Google Speech to text: The video model is currently not supported for language : nl-NL - speech-to-text

Url used:
I uploaded a wav audio file (exported both as mp3/wav/flac) via audacity.
I Selected "nederlands" (dutch), punctiation can be both on or of and uploaded the export.
First it uploads, gives me the 'transcribing' message and after that:
The video model is currently not supported for language : nl-NL
I see in the console of my browser window:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()
speech.min.js:1132 {
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid recognition 'config': The video model is currently not supported for language : nl-NL.",
} Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()
speech.min.js:1132 A server error occurred!
If I use the microphone to record a message it works properly.
What am I doing wrong?

The speech-to-text API provides four different models to choose from:
Not all models are available for all languages. Try using the default model for fr-FR or nl-NL.
I had the same issue with de-DE. It wouldn't work with the video model, but using the default model worked.


google nest hub can't play hls

My Question is
I push HLS steram to gnh(google nest hub) by action.devices.commands.GetCameraStream response format.gnh do nothing but show loading UI some seconds.
It's somthing wrong with my HLS file?
How to get log from gnh to help me debug?
As I know
I am tried to push mp4(1080p/under 60 fps) url to gnh, that's work well.
I am tried to convert mp4 to hls by some lib,include ffmpeg,Bento4.
Here is my JSON send to gnh:
"payload": {
"commands": [{
"status": "SUCCESS",
"states": {
"cameraStreamAccessUrl": "http:/path/of/steram.m3u8"
"ids": ["....."]
"requestId": "My_Request_Id"
It seems that you are missing the required property cameraStreamSupportedProtocols. Try adding the protocol and see if you are able to get the stream to work. This will load the default cast camera receiver since you are trying to play HLS content. If you are still seeing an issue with playback, it could be that your stream is malformed and needs to be revised.
Playback logs will only be available to you if you create your own basic receiver app and specify this in your response using the cameraStreamReceiverAppId property. To see more about creating a cast receiver app refer to the overview page ( and how to create a basic receiver ( for more information. We also do have a default camera receiver sample located in our sample github (

Voice recognition failed miserably: Wrong status code 401 in Bing Speech API / token

When I was trying to translate a sample audio from English to some other language using Azure Bing Speech to Text Api, I am getting Error: Voice recognition failed miserably: Wrong status code 401 in Bing Speech API / token
I have tried increasing open_timeout to a higher value like 50000(which was suggested for slow-internet) hard-coded in bingspeech-api-client in Line 110 , but still the error persists.
let audioStream = fs.createReadStream('hello.wav');
// Bing Speech Key (
let subscriptionKey = '******';
let client = new BingSpeechClient(subscriptionKey);
console.log("response is ",response);
console.log("response is ",response.results[0]);
console.log("error occured is ",error);
This code should generate the text from that sample audio file.
Code 401 means unauthorized - wrong key in your case. I suspect you followed an outdated version of some tutorial since by now the service is not called Bing Speech API anymore. See here for a current tutorial using the microsoft-cognitiveservices-speech-sdk SDK for node.js.

Azure Media Service REST API error MissingApiVersionParameter

I am trying setup media service pipeline via rest services using
Section : Encode remote file stream video – REST
We are getting an error at mentioned Step : Create an output asset
As per documentation{{api-version}}
Endpoint that we generaetd:
Even if we give api version as 2.1, 2.2 etc …. Then also error is same.
response error :
"error": {
"code": "MissingApiVersionParameter",
"message": "The api-version query parameter (?api-version=) is required for all requests."
In REST v2 the API versions were 2.0 through 2.19, current. But in the REST v3 the API the released version is 2018-07-01. See
Also, download the Postman Collection for V3 and look at the URLs. Make sure that you are formatting them properly.
Use the Postman Console to see the full URL post (open via Alt-CTL-C)
Typical create Asset call would look like:{{api-version}}
"/assets?api-version=2018-07-01" is an example

Microsoft Cognitive Services - Speaker Recognition API - Verification - SpeakerInvalid

I am trying to consume Microsoft Cognitive Speaker recognition API. I have attached Enrollment and verification audio samples. I get below response:
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "SpeakerInvalid"
Enrollment Audio :
Verification Auidio :
That's a generic "I couldn't handle that audio" error. Your links are dead, so I can't check it. Make sure your audio meets the requirements:
Container WAV
Encoding PCM
Rate 16K
Sample Format 16 bit
Channels Mono
Demo web page here with the audio being encoded in a valid format:
One of the issues that we I have had is that the enrollment is not completed, so first check the status of the Enrollment. It should be Enrolled
Profile p = speakerIdClient.getProfile(UUid);

Playing a raw audio file on a git hub pages project

So, I just deployed a project on github pages. It includes audio files that it is not picking up. I tried to get them with a raw link like so:
(audio id="playAstring")
(source src="" type="audio/mp4")
and it is giving me this error message:
"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)"
Any ideas?
