Not an editor command: RopeGotoDefinition - vim

I'm working with a fresh install of python-mode (installed with Vundle on Vim 8) and find that "go to definition" mapping never works no matter how I set g:pymode_rope_goto_definition_bind.
Then I found RopeGotoDefinition is not an editor command. How could this happen? I'm confused.

Solved it by myself before someone thinks I can't even do a git clone.
After digging into the plugin code, I found g:pymode_rope_goto_definition_bind is actually mapped to :call pymode#rope#goto_definition()<CR> rather than :RopeGotoDefinition which appears only once in the whole repo.
After verifying :call pymode#rope#goto_definition()<CR> command works as expected, I found my problem (failing to map) was caused by terminal emulator and Vim eating up all Ctrl+letter combinations. Something other than that works well, e.g. let g:pymode_rope_goto_definition_bind='<leader>pg'.
As for :RopeGotoDefinition, maybe it's just the remnant of old code lingering in the documentation.


vim plugin not working: schlepp

Yes, I've checked the other similar questions.
I manually installed the schlepp plugin. It's in the bundle directory, next to plugins that are working. In fact, I also put it in the plugin directory.
I put the runtime line in my .vimrc, and verified in vim that it's working. I even did vim -V, and saw that vim is looking in the schlepp folder. And yet, if I do ":help schlepp", it says, "Sorry, no help for schlepp."
If you read the documentation for the plugin, you'll find the instructions for manual installation, which hint quite distinctly at using a plugin manager.
Presuming you have indeed copied the plugin correctly, I guess you forgot :helptags doc.
The plugin seems rather unmaintained. Why not have a look at vim-move instead?

Vim74: E149 Sorry no help for help.txt

I just downloaded and installed vim74 on to my linux box. I'm only installing locally, for the user. When I go into vim, and do :help, I get the error.
I tried adding:
let $VIM='home/myuser/vim74'
let $VIMRUNTIME='home/myuser/vim74/runtime'
to my .vimrc but it didn't help. How can I fix this?
When building vim yourself and installing locally it seems that you need to generate the helptags manually from within vim since the build process doesn't seem to do it. I ran into this very same issue when building the latest vim version 8.0.311. I followed the link in Ben Klein's comment above, but both my &helpfile and &runtimepath were correct, yet I still received the E149 error when doing :help which I assume is your situation as well postelrich.
I found the helptags solution here:
Even though I was installing vim locally on a centos system and not a mac, the issue seems to be universal. I just replaced $VIMRUNTIME with the path to the local vim runtime installed from make install, which in your case may be something like /home/myuser/vim74/runtime
Specifically I ran this from within vim:
:helptags ~/share/vim/vim80/doc
In your case you will probably run something like:
:helptags ~/vim74/runtime/doc
Once done, :help should immediately start working again without having to restart vim.
You can get the same “E149 Sorry no help for help.txt” error if you have a long-running Vim session and the Vim program files were upgraded in the meantime.
This happened to me: I had started an editing session in a GNU screen window on my Debian testing system using Vim 8.1. Some time later, unattenttended-upgrades upgraded Vim 8.1 to 8.2 with the result that the run-time paths were now no longer valid. I could have saved the session and restarted Vim, but it was simpler/easier to run the following command (specific to 8.2):
:set helpfile=/usr/share/vim/vim82/doc/help.txt

gVim 7.3 in fullscreen mode

I'm using the script to open gVim in fullscreen downloaded from here:
I've also added this line to the startup settings:
:call libcallnr("gvimfullscreen.dll", "ToggleFullScreen", 0)
When running gVim with this setting, I get the following error:
Error detected while processing _virmc:
E364: Library call failed for "ToggleFullScreen()"
Is there anything else I need to do with the files from that script? If I need to compile it somehow, would like someone to guide me through that process as I'm fairly new to Vim. Thanks!
Edit: I'm running Windows 7
I guess you mean ~/.vimrc or ~/.gvimrc by "startup settings". When that is executed, the GUI isn't initialized yet. Try delaying the execution with an autocmd:
:autocmd GUIEnter * call libcallnr("gvimfullscreen.dll", "ToggleFullScreen", 0)
It doesn't seem to be working if you place that call line in your vimrc. It should be called after Vim has finished loading. I suggest using that mapping from the readme:
map <F11> <Esc>:call libcallnr("gvimfullscreen.dll", "ToggleFullScreen", 0)<CR>
It worked for me.
I had the same problem when I was install this script through Vundle.
It's solved the problem:
Copy the DLL to the folder where GVIM.EXE is located.
An alternative to copying the gvimfullscreen.dll to the executable directory is to specify the file path, like this:
call libcallnr(expand("$VIM") . "/bundle/gvimfullscreen_win32/gvimfullscreen.dll", "ToggleFullScreen", 0)
In this example, I'm using $VIM and the bundle directory, but you can change this to a full path, or use another variable/path that works better for you.
This isn't a direct answer, but after searching for a solution for quite a while, I've decided that the prettiest way to run Vim on Windows is via Cygwin, via the (bundled) mintty terminal. It has a genuine full screen and even transparencies!

vim and latex-box

I installed the vim plugin latex-box but I am having trouble getting it to compile my Latex file. The docs say it uses latexmk to do the compiling, and I have that installed and it works when called by itself.
But when I use the plugin's \ll command to compile I get an error that says 'cannot run latexmk in background without a VIM server'. I cannot find an explanation of why this error would occur in the plugin documentation.
I found a solution to this issue, but ran into others.
To fix this, you need to install the full version of vim (which is different depending on your OS) which will include things like server support. I suggest doing this even if you don't use this plugin because it will fix not been able to copy/paste from/to vim. In (K)ubuntu, install the package vim-gtk.
Start vim like this vim --servername SOMETHING file.tex
After doing this, the servername error went away and the compilation went through but the output from latexmk shows up on top of the file I'm editing. It doesn't overwrite it, it's just displayed on top of the text. When I move the cursor and vim highlights a word or bracket, that appears back on the screen. The only quick way I found to get rid of the compiler output is to scroll the file up and back down, that makes the text appear again.
You can ask vim to redraw the screen like this:
Append that command after running your latex command.

fresh installation of gvim on ubuntu. where should I put my plugins?

I just installed gvim on fresh installation of ubuntu lucid. I've messed this up before that's why I want to start on the correct step here.
Where should I keep all my plugins and my .vimrc??
my current runtimepath on gvim is:
one thing that i've never been able to get working on gvim is snipMate. Anyone has pointers on having that work with gvim?
I use pathogen with ~/.vimrc and plugins in ~/.vim/bundle, more details here. You can see an example here.
Plugin folder is always under ~home/.vim or ~home/vimfiles your vim configuration file or .vimrc always in your ~home/ as for example: ~home/.vimrc
Snipmate fully works for me under Ubuntu. unzip it correclty and it should work right. BTW a great great plugin.
