Last then function being called multiple times - node.js

I'm trying to write a chain of Promises but the last .then() is being called multiple times and I don't know why. The last .then() must run a single time because it will call another API passing result as body.
I know that is being called multiple times because I'm logging as console.log().
What is wrong on my code? For my understand, then() should wait promise returns something.'/router/join', function(req, res){
let data = req.body;
.then(result => {
return {
authenticated: (result.code === 201)
.then(result => {
return contacts.getContacts(data.tenant_id).then(cs => {
let json = merge(result,;
return Promise.all( => {
return messages.getLastMessage(data.tenant_id, contact.item.contact_id, data.hash_id)
.then(result => {
contact.item.last_message = result.code === 200 && > 0 ?[0] : null;
return contact;
})).then(result => {
json.items = result;
return json;
} else {
return result;
.then(result => {
//this call should run after all other promises and only a single time
let event = result.authenticated ? 'valid_session' : 'invalid_session';
proxy.send(event, result)}
.catch(err => {
proxy.send('invalid_session', {socket_id: data.socket_id})

You can use async/await to clean it up. Inside async functions you can await the results of promises.'/router/join', async function (req, res, next) {
try {
let data = req.body;
let {code} = await sessions.validate(data);
let result = { authenticated: (code === 201) };
if (result.authenticated) {
let cs = await contacts.getContacts(data.tenant_id);
let json = merge(result,;
let items = Promise.all( contact => {
let result = await messages.getLastMessage(data.tenant_id, contact.item.contact_id, data.hash_id)
contact.item.last_message = result.code === 200 && > 0 ?[0] : null;
return contact;
json.items = items;
result = json;
let event = result.authenticated ? 'valid_session' : 'invalid_session';
proxy.send(event, result);
} catch (err) {
proxy.send('invalid_session', {socket_id: data.socket_id})
next (err);


Promise.all returning undefined in Node JS

I have a code to fetch directory names from first API. For every directory, need to get the file name from a second API. I am using something like this in my Node JS code -
async function main_function(req, res) {
const response = await fetch(...)
.then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.text();
} else {
return "";
.then((data) => {
dirs = ...some logic to extract number of directories...
const tempPromises = [];
for (i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
console.log(tempPromises); // Prints [ Promise { <pending> } ]
Promise.all(tempPromises).then((result_new) => {
console.log(result_new); // This prints "undefined"
res.send({ status: "ok" });
async function getFilename(inp_a) {
const response = await fetch(...)
.then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.text();
} else {
return "";
.then((data) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
resolve("Temp Name");
What am I missing here?
Your getFilename() doesn't seem to be returning anything i.e it's returning undefined. Try returning response at the end of the function,
async function getFilename(inp_a) {
const response = ...
return response;
Thanks to Mat J for the comment. I was able to simplify my code and also learn when no to use chaining.
Also thanks to Shadab's answer which helped me know that async function always returns a promise and it was that default promise being returned and not the actual string. Wasn't aware of that. (I am pretty new to JS)
Here's my final code/logic which works -
async function main_function(req,res){
const response = await fetch(...)
const resp = await response.text();
dirs = ...some logic to extract number of directories...
const tempPromises = [];
for (i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
Promise.all(tempPromises).then((result_new) => {
res.send({ status: "ok" });
res.send({"status" : "error"})
async function getFilename(inp_a) {
const response = await fetch(...)
respText = await response.text();
return("Temp Name"); //

Is there any way to make this node js look more compact?

I am new to node js, and am wondering if there is any way to make this more compact. I am talking specifically about the nested then catch statements. Is there anyway to try to put this into one big then catch, or just return {res:false} once rather than a bunch of repeated time for every then catch?
const uId = data.uId;
const id =;
const updates = {};
updates["/shared/" + id + "/users/" + uId] = null;
updates["/users/" + uId + "/shared/" + id] = null;
return admin.database().ref().update(updates).then(() => {
let ref = "/shared/" + id
// Check if any members are left
return admin.database().ref(ref).once("value").then((snapshot) => {
var users = snapshot.val().users;
if (users == null) {
admin.database().ref(ref).remove().then(() => {
return {res: true};
}).catch(() => {
return {res: false};
} else {
return {res: true};
}).catch(() => {
return {res: false};
}).catch(() => {
return {res: false};
Return the next Promise in the chain instead of nesting them, then have a single .catch at the end:
const ref = "/shared/" + id
return admin.database().ref().update(updates)
.then(() => {
// Check if any members are left
return Promise.all([ref, admin.database().ref(ref).once("value")]);
.then(([ref, snapshot]) => {
var users = snapshot.val().users;
if (users == null) {
return admin.database().ref(ref).remove();
.then(() => ({ res: true }))
.then(() => ({ res: false }));
The Promise.all is needed to pass the value from one .then to another.
Using async/await would make things cleaner:
const ref = "/shared/" + id
try {
await admin.database().ref().update(updates);
const snapshot = await admin.database().ref(ref).once("value");
const { users } = snapshot.val();
if (users == null) {
await admin.database().ref(ref).remove();
return { res: true };
} catch (e) {
return { res: false };

