Cassandra vs Cassandra+Ignite - cassandra

(Single Node Cluster)I've got a table having 2 columns, one is of 'text' type and the other is a 'blob'. I'm using Datastax's C++ driver to perform read/write requests in Cassandra.
The blob is storing a C++ structure.(Size: 7 KB).
Since I was getting lesser than desirable throughput when using Cassandra alone, I tried adding Ignite on top of Cassandra, in the hope that there will be significant improvement in the performance as now the data will be read from RAM instead of hard disks.
However, it turned out that after adding Ignite, the performance dropped even more(roughly around 50%!).
Read Throughput when using only Cassandra: 21000 rows/second.
Read Throughput with Cassandra + Ignite: 9000 rows/second.
Since, I am storing a C++ structure in Cassandra's Blob, the Ignite API uses serialization/de-serialization while writing/reading the data. Is this the reason, for the drop in the performance(consider the size of the structure i.e. 7K) or is this drop not at all expected and maybe something's wrong in the configuration?
Cassandra: 3.11.2
RHEL: 6.5
Configurations for Ignite are same as given here.
I got significant improvement in Ignite+Cassandra throughput when I used serialization in raw mode. Now the throughput has increased from 9000 rows/second to 23000 rows/second. But still, it's not significantly superior to Cassandra. I'm still hopeful to find some more tweaks which will improve this further.
I've added some more details about the configurations and client code on github.

Looks like you do one get per each key in this benchmark for Ignite and you didn't invoke loadCache before it. In this case, on each get, Ignite will go to Cassandra to get value from it and only after it will store it in the cache. So, I'd recommend invoking loadCache before benchmarking, or, at least, test gets on the same keys, to give an opportunity to Ignite to store keys in the cache. If you think you already have all the data in caches, please share code where you write data to Ignite too.
Also, you invoke "grid.GetCache" in each thread - it won't take a lot of time, but you definitely should avoid such things inside benchmark, when you already measure time.


What is the difference between scylla read path and cassandra read path?

