I want to use ArangoDB to store data in Knowledge Graph.
But I meet a problem:
There are rdfs:subClassOf and rdfs:subPropertyOf in RDFs, and if I want to express these two relations in ArangoDB, what should I do?
For example, how to express :
I am using Knex.js to build SQL queries. It works well but I need to convert my query results into domain entities (a type representing an object from the domain) for my graphql resolvers. I used Knex to avoid using an ORM because a number of people online made it seem like an ORM will make queries more difficult. My current best idea is to follow the Repository pattern and have the ugly code for converting results to classes in the repo class. Better ideas are welcome :)
As I understood you want to just make a db-call based on GraphQL query (which is mean you already have db and want to use simple ORM instead of EF for example).
I don't know which platform do you have, but if you have .net, you can take a look NReco.GraphQL. It allows to set db-connection and define graphql schema in the json file (graphql schmea to db-table including relation between schemas), definately, it's worth take a look.
What is the best way to get statistics from documents in a mongodb:
Questions like: How many posts (documents in mongo) did a user create by month/quarter? Or in which categories did this user post? And if one post had more than one category in an array how would you count those elegantly?
Are there shortcut functions to sums/mean/sd?
What is the best way to handle this kind of data and is there some kind of datascience package like pandas in python oder R like dataframes in node?
I'm using mongoose schemas at application level in combination with mongodb. For testing, I want to fill my mongodb with fake data. The library mongoose-faker does not seem to be automatic. I know there are fakers for JSON-Schema, but I don't want to maintain to types of Schemas.
Is it possible to generate fake data automaticaly?
Edit: I'll try to generate a JSON-Schema from my Mongoose-Schema. I can test this on monday
The Mongoose-Schema can be transformed into an JSON-Schema with the module mongoose-schema-jsonschema. Fake data can be generated with the module json-schema-faker.
It's nice to know, that the transformation can only transform standard mongoose types to JSON-Schema. Also the faker seems to have problems with generating required fields if they are in an array of objects.
But in general this solution works.
I did several tests and read a lot of cases to use Neo4J for Graph-Based Search. I am convinced by the features as the flexible schema and Real-time search and retrieval. But I also realise it is not designed to store documents to facilitate full-text search. For me the potential of this product is in the business value through data relationships.
The product is matching for 99% with my case: a 'internal google' for the company where I work, except for full-text search on documents (Word, PDF, etc). This is not a hard requirement, but a nice to have. Nevertheless, should I drop the specific Neo4J features and go for a product like Elastic Search or is Neo4J the product we are looking for?
There are a few options for text search in Neo4j:
Cypher (the Neo4j query language) includes a few string comparison operators: CONTAINS, STARTS WITH and ENDS WITH. For example:
MATCH (d:Document) WHERE d.title STARTS WITH "Graph"
You can also make use of Lucene queries with Neo4j through "legacy" indexes. For example:
START doc=node:node_auto_index("title:graph*")
See this post for more information.
You can also model documents as graphs, and query them using Cypher as a graph model. For example, see the Neo4j Doc Manager project for converting data from MongoDB to Neo4j.
Finally, you can also use Neo4j and Elasticsearch together, indexing text data in Elasticsearch and using Neo4j for graph traversals. See this project.
I'm new to mongoDB and in a node project i'm using mongoose to create a schema for my database. I have come to understand that in my case i should be using embedded data instead of by reference. (http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/data-modeling-introduction/)
The structure that i need to store in the database is something like this:
| title
| | chapter
| | | content (url to a html file)
Coming from a mySQL world, i'm trying to understand the noSQL database concepts and i was wondering how one would design the mongoose schema.
You can nest documents, and document arrays in a MongoDB document:
can return a JSON:
title:"some book",
author:"Earnest Hemmingway",
{title:"chapter 1",content:"http://api.com/chapters/1.html"},
{title:"chapter 2",content:"http://api.com/chapters/2.html"}
But, there are a few more things to keep in mind when modeling a collection in MongoDB:
Model data as close as possible to what will be asked for: There are no Joins in MongoDB, so, try to keep all such data together (pre joined), that is supposed be queried together in future.
Nesting is good for queries but nested update and search is bad:
Indexing and searching inside nested documents, especially arrays, will be expensive.
Avoid placing any data in nested arrays, that is very frequently updated.
There are no Foriegn Keys in MongoDB. So, if you have multiple copies of same document nested under different collections, keeping all of them updated is your responsibility.
First take a look at this Martin Fowlers excellent video:
I think there is no better authority that can explain nosql, then Fowler. Especially knowing his sql background.
Second, MongoDB follows json schema. If you know how to work with json, you will know how to work with nosql (mongodb). Basic thing that needs to be understand is that Mongo schema is expressed in a language that is using it.
So, if you are using NodeJS with Mongo, you still have objects and array to work with. In simple words, Mongo is not forcing any particular schema. It is on developer to create his scheme based on his language/mongo driver.
So how would you express you data logic in your language ? If it is in form of JS object, then move that form to db.
I really like MongoDB, becuse it can be combined with some great JS tools like Underscore.js for all kind of data manipulations.