React deployment/running options - node.js

I have a spring-boot REST backend which i need to use from a React front-end. I dont have any React experience so what i need to know is the requirements of React front-end deployment.
Is it possible to run React with good old standart web hosting options (like we are serving static sites)?
Is it mandatory to install NodeJS in the server?
Other than NodeJS are there any other minimum mandatory requirements for React front-end to work.
Any help would be appreciated

Yes, build and then upload the files.
A modern web browser ?


Is it possible to turn express server serving react frontend into desktop app using electron?

I have made a web app using express and react, and I want to bundle it into a desktop application, is this possible using electron?
I recommend the tutorial at:
This isn't too hard actually, you can find all instructions you need in
To accomplish this, either your app keeps hosting it with express locally and electrons connects to localhost, or even better, do it by not hosting any servers and just keeping your JSX and html files in your project.
If you're using TypeScript and ES6, also consider taking a look here for some examples:

How do i convert MERN web app to desktop app?

I have created a simple billing web application using Node, Express, React and MongoDB
However i want to convert it into a Desktop application for local machines.
I know it is possible using electron, but i don't know how to do it.
Can anyone help me or provide with necessary resource?
you can use this boilerplate to get start a new project with react and electron.
Your build HTML file will act as the view file for your electron app.Which should be build by react-scripts.Use express server in separate file and use the server.
Handle requests just like you do in a MERN only need to set the view to the bundled HTML file.

Does the default Reactjs application use node.js?

This may be a dumb question, but is the default react app (created using npm create-react-app my-app) using node.js? I am confused because in my web development class at university, I had to download node.js to create react applications. However, I didn't have to do anything like creating a server or initiating a node.js file, which is described in w3school's node.js tutorial. Because of this, I found out that I don't even really know what node is used for, besides downloading packages like redux and whatnot.
create-react-app uses node.js for all of its dev tooling. Likewise, a lot of the tools you'll use in the React ecosystem (like webpack, prettier, npm), all run on top of node.js as well).
You'll most probably build your react app to a static file, in which case the production output will not require node.js, it will be html and javascript assets that can be served directly to a client.
Hope that helps! Let me know if you have other specific questions
Node.js is used for server-side while React.js is for the front-end part. So, no, you don't need Node.js.
Under development mode, yes. Create react app runs NodeJs with Webpack Dev Server to allow you get feedback when modifing files, start or stop the server.

Should I build server-side of application inside nuxt.js server directory?

I want to build full-stack application with Nuxt.js. I am wondering where I should create my server-side inside Nuxt.js or maybe I should create separated project only for server stuff.
I am trying to set up my project but I do not know how I should do it. The application which I am building will have own front-end, back-end and also database (I will use MongoDB) but actually I do not know how I should start. I was reading a lot about SSR and Nuxt.js seems really good if am planing to use Vue.js on fronted. While creating nuxt app I can choose to use Express and then I can see server directory inside my directory structure does it mean that i should build all back-end inside this directory or maybe it is only for small stuff?
I have also another question what if I want to use Nest.js on back-end can i just use npm i -g #nestjs/cli and then nest new project-name inside my server directory ? I was looking also for this answer but almost all results in google for this type are about (comparison between Nuxt.js, Next.js and Nest.js).
It will be my first bigger full-stack project and I want to do it right but I am a really beginner in this so I am looking for answer from more experienced programmers.
You can run express or any node.js server you want inside Nuxt.js. When installing Nuxt.js with scaffolding tool create-nuxt-app, you can choose integrated server-side frameworks : Express, Koa, Hapi, Feathers, Micro, Fastify, Adonis (WIP). There isn't offical Nest.js integration, but you can easily find a starter kit on github.
With create-nuxt-app, if you choose to use any node.js server inside your nuxt app, you will see a server directory inside your directory structure, with the corresponding server-side pre-configured index.js file.
Here is my own feeling about it:
I think the inside solution make sense for a small SPA or Headless project (Ex: parse and serve files, a simple JWT Authentification, a small websocket server...), or for a front-end logic application that cannot fit in client browser and who are nothing to do with the database (like image or file computation).
But generally, this server run the database layer for your Nuxt application: a REST or GraphQL API. It can also run your business logic of your app, serve authentification, and more and more when project growth...
If you think about separation of concerns and microservices
architecture, do not use server inside Nuxt.js. Splitting both frontend and server will result more flexibility. You can host frontend and API in different servers.
So now, do nuxt.js really need a node.js server ?
Yes if you plan to use it in SSR mode, No if you plan to use it like a SPA or Static generated way. Docs here... .
In SSR mode, nuxt.js ask data to your API at the first rendering, and provide a complete SEO compatible page to the client browser or bots. It also provide all javascript that the browser need to navigate and fetch your API. For that, nuxt.js in SSR mode should run with node.js.
I assume you said "back-end" for your API and your business logic application, in this case, you should separate nuxt.js and your server. Two node.js instances to run both.

Do I need Node.js or Express to deploy my Angular 2 app?

I am working on a food purchase web app. The app has already been launched on mobile (Android). Now we want to build a web version.
The backend of this app was built using Node, Angular and Firebase.
I would like to know if I can only use Angular 2 (without Node.js) for the web application. What the web app will basically do is to:
User authentication
Consume Backend API
Checkout, after purchase
My major concern is, do I need Node.js for anything? Or is Angular 2 just enough for my frontend development and deployment?
Angular is your front end.
Nodejs is your backend.
Firebase is a cloud backend that I assume you're handling your user Authentication's easier than DIY if you aren't backend savvy.
Depending on what Node is doing, then you might be able to remove node and rely entirely on Firebase(big maybe...).....I suggest not touching anything becuase you clearly aren't a backend engineer. Node is probably hosting your app's API and/or connecting to your database.
Yes, you can switch to a different backend from node like PHP or .Net and it will work with Angular2. You will need some sort of backend(Angular2 is 100% front End).
