make inplace tag by default editable without click - primefaces - jsf

I am working with primefaces 4.0, I am wondering how to make the following inplace tag editable without clicking the text here is the code
<p:inplace id="ajax" editor="true">
<p:inputText value="#{inplaceView.text}" required="true" label="text" />
so I must click the inplace to make it editable, I need to change this code to make it editable without any click or any action from the user once the page is loaded it should rendered as editable

As Kukeltje stated you could fake clicks with JavaScript/jQuery. If you don't want to use the id you could make use of data-* attribute and select elements by that, for example:
<html ...
$(document).ready(function() {
$("[data-show-initial='true'] > span").click();
<h:form id="form">
<p:inplace id="inplace" editor="true" pt:data-show-initial="true">
<p:inputText value="#{viewBean.value}" required="true" label="text" />
Note that Pass Through Attributes (pt) only exist since JSF 2.2.


JSF 2.3 Facet in Composite Component with wrong ID

I have the following simple code in a composite component (using Mojarra 2.3.9 / Primefaces 7):
<h:form id="form">
<composite:insertChildren />
<ui:fragment rendered="#{!empty cc.facets.actions}">
<div class="actions">
<composite:renderFacet name="actions" />
And the following part is used in a page, trying to fill the composite form with life:
<cc:compForm id="mySpecialForm">
<f:facet name="actions">
The form and all the children are rendered correctly and working quite well. But the button in the renderFacet block has - in my opinion - a wrong client ID, because instead of:
the button only gets the following clientId:
This leads to an error rendering the page:
Cannot find component for expression "#form" referenced from
org.primefaces.expression.ComponentNotFoundException: Cannot find
component for expression "#form" referenced from
Am i doing something wrong or is this a bug in JSF/Primefaces? I also tried to configure the componentType to an #FacesComponent extending from UIForm, but in this case no form will be rendered at all.
Update 1:
I tried to create a "minimal, reproducible example (reprex)" like mentioned by Kukeltje. All what is needed are those 2 Parts in a web application (both files under resources):
<composite:interface name="compForm" displayName="A composite form">
<composite:facet name="actions" />
<h:form id="form">
<composite:insertChildren />
<composite:renderFacet name="actions" />
<cc:compForm id="mySpecialForm">
<h:inputText id="inputParam" value="" />
<f:facet name="actions">
<h:commandButton id="myBtn" value="Test" />
All todo is call the .xhtml page: http:localhost/YOUR_APP/compFormTest.xhtml.
After using it (at least with Mojarra JSF implementation), the input field has the following correct client ID mySpecialForm:form:inputParam. But the command button retrieves another client ID outside the form: mySpecialForm:myBtn, what is a bug from my point of view, regarding the JSF VDL: " ... will be rendered at this point in the composite component VDL view.".
But as i downstriped the example files, it is clearly not a primefaces problem, because the wrong client ID is also included, if using the standard h:commandButton component.
Perhaps someone can use the mentioned 2 files above in a MyFaces environment to check if the behaviour differs or is the same?
Or has someone a workaround in mind? Using an additional #FacesComponent and moving the button from facet to the right spot under the form leads to the following "funny" duplicate ID error:
"Cannot add the same component twice: mySpecialForm:form:myBtn" (at least the client ID was what i expected in the first place)

JSF: Dynamic include page into primefaces dialog

I want to include the content of a primefaces dialog from another page with ui:include. The included page must be set dynamic depending on which button user clicked. I used the very helpful answer from BalusC from JSF dynamic include using Ajax request.
It works very fine as in the example. But problems come if I use a p:dialog instead of h:panelGroup:
<f:ajax render=":dialog">
<p:commandButton value="page1" action="#{productBean.setDialogPage('/page1.xhtml')}" oncomplete=""></p:commandButton>
<p:commandButton value="page2" action="#{productBean.setDialogPage('/page2.xhtml')}" oncomplete=""></p:commandButton>
<p:dialog id="dialog" widgetVar="dialogWidget" >
<ui:include src="#{productBean.dialogPage}" />
1st problem: Sometimes, I have to click a button several times before dialog appears. It seems not to follow any pattern but is a random effect. Sometimes I need to click twice, sometimes I need to click four times on the button.
2nd problem: Sometimes, the dialog appears not with the selected page but with the old one. When I close dialog and select again, the current page is loaded. It seems to be a random effect, too.
Why do I get this problems with dialog?
i don't know why you are using this mode to display dynamique dialog,
for me, i like use this mode:
<p:commandButton value="page1"
actionListener="#{productBean.setDialogPage('page1')}" oncomplete="PF('dialogWidget').show()" update="dialog"/>
<p:commandButton value="page2"
actionListener="#{productBean.setDialogPage('page2')}" oncomplete="PF('dialogWidget').show()" update="dialog"/>
<p:dialog id="dialog" widgetVar="dialogWidget">
<ui:include src="/#{productBean.dialogPage}.xhtml" />
<ui:composition xmlns=""
<!-- your code -->
it's working fine :)
If you reverse engineer existing tables with Netbeans 8 (generate entities + generate jsf pages), it will do something very similar out of the box; on the list page there is a create-button, which shows a dialog included from another page. You should try it, be sure to select "primefaces" in the last page in the guide for generating jsf pages. They do it like this:
<p:commandButton id="createButton" icon="ui-icon-plus" value="#{bundle.Create}" actionListener="#{kornstoranalyseStdController.prepareCreate}" update=":KornstoranalyseStdCreateForm" oncomplete="PF('KornstoranalyseStdCreateDialog').show()" />
Create.xhtml is included with <ui:include src="Create.xhtml"/> below </h:form> in the list-page.
Create.xhtml starts with:
<p:dialog id="KornstoranalyseStdCreateDlg" width="500px" widgetVar="KornstoranalyseStdCreateDialog" modal="true" resizable="true" showEffect="clip" appendTo="#(body)" header="#{bundle.CreateKornstoranalyseStdTitle}" hideEffect="clip" position="top">
<h:form id="KornstoranalyseStdCreateForm">
Hopefully you can tweak to suit your needs.

