Prolog - List into String - string

im done of searching here for a solution but nothing so i decided to ask.
So, i have a query that returns in a list something like this:
List = [6-"read",3-"magazines",3-"music",1-"sport"].
And i need to perform a transformation so do i can get the list like this:
List = [read,magazines,music,sport].
List = ["read","magazines","music","sport"].
For that i think i should pass first the to a string to take out the numbers and the '-'. But im struggling with that.
Hope someone can help me! Thanks

This looks like homework, so I will not give you the full implementation. What you are looking for is pattern matching in a rule head:
fst_pair(X, pair(X,Y)).
The - operator is just an infix function symbol such that you could write
fst(X, X-Y).
Using this kind of pattern matching it should be easy to write a recursive predicate over the list. It must have a base case for the empty list and a step case for a head followed by the tail of the list:
fsts_list([], []).
fsts_list([ ... | TailFirsts ], [... | Pairs] ) :- % replace ... by some terms
% possibly insert some predicates here, depending on what you do above
fst_lists(TailFirsts, Pairs).
Happy solving!


List substring filter elements on a second list

Found this code that addressed my problem, however I only partly understand how it works, sounds silly but I could use some explanations, beginner and I do not 100% get it how it works:
matchers = ['abc','def']
matching = [s for s in my_list if any(xs in s for xs in matchers)]
s for s: guess s represents elements in my_list going through this list elements / iterating
xs in s for xs in matchers: guess this is saying any elements of matchers found in the elements of my_list
Any explanations are very welcome and will be really grateful for.
matchers = ['abc','def']
^ Means that this is what it will look for.
if any(xs in s for xs in matchers)
^ If there is any one of the strings in Matchers found in My_List, then it will find it. There is not much to it, you got it in your original post.

Haskell: How to delete the same function and concatenate two lists

I am the beginner of haskell. I want to delete some same functions in the same list and concatenate the two list get together.
For example:
db1 = ["David","worksfor.isa", "IBM" ]
db2 = ["David","isa'.worksfor'", "IBM"]
db3 = ["Tom","worksfor.isa", "IBM" ]
the program can be known that "isa'.worksfor' and "worksfor.isa" is the same String. And then use "Concat" to get the new db: db1 =["David","worksfor.isa", "IBM" ] and the others: db3 = ["Tom","worksfor.isa", "IBM" ]
(map (\(a,b,c) -> concat (map(\(a',b',c') -> if ( a b == b' a') then [] else [(a,b ++ "." ++ b',c')])))) ??????
I want to "split the string, if there are ' characters, reverse it, then remove ' characters and check for equivalence"
This should be a comment, but it is far too long:
I assume you find it hard to express yourself in English. I can relate to that; I find it hard myself. However, beyond English there are two other ways to communicate here:
Using precise technical terms.
Using several, diverse examples. A single example will not suffice, and several examples which are too similar give little information.
As for option 1, you are using the wrong terminology. It is not easy for me to see how can a list with 3 items can be considered a database (as hinted by the names db1, db2). Perhaps you wanted to use a list of triples?
[ ("David","isa'.worksfor'", "IBM") ]
You are not specific about what exactly do you want to concatenate, but the term concatenation always refers to an operation that must be "additive", i.e. length(x ++ y) == length(x) ++ length(y). This does not seem to be the case in your question.
Do you want a union of two databases (lists of triples) up to equivalence?
You want the program to understand that
"isa'.worksfor'" and "worksfor.isa" are the same string
But they are not. They might be equivalent strings. You can generally do that using a map operation, like you tried, but you should note that the character ' is not an operation over strings. So a b == b' a' does nothing close to what you want - it calls the function a on the variable b, and compares this with calling the function b' over the variable a'. I can only assume you want something like "split the string, if there are ' characters, reverse it, then remove ' characters and check for equivalence" but this is completely a guesswork.
To conclude:
Please explain in detail what is the general problem you are trying to solve. Try to find the precise terms; it is difficult, but this way you can learn.
Please add different examples of input and output
Please try to explain what have you tried and where are you stuck
As a last tip, maybe you want to solve this problem in a more forgiving language than Haskell (such as JavaScript, Python, Ruby, etc.)

