what is the difference between io.cucumber and info.cukes - cucumber

I am trying to integrate BDD using Cucumber. But I am really confused what is the difference between io.cucumber and info.cukes libraries. And which one to use and when.
I tried to read and understand the github README.md file still can't make heads or tails.
Still further I am not sure what is cucumber-jvm. Why do we need cucumber-junit (can't the standalone junit library suffice).
Thanks in advance. Any help is much appreciated.

Refer to the release notes for more details. - https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-jvm/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md.
There has been substantial changes in cucumber 2. Refer to this for more - https://cucumber.io/blog/2017/08/29/announcing-cucumber-jvm-2-0-0
io.cucumber and info.cukes are Maven group ids. info.cukes was for Cucumber version till 1.2.5. The latest version are in io.cucumber starting from 2.0.0. There is also a new version 3 with more goodies in github with the master as mentioned in the release notes.
The reason the groupid was changed because gherkin has changed the groupid similarly.
cucumber-jvm is the java implementation of Cucumber framework. there are many other implementations in other languages - https://github.com/cucumber.
When you use the #RunWith(Cucumber.class) on top of the test class, it means that a specialized runner is being used which will execute the feature files. The default runner of junit will not get you anywhere, though might cough up some exceptions.


Looking for solution for exporting data to Excel with Vaadin

We are looking for solution to export the data to excel in Vaadin application.
I have downloaded Vaadin excel exporter from GitHub https://github.com/bonprix/vaadin-excel-exporter which sounds to be a very useful utility but I am getting the error below when I am compiling vaadin-excel-exporter-demo project.
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project vaadin-excel-exporter-demo: Compilation failure: Compilation failure:
[ERROR] /C:/Java/Vaadin/VaadinProjetcs/vaadin-excel-exporter-master/vaadin-excel-exporter-master/vaadin-excel-exporter-demo/src/main/java/org/vaadin/addons/excelexporter/demo/DemoUI.java:[12,61] package org.vaadin.addons.excelexporter.configuration.builder does not exist
I've tried mvn clean and also delete the full .m2/repository local repository 
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile)
After searching on different forums it looks like maybe this add-on is missing from Maven repo. I have tried version 2.1 and LATEST.
<name>Excel Exporter</name>
So I have two questions.
Has anybody had the same problem wih this tool and/or maybe can explain what i am doing wrong.
If this tool is not maybe available anymore can anyone please share the tool which I can use to export the grid data to Excel. I am new with Vaadin so providing the code examples will be highly appreciated
If you look at the add-on through Vaadin directory, you'll find the necessary additions to your pom.xml in the Maven section of the sidebar. In this case, like Erik said in the comments, you are likely missing
The directory page also includes code samples for using the component after you get the dependencies fixed, as well as other information about the add-on. I haven't tested whether the demo within GitHub works, but the add-on itself should be usable in your project regardless. The newest version published through the directory is 2.0.
If you want to compile the add-on locally rather than use it through the add-on repository, you need to first successfully compile the add-on module, and then use the exact version configured in the pom.xml. Currently the master branch seems to be using <version>2.1-SNAPSHOT</version>.

Import Cucumber results to Jira/Xray

I am able to run the Cucumber/groovy (with maven/pom.xml) test locally. I'm trying to import the test results (results.jon) generated by cucumber to Jira with Xray.
I'm unable to find the steps or procedures required for this. The only source found: https://confluence.xpand-it.com/display/public/XRAY/Import+Execution+Results
but not applicable to my project. There is no CICD yet at the moment. Is there any way to generate results/reports imported to Jira every time I run a test/multiple tests?
For Gherkin-based frameworks, such as Cucumber, you can't simply submit the results. This is because Xray needs to have the Gherkin phrases, which cannot be inferred from the results file.
So you need to choose one of the possible cucumber flows. You need to either choose Xray as the master for the edition of Cucumber scenarios, or you need to use Git/SVN for that and then synch them to Xray.
These steps are detailed in the previous link.
You can see some useful tutorials here.
There are some cucumber specific tutorials, such as this one, but they're not fully detailed. You can see a more technically detailed tutorial for Serenity BDD that make those steps more visible, for the two different flows (you'll need then to adapt it to cucumber specifics, but the principles are the same).