What is the difference between Scylla read path and Cassandra read path? When I stress Cassandra and Scylla then Scylla read performance poor by 5 times than Cassandra using 16 core and normal HDD.
I expect better read performance on Scylla compared to Cassandra using normal HDD, because my company doesn't provide SSD's.
Can someone please confirm, is it possible to achieve better read performance using normal HDD or not?
If yes, what changes required scylla config?. Please guide me!
Some other responses focused on write performance, but this isn't what you asked about - you asked about reads.
Uncached read performance on HDDs is bound to be poor in both Cassandra and Scylla, because reads from disk each requires several seeks on the HDD, and even the best HDD cannot do more than, say, 200 of those seeks per second. Even with a RAID of several of these disks, you will rarely be able to do more than, say, 1000 requests per second. Since a modern multi-core can do orders of magnitude more CPU work than 1000 requests per second, in both Scylla and Cassandra cases, you'll likely see free CPU. So Scylla's main benefit, of using much less CPU per request, will not even matter when the disk is the performance bottleneck. In such cases I would expect Scylla's and Cassandra's performance (I am assuming that you're measuring throughput when you talk about performance?) should be roughly the same.
If, still, you're seeing better throughput from Cassandra than Scylla, there are several details that may explain why, beyond the general client mis-configuration issues raised in other responses:
If you have low amounts of data, that can fit in memory, Cassandra's caching policy is better for your workload. Cassandra uses the OS's page cache, which reads whole disk pages and may cache multiple items in one read, as well as multiple index entries. While Scylla works differently, and has a row cache - only caching the specific data read. Scylla's caching is better for large volumes of data that do not fit in memory, but much worse when the data can fit in memory, until the entire data set has been cached (after everything is cached, it becomes very efficient again).
On HDDs, the details of compaction are very important for read performance - if in one setup you have more sstables to read, it can increase the number of reads and lower the performance. This can change depending on your compaction configuration, or even randomly (depending on when compaction was run last). You can check if this explains your performance issues by doing a major compaction ("nodetool compact") on both systems and checking the read performance afterwards. You can switch the compaction strategy to LCS to ensure that random-access read performance is better, at the cost of more write work (on HDDs, this can be a worthwhile compromise).
If you are measuring scan performance (reading an entire table) instead of reading individual rows, other issues become relevant: As you may have heard, Scylla subdivides each nodes into shards (each shard is a single CPU). This is fantastic for CPU-bounded work, but could be worse for scanning tables which aren't huge, because each sstable is now smaller and the amount of contiguous data you can read before needing to seek again is lower.
I don't know which of these differences - or something else - is causing performance of your use-case to be lower in Scylla, but I please keep in mind that whatever you fix, your performance is always going to be bad with HDDs. With SDDs, we've measured in the past more than a million random-access read requests per second on a single node. HDDs cannot come anything close. If you really need optimum performance or performance per dollar, SDDs are really the way to go.
There can be various reasons why you are not getting the most out of your Scylla Cluster.
Number of concurrent connections from your clients/loaders is not high enough, or you're not using sufficient amount of loaders. In such case, some shards will be doing all the work, while others will be mostly idle. You want to keep your parallelism high.
Scylla likes have a minimum of 2 connections per shard (you can see the number of shards in /etc/scylla.d/cpuset.conf)
What's the size of your dataset? Are you reading a large amount of partitions or just a few? You might be hitting a hot partition situation
I strongly recommend reading the following docs that will provide you more insights:
#Sateesh, I want to add to the answer by #TomerSan that both Cassandra and ScyllaDB utilize the same disk storage architecture (LSM). That means that they have relatively the same disk access patterns because the algorithms are largely the same. The LSM trees were built with the idea in mind that it is not necessary to do instant in-place updates. It consists of immutable data buckets that are large continuous pieces of data on disk. That means less random IO, more sequential IO for which the HDD works great (not counting utilized parallelism by modern database implementations).
All the above means that the difference that you see, is not induced by the difference in how those databases use a disk. It must be related to the configuration differences and what happens underneath. Maybe ScyllaDB tries to utilize more parallelism or more aggressively do compaction. It depends.
In order to be able to say anything specific, please share your tests, envs, and configurations.
Both databases use LSM tree but Scylla has thread-per-core architecture on top plus we use O_Direct while C* uses the page cache. Scylla also has a sophisticated IO scheduler that makes sure not to overload the disk and thus scylla_setup runs a benchmark automatically to tune. Check your output of it in io.conf.
There are far more things to review, better to send your data to the mailing list. In general, Scylla should perform better in this case as well but your disk is likely to be the bottleneck in both cases.
As a summary I would say Scylladb and cassandra have the same read / write path
memtable, commitlog, sstable.
However implementation is very different:
- cassandra rely on OS for low level IO and network (most DBMS does)
- scylladb rely on its own lib (seastar) to handle IO and network at a low level independently from OS page cache etc. This is why they can provide feature such as workload scheduling within the same cluster that would be very hard to implement in cassandra.

Getting data OUT of Cassandra?

How can I export data, over a period of time (like hourly or daily) or updated records from a Cassandra database? It seems like using an index with a date field might work, but I definitely get timeouts in my cqlsh when I try that by hand, so I'm concerned that it's not reliable to do that.
If that's not the right way, then how do people get their data out of Cassandra and into a traditional database (for analysis, querying with JOINs, etc..)? It's not a java shop, so using Spark is non-trivial (and we don't want to change our whole system to use Spark instead of cassandra directly). Do I have to read sstables and try to keep track of them that way? Is there a way to say "get me all records affected after point in time X" or "get me all changes after timestamp X" or something similar?
It looks like Cassandra is really awesome at rapidly reading and writing individual records, but beyond that Cassandra seems to not be the right tool if you want to pull its data into anything else for analysis or warehousing or querying...
Spark is the most typical to do exactly that (as you say). It does it efficiently and is used often so pretty reliable. Cassandra is not really designed for OLAP workloads but things like spark connector help bridge the gap. DataStax Enterprise might have some more options available to you but I am not sure their current offerings.
You can still just query and page through the whole data set with normal CQL queries, its just not as fast. You can even use ALLOW FILTERING just be wary as its very expensive and can impact your cluster (creating a separate dc for the workload and using LOCOL_CL queries against it helps). You will probably also in that scenario add a < token() and > token() to the where clause to split up the query and prevent too much work on any one coordinator. Organizing your data so that this query is more efficient would be strongly recommended (ie if doing time slices, put things in a partition bucketed by time and clustering key timeuuids so its sequential read for each part of time).
Kinda cheesy sounding but the CSV dump from cqlsh is actually fast and might work for you if your data set is small enough.
I would not recommend going to the sstables directly unless you are familiar with internals and using hadoop or spark.

