GetOrgChart and the company behind it - getorgchart

We are looking to purchase a license of GetOrgChartJS for a project we are working on. We noticed they just adjusted their pricing.
However, before we commit to the Professional or Enterprise licenses, we'd like to know a little bit more about the company behind the product.
Where are they located? How big is the company? How many people do they have on staff? If someone on the staff of getOrgChart could comment here, that would be great.
We really like the product so far, and if we could find out more about the people behind, we'll be more than happy to get a license.
Thanks very much!


Is there a Kentico Small Business Edition for purchase?

Is there a Kentico Small Business Edition for purchase?
You should email and ask them. Since what is available to purchase starts at Base on their site, this small business one might be a free one under special conditions or no longer offered.
The Kentico Small Business License was introduced in 2009 as something that is only available to Kentico partners. This was following feedback from existing partners that smaller clients who did not need the full features of Kentico CMS.
It is still available as far as I am aware, but you would need to be a partner to get access to it.

Overview of Sharepoint 2010 and 2013 capabilities?

I'm looking for a page that provides a good, fairly basic and brief, end-user targeted overview of the capabilities of Sharepoint 2010, and another that does the same for Sharepoint 2013. I searched and couldn't really find much. Most of what I found was based on the assumption that the reader was familiar with Sharepoint already and was upgrading from an older version. I was hoping to find something for folks new to Sharepoint, checking it out for the very first time. Something kind of like a product info sheet that you'd see in a trade show booth, maybe.
Any pointers to something along these lines would be appreciated.
I work for a large university, and we offer Google Apps, Box, and Sharepoint (2010 now, 2013 soon) as options to support collaborative projects. I'm trying to help our user community understand the different capabilities of and optimal use cases for each tool. I've found good overview material for Box and Google Apps, but I'm getting stuck finding this for Sharepoint. And -- as luck would have it -- our users tend to be the least familiar with Sharepoint.
It's often hard to find decent information about SharePoint on the internet.. ;)
Maybe some of these links will help, but most probably you have already seen them all: [from a technical point of view] [collaboration feature overview - and it's official! ;)]
JFYI: there are also a couple of frameworks and platforms available which improve the social capabilities, for example MatchPoint Snow is one I have heard of.
Ok, if you're willing to actually convince people to use SharePoint, try following query - I think there are some good results there (but maybe there also too tech-targeted):
For example:

Editing a webpage with no source

I am a new developer (as in just graduated on the 10th) and was hired by a company to do web development. I was asked to do some minor changes to a site that this company acquired. The problem is that we do not have access to the source code (apparently the people had a bad break up with their previous developers and cannot get the source, I'm not exactly sure). Is there a way I can add links to a site and have it change live? I have Visual Studios, the address, the links, and the videos they will go to, not a hard fix, but I don't know how to edit the site without the source code. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
I advise you to talk to a senior or superior and get more information on how to proceed, because getting that code in a less than professional (or legal) way (e.g. using website rippers or something) would be a bad career move ;)
good luck.
interesting situation I should say, the company definetely didnt do its homework before the break-up
I am presuming you answer "yes" for the questions below
Is your company the legal owner of this website?
can you change the name servers or CNames etc
The current website is not Flash or silverlight
if here - you have said "yes" for all the above.
First of all navigate to every page of this website. File save as
each of this page to html(make sure you choose webpage complete -
this will save all the images as well) I realise this will be static, but there is not much you can do here
Get all resources (stylesheets, xsds (if any) , any other images)
Enrich this content based on requirements (i.e. add dynamic content, change logos etc)
Modify the cname or nameserver to point to the location(webserver)
you are in control.
Deploy your enriched and tested code
Educate your company to treat the developers well and when things go wrong, ensure transition is done well
I hope this help and good luck

Sharepoint as an Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

I work for a large organization and we have been utilizing SharePoint for document library. Yesterday my boss called me to his office and asked me:
"I heard that SharePoint is an ECM! So what can it do for us?".
"What kind of problem do you want us to solve utilizing SharePoint?", I replied.
"I want to know what it means when they say it is a ECM and how it can help us?", He said.
I told him it has Document Management, WorkFlow, Records Management, Search and some other stuff.
Anywho, He wants me to put togetter a list of things that SharePoint offers as an ECM.
You might find some useful info on the MS ECM team's blog.
Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server has a substantial content management system available. What was previously Microsoft Content Management Server was discontinued and that functionality was put under the Sharepoint umbrella. Usually this is referring to web content, but it can honestly be any kind of content relevant to an enterprise. It is intended to be a direct competitor to all the major WCMS out there, focused especially on the enterprise (governance, auditing, security model, etc).
That having been said, the current iteration of MOSS's EWCM pretty much blows. If you can develop your CM strategy to be parallel to MOSS, it can work out OK, otherwise it's much more pain than it's worth. Use SP for document management and use something else for content management.
Sharepoint is a collaboration platform restricted to a windows environment
Give Alfresco communities (labs) a go is my opinion here as it 'acts' as a Sharepoint server so Microsoft Office suite will not notice the difference but your wallet will...
Er... think the boss got a bit too much $$$ to spend. But really, an't we supposed to deploy a technical solution to solve a business problem.
The list of features can be found at

what is a feature in sharepoint?

...what are the essential components(files required) for a "Feature"..
and can anyone point to any best practice tutorials on creating features (using the "12 hive")...
sharepoint dev is new to me, and im just looking for best practice development.
tutorial/screencasts will be a bonus
A major headache, grounds for divorce, plausible excuse for murder, etc...
But actually the answer is a lot more complicated. The quick answer is it's a unit of deployment that generally includes content such as .aspx application pages, list schemas, customizations expressed in CAML (potentially huge XML files without much documentation.)
JD's suggestion for Ted Pattison's book is a good one but I suggest picking up a few books because you'll usually find something in one that you don't find in another and it will help you to see what is required by convention and what is just a particular author's preference.
You will really need to comb a lot of different sources and plan on spending a considerable amount of time with SharePoint before becoming comfortable with these concepts.
Check out the SharePoint Patterns and Practices information here and here
I also highly recommend picking up a copy of Ted Pattisons book Inside SharePoint Windows Services 3.0
These should be required reading for noob SharePoint developers. Good luck on your SharePoint journey.
This webcast about how to add social networking features to Sharepoint might be helpful.
And there's lots of videos here, some free and some not.
The minimum you need is feature.xml, and elements.xml if you want the feature to actually do something. I recommend the templates from WSPBuilder as a starting point.