Cucumber+TestNG and Cucumber+JUNIT comparison

Can anyone please help me in understanding what is difference or advantages of using Cucumber+TestNG over Cucumber+Junit ?
TestNG provides more Annotations Like #BeforeSuite .
TestNG it self provides support for Junit.
With Latest upgrade of cucumber(4.0) Cucumber - TestNg provides Parallel Execution at Scenario Level where as Junit provides at Feature level.
TestNG and Junit are just a unit testing frameworks, when you use Cucumber with Junit you can use Junit Annotation/Assertions in step definition file and similarly when you use Cucumber with TestNG you can use TestNG Annotation/Assertions in step definition file.
Actually in both cases you would be writing the Test Steps using selenium and probably will use the classes inside JUnit or TestNG to run the cucumber Feature file.
As per my knowledge the only place I used such file was the when I'm creating the TestRunner.java class.
It's much easier to do with JUnit since you just have to import org.junit.runner.RunWith But if you are using TestNG you'll need to use dataProviders and go on a bit more complex path to create the TestRunner Class
Other than that there won't be any other differences since you will be using cucumber features for testing.
Due to the above mentioned advantage, I recommend to use JUnit + Cucumber + Selenium for your scripting
I tried both but decided for JUNIT 4.12 (JUNIT 5 does not seem to work with cucumber yet). It has all that you need. But i have to test that parallel thing in Test NG i guess. ;)
I use Cucumber in a Spring Boot Project and therefore JUNIT did not cause any problems for me. I can hand over a browser instance over multiple classes here (#Autowired) and this makes my code so much more modularizable.
You may have more annotation-options with Test NG but somehow i have the feeling that more people work with JUnit, so you have more support and a bigger community here.

CodeNarc Maven Plugin

We have a project that uses Groovy extensively and we use Maven to build our artifacts. (IntelliJ as our IDE)
We wanted to incorporate some automated code-style checking, and thought we might use codecarc-maven-plugin. However, since that was from Codehaus, which gone now, is the plugin actively supported somewhere else?
Any other good options to run a Groovy style checker automatically during a Maven build?
That's a good catch. I'll add a pull request to update the website link. You can find the new plugin information on GitHub: https://github.com/gleclaire/codenarc-maven-plugin

GitVersion – selective versioning multiple assemblies of the same project

I’m on a .net c# project composed by a solution with several class library projects.
The source control is managed by git using gitflow as branching model.
We have decided that we wanted to implement semantic versioning (http://semver.org/) of the project in order to follow a standard way to communicate our releases.
For that we are using GitVersionTask (via NuGet) which works pretty well with gitflow.
Every time we tag a release and we perform a build from the master branch the version of all assemblies are updated and a new release is out for delivery.
Only one of the assemblies has a public API, all the other are for internal consume. I would like to know if this is the correct way to manage the version of multiple assemblies of the same project I mean, isn’t it wrong to change the version of every assembly when only a couple (or even just one) was changed? To get thinks more complicated there is strong possibility that some of the “internal” assemblies will be used by other projects so I believe it not very wise to increment a major version of an assembly that didn’t suffer a change just because another assembly of the same project is promoting breaking changes. Should each assembly project be managed on its own repository?
Thanks in advance.
I know this is a bit of an old question, still:
I want to share a workaround that seems to be working:
GitVersion uses $(Build.SourcesDirectory) to see where the sources are located - src
We can change this using logging commands*
Workaround is to set the Build.SourcesDirectory before GitVersion task
Then gitVersion uses the GitVersion.yml from the project folder (Build.SourceDirectory) and voila - works
After that you might want to roll back the change or not - depending on your need. For me it seems it is nice to scope down to the only nuget package from the collection of nuget packages in our nugetPackages monorepo.
see GitVersion issue and comment
*Example Powershell command:
standard PowerShell task; set to inline script;
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Build_SourcesDirectory;]$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\$(NugetProjectName)"
There is certainly nothing in GitVersion that would help with having separate projects within the same repository. The guidance that we would offer here is that you should use different repositories for the different parts of your application. That way they can be versioned/updated at their own cadence.