hbase vs cassandra for messaging

A few years ago, Facebook decided to use hbase instead of cassandra for its messaging system:
The main fact why fb uses hbase was that reads are faster than writes in compare to cassandra. Is this fact still true? I am using cassandra 3.0 and when setting read consistency level to ONE or TWO, reads are faster than when setting to ALL.
Now my question is: If Facebook has to decide to use cassandra or hbase in 2016, will its decision still be hbase?
Cassandra was designed and built originally for optimized write performance. As versions have been released their has been a lot of work done to increase the read performance so that it is much closer to write performance. There have been multiple benchmarks and studies done on HBase versus Cassandra but in general they tend to say that performance is about equal to Cassandra being a bit better. however I always take all of these performance benchmark studies with a grain of salt as you can make anyone the winner depending on how you setup the test.
You will most certainly get faster reads and writes with a CL=ONE than ALL because the coordinator only needs to wait for any of the replicas to respond instead of all of them. If you are in a multi-DC scenario then LOCAL_ONE will increase the throughput even more.
As for whether or not FB would choose Cassandra over HBase, it is impossible to say because there is so much more to making that decision than just simple performance metrics. I can say that a messaging use case is one that cassandra performs well. You can read thier use cases here:

Cassandra as distributed cached data store

Can we use Cassandra as a distributed in-memory cache database by utilizing its file level caching, key cache, and row cache?
I don't want to overload each node and I want to add more nodes to the cluster when the data grows to make this effective (to let most of my data be cached). Especially since 40% of my column families are static, and updates/insertions to other tables are not much.
The primary aim of ours is that we need an elastic realtime data store (faster around as in memory dB)
Cassandra was not born for the goal but after many optimizations it has become also a tool for in-memory caching. There are a few experiments -- the most significant I know is the one reported by Netflix. In Netflix they replaced their EVCache system (whom was persisted by a Cassandra backend) with a new SSD cassandra-based cache architecture -- the results are very impressive in term of performance improvements and cost-reduction.
Before choosing Cassandra as a replacement for any cache system I'd recommend to deeply understand the usage of row-caching and key-caching. More, I've never used Datastax Enterprise but it has an interesting in memory table feature.
I guess you could but I don't think that's correct use-case for Cassandra. Without knowing more about your requirements, I'd recommend you have a look at products like e.g. Hazelcast which is an in-memory distributed cache and sounds more like a fit for your use-case.
I know its a little late but I've just come accross this post doing some research on Cassandra.
I've seen success with Tibco's AST (recently rebranded to DTM) for in memory caching.
I've also played around with Pivotal's gemfire (this uses Geode under the covers), which has shown some promise.

fake fsync calls to improve performance [duplicate]

