How do I delete a command that I created using the :command command?
I mis-typed:
:command Bigfon guifont=Monospace\ 12
So now I have a Bigfon command that doesn't work correctly; I'd like to just have a Bigfont command that does (:command Bigfont set guifont=Monospace\ 12)
Searches that involve both "Vim" and "delete" seem to only return pages that describe the various commands to delete text.
delc Bigfon or delcommand Bigfon.
Documentation :h delc:
:delc[ommand] {cmd} *:delc* *:delcommand* *E184*
Delete the user-defined command {cmd}.
Although there is a much better way to change font size quickly ( from tpope's .vimrc ):
" Quickly change gui font size with + and - in normal mode
command! -bar -nargs=0 Bigger :let &guifont = substitute(&guifont,'\d\+$','\=submatch(0)+1','')
command! -bar -nargs=0 Smaller :let &guifont = substitute(&guifont,'\d\+$','\=submatch(0)-1','')
nnoremap - :Smaller<CR>
nnoremap + :Bigger<CR>
I'm using vim as an IDE for writing code in bash, Python and C. Besides, I have a key map to execute my current buffer depending on the file type. Here is a responsible parts of my .vimrc:
autocmd FileType python call Python_source()
autocmd FileType sh call Bash_source()
" Read lw (lispwords) modelise from current buffer and pass it as command arguments
func! LWargs()
set lw=''
doautocmd BufRead
if len(&lw) > 0 && len(&lw) < 512
return ' ' . &lw
return ''
func! Python_source()
setlocal number cursorline
setlocal shiftwidth=2
setlocal foldmethod=indent
map <F9> :w \| :exe '!python' '%:p' . LWargs()<CR>
imap <F9> <Esc> :w \| :exe '!python' '%:p' . LWargs()<CR>
" Comments on Ctrl-C
map <C-C> :call ToggleComment('#')<CR>
imap <C-C> <Esc>:call ToggleComment('#')<CR>li
func! Bash_source()
setlocal number cursorline
setlocal shiftwidth=4
map <F9> :w \| :!./%<CR>
imap <F9> <Esc> :w \| :!./%<CR>
map <C-C> :call ToggleComment('#')<CR>
imap <C-C> <Esc>:call ToggleComment('#')<CR>li
So, when I press F9, the magic happen and my code is executed with arguments passed by the LWargs. The only problem is after the program exits, vim will jump to the beginning of the file forcing me to position cursor back the line I was working and making my life harder. Is there is any way to prevent vim from jumping around?
The issue is with the doautocmd BufRead command in your LWargs(), which resets the cursor position to the top of the file.
(At least in my case, the command used to restore cursor position upon opening Vim is the one causing the cursor to move. You can inspect the list from :autocmd BufEnter * to see if you can spot a similar command or another one that might be causing the cursor to move. Looking again, it turns out I was also getting that same rule from my Linux distribution...)
A good way to prevent this is to use winsaveview() to save the cursor location and the window view in general (which line is at the top, whether your window is scrolled right to a column when word wrap is off) and winrestview() to restore it.
Here's an updated LWargs() that won't move your cursor:
function! LWargs()
set lw=
let saved_view = winsaveview()
doautocmd BufRead
call winrestview(saved_view)
if len(&lw) > 0 && len(&lw) < 512
return ' ' . &lw
return ''
Note also that the correct syntax is set lw=, if you use set lw='' you'll be setting a two-character string with two single quotes.
How to autoupdate search vimgrep results from quickfix window after file is autoudpated due to change?
I use :vim/pattern/% to search and put result in quickfix window.
You can always do <up> on the command line with a prefix of :vimgrep to make searching history easier. You may also want to check out q: and the use ?// to search for the command to re-execute.
Assuming the quickfix title is set correctly, you can use following the command:
:execute get(getqflist({'title':1}), 'title')
This however I am not certain this will work with all :grep/:make commands. You also need a newer Vim version to get the Quckfix list title (Vim 8+ I think).
