
Only if I give read and execute permission R lets users to source it. If I give the read permission my credentials will be exposed. Is there anyways we could solve this by protecting user credentials?
Unless you were to deeply obfuscate your credentials by making an Rcpp function or package that does the initial JDBC connection (which won't be trivial) one of your only lighter obfuscation mechanisms is to store your credentials in a file and have your sourced R script read them from the file, use them in the call and them rm them from the environment right after that call. That will still expose them, but not directly.
One other way, since the users have their own logins to RStudio Server, is to use Hadley's new secure package (a few of us sec folks are running it through it's paces), add the user keys and have your credentials stored encrypted but have your sourced R script auto-decrypt them. You'll still need to do the rm of any variables you use since they'll be part of environment if you don't.
A final way, since you're giving them access to the data anyway, is to use a separate set of credentials (the way you phrased the question it seems you're using your credentials for this) that only work in read-only mode to the databases & tables required for these analyses. That way, it doesn't matter if the creds leak since there's nothing "bad" that can be done with them.
Ultimately, I'm as confused as to why you can't just setup the users with read only permissions on the database side? That's what role-based access controls are for. It's administrative work, but it's absolutely the right thing to do.
Do you want to give someone access, but not have them be able to see your credentials? That's not possible in this case. If my code can read a file, I can see everything in the file.
Make more accounts on the SQL server. Or make one guest account. But you're trying to solve the problem that account management solves.
Have the credentials sent as command arguments? Here's an example of how one would do that:
# create parser object
parser <- ArgumentParser()
# specify our desired options
# by default ArgumentParser will add an help option
parser$add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=TRUE,
help="Print extra output [default]")
parser$add_argument("-q", "--quietly", action="store_false",
dest="verbose", help="Print little output")
parser$add_argument("-c", "--count", type="integer", default=5,
help="Number of random normals to generate [default %(default)s]",
parser$add_argument("--generator", default="rnorm",
help = "Function to generate random deviates [default \"%(default)s\"]")
parser$add_argument("--mean", default=0, type="double", help="Mean if generator == \"rnorm\" [default %(default)s]")
parser$add_argument("--sd", default=1, type="double",
metavar="standard deviation",
help="Standard deviation if generator == \"rnorm\" [default %(default)s]")
# get command line options, if help option encountered print help and exit,
# otherwise if options not found on command line then set defaults,
args <- parser$parse_args()
# print some progress messages to stderr if "quietly" wasn't requested
if ( args$verbose ) {
write("writing some verbose output to standard error...\n", stderr())
# do some operations based on user input
if( args$generator == "rnorm") {
cat(paste(rnorm(args$count, mean=args$mean, sd=args$sd), collapse="\n"))
} else {
cat(paste($generator, list(args$count)), collapse="\n"))
Sample run (no parameters):
usage: example.R [-h] [-v] [-q] [-c number] [--generator GENERATOR] [--mean MEAN] [--sd standard deviation]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Print extra output [default]
-q, --quietly Print little output
-c number, --count number
Number of random normals to generate [default 5]
--generator GENERATOR
Function to generate random deviates [default "rnorm"]
--mean MEAN Mean if generator == "rnorm" [default 0]
--sd standard deviation
Standard deviation if generator == "rnorm" [default 1]
The package was apparently inspired by the python package of the same name, so looking there may also be useful.
Looking at your code, I'd probably rewrite it as follows:
args <- ArgumentParser()
args$add_argument('--driver', dest='driver', default="com.vertica.jdbc.Driver")
args$add_argument('--classPath', dest='classPath', default="/home/Drivers/vertica-jdbc-7.0.1-0.jar")
args$add_argument('--url', dest='url', default="jdbc:vertica://servername:5433/db")
args$add_argument('--user', dest='user', default='username')
args$add_argument('--password', dest='password', default='password')
parser <- args$parse_args
vDriver <- JDBC(driverClass=parser$driver, parser$classPath)
vertica <- dbConnect(vDriver, parser$url, parser$user , parser$password)
# continue here
Jana, it seems odd that you are willing to let the users connect via R but not in any other way. How is that obscuring anything from them?
I don't understand why you would not be satisfied with a guest account that has specific SELECT-only access to certain tables (or even views)?