I am switching to PostgreSQL from SQLite for a typical Rails application.
The problem is that running specs became slow with PG.
On SQLite it took ~34 seconds, on PG it's ~76 seconds which is more than 2x slower.
So now I want to apply some techniques to bring the performance of the specs on par with SQLite with no code modifications (ideally just by setting the connection options, which is probably not possible).
Couple of obvious things from top of my head are:
RAM Disk (good setup with RSpec on OSX would be good to see)
Unlogged tables (can it be applied on the whole database so I don't have change all the scripts?)
As you may have understood I don't care about reliability and the rest (the DB is just a throwaway thingy here).
I need to get the most out of the PG and make it as fast as it can possibly be.
Best answer would ideally describe the tricks for doing just that, setup and the drawbacks of those tricks.
UPDATE: fsync = off + full_page_writes = off only decreased time to ~65 seconds (~-16 secs). Good start, but far from the target of 34.
UPDATE 2: I tried to use RAM disk but the performance gain was within an error margin. So doesn't seem to be worth it.
I found the biggest bottleneck and now my specs run as fast as the SQLite ones.
The issue was the database cleanup that did the truncation. Apparently SQLite is way too fast there.
To "fix" it I open a transaction before each test and roll it back at the end.
Some numbers for ~700 tests.
Truncation: SQLite - 34s, PG - 76s.
Transaction: SQLite - 17s, PG - 18s.
2x speed increase for SQLite.
4x speed increase for PG.
First, always use the latest version of PostgreSQL. Performance improvements are always coming, so you're probably wasting your time if you're tuning an old version. For example, PostgreSQL 9.2 significantly improves the speed of TRUNCATE and of course adds index-only scans. Even minor releases should always be followed; see the version policy.
Do NOT put a tablespace on a RAMdisk or other non-durable storage.
If you lose a tablespace the whole database may be damaged and hard to use without significant work. There's very little advantage to this compared to just using UNLOGGED tables and having lots of RAM for cache anyway.
If you truly want a ramdisk based system, initdb a whole new cluster on the ramdisk by initdbing a new PostgreSQL instance on the ramdisk, so you have a completely disposable PostgreSQL instance.
PostgreSQL server configuration
When testing, you can configure your server for non-durable but faster operation.
This is one of the only acceptable uses for the fsync=off setting in PostgreSQL. This setting pretty much tells PostgreSQL not to bother with ordered writes or any of that other nasty data-integrity-protection and crash-safety stuff, giving it permission to totally trash your data if you lose power or have an OS crash.
Needless to say, you should never enable fsync=off in production unless you're using Pg as a temporary database for data you can re-generate from elsewhere. If and only if you're doing to turn fsync off can also turn full_page_writes off, as it no longer does any good then. Beware that fsync=off and full_page_writes apply at the cluster level, so they affect all databases in your PostgreSQL instance.
For production use you can possibly use synchronous_commit=off and set a commit_delay, as you'll get many of the same benefits as fsync=off without the giant data corruption risk. You do have a small window of loss of recent data if you enable async commit - but that's it.
If you have the option of slightly altering the DDL, you can also use UNLOGGED tables in Pg 9.1+ to completely avoid WAL logging and gain a real speed boost at the cost of the tables getting erased if the server crashes. There is no configuration option to make all tables unlogged, it must be set during CREATE TABLE. In addition to being good for testing this is handy if you have tables full of generated or unimportant data in a database that otherwise contains stuff you need to be safe.
Check your logs and see if you're getting warnings about too many checkpoints. If you are, you should increase your checkpoint_segments. You may also want to tune your checkpoint_completion_target to smooth writes out.
Tune shared_buffers to fit your workload. This is OS-dependent, depends on what else is going on with your machine, and requires some trial and error. The defaults are extremely conservative. You may need to increase the OS's maximum shared memory limit if you increase shared_buffers on PostgreSQL 9.2 and below; 9.3 and above changed how they use shared memory to avoid that.
If you're using a just a couple of connections that do lots of work, increase work_mem to give them more RAM to play with for sorts etc. Beware that too high a work_mem setting can cause out-of-memory problems because it's per-sort not per-connection so one query can have many nested sorts. You only really have to increase work_mem if you can see sorts spilling to disk in EXPLAIN or logged with the log_temp_files setting (recommended), but a higher value may also let Pg pick smarter plans.
As said by another poster here it's wise to put the xlog and the main tables/indexes on separate HDDs if possible. Separate partitions is pretty pointless, you really want separate drives. This separation has much less benefit if you're running with fsync=off and almost none if you're using UNLOGGED tables.