Removing a string from a list of strings in Haskell

I have a question regarding Haskell that's been stumping my brain. I'm currently required to write a function that removes a string i.e. "word" from a list of strings ["hi", "today", "word", "Word", "WORD"] returns the list ["hi", "today", "Word", "WORD"]. I cannot use any higher-order functions and can only resort to primitive recursion.
Thinking about the problem, I thought maybe I could solve it by using a recursion where you search the head of the first string, if it matches "w" then compare the next head from the tail, and see if that matches "o". But then I soon realized that after all that work, you wouldn't be able to delete the complete string "word".
My question really being how do I compare a whole string in a list rather than only comparing 1 element at a time with something like: removeWord (x:xs). Is it even possible? Do I have to write a helper function to aid in the solution?
Consider the base case: removing a word from an empty list will be the empty list. This can be trivially written like so:
removeWord [] _ = []
Now consider the case where the list is not empty. You match this with x:xs. You can use a guard to select between these two conditions:
x is the word you want to remove. (x == word)
x is not the word you want to remove. (otherwise)
You don't need a helper function, though you could write one if you wanted to. You've basically got 3 conditions:
You get an empty list.
You get a list whose first element is the one you want to remove.
You get a list whose first element is anything else.
In other languages, you would do this with a set of if-else statements, or with a case statement, or a cond. In Haskell, you can do this with guards:
remove_word_recursive:: String -> [String] -> [String]
remove_word_recursive _ [] = []
remove_word_recursive test_word (x:xs) | test_word == x = what in this case?
remove_word_recursive test_word (x:xs) = what in default case?
Fill in the correct result for this function in these two conditions, and you should be done.
I think what you're looking for is a special case of the function sought for this question on string filters: Haskell - filter string list based on some conditions . Reading some of the discussion on the accepted answer might help you understand more of Haskell.
Since you want to remove a list element, it's easy to do it with List Comprehension.
myList = ["hi", "today", "word", "Word", "WORD"]
[x | x <- myList, x /= "word"]
The result is:
If isInfixOf is not considered as higher order, then
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
filter (not . isInfixOf "word") ["hi", "today", "word", "Word", "WORD"]

Asterisks in front of array names in Groovy?

I'm a bit new to Groovy, so I'm sure this is one of those extremely obvious things...but it's difficult to search for via Google.
In other languages, asterisks tend to represent pointers. However, in this snippet of Groovy code:
byte[] combineArrays(foo, bar, int start) {
[*foo[0..<start], *bar, *foo[start..<foo.size()]]
I can only imagine that that's not the case. I mean, pointers? Groovy?
I'm assuming that this code intends to pass the members of foo and bar as opposed to a multidimensional array. So what exactly do the asterisks mean?
Thanks a lot for your help.
When used like this, the * operator spreads a List or Array into a list of arguments. That didn't help at all, did it? How about an example instead? Say we have this function:
def add(Number a, Number b) {
return a + b
And this List
def args = [1, 2]
We shouldn't do this:
because the function expects two numeric arguments. But we can do this:
because the * operator converts the List of 2 elements into 2 arguments. You can use this operator with Lists and Arrays.

How to verify if some items are in a list?

I'm trying to mess about trying the haskell equivalent of the 'Scala One Liners' thing that has recently popped up on Reddit/Hacker News.
Here's what I've got so far (people could probably do them a lot better than me but these are my beginner level attempts)
The one I'm stuck on is verifying if items are in a list. Basically the Scala example is this
val wordlist = List("scala", "akka", "play framework", "sbt", "typesafe")
val tweet = "This is an example tweet talking about scala and sbt."
(words.foldLeft(false)( _ || tweet.contains(_) ))
I'm a bit stumped how to do this in Haskell. I know you can do:
any (=="haskell") $ words "haskell is great!"
To verify if one of the words is present, but the Scala example asks if any of the words in the wordlist are present in the test string.
I can't seem to find a contains function or something similar to that. I know you could probably write a function to do it but that defeats the point of doing this task in one line.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can use the elem function from the Prelude which checks if an item is in a list. It is commonly used in infix form:
Prelude> "foo" `elem` ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
You can then use it in an operator section just like you did with ==:
Prelude> let wordList = ["scala", "akka", "play framework", "sbt", "types"]
Prelude> let tweet = "This is an example tweet talking about scala and sbt."
Prelude> any (`elem` wordList) $ words tweet
When you find yourself needing a function, but you don't know the name, try using Hoogle to search for a function by type.
Here you wanted something that checks if a thing of any type is in a list of things of the same type, i.e. something of a type like a -> [a] -> Bool (you also need an Eq constraint, but let's say you didn't know that). Typing this type signature into Hoogle gives you elem as the top result.
How about using Data.List.intersect?
import Data.List.intersect
not $ null $ intersect (words tweet) wordList
Although there are already good answers I thought it'd be nice to write something in the spirit of your original code using any. That way you get to see how to compose your own complex queries from simple reusable parts rather than using off-the-shelf parts like intersect and elem:
any (\x -> any (\y -> (y == x)) $ words "haskell is great!")
["scala", "is", "tolerable"]
With a little reordering you can sort of read it in English: is there any word x in the sentence such that there is any y in the list such that x == y? It's clear how to extend to more 'axes' than two, perform comparisons other than ==, and even mix it up with all.