Express router not awaiting the forEach loop

Express router is not awaiting my forEach loop and sends the old unmanipulated object as a response instead of the new manipulated data.
Here I am using Sequalize as my ORM.
router.get('/', async (req,res) => {
try {
let trainings = await db.Training.findAll();
let locations = await db.Location.findAll();
await locations.forEach(location => {
trainings.forEach(training => {
if(location.trainingId =={
training["location"] = location
} catch(err) {
message : err
Basically you are using the await keyword against a synchronous process which is
locations.forEach(location => {
trainings.forEach(training => {
if(location.trainingId =={
training["location"] = location
These lines of code doesn't return any promise or behave like a promise. So one solution can be having a function
function modify(trainings,locations){
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
locations.forEach(location => {
trainings.forEach(training => {
if(location.trainingId =={
training["location"] = location
then have it like this
let trainings = await db.Training.findAll();
let locations = await db.Location.findAll();
await modify(trainings,locations)
or you can simply remove the await keyword from your current state of code.

Express + Mongoose: async/await returning undefined

I'm trying to separate route code from database codes, but I'm stuck with an error when the route make an call to controller method.
I have the productRoutes.js:
.get(async (req, res, next) => {
try {
let criteria = {};
for (const el in req.query) {
criteria[el] = req.query[el];
console.log('Getting all products', criteria);
const result = await controller.getAll(criteria);
console.log('router result:', result);
const status = (result.ok ? (result.count > 0 ? 200 : 404 ) : 400);
return res.status(status).send(result);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
The productController.js:
exports.getAll = (criteria) => {
model.find(criteria, '-__v').exec((err, records) => {
const ok = (err ? false : true);
let result = {}
result.ok = ok;
if (ok) { = records;
result.count = records.length;
} else {
result.count = 0;
result.err = err;
console.log('controller result count:', result.count);
return result;
When executed it produces this:
Getting all products {}
router result: undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'ok' of undefined
at (C:\dev\projects\mercante\server\routes\productRoutes.js:58:36)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)
controller result count: 4
The execution isn't waiting for controller.getAll(criteria).
I've tried some codes I found looking for similar questions, like try/catch the async call, but didn't works or I missed some detail.
Thanks in advance.
The reason: Your controller's getAll method doesn't return any value.
You should do smth like this:
exports.getAll = async (criteria) => {
// Return value!
return await model.find(criteria, '-__v');
Thanks, #Rashad. Now it works:
exports.getAll = async (criteria) => {
return await model.find(criteria, '-__v');
.get(async (req, res, next) => {
try {
let criteria = {};
for (const el in req.query) {
criteria[el] = req.query[el];
console.log('Getting all products', criteria);
let result = {};
const data = await controller.getAll(criteria);
result.count = data.length; = data;
const status = (result.ok ? (result.count > 0 ? 200 : 404 ) : 400);
return res.status(status).send(result);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);

Node's promisify is not working with callback-based function

I am having a function which does some async processing and I want to convert it to a promise, so that I can make a "chain of execution" with other depended functions later on.
Below is the code(slightly modified for privacy):
router.get('/api/prx/ptr', function(req, res) {
let prx = req.params.prx_id
let ptr = {}
let parse_text = (idx_array, prx) => {
for(let name of idx_array) {
if (typeof ptr[name] === 'undefined') {
ptr[name] = []
get_text(prx, name, (tg) => {
const pst = new Set( => ps.label))
pst.forEach(ps => {
return true
parse_text = promisify(parse_text)
documentExists(prx, function(err, dbexists){
if (err) {
return res.status(404).send(err)
get_idx_array(prx, function(err, idx_array){
if (err) {
return res.status(err.code || 400).send(err)
idx_array ={return v._id});
parse_text(idx_array, prx)
.then(result => {
The problem is that in the last line, the promise never resolves and thus the request-response cycle never ends. Not sure what I have done wrong in my setup. Any help appreciated.