If you find yourself doing this often you may want to bind a mapping or command.
command! -nargs=0 -bar QFRefresh execute get(getqflist({'title':1}), 'title')
Now how to add do this automatically? We can use FileChangedShellPost autocmd to run our QFRefresh command once a file change has been detected. Add the following to you vimrc file:
augroup QFRefresh
autocmd FileChangedShellPost * if get(b:, 'qfrefresh_auto', 0) | QFRefresh | endif
augroup END
command! -nargs=0 -bar QFAutoRefreshToggle let b:qfrefresh_auto = !get(b:, 'qfrefresh_auto', 0) | echo b:qfrefresh_auto ? 'Auto Refresh' : 'No Auto Refresh'
Now you can use :QFAutoRefreshToggle to toggle refreshing a file.
Note: As stated before QFRefresh uses the quickfix's title to get the quickfix command. If the title is not set correctly a refresh may not work correctly. Also I am not sure what guarantees Vim has on triggering FileChangedShellPost. You can force a check via :checktime command.
For more help see:
:h getqflist()
:h :execute
:h :get
:h q:
:h cmdwin
:h c_Up
:h FileChangedShellPost
:h :checktime
Is there a way to search the list of recently used file in Vim? The list can be displayed using
browse old
but / does not work. I am aware of some plugins (e.g. MRU) but would prefer to not use a plugin.
Here's a short scriptlet that opens the file list in a scratch buffer. As a bonus, it defines a local <Enter> mapping to :edit the current file. With this, you can search with all built-in commands like /:
:new +setl\ buftype=nofile | 0put =v:oldfiles | nnoremap <buffer> <CR> :e <C-r>=getline('.')<CR><CR>
If you really want to avoid a plugin:
:new The old files will be printed into this buffer
:redir #X where X is a temporary register`
:silent echo(v:oldfiles) 'Silent' is there to not actually print onto your screen
:redir END
"Xp paste the temporary register
(optional) Do some regex-fu to put each file on its own line.
Put the above into a function and voila. Also :help redir
It's actually not very hard to write a simple (simplistic?) MRU command with completion that works like :edit or :split:
" this is our 'main' function: it couldn't be simpler
function! MRU(arg)
execute 'edit ' . a:arg
" the completion function, again it's very simple
function! MRUComplete(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
return filter(copy(v:oldfiles), 'v:val =~ a:ArgLead')
" the actual command
" it accepts only one argument
" it's set to use the function above for completion
command! -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,MRUComplete MRU call MRU(<f-args>)
Here is a .vimrc version of code above. Just add following lines to .vimrc and map to desired keys (in my case it is 'o). In addition define patterns to remove "junk" files. Also cursor is placed at the top for convenience.
Most hard thing is to map an Enter inside nested nmap. ^V is the result of doubled Ctrl-V. ^R is the result of Ctrl-V+Ctrl-R. ^M is the result of Ctrl-V+Enter. You need manually repeat those symbols - not just Copy/Paste. Spent hours to understand this magic - so I'm glad to share. This technology lets you add own macroses in .vimrc.
" Browse Old Files
nnoremap <silent> 'o :enew<CR>:set buftype=nofile<CR>:set nobuflisted<CR>:exe "0put =v:oldfiles"<CR>:nmap <buffer> ^V^V^M :e ^V^V^R=getline('.')^V^V^M^V^V^M<CR>:g/\v(stdout\|nerd\|fugitive)/d<CR>:0<CR>
This is my take on Ingo's answer above for my .vimrc:
Opens the old files in either a vertical split or tab, then maps enter to open file under cursor! magic!