Finally, tune your queries. Make sure that your random_page_cost and seq_page_cost reflect your system's performance, ensure your effective_cache_size is correct, etc. Use EXPLAIN (BUFFERS, ANALYZE) to examine individual query plans, and turn the auto_explain module on to report all slow queries. You can often improve query performance dramatically just by creating an appropriate index or tweaking the cost parameters.
AFAIK there's no way to set an entire database or cluster as UNLOGGED. It'd be interesting to be able to do so. Consider asking on the PostgreSQL mailing list.
Host OS tuning
There's some tuning you can do at the operating system level, too. The main thing you might want to do is convince the operating system not to flush writes to disk aggressively, since you really don't care when/if they make it to disk.
In Linux you can control this with the virtual memory subsystem's dirty_* settings, like dirty_writeback_centisecs.
The only issue with tuning writeback settings to be too slack is that a flush by some other program may cause all PostgreSQL's accumulated buffers to be flushed too, causing big stalls while everything blocks on writes. You may be able to alleviate this by running PostgreSQL on a different file system, but some flushes may be device-level or whole-host-level not filesystem-level, so you can't rely on that.
This tuning really requires playing around with the settings to see what works best for your workload.
On newer kernels, you may wish to ensure that vm.zone_reclaim_mode is set to zero, as it can cause severe performance issues with NUMA systems (most systems these days) due to interactions with how PostgreSQL manages shared_buffers.
Query and workload tuning
These are things that DO require code changes; they may not suit you. Some are things you might be able to apply.
If you're not batching work into larger transactions, start. Lots of small transactions are expensive, so you should batch stuff whenever it's possible and practical to do so. If you're using async commit this is less important, but still highly recommended.
Whenever possible use temporary tables. They don't generate WAL traffic, so they're lots faster for inserts and updates. Sometimes it's worth slurping a bunch of data into a temp table, manipulating it however you need to, then doing an INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... to copy it to the final table. Note that temporary tables are per-session; if your session ends or you lose your connection then the temp table goes away, and no other connection can see the contents of a session's temp table(s).
If you're using PostgreSQL 9.1 or newer you can use UNLOGGED tables for data you can afford to lose, like session state. These are visible across different sessions and preserved between connections. They get truncated if the server shuts down uncleanly so they can't be used for anything you can't re-create, but they're great for caches, materialized views, state tables, etc.
In general, don't DELETE FROM blah;. Use TRUNCATE TABLE blah; instead; it's a lot quicker when you're dumping all rows in a table. Truncate many tables in one TRUNCATE call if you can. There's a caveat if you're doing lots of TRUNCATES of small tables over and over again, though; see: Postgresql Truncation speed
If you don't have indexes on foreign keys, DELETEs involving the primary keys referenced by those foreign keys will be horribly slow. Make sure to create such indexes if you ever expect to DELETE from the referenced table(s). Indexes are not required for TRUNCATE.
Don't create indexes you don't need. Each index has a maintenance cost. Try to use a minimal set of indexes and let bitmap index scans combine them rather than maintaining too many huge, expensive multi-column indexes. Where indexes are required, try to populate the table first, then create indexes at the end.
Having enough RAM to hold the entire database is a huge win if you can manage it.
If you don't have enough RAM, the faster storage you can get the better. Even a cheap SSD makes a massive difference over spinning rust. Don't trust cheap SSDs for production though, they're often not crashsafe and might eat your data.
Greg Smith's book, PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance remains relevant despite referring to a somewhat older version. It should be a useful reference.
Join the PostgreSQL general mailing list and follow it.
Tuning your PostgreSQL server - PostgreSQL wiki
Number of database connections - PostgreSQL wiki
Use different disk layout:
different disk for $PGDATA
different disk for $PGDATA/pg_xlog
different disk for tem files (per database $PGDATA/base//pgsql_tmp) (see note about work_mem)
postgresql.conf tweaks:
shared_memory: 30% of available RAM but not more than 6 to 8GB. It seems to be better to have less shared memory (2GB - 4GB) for write intensive workloads
work_mem: mostly for select queries with sorts/aggregations. This is per connection setting and query can allocate that value multiple times. If data can't fit then disk is used (pgsql_tmp). Check "explain analyze" to see how much memory do you need
fsync and synchronous_commit: Default values are safe but If you can tolerate data lost then you can turn then off
random_page_cost: if you have SSD or fast RAID array you can lower this to 2.0 (RAID) or even lower (1.1) for SSD
checkpoint_segments: you can go higher 32 or 64 and change checkpoint_completion_target to 0.9. Lower value allows faster after-crash recovery