Primefaces 5 overlayPanel broken after update

Today I discovered a new bug in P5. When I update the button which the overlay panel is referring to, it doesn't work anymore - The overlaypanel is not shown anymore.
As a workaround I do use PF('widgetVar').loadContents(); but this feels very uncomfortable.
In PF4 this did work without any workarounds.
Anyone got some solution?
My solution:
don't update single button that opens overlay, update both
also add dismissable="false" showCloseIcon="true"
in the case you are using overlay on a dialog: add appendTo="#(body)"
Example code:
<p:commandButton value="updateSection" update=":form:overlayPanelGroup" />
<h:panelGroup id="overlayPanelGroup">
<p:commandButton id="openOverlayBtn" process="#this" value="openOverlay"/>
<p:overlayPanel for="openOverlayBtn" showEffect="fade" hideEffect="fade" dismissable="false" showCloseIcon="true" appendTo="#(body)">
<h:outputText value="textSample"/>
I don't know exactly what you are pointing at. What do you mean with updating the button?
For me the following code works fine with PrimeFaces 5.0:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""
<p:commandButton id="menuButton" value="Menu" icon="ui-icon-home"/>
<p:overlayPanel for="menuButton" widgetVar="menuPanel" at="left" showEffect="push">
<!-- overlayPanel content goes here -->
Does this help you with your problem?

JSF page lost style after partial update

I have some troubles with partial update of jsf 2.0 page.
I have dropdown menu with few choices. Depending on choice I show different page. When I load page first time it shows css and javascript works fine. When I change another option in dropdown menu this part of page which has been re rendered appearing without css and javascript on it doesn't work.
This is example of page itself which I using, template.xhtm and bean are pretty generic therefor I didn't include it.
<ui:composition template="/template.xhtml"
<ui:define name="body">
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.answer}">
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.answers}" />
<f:ajax event="change" render="includeContainer #All" />
<h:panelGroup id="includeContainer">
<h:panelGroup library="primefaces" name="jquery/jquery.js"
rendered="#{bean.answer == 'yes'}">
<ui:include src="answer_yes.xhtml"></ui:include>
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{bean.asnwer == 'no'}">
<ui:include src="answer_no.xhtml"></ui:include>
One important remark regarding template that I use this statement to include css, it's located on remote server and I can't download and place it locally, it's company's policy.
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" title="w3" type="text/css" />
Thank you in advance for your help.
You can put rendered panel group inside an <h:form id="toberendred"> and re-render this form instead of h:panelGroup.
For proper (JSF way) loading your css file from remote server you can use Omnifaces CDNResourceHandler
In addition you got some serious issues in your code:
Why use #all (fix to lowercase) with additional (includeContainer) selector? , do view source and see that you can't render <ui:include in view source you will see content of both yes and no xhtmls + <h:panelGroup got no attributes library and name...

JSF redirect via commandButton

I cannot redirect to another page if the code is like this:
<h:commandButton type="button" value="Enter" action="index?faces-redirect=true" >
But the redirect works if the code is:
<h:commandButton type="button" value="Enter" action="index?faces-redirect=true" >
<f:ajax />
Could anyone explain this? Thanks!
The entire xhtml code for your reference:
<html xmlns=""
<h:form id="form">
<h:commandButton id="enterModelButton" type="button" value="Enter" action="index?faces-redirect=true" >
<f:ajax />
The <h:commandButton type="button"> doesn't generate a submit button. It just generates a "dead" button without any effects, purely intented to be used for custom onclick="..." scripts and like. This is somewhat a leftover of the dark JSF 1.0/1.1 era, when it wasn't nicely possible to just use plain vanilla HTML in JSF for this kind of things.
The <f:ajax> performs the submit by ajax powers through JSF-generated onclick. It doesn't care about the button's type.
Essentially, removing type="button" and relying on its default type="submit" should fix your problem.
<h:commandButton value="Enter" action="index?faces-redirect=true" />
However, all with all, if this is the real code and you don't actually intend to invoke a bean action, then you're going in completely the wrong direction as to implementing the functional requirement of navigating to a different page by a button. You should be using <h:button> instead.
<h:button value="Enter" outcome="index" />
See also:
Difference between h:button and h:commandButton
How to navigate in JSF? How to make URL reflect current page (and not previous one)