" open old files list and map enter to open line
" vertical split
noremap <leader>vv :vnew +setl\ buftype=nofile <bar> 0put =v:oldfiles <bar> nnoremap <lt>buffer> <lt>CR> :e <lt>C-r>=getline('.')<lt>CR><lt>CR><CR><CR>
" in new tab
noremap <leader>vt :tabnew +setl\ buftype=nofile <bar> 0put =v:oldfiles <bar> nnoremap <lt>buffer> <lt>CR> :e <lt>C-r>=getline('.')<lt>CR><lt>CR <CR><CR>
How can I extend a command in vim?
I want to do it in two situations,
After a :diffget or :diffput I always want to run a :diffupdate
After a :NERDTreeToggle I want to run a <C-w>=
I am unaware of any autocmd events that would be triggered for your scenarios. However a few custom mappings might be helpful.
You can change the default dp and do mappings to also do a :diffupdate
nnoremap dp dp:diffupdate<cr>
nnoremap do do:diffupdate<cr>
Note there are times where you cannot use dp and/or do and must use :diffput/:diffget. In these cases I would suggest you create a commands like so:
command! -nargs=? -range=1 -bar Diffput <line1>,<line2>diffput <args>|diffupdate
command! -nargs=? -range=1 -bar Diffget <line1>,<line2>diffget <args>|diffupdate
Or you can just map :diffupdate
nnoremap <f8> :diffupdate<cr>
nnoremap <leader>N :NERDTreeToggle<cr><c-w>=
Maybe you can have a look to the vim macro. It is probably suitable for what you want to do :).
Create your own custom function in VimScript in your .vimrc that wraps several commands.
Here's one I use to launch a Clojure Repl in a buffer using several plugins:
fun! LeinCMD()
execute 'ConqueTerm lein repl'
execute 'set syntax=clojure'
execute 'normal! i'
command! Repl call LeinCMD()
I then call this command with :Repl (note that your custom commands must always start with an uppercase letter).
Source: Automate running several vim commands and keystrokes
I finally decided to try out Vim, as I am getting increasingly frustrated by GUI editors. So far, I'm loving it, but I can't find any help for a issue I'm having...
I am trying to map the command :Pyrun to :!python % in Vim using cmap. The mapping shows up fine if I type :cmap. However, on typing :Pyrun, I get this error message:
Not an editor command: Pyrun.
Here is what I'm trying in .vimrc:
:autocmd FileType python :cmap Pyrun<cr> !python %<cr>
:autocmd FileType python :cmap Intpyrun<cr> !python -i %<cr>
What can I do to solve this problem?
I would try something like this in your .vimrc or your ftplugin/python_ft.vim
command Pyrun execute "!python %"
command Intpyrun execute "!python -i %"
Then :Pyrun and :Intpyrun should work
You could then map a function key to each
map <F5> :Pyrun<CR>
map <F6> :Intpyrun<CR>
I personally prefer another approach. First create a function receiving the command arguments and then create a command to call the function:
fun! DoSomething( arg ) "{{{
echo a:arg
" Do something with your arg here
endfunction "}}}
command! -nargs=* Meh call DoSomething( '<args>' )
So it would be like
fun! Pyrun( arg ) "{{{
execute '!python ' . expand( '%' )
endfunction "}}}
command! -nargs=* Pyrun call Pyrun( '<args>' )
But, there's a better way to do it in Vim. Use makeprg:
makeprg=python\ %
Just type :make to run your current Python file. Use :copen to show error list.
Similar to karoberts answer, I prefer the more direct:
:map <F9> :!python %<CR>
If my script is creating some output I also like to capture it in a temp file and then autoread that files content into another buffer, e.g.
:map <F9> :!python % 2>&1 \| tee /tmp/results
I then set autoread by entering :set autoread and opening the results file in another buffer
:split /tmp/results<CR>
Then I can easily see the results of the run in the buffer that auto refreshes when the results file is updated by running the script under development.
With new LUA api:
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Hello', 'echo "Hello World!"', {})
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('HelloLua', function ()
print('Hello LUA!')
end, {})
NeoVIM API reference